Can someone from Czech Republic please respond so I can hover over your flag to see if I need to be institutionalized or not?
Can someone from Czech Republic please respond so I can hover over your flag to see if I need to be institutionalized...
Thank you friend.
Czechia is such a cooler name.
Still not as cool as Czechslovakia.
Can you explain yourself? Czech Republic and Czechia are essentially the same thing.
Czechs get in HERE
Sigh, I don't know why Czechia. Actual short is Czesko, if anything.
Is Czechia actually a thing though? Never heard of it. Also, dobre den!
Fuck off, we're full!
Czech Republic is the official name. The Czech part of Czechoslovakia has always been called Czechia and lots of people still call it that, except for English speakers for some reason (In their respective language of course, in German it's Tschechien).
Are Czechs the prettiest women in the world?
Cheers, I had no idea.
I just never seen Czechia on google maps before, seemed like one of those weird changes they do and hope no one notices.
Czech em
They voted to change the name officially a year or two ago. I remember reading about it
having been using tinder for 3 months now I can safely say that no women, apart form perhaps slovakian ones, come even close.
american girls are unironically fat
british girls have no teeth
russian girls are babushka-tier
>american girls are unironically fat
>google czech + iveta
>get a site for hiring child care for a family
>it's an average czech woman who is a 9/10 in the US
Only fags call it Czechia because its shorter and rhymes with slovakia which is literally the reason they renamed it
Thats pretty gay
agreed, Czechia sounds like shit compared to Czeska Republika
honestly cesko is the best sounding name
>that man chin
>i'm gay
Czech please!!
We should start /CZ/ thread sometimes - the community is large enough
underrated !
> Not Czechistan
>russian girls are babushka-tier
i sense jelousy
Czechia has been the official name since last year
Fuck off, we're full.
Lmao, with this chin she is below average in here, like 6.5/10 at best, would not stick my dick in.
>a v e r a g e
also what is the main diet of a czech?
Semen of American tourist.
Nigger I can just quickly skim through my friends in FB and get you numerous 8-9/10s by your standards. With how this Czech Leno looks, she is 6.5 at max and for me this is below average for our country. I don't know about your standards but I would not bang this one.
You aren't reading.
>>it's an average czech woman
>average czech
Also, depends on whether you are asking for traditional food or for things I eat. Traditional food is bretty based but I don't think it's something you can eat on a daily basis, as the food is quiet "heavy". Czech Republic is also very infamous for "Deep Fried Everything"
It's not, she is fucking ugly. So she can't be average.
Food that most people eat.
Average would be 5 is what I'm stating.
Chechia is the new name for "the Chech Republic". They asked the UN to update their country name database to Chechia. Poland is not called "the Republic of Poland" either.
>grew up in a small Czech town in Texas
Yeah dude, without a doubt they are.
Yeah, I guess I tangled myself up in what I wanted to say and how it turned out. I meant that while she is 6.5/10 by neutral rankings, she is still below average for Czech Republic.
czech em
(Republic of) Bohemia and Moravia would be better. The problem is that Moravia would be the new Herzegovina.
why is czech republic allowed to hoard the worlds goddesses?
Regarding the food, we are actually pretty westernized, the bigger the city the more western food you can encounter. So you can expect burgers, steaks, sushi and bunch of other crap but if you go a bit more inland, you might find yourself enjoying some of the best pub meals like Řízek s Bramborovým Sálátem or Vepřo Knedlo Zelo, but it's always a hit or miss as you might run into some piss stained shithole with shit food, so it's best to make these yourselves or befriend someone that will make them for you.
hungarians also changed it a few years ago when they introduced the new constitution, i remember the media shitstorm how the journalists saw that as a confirmation that hungary is not a democracy anymore by saying it is no longer a republic, even though literally the second or third line of their constitution says it's a republic.
fucking journalists i swear.
that's a 5.
I think it's because we're an island nation we are more ignorant to foreign nations. I know for example people still say Czechoslovakia and Burma instead of Myanmar.
Interesting. My dad always called it "Tschechei" like "Slowakei"