Why did the mall die?

Link matters. This is autism making videos of dying American malls. While total autism; the maker is documenting the death of ages past.: youtube.com playlist?list=PLNz4Un92pGNxQ9vNgmnCx7dwchPJGJ3IQ

Sup Forums I ask you, why did the major shopping mall start to die? Is it because online shopping? Should we blame shitty teenage staff who don't care? Is it the fact it's the same 8 stores in every mall?

I think the mall died because we don't want to interact with others anymore. I say this because online shopping gives us far more options without ever needing to talk to someone who does not care.

what do you think?

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all of those factors are why the mall is dead.

I am totally guessing but I think economy got worse. Housing crisis maybe?. I see a coupe malls in the city here that are doing all right. I know a mall where I grew up in upstate new york that is still up and running (but much deader than when I was a kid).

I think style for one really changed. I think mainly the malls that died were ones in the rural areas. Probably because of shit like Wal-marts that have everything. It's basically a fucking mall in one big box with one owner with better prices.

I'm sure even online shopping didn't help and the generation of kids changed. I remember I used to get dropped off at the mall to hang out and shit but I don't think kids are into that nowadays. Now Maybe they'd rather be inside playing ps4 than hanging out in a mall when they don't have much money to blow. Plus I think they even took out the arcade.

It's probably a combination of online shopping, diversity and dwindling purchasing power.

only reason i go to my mall is for Round 1

>drop acid and have a physiological conversation with a Crane machine

online shopping cuts out so much overhead you couldnt possibly compete using physical space.

>power and water
>etc etc etc

why make a thread about this tho? its not politics and you already knew the answer.

>why did the major shopping mall start to die?
niggers, spics and 2008

The most american sport: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mall_walking

>malls were doing fine until 2008

keep snorting drano

In Gothenburg the major mall (Nordstan) is extremely multicultural. Like only niggers and arabs there, I don't even think they are there to shop, they just use it as a hangout. Maybe buy a cup of coffee or something, but not much else.

>Is it because online shopping?
Pretty much.


It's online shopping, there's no competition. Unless you like wasting money or need to get something specific there's no reason to go to the mall.

Internet shopping. You lazy fucks would rather order everything online than enjoy the novelty of going to the mall and leaving your house

I honestly think it's fully within politics. I'm not going to disagree with you tho. I just think the political force behind malls is something that was long forgotten. I say this because when "the mall" became big, there was no major center of shopping like it. It was all the major stores in one central location. It was all under one roof so weather did not matter. etc, etc.

Maybe I'm an idiot. I'm asking for a reason.

Public transportation kills a mall like nothing else.

So basically niggers.

If you're not consuming the online shopping experience why the fuck are you saying EVERYONE is shopping online?. Use your brain faggot. People shop online but not everyone does. For every sale online there's got to be a fuckload more in actual stores. People still leave their house you fucking mongoloid. Think now. Where do they go?.

>there was no major center of shopping like it

Malls were basically roofed main streets

Wal-mart + Amazon

Need something immediately? Wal-mart
Can it wait a day or 2? Amazon

There is no reason to go to a building full of brown people in order to buy shit that isn't exactly what you want.

I'll fully agree. Updated and fancy looking. It seems to me the major shopping malls we're a "fix" to main street at the time.

because you'll never find. a deal there

the retail of retail

>You lazy fucks would rather order everything online than enjoy the novelty of going to the mall and leaving your house
Why on earth would any sane person want to go to nigger infested places like malls?

shrinking middle class = less consumer spending

ISIS and mass shooters, I mean the good guys, praise allah blessed be his name

But what if I want to wear clothes they don't sell at walmart?

You people need a better explanation than online shopping. The answer, if you've been to a mall in the last ten years, is niggers and spics.

White people retreated to high end malls, often outdoors, to keep away lazy homeless Scheissfleisch.

We are coming bucko.

The Ultimate Authority


Malls are very unpleasant in contrast to shopping streets. I wish malls were dying here as well but it feels like they're experiencing some kind of a golden age.

