Any reason why Spain and Greece can tackle the migrant crisis

and Italy utterly fails in this task?

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We pay Morroco to beat em for us

Italy isn't failing it's job.
The job is saving migrants.
Italy is out competing the other nations by far.
Debating whether or not these migrants have a net benefit is a different question.

has to do with the German NGOs smuggling shitskins from the north african coast to sicily

Because Spain and Greece have History of fighting invaders, while Italy has a history of being a invader

Enough is enough we need a final solution to the germanic problem, they can't get away with it.

English Channel is a Way better Trade Node than Genua

Because the EU (germany and france, nobody else would give a shit) make us pay hefty fines if we don't move as many niggers as possible.

spaing and greece just close their eyes and say wa la no migrants

>Italy isn't failing it's job.
>The job is saving migrants.
Look at the numbers mate. Even if "saving migrants" were the name of the game, Italy would be utterly failing as Spain stands at only 54 deaths and Greece only 37 death vs. 1,717 deaths for Italy.

this, we give them commercial privileges in exchange for beating migrants and watch the frontier

>has to do with the German NGOs smuggling shitskins from the north african coast to sicily
How come the German NGOs cannot do this in Greece or Spain? Why is Italy letting them do it, but Greece and Spain do not?

president donald trump pls

>Because the EU (germany and france, nobody else would give a shit) make us pay hefty fines if we don't move as many niggers as possible.

Why do they not require Spain or Greece to pay those fines then?

>spaing and greece just close their eyes and say wa la no migrants
It is Germans who do the counting, not the local guys. So I am pretty sure the numbers are accurate.

The UK, France and the US desperately wanted Ghadaffi to go away

>this, we give them commercial privileges in exchange for beating migrants and watch the frontier
Why is Italy unable to do this?

honestly i have no idea if spain or greece are facing fines or aren't helping nigger boats, i think you don't aswell

i'll leave to your italy bashing thread boys

German humour strikes again.

>The UK, France and the US desperately wanted Ghadaffi to go away
Wasn't this like 6 years ago or so? And isn't there a new Gaddafi in Libya by the name of General Haftar? Can't Italy work with him?

it has to do with the geography of the area

the NGOs pretend that they pick them up in the sicilian strait, and by EU regulations they are allowed to then drop them off at sicily (closest harbor) and they can't refuse.

in reality, the NGOs sail south of malta, but they don't say that

spain and greece don't have land that comes that close.

easier said than done, there's civil war going on

It his doing what the government want, take them all and incourage more to come.
Partito Democratico (Italian democratic Party) want take in tons of migrants to have new voters for them and dissolve National identity.

>honestly i have no idea if spain or greece are facing fines or aren't helping nigger boats, i think you don't aswell
That is why I am asking. Somehow Spain and Greece manage to control the migrant flows, but apparently Italy not. Is it because those countries do not allow migrants to just move on to Germany like Italy?

You know, if you are a migrant and there is no future once you are on a Greek island or in a Spanish detention center, I guess you stop coming, no?

THEYre coming from Libya

shut your mouth you dago bastard

sorry for the bad english, im drunk

>easier said than done, there's civil war going on
Where is this civil war ongoing? Looks pretty peaceful to me in Haftar's territory.

But italy has the best death/arrival ratio???

Again, It is not failing.
It is what govern wants.

>spain and greece don't have land that comes that close.
I am pretty sure Greece is close to Turkey and Spain is close to North Africa.

Yeah the Italians tried to broker deals with the Libyan leadership that is backed by the (((west))). The problem is that there are rival governments and of course ISIS. That country is in chaos so it's near impossible to stop migrants

Was just playing EU4.

i assumed you were the guy who goes by the name pres don trump in the polder discord

he plays EU4 constantly

Shhhh dont say that. Leftards will know and protest against that.

>THEYre coming from Libya

those areas are too close, the NGOs would have to send the migrants back in those regions

EU is a scam

Greece doesn't have fines imposed on them because of the Turkish deal.

We are not legally obliged to do anything other than house the (already) rescued migrants, and then repatriate them until european asylum service, Germany gives them asylum.

I don't know the particulars of Italy's refugee population, but I suspect some Islamic mafia's in conjunction with shady NGO's are behind the Libyan coast rescues.

as it's pretty peaceful in siria's government territories, doesnt mean you arent at war
anyway you are struggling too much for (you)s

Ha, didn't know that, sorry maatje, veel liefde.

>That country is in chaos so it's near impossible to stop migrants
80% of Libya are controlled by Haftar. There are no problems there, no ISIS, no nothing and no smugglers.

