Swastikas Sup Forums... Are the Orthodox Christians really most redpilled?
Swastikas Sup Forums... Are the Orthodox Christians really most redpilled?
Christianity is a desert pagan religion from Jew niggers.
>that 4 leaf clover
This, if anything, Orthodoxes are the most jew looking of them all
Yes, the only religion that's worth something, and the only one that still hates the joo AND the mudshit
Interesting read:
The swastika comes from the way that the big dipper circles around the north star every year.
Yes they are. Only fedora-pagans will disagree throwing out "muh jews" "kike on a stick" type arguments
I mean the idea is good, and it stays true to "muh faith". Remember that the main split was basically not allowing people to buy their way into heaven by donating to church.
Mostly it was the pope declaring himself leader of all Christianity and infallible.
The bible teaches that no mortal is without sin, how can he be infallible?
Its been close to 1,000 years and people still think the ex Cathadrea means the pope is perfect in everything when all it means is that as the descendant from Peter the Pope when making declarations regarding dogma is prevented from making errors.
Such declarations are so rare that there have only been less then 10 ever made.
i naši popovi su lopovi
meme magic
>Semitic religion
pic one and only one
pick one
i really want a kolovrat tattoo
t. bosnjo diasporovic
not true retard, that came later
it was mostly politics, with dogma being second as an excuse
top dogs in churches are thieves and politicians who give fuck all about god or anything
pure jewery
Swastikas Sup Forums... Are the Nigger Christians really most redpilled?
this is in fact, complete misinformation.
The prophecy is true
Really Makes You Think
Are the Niggers really most redpilled?
Can we all just agree Christianity as an institution has failed? I'm Christian but I've had to leave 3 denominations(Episcopal->Anglican->Southern Baptist->Nondenom/Ethnic-Christian because of the blatant sinfulness and moral failings of the higher group.
No wars for Israel. Gays and Heretics belong in Hellfire.
Swastika was a traditional Russian symbol untill that fag Hitler spoiled it. It was even used in the Soviet Union and Red Army.
Whites BTFO!!!!
Swastika is OUR sacred symbol
on traditional ukrainian painted easter eggs the swastika represented a windmill.
russians dug into ice in antarcitca, cant remember how deep, but they found a golden swastika buried under the ice.. article was removed quite quickly from the net
Please provide a complete, unquestionable list of infallible statements. (You can't because one doesn't exist. Ex cathedra is a myth and no one can even agree how many times it has been invoked, from twice to dozens of times.)
Orthodoxy is the only true church which could be proven in court with admissible evidence.
I love orthodoxy now
Recessive genes and no ability to be creative. How can whitebois survive the next 2,000 years?
Lmao! Stupid fuckin niggers.
We had swastikas in our culture before nazis as well except we call it the "cross of fire" or "firecross" or whatever (ugunskrusts).
It's an indo-european thing.
Orthodoxy is the most caveman-tier of all christian religions.
Also, that's necessarily the nazi swastika. It could be the ancient pole symbol.
But why the the left one is oriented differently?
This is false
Non of those denominations are christian and are actually anti christian. You may be a christian but you are an apostate and to be reconciled with christ you must join the one catholic and apostolic church
Read the dogmas of the catholic church. They are all ex cathedra.
Your theology is heterodox and you are larping as an orthodox. Orthodox accept that rome is part of the one true church.
The swastika is an ancient symbol that's been used in countless religions, if anything orthodox Christians are simply uncucked.
Could you explain why?
You have recessive genes bro not whites. Health problems can easily be traced to age or diet and isn't recessive a term for somebody with Down syndrome?
take an actual sky map and look at it dumbufck
If you refute someone's claim, it's not my responsibility to verify your refutation for you.
Now finally do you understand.
Russian priests confirmed as meme magicians
The truth is that the swastika is one of the most simple symbols you can think of.
You got a straight line. The most simple thing you can have.
Then a 90° turn, people love 90° turns.
Then you give the whole thing a symmetry, why not a rotational symmetry? You try out if you want to make it 3 or 4 or 5 arms and you see that 4 just looks the best, because then you have 90° turns between the arms again. Simple!
Boom swastika. Comes up all the time and you sometimes have to try hard not end up creating swastikas by accident when designing stuff.
>of course we are
There is also a swastika in a catholic church in my city.
Nothing surprising.
sun + sunrays
people worshipping the sun for good crops, good weather and etc.
>pole symbol.
Wow, they have the Sup Forums logo too
Top kek
>Orthodoxy is the only true church which could be proven in court with admissible evidence.
Its funny that the Orthodox believe that that the Holy Spirit ensured that that first Councils were infallible when it came to Dogma yet find the idea of the Holy Spirit ensuring one man is with respect to Dogma
Orthodox have their own version of infallibility (although they avoid using that word to distinguish themselves) however they attach it to the consensus that comes from their Bishops.
