So ... Why is (((Libertarianism))) redpilled again?
So ... Why is (((Libertarianism))) redpilled again?
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Jews build systems. That's what they do. Centuries of Thora study will do that.
>implying jews don't practice national socialism.
Friedman was not a libertarian.
>can't attack their arguments
>attack their persona
low iq collectivist pls fuck off
Because its looking after your own interests first. We all do this any way, right? I dont go to work so I can pay loads of taxes for all those foreigners to take because im concerned for their wellbeing. I pay taxes because I am forced to, and so do you. If you had the option to pay or not pay, I bet you'd not pay. I'd be happy to pay taxes for services I use and I can rely on, but forcing me to pay taxes for armies of bureaucrats to push paper and get paid with their own tax revenue even tho the state is insolvent is the FUCKING WORST. All public sector employees are basically welfare recipients (they are on the same payroll, right) only they have to show up for 40hrs a week and do whats required of them. If you are unemployed you do the same only whats required of you is to prove that you are looking for a job and go to the jobcentre every so often. Its the same fucking thing.
Jews look after themselves first too. That doesn't mean its a bad thing - it makes sense. They just told you what they are doing and now you can do it too, its getting shit on because the cats out of the bag and they need to put it in a bad light
It's not. We just have a lot of 15 year old autists inhabiting this board who are just starting to dip their toes into political theory for the first time so they go with libertarianism because they feel it's the system that best allows them to rebel against society like the edgy teenagers they are. I was a libertarian in my teenage days, lots of us were. They'll grow out of it eventually. Unfortunately, more teenage autists will replace the ones that eventually grow up.
Also, dropping some redpills on capitalism.
Back to your containment board commiecuck
Because every system puts you under the jew except for libertarianism. it's the only system that lets you become the jew.
We have natinalism here in Israel. But our country isn't that much socialist.
What we have today is not capitalism. You cant print capital at will. You cant create new capital by charging interest on capital you loaned to someone. If we living in a capitalistic society, banks wouldn't get bailed out.
Did banks get bailed out - yes. So what system provides such facilities as unlimited debt expansion? Communism, you dumb fuck.
Turn the TV off and just think for yourself.
Capital is Gold / Silver and you can't grow more of it unless you are a literal medieval alchemist.
>doesn't refute anything.
>just spergs out like an autist.
Posters like you are lowering the overall IQ of this board. Congratulations faggot.
You fucking collectivist nigger
>usury is bad
You have literally no idea how investment works or what the cost of risk is
If you think you can have loans without interest, then go ahead and offer loans without interest, see how far that gets you.
And yes, re realize that the (((current system))) is failing and allows sneaky fucks to make billions without producing anything. This is because the current system is a MIXED ECONOMY, you incurable fuckwit. Governments control more than half the economy in many western nations. And you think this is capitalism? Please just go gas yourself.
Kikes/Chinks control most of the world's gold anyways.
Stop peddling this shit you delusional faggot.
EVERY NATION IS SOCIALIST TODAY, BUDDY!! We all get our debt facility from the IMF and the world bank. The entire monetary system around the world is socialist. The goal of the global elite is to create a system of global communism, and we are there now.
Im not advocating a gold standard. Im saying individuals need to own gold to protect their wealth from inflation.
If banks need and can get bailed out - thats the monetary system collapsed. The reason it hasn't become part of the zeitgeist is only because CNN hasn't told the zombies to care yet.
>failed to improve human well-being at scale
Except for the part where any country that enforces rights of private ownership and freedom of association does exceptionally well
>species are going extinct at a rate 1000 times faster than that of the natural rate
Doesn't have to do much with the mode of production seen that this happens in any country where there is a major human population
>6 million hectares of primary forest have been lost each year
How is increasing the amount of ground you can cultivate making humanity starve exactly?
>in the US 15% of the population lives below the poverty line
Which poverty line exactly? I assume they talk about relative poverty, a line that keeps increasing as the average wealth and income go up.
Absolute poverty does not exist in the US.
>the worlds population is expected to reach 10 billion by 2050
proof that we do very well under capitalism, otherwise it would be impossible for people to have up to 7 children and have them all survive.
This was unthinkable just 100 years ago.
>Jews subvert systems
>its getting shit on because the cats out of the bag
No kidding. If everyone looks after themselves only, then who maintains the civilization that fosters all the the good things we take for granted?
