Die to protect your homeland

>die to protect your homeland
>have that neighbor you always fancied have a niggerspawn out of wedlock
Women. Not even once.

Other urls found in this thread:


>A relatively high number of German women married soldiers from the occupying forces, while many others had children by them out of wedlock

>out of wedlock coalburners
>in the fucking 1910's

And none of you fags see the tragedy.

What a shame.

G*rmany should have been destroyed
t. /his/

Germans are the eternal cucks.

These are the people that helped topple the Roman empire. What happened to them?

We sterilized them all in the 1930s.

So a happy end after all

Btw only 300-400 of these Rhineland Bastard existed.

same thign happened during and after ww2 all over europe on much larger scale

Yes but a woman had to be a huge fucking slut to fuck a nigger at 1920s.

>the resulting children numbered from 160,000 to 180,000

These numbers are complete and utter bullshit

It's sourced.
> Campt, Tina. Other Germans: Black Germans and the Politics of Race, Gender, and Memory in the Third Reich. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 2004. 21,50. ISBN 0472031384. Google Books. Retrieved May 2, 2017.

this sure does this feel /x/ tier
black french military in rhineland? doubtful

Which weird given you are a Greek and Greeks score 1,9% nigger on a DNA test for a reason.
>the Edict of Caracalla and Classic racemixers not even once

Great source...
A shitty book from May 2017.
Spread your memes on reddit

If you don't believe me check the zensus of 1925.

North American niggers trying to fake their own niggercaust now? Germany has the ethnic database - go and see yourself

>Tina Campt



>Campt previous held faculty positions as a professor of Feminist Studies
Can't make this like this up.

Next time check the credibility of your source leaf!


"Recieved Holocaust scholarship"
"....focuses on (((Afro-Germans)))..."

>doesn't know how to read citing format

I am not sure if this is because you're European or uneducated, but "Retrieved May 2, 2017." means that the person sourced the work on May 2, the work was published in 2004, by the University of Michigan.

I don't have a dog in the fight, but come on man. I will give you the benefit of the doubt and say scholars use different formats in Europe, but I don't think that is the case.

Thats an impossibly high number

Who the fuck cares. Than It's a shitty book that was published in 2004.

>Campt has gained recognition for her approach to the history of Afro-Germans
>Total population (500,000 [1])

jesus christ germany, what the fuck.

Germans were the original cucks

Well we had colonies in afrcia. That was a big mistake.

Hans turn off this EU shit and show your real flag you selfhating cuck

>The program began in 1937, when local officials were asked to report on all "Rhineland Bastards" under their jurisdiction.[11] All together, some 400 children of mixed parentage were arrested and sterilized.[11] This order applied only in the Rhineland. Other African-Germans or mixed race Germans were unaffected.[12]
Thank you, Adolf Hitler

Yes you did have colonies there and without surprise - you rounded them up and started murdering them wholesale.

Suffice to say, nice of you to warm up your genocide on some innocent Africans before you came back to Europe put all those skills you learned into getting rid of your other Europeans.

No surprise here. The kraut is truly the subhuman amongst the Nordic peoples

They attacked our settlers and got what they deserved. Also most of them didn't die! They lust left the desert at another location and resettled.

The anglos used this false propaganda to revoke our colonies after ww1.

Fake news

>Be Germany
>Invade everybody
>be surprised when they kick your ass
>blame jews and anglos forever

>German """women"""
No surprise. They even mated with mongoloids at the en of the war.

They attacked Germans, you idiot. Those tribes in particular were not native to the region anyway. Non-Europeans should be exterminated anyway. Stop dicksucking nogs
American subhumans and post-1990s recent scum

yes but in Germany itself there were around 400 mixed race children.
(Natsocs archived their numbers and sterilised them after that)
a number over 500 would be clearly wrong
the Thing is that These Marxist scholars today want to give the african blacks a historical Claim to Germany. Same with the Carl Marx movie featuring Blacks in pre 1900 Germany

>Germany's First Genocide was in Namibia

um try again sweetie

>The Jews were responsible for bringing Negroes into the Rhineland, with the ultimate idea of bastardizing the white race which they hate and thus lowering its cultural and political level so that the Jew might dominate.

How could one man have been that redpilled?

are we going to list every atrocity commited for the last 1000 years now ?
If we did, Germans would look like the peaceful ones next to the murderous psychopaths around them

boo its scary ghost man

Hitler thought that "Jews were responsible for bringing Negroes into the Rhineland, with the ultimate idea of bastardizing the white race which they hate and thus lowering its cultural and political level so that the Jew might dominate." Was he an oracle ??

Don't blame the women. Blame German men for being such autistic wind up soldier automatons and slaves to the state.

>having pride

Pick one


kek nothing changed

Germany has the lowest rate of race mixing in the world. Girl in your picture is probably Polish. For instance, 27% of polish women in the uk have non-white kids

post more historical gore plz




The Brits are some defaming cockroaches

>Is named "The Butcher" by his men
>BTFO Germans at Verdun
>BTFO Germans at the Marne
>Win WW1
>Occupy western Germany
>send in countless colonial soldiers to patrol it
>Try divide Germany by setting up a Rhenish Republic
>set up brothels where German women only serve black men
>reportedly said "German women are none too good for my Africans"
>Hitler gets butthurt a couple decades later and orders the destruction of his statue

Is there a more based man?

It's the german men's fault for being such pathetic wimpy cucks

can you really blame the women for going for the more alpha, less self-conscious, more sexually aggressive, more willing to pursue the german woman

who can blame the women for not wanting beta pussy cucks

look at the state of germany today, look at all the pathetic men who voted for merkel, who voted to let themselves be overrun with refugge hordes

they brought this on themselves, and the women are only responding naturally

>set up brothels where German women only serve black men
Disgusting. Pure disgust. Typical french.

Dude, you may as well adopt a nigger

Thats a known German lefty cunt, the same that said shed like 10BBCs in her than have a german boyfriend

and when People researched about her the only BFs she had where White german lefties

low Quality bait man

>t. Anglo
At least they killed Africans who were trying to kill them, you exterminated white Afrikaner women and children, people of the same genetic stock, of the same religion, because you jewishly wanted their gold

The dude lost 52% of Young French men in 4 fucking years of war, destroying French Demographics for all eternity

Moronic French nationalists still love the dude
top kek

Civic Nationalism in a nutshell.

Whoever painted this.

Jesus Christ, no wonder the fucking Germans chimped out.

WW1 basically killed half of Young French men, resulting in 60 years of France getting BLACKED by it s own cuck governments.
Chimping out on the Surrender Monkeys was so fucking worth it

women are literally niggers

And 100 years later, France is the most cucked european country

Lmao I hate you french with a passion and even I wouldn't let niggers near you. Your true self is an evil entity, akin to jews

Second for destruction of Germany

They moved to America

host subhuman Gaulic-Frankish race should have never treated niggers, arabs and jews as equals going back to August 1789, they should have never brought niggers and arabs on mainland Europe, they should have never demanded such high reparations from Germany post-WWI causing the WWII. Now they can die in pain, judified negroids (today they are 0,7%nig in the south and 'Swiss' French part). From Charlemagne to Napeoleon to Monnet. Just die

A shame we were against you while you did it. At least we have Waterloo where the frogs were eternally put in their place.
