The left have won. You can't say nothing on social media, they silence you. You can't take to the streets without having bottles thrown at you by Antifa scum. Can't point our facts about Islam without being reported and silenced. Nobody is listening and I think my coubtry is just fucked. I give up trying to change anything anymore. I think I'm just gonna sit back and accept our fate. I've given up trying to educate people on the globalist plague that's ruining our country. Just gonna sit tight and ride it out now I give up. Done.
I've completely given up, fuck it
- - = +
That's a regional thing. Sorry lol. Can't say ANYTHING, I stand corrected . Sorry I'm a commoner can't help it.
Git gud scrub, why are you such a pussy, if you think everything will burn then you've got nothing to lose, conquer your fear and be smart.
migrate to the decentralized darknet and demand race war all day every day
Nice try, Shariablue.
That's exactly it lol since being redpilled my family have drifted away from me, I've lost friends, what even is the point ostracising myself if nobody is listening. I'm just making myself hated and isolated so what even is the point.
cuck, 14 words, it's not about you
No. Just really fed up with the state of shit. I'm not bluepilling I'm giving up entirely on this shit. Fuck the UK. KEKED.
Sounds tempting desu
Just gonna sit tight and await the race war. At least I'll be the one prepared.
So you are losing friends and family because you keep bringing up your views teying ti redpill everyone? If you can't accept the fact that ppl have different opinions, then the left never will. Also keep in mind that the red pill is a choice and can't be forced upon anyone.
Such low energy, low morale, who would listen or follow you anyway.
To reverse brainwashing you need to be able to dominate every discusion with facts and not go 100% and never call them sheep or stupid, make them realise for themselves.
Git gud.
Nah not that. I criticised Islam once. Shit ton of friends cut me off. And that's a minor redpill like wtf. I adopted a right wing perspective and people just distanced themselves. I mean I don't even go that deep and people just walk away. I've not even mentioned half of what I know. I've had 2 fb accounts closed down just for pointing out facts. Lost pictures of my kids on that profile for goddamn facts. Apparently I've become a nasty person because I don't conform to the lefty bullshit anymore. Whats the point knowing what we know when nobody listens and it changes fuck all. Wish I'd have just stayed in the matrix and never taken the red pill.
Using faceberg...
Well I'm feeling low energy so a low energy thread was bound to happen. Just feel like nothing is ever going to change. We thought trump was change but now "he's a nationalist and globalist HURRR durrrr". France couldn't uncuck themselves. Brexit isn't going to happen the way we want it to and we are all still ruled by joos and it's forever gonna be that way. Nationalism is dead and it's not coming back.
Not anymore fuck that shit.
It's ironic that they call us nazis while they are behaving like actual nazis.
im reporting you op. have fun in the slammer. maybe youll find allah in there :)
Yep. I hear ya brother. Just disheartened at the moment. Just more of the same it's constant. I'm just starting to think nothing is ever gonna change. Apologies for the low energy thread but at least here people can speak their minds i guess. Is there a word for what this is I'm feeling? Well besides shitty and a bit of a pussy.
Go fuck a goat. Reportahoe.
and all of you have been reported too
no. you will be the one being fucked in jail :)
The same is true for Austria. If you don't have the same opinion as the majority (the lefties) has, you're automatically a nazi. It's like a dictatorship led by lefties. I think the same is true for nearly every European country. Can't wait to move past the Atlantic.
They're mostly me you retard
Best advice I can give you is to reveal your power levels when it's extremely necessary. Don't just drop redpills left right and and centre. Normies are sheep. Treat them like children. Also don't bother with Facebook.
Some faggot after the Manchester attack sent me this because I posted an Anti Islamic video. Facebook is not the place. It's an echo chamber. If someone asks you for your poltical position give it. What the fuck can they do?
I hear ya
well you say that but london will be white again if the brexit ever concludes
Tried to do the same and I think I might have influenced a few, lost a lot of friends too but I was up on for exile anyways. Now my life is quite wrecked so ye..
Guess we need four 9/11s in a row.
Thanks dude. Yeah avoiding jewbook for a while. It literally took one sentence "Islam is not the religion of peace" and bam, public enemy number one lol. Ah fuck em. Solid advice bro thanks.
Don't live in a western country?
Things will only get worse (at least in the West), because they are now brainwashing KIDS, which are the most vulnerable targets, to accept the gay, feminist and islamist agenda. Take the next Call of Duty for example. They included black women (even in the german army), which is absurd because women didnt even fight in WW2. And black women in the nazi army? What the fuck? Not to mention that they censored the swastika and added the old german cross instead. Now kids will probably believe that black women fought in WW2 against some religious freaks since they used the cross instead of swastika.