>4 leaf clover, which is also the logo of Sup Forums
Orthodox Christianity confirmed as the true faith. Praise Christ!
Here is a good discussion of it
what word do we use then?
meme magic
>There are still people who think the nazis invented the swastika
svasticas are an important piece of the indio-european culture.
here an example:
I cant remember off the top of my head however the concept of humans not being able to err with respect to dogma due to Divine intervention is played out with the approach to certain Ecumenical Councils.
That link I posted has a short discussion on it
OP you're a fag
GUISE there's been a pro-Orthodox uprising on Sup Forums the last weeks or so, this is cancer ti kikes who hate it most than other Christianities since it openly says fuck the kikes .
>Prepare to see many 'Is Orthodox based' threads where kikes will pose as stormfags saying Orthodoxy is a jew thing and stay away etc , Jesus Christ is a kike on a stics etc. The fact those faggot OP (he's a kike obv.) posted swastikas are from the ~1500's obviously couldn't arrest his kike psychosis on teh swastika in general cause he's a kike.
FU, look at pic, he is your tormentor and we believe in HIM, not you . Prepare for kikes to larp as both incompetent Orthodox and hardcore pagans to steer the discussion AWAY from Orthodoxy , that buggers them in the ass, far greatly than any other faith.
Bonus point if you're thinking to join us, converts have undiluted faith.
The holy Spirit inspired the tailor so that 600 years later the Sup Forums quadrifoglio would appear along with swastikas and the Christogram ICXC.
Someone doesn't like you kikes.
Swastikas are found in literally every Eurasian culture, and even some African and Native American ones. As another user said its a symbol of the sun, literally how do you not know that,
Btw Orthodox cucking on Sup Forums is cancer. Its literally the most oriental, least European form of Christianity (of course, all Christianity is ultimately oriental, Orthodoxy more so though). It straddles East Africa, the Middle East and the some of the less racially pure parts of Southern and Eastern Europe in its range. Also;
>being Orthodox, especially converting if you're from Western Europe or America
>being a Nazi
Fucking pick one faggot. The Orthodox church wouldn't exist today if Germany had won.
Gift gas for user
nice try kike larper under the swastika
>being Orthodox, especially converting if you're from Western Europe or America
>being a Nazi
Germany lost, you are confounding your own stupid kike heritage with others , JUDAISM wouldn't exit if Germany had won.
You are scared because what's worse than a stout nationalist is stout nationalist with unshakeable faith in God would doesn't buy into PC shit one bit. Got to be really freaky to you kikes and for good reason , you'll end up BTFO.
check that for good measure :
Good article! I always questioned the orthodox perspective on ecumenism. They claim things have to be ecumenical to become dogma but they don't actually know what ecumenical means. What about when Athenasius alone debated all the arian bishops in council. Orthodox say athanasius won but that they contradicts their view of ecumenism for it only takes one bishop to disprove all the others therefore ecumenism is irrelevant and only truth matters. Orthodox theology does not doubt roman theology and even agrees with it. They just don't like that rome instituted true dogma without ecumenism despite not knowing what ecumenism and the decision process for dogma is.
One thing that the church in the first millenium had in common when it came to dogma is that the bishops did look to the seat of peter to settle debates and affirm the dogma. Yet by refusing the authority of the protos they have stagnated and been unable to define new dogma for the past 1000 years.
From my studies orthodox tend to use weasel words in order to reject roman dogma doctrine and authority. "Primacy of honour" being one such case.
nonsense, your greatest mistake (or lie) is this
>Orthodox theology does not doubt roman theology and even agrees with it
Nope catholicism is heresy in Orthodoxy, and for good reason, it altered iteself all the way from the filioque up to Vatican II . There is no agreement at all with all this fantastic crap.
I wouldn't go so far as to say Orthodox Theology agrees with Catholic Theology there are a great deal of similarities and areas where the outcome is the same but the reasoning is different.
One nasty part I find is that despite its heritage you will often get arguments from Orthodox which could have come out of the mouth of KJV only protestants or the Chick Tracts.
Heres an article where you see them thinking Saint Francis of Assisi was a fanatic who received powers from Satan because:
1. His experience with God did not follow the guidlines in the Philokalia
2. they think that only members of their Church can have a relationship with Christ or receive the powers of the Holy Spirit.
You wouldn't go so far except it's what you wrote. There are no similarities. There's a common past and that's it. You get some KJV only quotes because like catholicism, that is a corrupt institution still gets a few saints because of their own fervor in God, by merit, likewise the KJV-only guys also figure out a few things, a good example is Billy Graham's accurate visions of the future , same with Orthodox Elders and Starets hesychasts.