To be honest it's partly because when blacks move into the vicinity of one they use it as their very own home away from home. Meaning it becomes a violent dirty shit hole like their hood. So the people who actually went their to do business move onto another mall instead.

Malls currently only work if they are in a really trafficked area. One of the best ways to do this is to have a grocery store as an anchor tenant.

Kek isn't that basically our ASDA? Only niggers and poor white trash (mostly eastern europeans) shop at those.

and white trash. Walmart is a white trash haven.

I did that a few days ago. It's hot outside and cool inside a mall. Why not take advantage...

Very true. The minute I see lots of uncouth colored "yoofs" at a mall I try to avoid it at all costs.

name one reason anyone should buy their chinese goods anywhere else besides those 2 venues? There is absolutely nothing that drives me to open my wallet besides price and availability.

Why are you constantly buying cheap chink shit? Food is either ""organic"" or good brand, clothes again good quality brand, electronics and shit once again good quality brand that will last past its warranty. Yes, you can do this at amazon or actual visit the brand retail stores themselves or somewhere where you can get a good deal. The only shopping you should be doing consistently is food and I would never buy big chain labeled food products. This consumerist junk culture where we constantly spend to buy cheap shit that breaks apart and needs replacement every year is cancer.

I went to a mall recently, nothing but niggers hollering and hooting like they own the place

>lots of annoying fucks who pester you cause they work on commission

this is why

online shopping aside


I'm not even trying to be edgy. Go speak to older folks who were around when malls were in their prime. White people stopped going when blacks showed up and blacks don't spend money.

This now ancient TED talk outlines why the urban design behind malls was fundamentally flawed. ted.com/talks/james_howard_kunstler_dissects_suburbia
It's very entertaining. The how is very red pilled.

The family died. People don't cook, people don't have families. It's uneconomical, and a huge waste of time, driving to a mall for no fucking reason. Freezers could disappear overnight and nobody would fucking notice. Hell, even fridges maybe, if not for cold soda.

Online shopping.

The turd worlders all hangout and stink up the mall.

I like Dan Bell's abandoned Poconos resort videos, too.

It's because more and more retail stores are owned by holdings companies and stock brokers. Owned by people that don't know a thing about retail sales and only give a shit about the bottom line.

So, for instance, you'll have companies (like mine) wondering
>why is everyone shifting to online sales?
And at the same time when people come to our store and say
>oh do you have this in my size? Maybe in the back?
We reply
>no we sure don't, but I can order that for you and have it shipped to your house

They don't know what they're doing and they still wonder why their business is failing.

>t. Gymboree exec

Guy comes off as a huge asshole

My local mall is actually thriving. It got bought out by the owners of the biggest mall downtown, so it's basically tripled in size, got a parking garage, and a huge outdoor restaurant patio.

They built too many malls. Now they are closing the non profitable.

Last time, I went to JCPenny in mall and it don't have my size jean... 7 years ago.


Niggers. Niggers start hanging out there for the amplified criminal opportunities available because of all the White middle class shoppers with money.

People are spending 50% less on clothing than in the 90s.

Because fags think they can buy shit online or from the exact same suppliers I buy shit from and then set up shop and charge me an extra 30% like Im a retard.

Just buy it from the same fucking place they do and get free shipping, and save mad cash.

p.s. FUCK radioshack


Malls died because nobody wanted to shop around niggers in a building that acted like a powder keg of chimp out.
Also amazon

This is why malls are dying.

There are plenty of malls that still thrive, they're just in predominantly white areas. Yes, online shopping has hurt malls, but women still like to try on clothes, parents like to reward their kid by taking him to the toy store, and people still like to demo electronics and other products... so there will always be a place for malls. Just not as many. And they absolutely cannot survive in areas that are less than 80% white. Honest to God fact. Their revenue is drying up as it is. They cannot afford to have niggers hanging around, doing nigger things, stealing shit, and driving away white people who will actually buy shit.

