>Tory landlord completely ignores fire safety concern for years
>"Let them eat cake, and burn"
>Our beautiful Tory PM refuses to meet the residents and victims of the Grenfell high-rise
>Meanwhile Jeremy Corbyn is there immediately, hugging mothers who can't find their children
Reminder that if you voted for this witch then you're a complete fucking imbecile.
Tory landlord completely ignores fire safety concern for years
For some reason i thought she might have been hot when younger. i looked up old pics of her and was seriously mistaken.
>Mr. Corbyn came and gave us hugs
>we are so blessed to have Mr. Corbyn
>what do you mean we won't be given a free home and welfare, Mr. Corbyn
>riots ensue
Turns out hugs, like all communists, are worthless.
>Meanwhile Jeremy Corbyn is there immediately, hugging mothers who can't find their children
Gross, Gross people.
>Why do the leaders of countries have to meet with the victims of massive tragedies?
Good lad. She is indeed a witch. Tories are the anti-society party.
>Woken up in the middle of the night by fire
>Blaze destroys our home
>Can't find my children
>Glorious PM arrives
>Surely a hug from her will mean my children are alive
>It's all I care about now
>Literally the only way my children will be safe
>She gets in her car and leaves
>Settle with Corbyn
>"He can still win" I softly say to myself
>PM is doing her fucking job instead of trying to earn brownie points
Fuck you, Labour scum.
>not understanding the significance of such a gesture and the comfort it would bring knowing that the highest in authority cares, acknowledges your plight and therefore might help you recover
>Being this much of a fucking aspie
I bet you're both English, aren't you?
>9/11 happens
>Bush never bothers going to New York, never bothers seeing the victims or their families
>lol I'm busy
wow man ur're right. really makes you think
>Meanwhile Jeremy Corbyn is there immediately, hugging mothers who can't find their children
He thinks this is a honest sentiment and not just to get some pr and future votes lol
He "thinks" with his feels lololol
Sooo sad lolol
What's did he accomplish?
Again, who cares? She's got a job to do, and Corbyn clearly did it as a PR move. He doesn't care.
>yfw labour wins the next election thanks to this cow
women were a mistake
Of course corbyn would waste no time hugging and courting more shitskin voters.
Total aspie detected. Go outside, faggot. Corbyn cares about the people in this country, and when looking at how he has conducted himself over the last couple years and remodelled Labour, that much is obvious.
Corby is there hugging mothers who can't find their children or who can't remember which of their 24 kids is missing
Not that I believe anyone was in that building when it was fired
>muh feels
end yourself you imbecile
>Meanwhile Jeremy Corbyn is there immediately, hugging mothers who can't find their children
reminder if you think that it matters who won, or that either actually cares about the British people - you are misguided.
And that includes you, too. You self-hating faggot.
Lol 'May has a job to do.' You really don't realise what a feeble mess she is. 2 hrs out of her schedule for a 30-minute drive across London isn't much to ask at all. It shows she's scared to meet people because she's hiding her contempt. You've been duped, you fool.
Corbyn was there for 30 minutes doing fuck all.
Just like he's done for the last 30 years.
>Our beautiful Tory PM refuses to meet the residents and victims of the Grenfell high-rise
You're wrong. As an MP voted in by her peers, simply not going to meet the victims is irresponsible. Refusing to meet them is insulting. You're really working hard at defending the indefensible.
They just said on sky news that Theresa May will be visiting victims
If there's any cosmic mercy, Sharia May will be ousted from leadership long before the next election comes around.
Glad someone put some sense into her.
Not based anymore I guess.
I totally support Corbyn just to have more evidence of the destruction caused by socialism, and to be proven right in the prediction that brexit will devastate the UK. Go Jeremy, go labors!
Was disappointed to learn that poor and brown people even live in Kensington, a part of London I assumed was white and wealthy
Did any Britons even die?
Thankfully a few less live there now
>>Meanwhile Jeremy Corbyn is there immediately, hugging mothers who can't find their children
thats because theyre all africans and arabs. corbyn cant get enough.
yeah dude, in the end UKip will prev... oh wait
If they meet with victims then they will have to realize they don't have a fucking clue how many illegals exist there and they don't give a fuck, they are more concerned about their own safety. Only if those Muslims come to television station they will have a conversation, but they will make sure they pick the right one, so moderate one.
like 20
oh wait you said britons
Not sure desu
You misunderstood, Jean-Claude. I meant that the Conservative Party would remove May from leadership and vote in a new leader, like they did when Cameron resigned.
all grown up I see
>victims of massive tragedies
which wouldn't have happened to begin with if you kept non-citizens away from your gibs
admit it, Abdul raped you so hard you now love his cock
She looks like David Bowie after he's had a few drinks.