Saint Francis of Assisi, he saw light , I understood immediately where is controversy . It's called the Aktiston Phos and it's very touchy because according to monks on Mt. Athos there is a satanic inspiration they have seen sometimes mimicking it, with the distinction beeing it has a rosy hue.
That article you posted doesn't look correct to me, The number one thing Orthodox elders do is have absolute disdaign for their body and their pride with great suffering (metanoetic) and great humor sometimes (like collapsing after a few hours and saying, 'but why ?? I had just begun'), that doesn't contradict Assisi. The article does . It's not a good source.
Funny you mention the filioque and vatican 2, as this shows you are probably larping as an orthodox and spewing the same old tired orthodox arguments.
Filioque IS a part of orthodox theology. The holy spirit does also proceed from the son. This is a fact that orthodox accept which you would realise if you studied orthodox theology. The only thing the orthodox don't accept is rome allowing filioque to be said in the creed and they say an ecumenical council is required to add it to the creed which i understand. Interestingly the orthodox ARE sympathetic to the filioque as the filioque arose due to a particular form of arianism originating from spain which is why rome included it to really combat this heresy.
As for vatican 2, well the orthodox have been doing vatican 2 for a thousand years. Autocephaly and local use of liturgy allowing translation to local language is the crux of vatican 2. Rome is merely catching up to a great innovation of the orthodox church in allowing local languages to be used in the liturgy as well as the universal language of the roman see (latin).
Please stop larping as an orthodox and study the theology you claim to defend
>Filioque IS a part of orthodox theology. The holy spirit does also proceed from the son.
>As for vatican 2, well the orthodox have been doing vatican 2 for a thousand years.
You're a kike larping as a catholic crusader . Pathetic but expected.
How can the papacy be corrupt when jesus said the gates of hell shall not prevail against the church upon which peter is the rock? Was jesus lying to peter?
>no counter argument just accusations of lies
I suggest you read the Eastern Orthodox Bible EOB. It has great apologetics essays in it on orthodox theology and explains why the filioque is a part of orthodox theology.
Other than that please explain how the filioque and vatican 2 violate orthodox theology
Swastikas and swastika-like geometries appear on almost every continent (really, it's not hard to draw). These have nothing to do with Nazism.
Across the word, swastikas have represented many things (mostly positive), including but not limited to: strength, purity, courage, healing, righteousness, power, holiness, magic, the triumph of good over evil, and the banishing of darkness. Don't buy into the Jewish lies that all Swastikas are related to Nazism: they just get triggered when they see them (not unlike how vampires are repelled by the sight of crosses).
>There are no similarities
The similarities go far beyond accidental just look at the position on apostolic authority, the sacrements and the real presence alone.
>that is a corrupt institution still gets a few saints because of their own fervor in God,
Orthodox don't believe Catholics have legitimate saints post schism
> You get some KJV only quotes because like Catholicism, that is a corrupt institution
Talking as if the Pope is the Antichrist and the Catholic Church is the whore of Bablyon goes beyond criticism of its structure in practice.
You wont see Catholics calling the Orthodox Satantic because of the corruption of the Orthodox Church in Eastern Europe.
>It's not a good source.
Well the latter article is written by a Bishop and first is quite well cited. What grounds are there to reject it in favour of your interpretation?
Protestantism and Catholicism are so overwhelmingly cucked these days, I don't see any alternative.
Some branches of Protestantism are still legit, but the liberal ones are worse than the Catholics, totally on the SJW, aid to Africa agenda.
And essentially, the only really based Protestants left are here in the US. Doubtlessly, Western Europeans are less religious than Americans on average because their churches don't mean anything or stand for anything anymore.
Liberal Christianity is basically secular post-modernism with a veneer of "But Jesus loves you!" and community gatherings/social events.
>I don't see any alternative.
How about following the truth instead of what aligns with your views on nationalism and race?
youve been caught lying 3 times, how many more ?
severaly by reading your nonsense , very quicly and from bottom up
What grounds are there to reject it in favour of your interpretation> enough experience to understand what's being meant
corruption of the Orthodox Church in Eastern Europe > not corrupted
Orthodox don't believe Catholics have legitimate saints post schism >urecognized church anymore but I can see a miracle as one
position on apostolic authority, the sacrements and the real presence alone>pre schism
What do you know about truth after using 3 times a lie as a device.
Orthodoxy kike, funny how YOU doing their conversion.
oh theres more , Peter's Church ... hm , you do know he sat in Antioch for 2 years beforrrrrre Rome? Theres more but stick to that.
>I suggest you not tell me read a bible that covers your infamy
Are you confusing me with another user?
>enough experience to understand what's being meant
"My opinion is worth more than a Bishops and a well cited article because I think you are a Kike"
Im genuinely open to this article being proved wrong but you havent given any reason beyond I should take you at your word.
