ITT we post and discuss redpilled literature, philosophy and rate each other's book stacks
Strictly no Marxists
Sup Forums literature discussion
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ill i got is cook books and the ego and its own
what else should i buy
Most of the books are in french, but you should be able to recognize them easily
Solid stack.
Why the fuck is The Wealth of Nations a tier 1 book? Its incredibly dry and difficult. You're better off reading summaries, secondary lit or learning what Adam Smith wrote about indirectly through other books. You wont finish it unless you are really into economics and have done prior study.
>book stacks
What year is this? Just buy yourself an ereader.
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
If it was required reading in high school there would be a lot more anti-semites (semites include jews, christians, and muslims)
has anyone read this? i'm about to start it but it's 1,300 pages and i need to prepare myself
You're a subhuman if you use a device to read.
I doubt I'll be able to find it where I live, especially in english, and I don't like the idea of giving money to Amazon. What makes it so anti-semitic?
Is the book "the 48 laws of power" by Robert Greene a meme, Sup Forums ? I started It yesterday and got about 5 chapters in and noticed some parallels with some situations I've faced in my life already, even though I'm still in university so don't have any work-related experiences to draw upon
All those pleb paperback copies.
Yes, self help shit is for plebs.
I believe that government is inherently shit. Can any of you fascists recommend a book that will remove this aversion?
Basic Economics by Sowell
Wealth, Poverty and Politics by Sowell
Explains how the adoption of christianity for the use of controlling the population hastened the fall of Rome and that it is it not European in nature, which should be obvious but isn't for most people.
Its 6 volume and over 3000 pages though,there are always copies up on ebay so you can try that.
An ereader is superior to a physical book in almost every way. Only people that want to show off their book covers don't like them.
Patrician taste
rate me
Thanks, I'll look into it
>German romanticism in general
>Gadsden flag
Get out, collectivist amoralfag
No, because it's true
Objectivist AnCapism is the final redpill, read pic related
I was wrong about one part, the edition I have is 6 volumes but other publishers have them in different sizes but still contains all of the text. There are some 2 or 3 volume editions.
Why, because you and your 85 IQ can't accept change or things that differ from the norm? Kindle + LibGen = unlimited power. I'm not paying one cent for some antiquated work of literature from 150 years ago, especially when it's free at the library right down the street.
Intellectuals and Society, by Thomas Sowell
Your taste in literature is mildly plebeian, but your taste in vidya is full plebe.