Almost all games that were announced this year at E3 are filled with SJW bullshit.
Yep. Seem to be losing more friends and family than I am convincing anyone. This isn't my usual me I try give evidence and argue my point civilly and precisely. This thread is me offloading this isn't how I debate. I'm just giving up here and need a hand up I think.
Yeah been reading a lot about that. Just this constant bullshit shoved down people's throats. They sense nationalism trying to rise again so I thibk they're trying extra hard this year so the propaganda machine is in full swing.
If I had a choice
Lol @ black female Nazis
Now Winston, grab your victory gin and watch the world burn.
Come off it OP
Most of us have friends and family in the UK and it's nothing like the way you're trying to portray it
I have family in Italy too and they are livid about the way things have gone with the plague of invaders taking and ruining everything of value
Stop trying to demoralize and paint the picture black
You're a fake
And of course ((they)) won. And it had always been like that. Not even Hitler could stop them. I think people should just accept the sad fact that we are too small to do something against them.
No the propaganda got my family good. They think I'm literally Hitler. It literally is that bad here. They truly drank the kool aid. I really don't give a fuck if you think I'm genuine or not. Not one tiny fuck. None.
Yeah that's what I'm trying to say. He was right and one day they'll realise it just before they meet their grisly end.
That's the plan. Just gonna watch it burn.
If this isn't an attempt to demoralise, then you're thinking about this the wrong way: instead of giving up, perhaps consider different ways of educating people. But also consider that many are too far gone, concentrate on improving and looking after yourself - be prepared for an uncertain future
get out of britain then you silly bong
the writings been on the wall there for a long long time
That's exactly it I've got kids and they've got family. I can't move and can't afford to either. I've literally nowhere else I can go.
You're right there. Just gonna prepare myself and keep me and mine safe. Just got the point of thinking fuck everyone else. I'm just gonna be prepared for what comes.
Just try to stay away from cities as much as you can and sit back and enjoy the show.
Yeah I will thanks bro.
We surrender when there's nothing left to defend
>I have told you these things, so that in me you may find peace. You will face hardships in this world, but rejoice! For I have overcome the world
Our Lord told the truth and people hated him for it too.
I know how you feel fellow britbong, I live in London and it's hard watching your city slowly fall to Islamists and political correctness, but know this - you are not alone, you may have lost friends and family but there are millions of people like you who are downright sick of this.
If your friends are unwilling to still be your friends because of your political leanings they are not your friends, if your family isn't willing to talk to you about it then they push you more into the arms of the right.
The way I look at it, how many struggles and wars were easy? None of them. Stop expecting this to be a cakewalk, you have to fight for your ideas, fight for your right to have them! But that doesn't mean posting them on kikebook to appear edgy for your peers, normies simply aren't open minded enough to be red pilled by facts and logic.
Focus on bettering yourself now that you've been woken up, hit the gym, go for a run and study hard.
Make no mistake a war is coming and hell, we might lose it, but if you give up you're no better than a leftist.
Don't lose hope, it's all we're holding onto, you can see it after every terror attack our numbers rise. Not just the numbers on the streets but in the homes as well.
Be brave, wars weren't won by surrendering cowards, you are the descendant of crusaders, descendant of the greatest empire that ever existed, a descendent of the nation that won two world wars. Imagine if they had given up, where we would be. Now stop feeling sorry for yourself and be prepared to stand for your ideas.
Fair point
Conservatism is fucking cancer. That's why it is shunned by the masses.
Holy fuck user that was the slap in the face I needed. I had a moment of weakness. My ancestors would want me to fight. My kids need me to fight. So I'll do just that. And no more kikebook its clear we cant escape their thought policing anymore no matter how obscure you make your comments. And youre rigjt about oushing me more to the right m. I've found the note unpopular I've got the note right wing I've found myself. You're right you're 100% right. Dusting myself off now. God I feel such a faggot rn. Won't be that weak again. It's what they want.
>associate with leftists
>join leftist social media
>voice non-leftist opinion
>gets hated on by leftists
Gee, what a surprise. Just don't associate with cancer. Can't do much about family, though.
Even here in Cuck Central some social recluse like I can find redpilled anti-left, anti-SJW people easily, and you guys voted 52% for Brexit, so don't tell me there are none around you. You just gotta find them.
If you lost people over this, then they really were not your people.
It's just more everyone I know is a goddamn leftist. I don't go looking for them, they just are. But meh fuck em anyway, just Hope they don't come running to me when shit gets real.
Fair point. You're right.
Thanks Sup Forums
Dear anglo half-brother I pity you, I really do. F
>he doesn't format his redpilled in a joking manner while acting goofy
I've already started making fun of the Jews. It's really easy desu, you probably try to rant which people find annoying. The best way to redpill someone is through jokes.