Check this out. Really good resource here.


Last time I went to the arcade it was awful. There's no new arcade machines, everything is at least 15 years old. You can get better 'arcade' games for free on Steam.

I've been to Wal-Mart's with absolutely massive outdoor sections so it's no surprise.

white supremacy killed the malls.

niggers are taking back their rightful cultural property, and destroying it for being too white.

I have to actually agree with almost everything said here. The "American mall" is something that died long ago and people are just now accepting. In the 1980's the mall was big because it was everything on main street plus food under one roof.
Now days the lure of everything is gone. Most malls wore out their welcome. Small towns no longer need a local whatever due to online shopping

kill your yourself, fat fuck

Off topic, but's funny that modern malls are considered as representing capitalism, when in
fact they were invented by an Austrian jewish marxist called Victor Gruen (real name Viktor David Grünbaum). The first one he designed
was the Southdale Mall in Edina, Minnesota, which opened in 1956. Gruen didn't like
the freedom and community spirit of main
street shops in the US, so he designed
the modern mall as a centralised communist
place of control for the consumer.

Viktor David Grünbaum

Eh, I guess it depends on the place, wether you live in a big city or not etc.

I'm in Toronto and there's plenty of busy malls always booming with customers.

amazon and wal-mart.

don't project your "i don't want to be around other people" autism onto the population-at-large.

thats what happens when you build too many of them

Amazon and it's drones will rule it all soon

too many niggers and spics

The only group with money (the Boomers) is now too old to go shopping anymore. The later generations either don't have money or don't want to spend it at the mall.

Because amazon has everything my mall had delivered same day for literally 1/2 the price the mall charged and I don't have to deal with any minimum wage fucks or roaming gangs of apes.

>enjoy the novelty of going to the mal
>wanting to be around a bunch of feral niggers and obese spic hordes
no thanks

>But what if I want to wear clothes they don't sell at walmart?

You order your clothing from a quality online retailer like LL Bean

They don't sell good clothes in malls.

well let's get started

>online shopping
amazon can usually clobber retail in selection, general everyday pricing, etc. and online stores can generally occupy niches better. the barrier of entry for sale online is low, yet it's convenient, so stores compete a lot more with one another. younger people also prefer it more than older people.

>rise of big box retail
walmarts, targets, costcos, and the like offer pretty much all the mainstream goods people want at better prices and you never have to leave a singel store.

>2008 recession
this caused consumer spending to drop off like mad, meaning a lot of stores couldn't afford rent. they shuttered. once a mall gets to a mostly vacant state, it's a death spiral of sorts: nobody want to go walk a huge mall with virtually no stores, the mall needs to charge higher rents for the fixed costs of running the entire main mall, the fewer stores get less traffic and can't afford the rents.
strip mall rent is a lot lower, and if somebody needs something badly enough because it's cheaper or only available at retail, or they need it faster, they'll still drive to a strip mall for it.

And the experience at a brick and mortar is abysmal too. You can't just grab something and then pay for it. No, they want your phone number. They want your email address. They want to sign you up. All you want to do is pay and GTFO and every delay just annoys you that much more. You've already committed to this purchase so you go through the bullshit but guess what? You never go back.

Malls are a symbol of degenerate consumerism culture
Good riddance

walmart varies by area, in upstate NY they have great everyday prices on a lot of goods and the stores are nice.

closer to NYC, walmarts are sketchy af and I hate shopping at them, I'd rather spend a few dollars more at target

Online shopping was the beginning of the end, more niggers is the final nail.

Niggers and spics ruined the mall.

arcades are in really fucking bad shapes. usually the only people that can afford new machines are barcades like dave and busters or other independents, because they make way more money off alcohol than people are willing to spend on games. even then most of the machines are old, dave and busters licenses a new game like once every five years, and a lot of barcades pander largely to nostalgia for cabinets from the 70s to late 90s.

If they're well maintained it can be a fun change of pace, but it ain't like it used to be.