>What we have today is not capitalism. You cant print capital at will. You cant create new capital by charging interest on capital you loaned to someone. If we living in a capitalistic society, banks wouldn't get bailed out.
It is capitalism. It's just not your ideal form of capitalism. You're basically making the same argument that commies make when they say the USSR wasn't real socialism.
>Did banks get bailed out - yes. So what system provides such facilities as unlimited debt expansion? Communism, you dumb fuck.
Read some political theory nigger. I don't even agree with communism but it's retarded to say we live in communism. Communism is a moneyless, stateless, resource based economy.
>Capital is Gold / Silver and you can't grow more of it unless you are a literal medieval alchemist.
Something needs to be done about the money system, the definitely need to end the fed but I'm not sure if going back to the gold standard would do any good. Immediately switching to the gold standard would pretty much guarantee a global economic collapse.
>You have literally no idea how investment works or what the cost of risk is
Fuck off, (((snake))) I'm aware of potential losses in any endeavor.
>If you think you can have loans without interest, then go ahead and offer loans without interest, see how far that gets you.
Okay, so I guess it's okay for the federal reserve to loan us our own money at an interest rate. Seeing as you're not opposed to usury. You faggots only like capitalism when it suits you.
And yes, re realize that the (((current system))) is failing and allows sneaky fucks to make billions without producing anything.
>This is because the current system is a MIXED ECONOMY
"pure capitalism" has never existed and never will exist. You should actually read this post about why an ancap society will never work instead of just giving meme responses:
>then who maintains the civilization that fosters all the the good things we take for granted?
That's the thing, we maintain civilization because it benefits us personally.
We created civilization because it meant an increase in genetic fitness to associate and "team up" with others.
In the end you could argue that we have it because we look after our own interests first.
>Governments control more than half the economy in many western nations. And you think this is capitalism? Please just go gas yourself.
Capitalism represents a mode of production you dumb nigger. Not "anything a government does".
>Except for the part where any country that enforces rights of private ownership and freedom of association does exceptionally well
Define "well" because GDP does not represent the overall health of a nation.
>Doesn't have to do much with the mode of production seen that this happens in any country where there is a major human population
Yeah that's a fair point, human population can definitely be a factor. However, it doesn't help when corporations take advantage of a lack of regulations in order to exploit the land in which animals inhabit.
>How is increasing the amount of ground you can cultivate making humanity starve exactly?
We're starving ourselves of resources due to over consumption.
>Which poverty line exactly? I assume they talk about relative poverty, a line that keeps increasing as the average wealth and income go up.
>Absolute poverty does not exist in the US.
If you're living on the streets you're living in poverty. Just because you're relatively less poor than some nigger in Africa that doesn't change the fact that you're still poor.
>proof that we do very well under capitalism, otherwise it would be impossible for people to have up to 7 children and have them all survive.
People die all the time. This kind of population growth isn't sustainable no matter how you look at it.
It's not capitalism, you fucker. They're openly practising fraud.
Also, Op, read a fucking book. Communism is fucking evil.
Ayn Rand was born into a jewish family but she was by no means a jew. In fact, the jews of the time hated her. The jews are all about control and subversion, and she was about the individual standing up against that shit and overcoming it.
Yes, she said some positive things about Israel. But that had more to do with her hatred of muzzies than her love of jews. She fucking hated muslims. She honestly believed it was well within our right to end their existence and take the oil because she thought they were subhuman garbage that forfeited their right to live by putting the Koran over reason. That's some pretty fucking based thinking.
>he thinks fraud can't exist under capitalism
top kek m8.
>Yes, she said some positive things about Israel. But that had more to do with her hatred of muzzies than her love of jews. She fucking hated muslims. She honestly believed it was well within our right to end their existence and take the oil because she thought they were subhuman garbage that forfeited their right to live by putting the Koran over reason. That's some pretty fucking based thinking.
All wrong. She never commented on muslims, because she thought that it was pparent that they were evil. She did not prefer israel, but when asked whether she prefers Israel or Palestine, she said Israel.
That's it.
Also, she's not a libertarian.
It can, but it needs to be punished. What's been happening for the last half decade (and more) is not capitalims, it's corporatism. And yes, the last vestiges of capitalism left in the system are responsible for progress but the economy and the world is not capitalist, but i slowly moving towards communism.
You can't just print capital. Thats what we are doing today. Quantitative easing is basically " printing currency". Thats what we are doing - its a fact. This is NOT "capital". Its a fact.