If your only point is "muh feelings", then you really don't have an argument here.
She's already PM, she doesn't need the PR bucks Corbyn is grovelling for.
Labour imported the kebab. Tories fried it. Both parties were jewed and abandoned the only solution to all these problems: a White Christian Nation.
>muh feels
If this happened to me, I don't think a hug from Trump would make any difference.
They don't know how many lived there, they refuse to answer questions, they have no clue. Why is it so hard to figure out how many burned to death?
>politician caring about the people
Correct answer.
This is all scripted propaganda. They torched an empty building for a training drill. Crisis Actors all over the place. Nobody coughing from smoke inhalation. Nobody looks injured.
Jamie Oliver is giving free food!
>on Sup Forums
>isn't pro-ovens
Mein Gott!
>>Meanwhile Jeremy Corbyn is there immediately, hugging mothers who can't find their children
This is one of the main reasons politics disgusts me. It's not the politicians, it's the people who are so easily played by empty gestures who disgust me.
Because uncovering the mounds of fried kebab slave meat makes (((them))) very uncomfortable. Who knows how many thousands of rapefugees are being hidden in these council commieblocks? Only fire can tell the truth, it seems.
>Being a decent human being
>Empty gesture
Are you really surprised by this?
Mate, landlords in the uk give zero fucks about their properties or their tenants as long as money is being paid.
This country is fucking retarded.
Having no emotion towards people's suffering that is far detached from my own life makes me an imbecile? Kek
because by the time news crews got there the injured were already in transit or on their way to the hospital you dense fuck.
All I know is the Muzzie cunts and lefties are all of a sudden outraged now shitskins have died. The same fuckers who either say nothing or talk about peace, love and not all muslims when little white girls get blown to pieces, splattered across the street and raped.
Of course Cronyn rushes off to have a publicity stunt with all those poor new Europeans.
Just like pottery.
Neoliberals and globalists will shed no tears for either whites or muslims. The parasitic elites have to be exterminated as soon as possible - we only have time until the robotization.
Why is it a national matter? Shouldn't it be a local issue? Get a hold of the Sand Nigger mayor of London to do something about it.
Corbin is a commie, she won only because she was the lesser of two evils
You have no idea what Communism even is
I didn't vote for her, she's a remainer.
>oh good you're a Corbyn supporter
You see this is why this country is fucked.
I'd explain it but I fear your mind is too imprisoned.
This, England is a multicultural society, there's no need for people in, say, London to care about this shit.
Lol, she didn't know any better. I read her husband made her do it. Lock him up.
Landlord here.
Fuck you, I look after my tenants.
Slavery and theft.
Is that what mummy Rand told you?
>Admitting that a political leader capitalising on this tragedy is to score political points and virtue signal without actually doing anything productive.
>Being this much of a cuck
Go hug a paki if you want mate, knock yourself out
>if only my ancestors didn't make contact with them in the first place too
>we can shift the blame depending on how far we back we go
Not really. She's under no obligation to. Let the first responders do their job without turning it into a political shit fest by turning up and hugging pakis because of muh feels
Wagecucking for the rootless international business class is true slavery. Classic communism would be more preferable to the shit we have now. European communists actually had no qualms about eradicating Moslem and Jew barbarism.
This question has probably already been covered a shit ton of times, but do we have any stats on who the victims were? All of the ones I have seen so far have been recent immigrants or what appear to be other non-contributing members of society.
pic unrelated
>rapefugees getting oven'd is now a bad thing somehow
seriously, I know that pedo stuff in Norway has been a thing since before the cultural enrichment, but come on now
Only pakis and wogs live in tower blocks. Who gives a fuck.
Yeah I saw the image in just after I posted..... All very English sounding names.
cool story
point is a bill was was rejected last year that required all landlords to make their properties habitable
what is wrong with that bill other than stopping landlords being cunts ?
The government has no right to interfere in two private individuals' business.
Your landlord is a cunt? Stop paying rent until he starts being agreeable. Remember his capital investment (the property) is worth a lot more than your deposit.
>Jeremy Corbyn is there immediately, hugging mothers who can't find their children
The sexual predator hard at work, taking advantage of vulnerable women. I wouldn't be surprised if he was driving around in a taxi moments after the manchester bombs went off.
>Theresa May dosen't give a shit about niggers or pakis
Best PM since Thatcher
Private individuals have no rights other than what the government grant them.