Truth. I've refused to go back to so many places in person because of that mandatory asking if you want to sign up shit.

Online services and home delivery are superior and improving. Soon even they will in large part be reduced by automated production taking place in the home.

I live 20 miles from destiny usa in syracuse. All other malls in the area are dead or dying. Destiny is always luring in new tenets with promises they cant keep. Then in 2 years they figure out the numbers arnt working and they leave.

I only go there for birthdays or other friendly get togethers. Get a meal hop around have a few drinks hit the go karts or mirror maze. Cant remember actually ever buying any retail products there except black friday deal on a stevens 320 defender $169.99.

Eyy fellow upstatefag here. You talking about the Carousel Mall in Syracuse? Well they renamed it Destiny USA. It's actually doing pretty well after all the renovations.

Probably because it's either freezing and dark, or there are apocalyptic clouds of mosquitoes.

Hawaii's malls are doing fine though.

I'd pay good money to have a quality selection of goods within 50 miles of my house, but it's just dreaming.

In the 80's, a lot of (((realtors))) pushed building malls inside city beltways for quick and easy access. Unfortunately, they were usually the first areas to go to shit with brown people, then the violence came.

This continued with setting up bus routes from the shittiest parts of Niggertown out into "nice" malls to diversify them, and people stopped going.

Also, they really oversold malls, like having some within miles of each other. A lot of malls are still doing well, while the crappier ones miles away aren't.

less niggers

Sure online shopping and no more time waste to drive to the shopping mall are two, but the biggest reason is MULTICULTURALISM.

In a time where all shoppers were white and you don't have to fear to get attacked, robbed, or raped while shopping, malls could exist without problem. Hell, I would love to visit a mall again, but now only non whites and a few old people are there.

"Diversity" and illegal immigration is destroying every mall. I don't go to a mall where black and Arab gangs are. If it is dark you have to fear going home because of the criminal immigrant gangs.

Also if you hear people talk in the mall it is today most likely some non native language.

The public space was destroyed because of "diversity" aka white genocide. I would never visit any public space because as a white people you will get oppressed. If I do something with friends and family members it is only on private property where no gangs are.

Because malls were a suburban phenomena and once the suburbs they were built in got flooded with groids it was only a matter of time until the malls were filled with groids.

Once the malls are filled with groids everything deteriorates. Theft, violence, even murder. Combine that with the whole
>see nigger
>day ruined
phenomena and it isn't hard to see why malls are dying.

It is a microcasm for America.

Same here man. I live in Auburn and you should see our Fingerlakes Mall. Complete barren shithole.

why did the Mall die?
why did it exist in the first place? your modern mall is a basic recreation of the typical city/urban streets lined with shops. It's about having a place for people to go to see things and do things (while businesses make some money). Since America is very spread out and middle class people moved out of cities and into suburbs.... the Mall served as a throwback to the city life.
Malls today fail because they don't provide that feeling. I remember as a kid the mall by my house always had events for people to go see and be a part of. People go to the mall not just to shop but to interact with other humans, modern malls no longer give people any context to meet new people and be part of the community. Since malls have been reduced to just prisons of consumption..... of course they would die out when a better alternative shopping method came along (online shopping).

>But what if I want to wear clothes they don't sell at walmart?
absolutely haram

explain where else, aside from online or target, i can buy a keurig or replacement parts?

So Dan Bell can make videos

Blame Amazon. They'll be the first multi trillion dollar company by the way they're killing brick and mortar shops and malls

Also you're Implying this is a bad thing? Malls are a symbol of degenerate consumerist culture and they take massive space.

And in the meantime, the actual city streets and squares and everything they were supposed to provide, disappeared, and you're left with nothing.

Burgers got too fat for the clothes that are sold in malls. They have to shop online or at Walmart. Arcades are useless now, too. So teenagers have no reason to hang out there unless they just want freedom away from their parents for a couple of hours.

>hang out in mall
how fucking boring do you have to be