How do we save the white race /pol?
How do we save the white race /pol?
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We will be fine. give a few months, not years 88
remember, the population bottleneck for all of humaity during the ice Age was 1,200 humans. The have evolved to become the 7.5 billion present today. As long as white people somewhere on the planet have a right to arm ourselves, we'll be fine. No other genus possesses the fighting fortitude and willingness to adapt like the White race.
Rape and impregnate as many white women as u can, its the only way to combat minority birth rates. It will be worth it when america is white again and remember women arent people like u and i. It is your duty to fill them with your seed.
We need to isolate ourselves politically from these black and brown r-selected subhumans. We need white ethnostates.
I have a better question; is that a trap?
it wont work unless trump defunds planned parenthood
She's a trap until evidence proves otherwise.
Breeding like an r-selected minority is NOT the answer for the white race.
Artificial wombs and mass production of Aryan children
We don't
Enjoy being outnumbered by spics and niggers
Blacked when?
plus crispr gene editing for white offspring
Heh. Shill how? If they're in a different fucking country they're not outnumbering anybody.
Make white babies.
Shareblue please go
Meditate...Ya know..Mind over matter and what not.
National Capitalism: Balls-out capitalism combined with a voluntary/optional constitutional republican monarchy.
NATCAP: Fascism to protect freedom from degeneracy, Freedom to protect fascism from tyranny.
>Whites are more intelligent, they'll earn the more.
>No welfare women can "marry" for money to have kids; they'll need marriage, traditional families.
>No income taxes: wealthier white race keeps more money for childrearing. (State funded by tariffs since they're optional and don't violate the NAP... Also good for economic warfare.)
>No welfare means no more single mothers churning out a brown baby every 9 months.
>Traditionalism evolved because it's the best strategy for kids and prosperity without welfare — in a free society degenerates will join us or die.
>Legal abortions so parents don't have babies they can't afford.
>The majority of people getting abortions will be low IQ brown people who can't afford kids without a welfare state. Whites, being more successful, will not have NEARLY as many abortions.
>This is VITAL for reversing the demographic trends.
More white births aren't enough! You also need FEWER NON-white births!
>Abortion has the same eugenic effects as forced government fertility control, BUT abortion is readily accepted by the population. Especially by the left, who are legislating whites out of existence.
>Nationalism to rout out and fend off ZOG and STOP low IQ brown immigrants, plus remove kebab, commies, egalitarians, and taco.
>No (((central bank))), no (((fractional reserve lending))), free market of currency.
>Add enough fascism so ONLY K-selected families with a REAL stake in the future of the country can influence the government. Only married, land-owning families can vote.
>No spanking, encourage breastfeeding
>Educate about the dangers of OUTbreeding. Make it as taboo as inbreeding. (Optimally fertile couples with the most, healthiest kids and grandkids are 3rd and 4th cousins. Seriously, google it.)
>live a successful life
>find a good, white wife
>have LOTS of kids
>redpill them so they do the same
You forgot gassing all the jews.
The bible is very clear about what is suppose to happen to us user. Look into "The Time Of Jacobs Trouble". It explains everything.
That can't come until way later
Committing suicide to have an honored end.
>Christcucks at it again.
What a surprise.
What religion should Americans be then, if not Christianity?
> Couldn't resist chance to tip fedora
> Clasping hands.gif
It's time for you to go back schlomo
Not religious, thoughtful, intelligent, and focused on their own survival and the survival of their communities.
Also science.
We don't
>Rape and impregnate as many white women as u can
>efunds planned parenthood
Muslim-tier thinking.
>How do we save the white race /pol?
the future is mixed.
That's not thoughtful enough. Atheism has no moral value system. People will have to look toward the media for any sense of direction, and we know that isn't good
by having kids
Have White babies.
> Implying that's not what (((he))) is hoping for.
Why should they have a religion?
When people ask honestly why religion is good for a society, then the answer is usually that you want a common moral ground to stand on, and common rituals to bind the nation together. Think of it as societal glue.