All smugglers operate from the UN backed government side.

thanks bros

Because spain pays morocco to stop them and has to patrol like 10 meters of border, we and the eu pay turkey to stop them from going to greece but we can't pay libya since there's no government

>as it's pretty peaceful in siria's government territories, doesnt mean you arent at war
>anyway you are struggling too much for (you)s

Look at the map. There are 3 things that have been reported in the last 14 days.

A. Egypt bombed some camp in the desert on its border, not sure why. Egyptians are Islamists, by the way.

B. Haftar is still battling some last pockets of ISIS fighters in Benghazi

C. About 12 days ago, Haftar and his men conquered various parts UN gov held areas 200 miles South of Sirte in the desert.

That is pretty much it. Very, very different situation even to Ukraine or Afghanistan or Pakistan. In Syria you got more happenings in 2 hours than there are happenings in 2 weeks in Libya.

Yes and guess with whom italy had a deal? With the al-Sarraj government

Right now the same party that is taking shitskin is trying to vote for changing the law on citizenship in order to give 800,000 people the right to be a citizen and to vote for them.

>but we can't pay libya since there's no government
There are 2 governments, one Haftar and one EU-UN-US backed one in Tripolis.

There are no smuggler boats launching from Haftar territory ever, they all launch from the blue area around Tripolis. If Haftar were given the go ahead to annex the rest of Libya and given some support by the EU and Italy, the problem of smugglers could be gone within months.

so? it's still at war, if there's a risk of getting bombed you dont really check the statistics to see how low is your risk, you get out of there if there's a possibility

>Yes and guess with whom italy had a deal? With the al-Sarraj government
Which is the wrong unelected government. The Haftar government is the winning unelected government.


Italian man told us his fellow Italians took drums of water to their fellow Italians in north Africa
they'd sold the actual fuel elsewhere

I spit

Why dont the respective countries capture or sink the German NGOs?

>so? it's still at war, if there's a risk of getting bombed you dont really check the statistics to see how low is your risk, you get out of there if there's a possibility

If that were the case, then England were a warzone too as the number of bombings and terror attacks are only slightly lower in a 3 month period than in Libya.

only 1,808 death ? we need to pump up those numbers!

The EU forced them to stop jailing "refugees", which is why they're being flooded right now

>Spain and Greece have History of fighting invaders, while Italy has a history of being a invader

>Why dont the respective countries capture or sink the German NGOs?
Probably because it is not just German NGOs. There are also Spanish, Italian, British and US NGOs at work there. And if Italians even hurt just one US SJW, Trump would probably threaten Italy with pulling out all US troops from Italy, resulting in economic chaos in Italy.

I am not kidding here, Americans are much too protective of their SJW population. Remember Warmbier, remember him.

and i wouldnt be surprised to see people move from bigger cities to smaller one, but dont have any real data about that. i would gladly move from a bigger city if the risk is london-tier

Lybia doesn't have a State anymore. There's a civil war going on since 2011

>The EU forced them to stop jailing "refugees", which is why they're being flooded right now
Why does the EU not force Greece to stop jailing illegals on the Greek islands then? Same for Spain? Why can't Italy just put the illegals on some island like Greece does? This would mean illegals had no future in Europe and would stop coming.

Genoa is superior if you jew the indian trade through Aden

>Lybia doesn't have a State anymore. There's a civil war going on since 2011
Shouldn't there be continuous fighting in a civil war? There is no such fighting in Libya.

If there were a civil war in Libya, why are Libyans not even among the top 20 nationals trying to get to the EU via smuggler boats from Libya?

It's a failure even when a single subhuman sneaks in.
Jews are not German

italy has the mafia, and NGOs working together

there are probably logistic reasons to this, which make travel to italy safer (relatively) than the other options
and libia isnt the only place at war in africa

>Why is Italy unable to do this?

but they did, they were very close with gadfi, than cam the us kikes and fucked up the majority of the north Africa

Watch the ross kemp on lybia they're from niger/nigeria.

>why are Libyans not even among the top 20 nationals trying to get to the EU via smuggler boats from Libya?
Because other nationalities (mostly Pakis and Bengalese, but also many subsaharian africans) are taking advantage of the lack of state authority over most of the Lybian soil (most importantly the coasts) to get to EU.
They couldn't do that in non-failed states like Morocco or Turkey

Just let them die who gives a fcuk

I do not follow you. Why again are Nigerians 100 times more likely to try to get to the EU via Libya than Libyans? Even though there are 100 times more Libyans in Libya than Nigerians?