We will fight this
I'll be honest I was pretty close to giving up the fight when I posted this but you can always rely on Sup Forums to tell you to stop being a pussy and give your head a wobble
Are you drunk?
The solution is to ride the tiger
No lol but drunk sounds like a good idea.
just focus on being successful.
posting on twitter or facebook won´t change the world but if you actually try to become an important person you will find yourself in positions of power from which you can change things
I agree OP
I can't stand another second of the BBC and seeing brown faces every where I look whilst constantly being told 24/7 how wonderful the "diversity" and "community" is
(((They))) really are ramping up their efforts now. Everywhere you turn, multiculturalism and race mixing is promoted incessantly. Out country is literally under attack and we can't say or do a thing. Cunts like Corbyn get to exploit dozens of ethnics dying in a fire whilst the Tories are blamed personally for it. Millenials are our future and all they care about is DIVERSITY, gibs and black cock.
I fucking love my country but hate what it has become. There really is no way back now. The battle is lost, we will be bred out of existence and the Islamic flag will fly over Downing St a few decades from now.
Quit being a faggot, the left only exists to lose.
They've won?
You didn't lash out?
Then gtfo.
No problem, keep your head up, the left controls the narrative but they do not control you.
the war of ideas have been raging since the time of man it's a continous war m8 keep fighting for what you believe in.
Solid advice bro thanks
Literally how it's feeling.
Dad :(
Of course they're ramping into overdrive, because, get this, they are losing
You're right. It's easy to lose faith but I think you guys have succeeded in talking me down
>social media
>Can't point our facts about Islam
Please, just, go back from wherever you came....
And I'm absolutely enraged by this kind of shit. This is how bad its getting now. Everywhere you turn, niggers and mulattos are glorified. The vast majority of models on fashion sites like ASOS are black. Its not a coincidence. They want white women chasing these cunts.
Interracial relationships on every single TV show and soap and tons of adverts. Nigger actors and personalities glorified, people like Idris Elba etc. The UK charts are full of nigger music and Grime "Artists" are held up as the modern day equivalents to Lennon/McCartney
We are being systematically targeted. White men are being ridiculed and vilified at every turn. I just hope that within my lifetime, a great white British dictator can rise to power and then we really will get our fucking own back
Move to your ideal country.
The left are controlled. They don't and can't win. Even when there supposed "victory" comes. And we end living in an Islamic state the left will be the first to be oppressed. At least you know hell awaits them all.
you could just send that guy multiple videos of Muslims killing non-muslims, gays, etc. and point out that they aren't isis members.
>can't say nothing
Hmm really makes ya think...
come on shaniqua, we've got to fight to defend the purity of the Aryan race.
I'll be your friend, user.
londoner here, I feel exactly the same. Don't worry though, they will be the first to die
That's what Sup Forums is for you defeatist swine
>giving up
What would Uncle Ozzy think of you?
I hear ya. It's everywhere.
Not giving up anymore. Moment of weaknesss. It happens.
I realise this now. Peoppe here at least have a brain for the most part.
Thanks user
>do nothing = death
>make people aware = (apparently) helping ISIS, which is death
You are not alone.
As other have said, don't drop too many truth bombs, in my experience it is better to ask people questions that unsettle their positions, don't dictate to them, gently lead them toward the light, let them see it for themselves.
Good luck
Exactly damned if you do damned if you don't
In reality the only answer is a mix of awareness and force. Islam is built against ever going through any sort of "Enlightenment".
people are too comfy.
the system is designed to keep people dependent on the state or fractured and powerless. apathy is the third thing they rely on. Most people cba to do anything because that would require changing their day to day routine.
find like-minded people and prepare for the worst.
it will come eventually. This system isnt sustainable. Prepare to fight since the powers that be are trying their best to flood the country and replace the resistive populace with docile cheap labour, social welfare voters.
Grass-roots resistance is the only way to enlighten and organise. Don't rely on any but the common man. If we are to replace our government parasites with actual statesmen with the interest of our country at heart it requires mass-'redpilling' which is the autistic term for mobilising the anglo-saxon/gaelic portion of this country and enacting change (possible violence) towards an actual future for our families and communities.
Anything else I could say would probably be classified as hate speech and obviously I'd rather not post that on a website thats watched by the state police.
>giving a fuck
That was your first mistake.
Just live life however you want to, don't waste your time with bullshit drama. Don't take crap from anyone, be smart and have fun. Let it go, you shouldn't worry about every little thing or try to control every little thing. Focus on yourself in the present. Long-term plans are a waste of time. Spontaneity is the spice of life.
>just give up goyim there's nothing you can do
I don't care about leftists at all