The real question therefore is not what religions the USA should have, but instead
> What common rituals should we have that bind us together?
And you already have a few. The Superbowl, Thanksgiving, Voting (which is divisive because democracy ruins everything), etc.
That's not saying that you shouldn't have any religion or whatever. But if you want religion to provide these rituals, you lose freedom of belief.
> What's our moral common ground?
And the thing is I don't think the US has as much common moral ground as you think. You may suspect that everyone is against rape. Sure. Theft? Well... ask a libertarian and they'd say that taxation is theft. Ask a kangzman and they'll say that being white is theft. Frustrated yet?
And I think that these are the real problems and you can't just sprinkle Jesus over everything and have it solve shit. Because The Right Honourable Reverend Jesse Jackson is a Christian. And he thinks that white people owning things is theft.
And we have similar problems here, only less so. But they're real problems.
have 4 kids instead of 2
>the future of subhuman shitholes is mixed
Herro Ghengis, hows life in Mongolia?
I think Christianity is for more than just for common rituals. It gives people meaning and keeps them wholesome. Also there's no reason for America not to be Christian. Atheism is a fucking joke and there's no other major religion big enough to take hold here.
The government should be secular (so it doesn't get all high and mighty) and those still capable of being religious would ideally be Christian. Those of us who've taken the atheist pill need a philosophical approach to morality and meaning (all rights are property rights, NAP, accepting responsibility and personal sovereignty, the individual serving the collective serving the individual, etc.).
The basic philosophy of Western morality and values should be taught in schools, and religion should be taught at home. Of course due to the free market in schools, America will choose what suits it best.
Become a Croat
Here's your philosophical approach: don't be an atheist and accept Jesus as your lord and savior
>the individual serving the collective serving the individual
That's the exact opposite of libertarian thinking, wherein individuals only serve themselves.
>As long as white people somewhere on the planet have a right to arm ourselves
We don't need others to tell us if we can arm up or not, user.
They aren't in different countries, they outnumber us in our own, so we need to fight fire with fire.
3 easy steps.
>have at least 3 children
>marry pure white or borderline white so you bring them back to white side
>redpill others
This is what will happen:
>Get lots of people from countries that give the most retarded retards away
>they can't be used to anything
>robots will take the shit jobs they could get used for anyways in a couple of years
>they'll have to get gibs
>the population doesn't want to have leeches
>they'll stop gibs to everyone
>"all on your own, nigguh chan"
>nigguh not ok with this
>nigguh gets guns
>tries crime
>killes themselves in crime wars to control cities
>other dindus will always try to control cities
>dindus killing dindus everywhere
>problem solves itself
Just like in Murrica.
who is this pepsi bitch
Having lots of white babies
Nope. The problem is not a lack of white babies, but instead the population boom of minority babies. We should be promoting education of contraceptive practices for minorities. Make it "cool" among minorities to not have any children.
First Europe, then America. International moneylenders can no longer afford to feed you, two-legged fleas. Look at the screen, "free" peoples of west. Bloomberg television will explain to you what's going on. And if it won't work with Bloomberg, CNBC will come to help, they have one presenter who after completing the orders from hedge funds whines like a dog and crows like a cock. This is the true voice of the commodity-raw stock exchange - the politically correct euphemism of mooing of the golden calf. And there is no one to be offended.
But now everything will be different. Slaves of Africa, and Asia will no longer die in their mines and trenches to make your world a little more cozy. Soon, very soon, a blind worm of capital, a foul mister of your world - from which your colonies of snubbed and deceived fools defended you throughout the twentieth century - will hang over you.
They will no longer be a pole of a grief in your happy universe. They will learn to be happy themselves and this is the worst thing that they can do to you, for the swings, on which you sit opposite of them, will make you collapse into the abyss. Their weight maybe is not so great, but next to them is Asia, almost awakened from your opium. Bon Appetit.