Maybe it is just me, but if there is a civil war ongoing in Libya, I expect Libyans to try to get to a safe place elsewhere, not attract hundreds of thousands of people from Africa where there are no civil wars.

>They couldn't do that in non-failed states like Morocco or Turkey
Ahmmm, where do you think did the 1 million illegals enter Greece from in 2015?

as the other guy said, a civil war country is less controlled so you can move in it kinda easier
you should ask migrants themselves why they come from italy, not to pol

That's because the Turkish government willingly let them. In Lybia there's nothing to stop the flow.

Italy: 2,77% deaths/arrival ratio

Spain 1,63%

Greece 0,42%

Italy is obviously doing a better job

>That's because the Turkish government willingly let them. In Lybia there's nothing to stop the flow.

The Turkish government hasn't stopped the smugglers. The reason why illegals do not cross to Greek islands in massive numbers any more is because Greece has stopped letting them move on to Germany. This makes the proposition to pay money to get to a Greek island a failed one. Why should a Syrian or Iraqi or Afghani pay 2000 bucks to get to a Greek island if that only means they can apply for asylum in Greece? Nobody wants to go to Greece.

Same in Italy, if there were no chance for Africans to actually move freely Rome or Northern Italy or Germany etc., the illegals would not pay money to get to the EU. They would remain where they are.

Or in other words, Italy would have to get all illegals onto an island and process their asylum claims there (90% and more are rejected anyway). This way, people would be disincentivized to come to Italy.

>Italy is obviously doing a better job
I do not think so. The ratio of deaths to arrivals is obviously lower where the travel time and travel distance is shorter.

It is much more likely you drown on a 50 mile journey than during a 5 mile journey.

About half of the niggers getting here ask to stay... of course they all get denied since they come from countries that aren't war but still...


>About half of the niggers getting here ask to stay... of course they all get denied since they come from countries that aren't war but still...
So if they all stay on some Italian island, then what? Then they are all fucked until deported or "voluntary returned home". They then call their friends or whatsapp them that spending 2500 Euros isn't worth the trip.

Problem solved within 3 months.

how do we cause more deaths?

No, the problem of illegal migration is solved when Europe as a whole pushes yearly illegal arrivals to below say 25,000. That is a small number and can be handled. But 2.5 million, 250,000 etc. are too much.

>So if they all stay on some Italian island, then what?
The get about 2 years of paid hotels, meals and shit while we try to figure out if they are real refugees or just leeches, it's still pretty worth it


simplicistic solution, unless you have balcan shithole tier reputation they will still come
this is also a reality

>The get about 2 years of paid hotels, meals and shit while we try to figure out if they are real refugees or just leeches, it's still pretty worth it

I do not think this is correct. Because in Greece staying in some camp and not being able to move on to Germany was enough to reduce the migrant influx by 99%.

Also, while the Dublin III system is broken, at least once Italy actually has received an asylum request and has processed it, the German authorities do not have to prove shit under Dublin... they can just deport the person back to Italy without the consent of Italy... which is an even bigger disincentive for negroes to come via Libya.

>simplicistic solution, unless you have balcan shithole tier reputation they will still come

Be real, mate. The negroes are dumb but they understand money. They will not spend money if they do not see a return within the next 12-18months and if they have a sizeable risk of being deported back to Nigeria or Gabun or Morocco or Bangladesh directly from the island... so before they can make any money from drug trafficking or other crime.

They obviously don't like living in concetration camps,segregated and forced to whore themselves out in order to make some euros.
Italians let them roam free and unattended and giving them allowance.

>>but we can't pay libya since there's no government
>There are 2 governments, one Haftar and one EU-UN-US backed one in Tripolis.
>There are no smuggler boats launching from Haftar territory ever, they all launch from the blue area around Tripolis. If Haftar were given the go ahead to annex the rest of Libya and given some support by the EU and Italy, the problem of smugglers could be gone within months.

OR! We could stop taxiing them from their shores.

But again, our government WANTS more migrants!

The Mafia takes a cut of the money, therefore the programme continues. That NGOs are actively assisting the mafia is bizarre.

It's just business.

Do you know why is called Guerrilla Warfare and no Spaghetti Warfare, do you?

i can't wait for this government to fall.
Italy has been ruind seens the begginning of the 90s.
time to put an halt to this shit.

Pay them to beat them harder. This has to stop.

All western movies were filmed in spain but italians take credit for them.

Great news.

Italians aren't white.