>corruption of the Orthodox Church in Eastern Europe > not corrupted
You mean dogma wise or politically?
>Orthodox don't believe Catholics have legitimate saints post schism >urecognized church anymore but I can see a miracle as one
Your formatting is a bit unclear here are you saying that a church who you believe has no with no valid sacraments, rejected Christ and the apostolic tradition still receives the power of the Holy Spirit?
>position on apostolic authority, the sacrements and the real presence alone>pre schism
I dont see your point here you are hand waving huge similarities simply on the ground they existed prior to 1054?
Are you accusing me of lying? Again i ask you how do the filioque and vatican 2 contradict orthodox theology?
In fact show me any contradiction in orthodox and roman theology.
yes iam sorry
No worries the flags can distract from the user IDs
Eastern Orthodoxy originated in Byzantine that drew a lot from the nearby Hindu culture
Peter did indeed ordain the patriarch of antioch however he passed on his authority as the protos only to Bishop Linus at rome. This is agreed by orthodox and catholic theology. You are using weasel words to try and dispute established catholic and orthodox theology. The orthodox do not doubt that rome holds the position of protos. The only issue is that in the 2nd millenium they started to deny of the ontology of the position of protos trying to relabel it as merely administrative and then using all kinds of weasel words and alternative contradictory arguments to diminish the role of the pope to justify their schism.
What meme is this?
thank you
you will never understand because you have a presently rotten mind , show me where it says orthodoxy said yes to filioque and vatican 2 ... but no wait it's what it does the theology ! well thelogy in cath. is an argument, in Orthodoxy it is a discovery without extrapolation , help yourself to the internet and see where it rejects the filioque as heresy, it's the initial 1054 heresy ,the filioque , even Orthodox babies know that .
(In fact show me any contradiction in orthodox and roman theology) You're thick mane, You're stuck that we equal, we're not. It's hard to be on the losing side. It happens but it happened to your church. It's like when you have two sons and one became a fag and the other one stayed a boy and became a man. The fag will say but we're kin but will have nothing to do with his brother.
All this 'weasel word' redundancy is in your mind, the break is complete what Peter gave to Rome was before Rome turned into a fucking circus, you put him to shame.
>Rome holds absolutely no importance after it started perverting the scripture, the dogma, and the function of the Church. Your ignorance (or rather you catechism shows when you do as many catholics do and mislabel Orthodox schismatics.
YOU broke out with the past, not the other way around. This is so crucial it disgusts me to hear it and much of your points cause they're all excuses and lies t o justify the papacy's choices as self-illuminated, which were all political in nature
>that's called hypocrisy
. And if you really want the proof use your eyeballs and READ .
Read the Eastern Orthodox Bible's essay on the filioque. This is a bible sanctioned by the orthodox church of america and the authoritative english version. You will see that Orthodox theology agrees with the filioque just not its use in the creed. As for vatican 2, go to any non greek autocephalous church like the in the russian patriarchate. There you will see russian not greek liturgy. Vatican 2 merely allowed what orthodox have been doing for a thousand years. Again i ask you how does the filioque and vatican 2 contradict orthodox theology. I doubt you will be able to answer though seeing as you do not know what orthodox theology is and you subscribe to some form of heterodox theology that contradicts eastern orthodoxy.
So are you saying the roman patriarchate is corrupt and not part of the church? Do you think jesus was lying when he told peter that the gates of hell will not prevail against the church built on peter?
Again i don't think you are even orthodox but are just larping as you completely go against established orthodox theology.
This needs to be its own new meme.
Another Orthodox vestments worn by priest also with swastikas and clovers.
>headless corpse just standing up
Orthodox Magick is top-tier
I'm not from the Orthodox Church in America , I had a look at what you say and you know what ? It's bullshit . You just need a technicality to say you are right , perhaps the words 'from the Father alone' and 'double procession' have no meaning to your deaf ears. You can just invent theology as you go but the procession is clear, it's single . To make a switch in the hypostatic union for the filioque as the vaticans main mean to creat a rift will not be forgiven becasue it's why it made that change . To break off.
>On your way then.
Vatican II is the end of Christianity as it accepts all other religions ' nuff said .
Don't forget that the papcy can only redeem itself if it rejects all its filth and mends the gap. Any other way would'nt be correct. This is lost in your sect becasue it doesn't focus on right or wrong but on the doable.
>cue pope washing muslims feet . NO
The rift won't close because it will break the Vatican to say ugh look folks, we fuct up a long time ago we invent a lot of new crap and now we must rescind it all haha , nothing to see here . And will be destroyed as it already is, a worthless bureacracy.
Unless you do that . OUT
So orthodoxy is an official religion of Sup Forums now?