No, not to you. That was to the blind worm who will eat you in the twenty-first century. And no one will ever push you to the stars again - a blind worm doesn't need such an expensive PR. Count your pips and die.
Atleast 85% of the western whites WILL fail natural selection (It'll likely be close to 95%), I'd advise you come to peace with this rather getting all head-fucked about it. The tiny percentage who're able to survive in to the future centuries will have to develop tactics similar to those of the Jews and maybe to a lesser extent the native Americans. Mother nature isn't going to show you any mercy.
The best way to do that is through Christianity. If these niggers would just go to fucking church then maybe there'd be less of them.
What do you mean by wholesome?
There's good Christians, and I'm not going to deny that. But there are also terrible people who are Christian.
And you're right. Religion provides a common moral grounding that everyone can agree on. To be a smug fedorafaggot, let me say something semi-edgy:
> An 80IQ person is not going to understand the implication of Dawkins' Prisoner Dilemma Bot tournament. But he will understand "BE A DICK AND GOD SENDS YOU TO HELL!"
Which is true. The problems start cropping up when you think about it a bit more. A smart Christian is likely going to be a moral Christian because he understands his religion. (I do not think that Christianity tells you to be a dick. Nor do I think that Christians are stupid.)
However, a dumb Christian is going to be a moral Christian because his pastor tells him to. Now what happens if that pastor abuses his authority? And tells him to give him his money and what have you? It's a marginal problem now, but it's still there.
Actually no, it's not marginal. You have BLACK LIBERATION GOSPEL cucks and similar too. It's already a problem. You need some way to deal with that. You also need some way to deal with non-Christians. Unless you want to deport them to Canada or something. (Hell, we can take your white atheists. Can't be worse than the current shit we're getting.)
You may not be from a place that had the muh Christian Nation shit, but it can get really fucking bad.
You're also right that you need more than rituals to bind a country together. I lumped those things together in the moral foundation bit.
But Christianity cannot be enough. There are anarcho-communist Christians. Just think about that. It's amazing what people can put Christian next to.
>borderline white so you bring them back to white side
This good enough?
Even many apparently redpilled people like this clown - will also fail natural selection.
They serve themselves by serving the collective. They serve the collective by serving themselves.
Basically it boils down to not being a dick and trying to contribute something of value to society. Because you are not being a dick, you're more likely to ascend social hierarchies since people don't hate you. By producing something of value to society, you're compensated by the people who find it valuable.
Voluntarism and free exchange means that people won't make transactions if it doesn't benefit them. Each transaction involves two or more people. Both of them will only proceed if they benefit. Thus, voluntary transactions in a free market creates ONLY mutually beneficial exchanges, since all parties only proceed if it's worth their while.
This builds a mutually beneficial society where everyone benefits everyone else, by acting in their own interests.
Sociopathic exploitation is unsustainable because nobody will do business or associate with you, and eventually the villaigers show up with pitchforks.
Brilliantly put. Can't argue with that logic. Whelp, looks like I'm a #Christmissle now because your post made me see the divine light of Jesus christ. Way to go. 10/10.
I see what you're saying. Pastors could definitely abuse their power on idiots, but honestly I don't see that as a big deal. That problem is insignificant compared to the lack of Christianity in America.
sorry but the genocide gets me too hard
just fap to interracial you fags
Let me just blurt something out and we'll see what happens, if anything.
Free condoms for black males.
You don't.
>continues to teabag crying western white 'male'.
I'm just saying, wouldn't Christianity fit perfectly with the rights that you mentioned?
>Croatia: 1.46 births per woman
>"if I make my entire country white, I can find a partner and not be a virgin anymore"
>white nation is created
>"why am I still a virgin, is it because I'm ugly and short?"
>proceeds to hate women and become a degenerate tranny lover
Sup Forums in a nutshell
Nah. When the gibs tap gets turned off they all migrate to another country. Some way they've been coming to gibs countries for the past 15 years.
>brown hair
is that thing even white
Atheism has no morale system coz it is just the rejection of gods. Not a system or even a belief. Basically, it is one sentence :
"You give me proof. Until then, shut up."
