Pol's opinion on Lauren Southern ?

White sharia or not ?

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>coalburner jew
Fuck nupol is the worst

IS she is a Jew? My Jewdar is off the scales right now.

>e-celebs who "comment" on things without providing either an original take or a solution

Stop supporting these people.

dont summon him
he is lurking around

It is true. I do not think I have ever heard a solution, no matter how obvious a solution was, come out of a e-celeb/journalist's mouth

She is not a jew.


>looks like a 29 year old

seriously her dutch or whatever genetics, S.MH SENPAI.

No she is not. Stop spreading misinfo on the internet. See video:


Brown eyes... I think it is a forged dna test.

Green eyes.

This is what a traditional woman looks like according to Lauren Southern

I knew it! She took a spit test after sucking my dick. That test is wrong!

Hahaha, she got genghis khand

Proof she slept with a tranny

gad damn her sister is so much better looking

That pic you see in the OP is their "proof".


she has iberian moor blood

She stated on twitter her family fled Nazi occupied Denmark for being Jewish.

Her grandmother was from a Jewish family.

Why are increasing number of people falling for the "traditionalist" meme?

Just say that you don't like niggers and spics. Everyone understands. Not even niggers and spics like niggers and spics.


>traditionalism is bad

fuck off retard

She is not Jewish. Not only Jewish people had to flee from the Nazis.

She's not saying her grandparents were Jews you fucking retards. She's giving Jews and her grandparents as examples of people who were oppressed a few decades ago but are now doing great to counter the other guys argument. Her grandparents left Denmark because the Nazis seized their trucking company for the war effort. All the Jews in Denmark were spirited away to Sweden on boats before the Nazis even came, they weren't standing around Denmark running their businesses when the Nazis came.

Wtf she has Asian and Polynesian blood!?!?

How is this not Jewish? Is she an Ivanka?

>not knowing what traditionalism means

if we want to secure a future for our race, we must instill conservative families into them again, to make sure they have stable families

You people who push this white Sharia meme are like the people who continue to push the Kekistan meme. It is just unfunny and all of you should kill yourselves.


One day folkish...

>has leagues of ghost writers
>didn't write her own 'book'
>inarticulate off script

She's a dropout who should have stayed in school but beta cuck orbiters gave her fame instead cuz tits.

oh and here she is talking about the how more migrants cuz the "ice is melting" in the Mediterranean............. @ 5;34


No she has brown eyes

conservative values* lol

That meme!
I have been saying this for nearly a year now.

>implying it's even a meme

You must be color blind. They're gray-green at worst.


now we have 2 white knights
fucking lauren internet defense force over here

Bitch don't shit on brown eyes

Brown eyes and dark hair is fine

>implying you are not a Syrian

I am not the one hiding behind a custom flag

They would suck her ass clean. Probably Jew faggots/civic nationalists... so called

With so many liars going around it is needed. You don't have a problem with people spreading slander?

>now we have 2 white knights
Why? For telling the truth?

I'm wondering if that's the same finnish white knight cuck than my previous topic about a similar case on alt-right women

Too pussy to don the true flag?

I'm an ethnonationalist.

I'm not a civic nationalis. It is not even a thing in Middle or Eastern Europe. I'm a Hungarian nationalist.

what do you mean? you want me to post the fidget spinner?

it's just pathetic how you run around all day defending her on here over and over
sorry i was just lumping you in with him because he literally does it every day and its strange

Ment Central Europe.

Last time German meant something was in 1990 at the world cup. After that... you might as well be south africa

probably he seems to be in every youtube/ecancer thread

Only because there is a coordinated attack on her just like on Richard Spencer/Jared Taylor/Nathan Damigo. Which is weird because she is not an avowed white nationalist

Oh, my fucking God, this Finn is on every single Lauren Southern thread defending his fair maiden. How fucking pathetic. How do you manage to do it? How many other members of the Lauren Internet Defence League are there?

says who? the fucking leaf? what have you contributed to the world so far? go suck a tranny dick

I give her credit for trying. Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

rly made me think

who cares?
if people are dumb enough to be swayed by "shilling" they probably shouldn't be on this board in the first place

Would you rather let the shills just spread their misinfo? Are you on the side of Antifa?

top kek

>Goatfucker religion is the answer

Kill your self

How does he manage to show up for every single one of these threads?

You forgot
>thinks white genocide is a myth

>making fake tweets

Could you make your shilling any more obvious? This is a new low.

>the "you're either with us or you're against us" meme
I never see you defend Molymeme or RealityCalls or (insert e-celeb here). It's always your waifu Lauren. She's probably been BLACKED already, lad. Give it a rest.

Hot but retarded.

>implying cuckistan is the solution

Even intelligent people can make bad conclusions when they're fed false information.

Lauren is cute, CUTE!!


Yeah because Jews never lie about anything. Or she thinks Jews are just a religion and not a race. She obviously stated she has Jewish family but doesnt consider it herself, doesnt mean she isn't.

I defend Tara McCarthy, Jordan Peterson, Jared Taylor, The Golden One etc. just as hard.

She cucks out for der jude
Talks about immigration, never once mentioned that its the jews behind it.

I don't think you'll ever be as hard as you are now right now, mate: Show me your semi-erotic gifs of Jordan Peterson please. You've peaked my interest.

Why did you make that fake tweet? Why would any honest person do that?

>She obviously stated she has Jewish family
No she didn't. You clearly don't understand English as you don't know what an independent clause is. Which is sad because of your Britishness. Or are you a Brit-born Muhammed?


It's mocking girly make-up channels, get your mind out of the gutter you degenerate

>go suck a tranny dick
Not an insult in Sup Forums

>which is the reason why you saved it
Sorry, my mind is just so deep into Jordan's you-know-what right now. Hnng.

Southern is a fraud.

but on Sup Forums

Jared Taylor is a saint. he's been doing this shit for like 30 years. Thats before most of Sup Forums was even born.

Huwhy Huwould Huthey Huttack Huim?

It appears that you may be correct. I'm glad. Hate seeing brown eyes, especially on white people

>White sharia
>not nuclear family
So much for Sup Forums's originality

white sharia is to the nuclear family what fascism is to capitalism

The common way for them to attack Jared is because he doesn't talk about the JQ. It's mostly Daily Stormer faggots who do that.

This. Jared doesn't mention the JQ because he doesn't want to have his shit fucked up. He's doing more for our cause than most of the faggots who criticise him are doing.

SHE IS 22?


She looks like a 30 years old woman with two kids.

Lauren Southern Jeruzalem

Yeah it is very strange, she got all her popularity on YouTube when she was around 19/20.

>Sleeps with trannies

I blame her Iberian blood.

Lauren is a fucking con artist who manages to turn a political events about herself

It's always about her her her

She has no profound original message, just regurgitates shallow talking points

Makes it about her her her

Makes money of off gullible beta white men

Stays single because she's a sleazy white woman whore, fucks blacks

Doesn't give a shit about whites

LARPS as an ethno nationalist, doesn't give a crap about her own country

Lauren Southern is a complete scam artist and fraud, but people will still swallow her bullshit

Even a small percentage of Northern Europeans have brown eyes

>She has no profound original message

Can you name some people who do? Thanks.

>She's a jew
>She doesn't care about White genocide
>She's a coal burner
>She's an attention whore
>She's a shekel grabber

fake news

Why do you lie? see


100% agree, I don't see the appeal of her at all.