It's the guns that make the rules you fucking mongoloid
>Uncle Jeremy goes around giving hugs for half an hour and gets praise, while May, who had work to do as PM and met with the firefighters to find out their concerns, gets scorn
>Corbyn calls for the Government to seize local properties and give them to the poor who were displaced by this fire, even though they're probably going to be put up in hotels by the taxpayer anyway, and gets praise
>McDonnell calls for unions to mobilise a million workers to strike, march, and demand May resigns and hands the reigns over to Labour (wtf i hate democracy now)
>Boris Johnson blamed for causing fire due to an apparent shortage of fire engines caused by his cuts as Mayor after the financial crash, even though only 45 engines were needed, and Boris only cut the number from 184 to 157 as many were derelict and unused. Further firefighters and engines would not have been useful in reaching the top floor anyway
>Conservatives also blamed because some of their MPs voted against fire safety laws in 2010 and 2004, both of which passed anyway, and despite the fact that we haven't been able to investigate the cause of the fire yet
>Theresa May attacked for announcing an inquiry into the cause of the fire, because obviously we already know what caused it (ebil companiez an shiet) and don't need any evidence to prosecute the deemed responsible by Labour supporters, and we also don't need to collect any data that will allow us to prevent this from happening again (wtf i hate fair trials and fact based policy making now)
The ABSOLUTE STATE of this country
Except May went to the scene and had to met with firefighters and the like. Corbyn and his PR team shoved some cameras in crying people's faces as he hugged them for half an hour and then he went home
If the government has to grant them you then they're favours, not rights.
The only rights are ones you can take by direct action you statist cuck.
>Meanwhile Jeremy Corbyn is there immediately,
He got there a little too fast I feel.
Like he was just around the corner throwing some empty jerry cans away(OMFG Jeremy Corbyn = Jerry Cans!) and then came back to find a quiet spot to masturbate while the fire burned and then got trapped up in a photo-op.
Check out the pictures of him from that day, they all look like he'd rather be somewhere close by having a good old Tommy Tank while smelling the unique and erotic fumes of burning skin.
>Jeremy Corbyn is there immediately, hugging mothers
The communist scum went there for half an hour, and then fucked off immediately after photo-op.
He also suggested to confiscate homes of people in vicinity.
Fucking upper class socialists pieces of shit.
so despite a tenancy agreement I should just occupy my house (so as my landlord can't change locks etc whilst I'm out of it) regardless of tending to my life that exists outside of it?
sounds like you still live with ya ma :)
Reminder that Jeremy Corbyn's favourite hobby is taking pictures of manhole covers and drainage grates
She looks like a butch Margaret Thatcher
lol who cares, london is dead
If you have to take them they're not fucking rights are they
Also it's possible to recognise the reality of a situation without being an advocate for it you anarcho-down's syndrome fuck-muppet
Your tenancy agreement should dictate what reasonable steps your landlord has to take to fix problems. If it doesn't that's your fault for being a knob and not reading it.
As above, I'm a landlord. I also rent the place I live in. When the stopcock broke on my main supply and my landlord was being a bitch I called out an emergency plumber then docked the amount from my monthly rent. Same when the oven broke...
>she confirmed that she is scared of the public, and is basic PR that most PMs have performed in the past to similar events
>they are more likely to be moved out of London, which is what the council of kensington has suggested for the tenants for years, uproooting any community and family ties, which is also the same council that ignored concerns
>tbf workers rights are getting shitter, wages are shrinking and inflation is rising - employment is going up but the amount of money is going exponentially down
>more important was the construction of a car park that limited access to only one road, which slowed response time dramatically
>more importantly conservatives voted against a bill that ensured landlords made their homes habitable, a bill proposed by corbyn
>not because of inquiry but because its "too little too late" - you dont ignore worries of fire hazards for 10 years, botch it with plastic cladding (once plastic burns it keeps burning, and is noxious) and then try and discover the cause, prevention is less expensive that cure even a tory knows that - short term economic skimping of one of the most affluent areas of london
>if you have to take them they're not rights
Rights are fought for and won, not begged for and granted.
Has she screwed us out of a real Brexit yet?
Or is she too busy implementing Sharia Firewall?
You'll have Corbyn as PM by Christmas.
God i'm jealous, i want an accelerationist here as well!
A few subhumans burned to death, who gives a shit?
>being this deluded
Name a right that you have that is not protected by your government
Serious question. Does Liz have any State of Emergency type clause where she can come in and take full control of the government to prevent her country from turning into a complete shit-fest?