I'm putting my foot down. Sup Forums has gone too far this time
Can't wait until women are replaced with robots or artificial wombs, worst cancer in the universe.
>I'm putting my foot down.
Not on my property I hope
Dumb slut thinks she can fuck whoever she wants without facing the consequences of her actions. She deserves everything that will come from this.
Oooh my reply has been blessed by KEK! PRAISE!
I'm calling the POLICE!!!
Can't a girl get herself some black cock on occasion? Damn Puritans.
Shit. You're right neighbor. I'll compensate you for the wear and tear on your home, adjusting for the futures market for real estate prices, of course.
Nah i've been with this SAGA from the beginning, when Sup Forums cuck mods deleted it.
Some keywords to look for when
et al cover this are:
I hope she is streaming when she hangs herself.
Seriously though, the video this bitch made from the hotel was infuriating. She talks down to her viewers basically saying, 'Oh I'm so sorry you couldn't live without me for 10 minutes.'
I cannot comprehend that level of narcissism. Fry the bitch and skull fuck her for all I care.
give me a quick rundown faggots, who is she and why do we care?
>drinking the alcoholic Jew
>Sup Forums's fault
Some whore who cheated on her boyfriend/husband with a nigger. Now she's upset she got caught.
Basically confirms women are only good as a wet hole to fuck.
I'm fucking lost, I have no idea what this is about.
Some whore that people thought was missing from an event, but she was just off getting blacked.
Are you kidding me?
This coalburner will have a FULLTIME position on polygon, kotaku, and ign.
This is the best thing that's ever happened to her.
The big black rod of masculinity strikes down yet another mongrel ameriwench.
irrelevant twitter drama that brings even more Sup Forumsedditors here, since it gets banned on their board
let that sink for a moment, Sup Forums mods actually doing their jobs, while our kike mods let SEVEN generals of this garbage untouched
Now call in the Russian airstrike?
dont forget she also
>went on a coke binge
>didnt contact anyone for 24+ hours and still hasnt called her boyfriend despite tweeting a bunch
>didnt show up to E3 going against her contractual obligations
>lied about all of this
>is now playing the victim.
God's work being done.
What did she mean by this?
who the fuck is this?
I hope you know that mods are site wide.
She wanted to be buttblugged.
No guys she was at a casino the whole time because she needed to unwind. heavy.com
Please archive or screenshot
>Can't a girl get herself some black cock on occasion? Damn Puritans.
Violates the NAP enshrined with marriage.
some dumb roastie twitch streamer who did a bunch of stupid shit then lied about it to everyone but got caught out so now she's playing the victim.
>who she is
>why should we care?
because she represents a retarded trend where women do shit thinking they'll get away with it, and then when they are caught, they play the victim card and act like you are the mean and nasty ones. We need to make examples of people.
What in the weapinized autism....
E3 is national news right now.
She wanted the black curtain rod.
Be afraid. We will find you wherever you go. :)
Go ahead, call the cops they can't unplug you.
Ok new to all this. Where is the proof that she was cheating with a black guy? Or where did the notion come from in the first place? I'm not seeing anything.
I'm proud of not having an idea who the fuck is this whore
>We need to make examples of people.
>John Podesta
Why would mods delete threads related to this? Are mods SJWs? Or is a rule being violated?
Why post the edited tweet?
does this ave something to do witha buttplug?
>Dumb slut thinks she can fuck whoever she wants without facing the consequences of her actions.
That's most women from 16-45
The mods can always claim that ANY of us are raiding.
Are you new?
They got me boys. Its up to you now!
>tfw just drawing red circles on public photos is a bannable offense
holy shit epic meme my dude
Sluts need to be called out and humiliated.
Men do not find sluty behavior attractive.
You have to go back leaf
seriously fuck off
..Do you not know about the screenshot button?
I've been here 10 years and Sup Forums still amazes me with shit like this
>how do I shot screen?
I've missed it. Rundown please?
never...its a sign of weakness
no wonder there isnt another thread up
breads 5 to 8 have been removed from the archive :/
The power of autism.
>autism is best ism
Oy vey I wonder who's behind all those
She made a mistake and regrets it and she should be forgiven. Cheating isn't the worst thing in the world, it happens all the time. Maybe she got emotional and lonely, her husband should forgive her and give her another chance. Lots of couples do forgive each other for this type of stuff. Maybe some marriage therapy will help.
>Twitch streamer flies to LA for E3 panels
>goes to E3 party
> Next day misses her E3 panels
>disappears for 24 hours, her friends ask Twitter if anyone knows where she is (no one does)
>reappears with a grainy video in someone's hotel room saying she played poker in a casino for 24 hours
>deletes the video because "why is there a curtain rod there? are you in a hotel room?"
>makes a new video
>no one believes her poker story
>she's attention-whoring on Twitter but refusing to phone her husband/boyfriend
> Up to date
> Retards found location of the Hotel through 2 fucking pictures
> Damn /pol you scary...
Thats impressive
This is why we will win.
Fuck off white-knighting faggot
Why pol care about that girl?
not new, just never took this shithole as seriously as others seem to. It's just a gay Japanese comic website after all.