I am atheist and i have a complex godless morale system. Based on logic.
You know something called greek and roman philosophy.
And i am not righteous out of fear of a bigdaddy or lust for paradise, or whatever.
In fact, i have a true morality .
Believers dont.
For the most part, except for the egalitarianism.
But for people who aren't religious, for atheists, for rationalists, for people who can no more become christian than you could become a shill for Israel... philosophy is the only remaining solution to the nihilism left in the God-shaped hole in mankind's soul.
Western civilization outgrew religion in the early 1800s. We can no longer take it on faith that life has meaning. We must reason our way there. That's the only way it'll stick.
Put another, accurate-but-cruel way: Religion is to morality what WWE is to high drama. A barebones black and white "X IS GOOD, Y IS BAD" narrative that requires SO MUCH suspension of disbelief that most people are no longer capable of it.
God is dead. We killed Him. Now he isn't here to do his job, — to give us meaning, direction — we must now do this job for him, or it will go undone.
Okay, but you're only one person. That's just your interpretation. Most people couldn't come up with anything like that on their own, and that's why they need an organized religion like Christianity.
You May be right.
One day we may be ready but not yet.
Then lets roll with jesus.
Minus the hippie attitude.
Breed and war, the usual
Modern war.
With good looks.
Most atheists aren't smart enough to read up on Nietzsche philosophy
Take a peek at Romans 10
nice image OP
i saw this trap on chaturbat ( once.. everyone went crazy. She's got a fucking forearm for a penis. anyone got any better links? she is gorgeous
top quality women can have everything they want without having to take any kind of responsibility
feminism needs to go first, the rest will follow naturally
I know user.
I know.
found it... yikes he was ugly as a guy
this guy's dick is weirdly fucking huge, hes gonna have a real hard time hiding it in his new girl clothes
Well we need to stop the shit thats come into play since the 1960s thats put us in jeopardy. So stop all the massive shitskin immigration into white lands, deport a lot of the shitskins that are here, stop the white guilt pushing and instead produly celebrate white culture, fuck off all the self destructive feminist/homo/tranny nonsense and start promoting the nuclear family as the ideal again.
You mean if they PERCEIVE that the transaction benefits them.
And there are some clever merchants out there.
Well, I need to ask you then, what's the damage from not having Christianity?
Potato, spud. Same difference.
What's this OwO?
I mean, I already wrote a reply here, but you're echoing my semi-edgy remark about how Christianity is good at keeping the below-100s in line with morality.
Well, I ask you, is that really why you want Christianity? I don't think that you want Christendom to spread because it keeps the idiots moral. I think you want it because you perceive it to be a grand and beautiful thing.
But you haven't made the case for spreading it based on those values yet. I sense some dishonesty there.
So under your system, rent seeking from the goyim, and keeping them under my usury is accepted and okay, because if the goyim didn't benefit from it, they wouldn't allow it. *hands rubs in yiddish*
Also, it's okay for me to sell heroin to five year olds, right? The five year olds wouldn't consent to my candy if they didn't benefit from it.
>we kick non whites out of our countries
>white birth rates will go up because it's safer
>we incentivize people to have children
>we employ think tanks to destroy leftist Ideology
>we take over colleges
Not "my" system, in a free market.
Rent doesn't equal usury. It means charging high interest rates. If being your tenant was NOT the best alternative available to them, they wouldn't be your tenant. You couldn't sell heroin to a 5 year old because they're not developed enough to be moral agents. Just like you can't have sex with a 5 year old because they're not developed enough to be moral agents.
I'm not sure what the age of maturity would be from a legal perspective, that's a tricky issue. I'm guessing something like 17-21.
For more on what I think would make a good government, see I'm tired so I'mma go to bed.
Good night Sup Forums
This entire post was just to see how many people would want to "impregnate' the trap pic I posted it, although the large amount of degenerate tranny lovers on pol were quick to point it out.
I prefer murdoch chan