I know communism is supposed to be stateless - but thats impossible isn't it since you need a state to administrate. it will never be realised.
Today we have a GLOBAL monetary system that is interconnected and interdependent. There is a global "state" if you will, that administrates this global money system. It is moneyless since all of its currency can just be printed at will as previously described.
This is socialism/communism as close as you can realistically get. We are there, buddy. Congratulations. Your ideal system has won and is doing an awesome job.
Because all your arguments are
>Hurr durr here's a jewww
>You can't just print capital. Thats what we are doing today. Quantitative easing is basically " printing currency". Thats what we are doing - its a fact. This is NOT "capital". Its a fact.
>I know communism is supposed to be stateless - but thats impossible isn't it since you need a state to administrate. it will never be realised.
>Today we have a GLOBAL monetary system that is interconnected and interdependent. There is a global "state" if you will, that administrates this global money system. It is moneyless since all of its currency can just be printed at will as previously described.
>This is socialism/communism as close as you can realistically get. We are there, buddy. Congratulations. Your ideal system has won and is doing an awesome job.
Fiat money.
There. that's all you had to say.
Hey if you're still around I have a question about Israel. Obviously there is much divide between Arabs and Israelis, but how much between different races of Israelis? Averages:
Yids: 110-115 IQ
Mizrahi: 85-90 IQ
Negroes: 65-70 IQ
How much conflict do you see on a daily basis from these start differences in mental capability? In the US, it's pretty significant even with the one standard deviation gap between Whites vs Blacks/Hispanics, but there is more than one standard deviation in average IQ differences in Israel.
>She never commented on muslims
She called them "primitive savages" and "monsters".
I don't remember her saying that for muslims specifically. Sauce?
Was it said for the middle east or something?
These are those famous so called good jews. They are bro tier actually.
>not arguing with imagine macros is autistic
umm sweetie.. its the other way around!
>It can, but it needs to be punished.
Okay, so then you support regulation. Glad you hear you don't think the market can magically fix everything.
>What's been happening for the last half decade (and more) is not capitalims, it's corporatism.
You have no idea what corporatism is do you? What you're referring to is corporativism. Corporatism was originally a fascist term. Under corporatism businesses are semi-nationalized and disputes between workers and bosses are decided by the government.
>And yes, the last vestiges of capitalism left in the system are responsible for progress but the economy and the world is not capitalist, but i slowly moving towards communism.
Not really. Regulations for monopolies are being removed all the time. I wouldn't call that communism. I'm not even defending communism but we have to at least establish our terms otherwise this "debate" will just turn into a big circlejerk of fuckery.
Here you go:
Also, there's another video of her talking about how the oil in the middle east belongs to the west, because it was us who made it valuable AND learned to extract it. Basically, muzzies didn't "earn" the right to oil wealth. They had no idea what was beneath their feet. I'll try to find that video.
Face it, the Jews are so smart that they invented or had a hand in inventing every ideology ever. Christianity, communism, capitalism, socialism, libertarianism
bc they think if you dont pay jeromes wellfare, but get fucked over by shlomos multinational company, which hires you for 5$ an hour, you are better off.
>You can't just print capital. Thats what we are doing today. Quantitative easing is basically " printing currency". Thats what we are doing - its a fact. This is NOT "capital". Its a fact.
Capital is anything that can be used to generate wealth. Even if you don't consider dollars in their current form to be the ideal form of capital, they're still a form of capital. You can take your dollars and invest them in whatever you want to generate some form of wealth. You can even convert your dollars into gold if you want. The fact is, they're backed by the trust of society as a social contract.
>I know communism is supposed to be stateless - but thats impossible isn't it since you need a state to administrate. it will never be realised.
Okay, than you're admitting that we don't live under communism. Be honest next time instead of setting up strawman arguments. And yeah, I agree that it will never be achieved. I advocate nationalistic guild socialism, not communism.
>Today we have a GLOBAL monetary system that is interconnected and interdependent.
Yeah, it's called global capitalism. Your system inevitably leads to globalism. That's why it's cancerous.
>There is a global "state" if you will, that administrates this global money system.
Name it. Pro-Tip the IMF is not a government, it's a financial institution. Still shit, but it's not a government.
>It is moneyless since all of its currency can just be printed at will as previously described.
It's still money, just a shitty form of money.
This is socialism/communism as close as you can realistically get. We are there, buddy. >Congratulations. Your ideal system has won and is doing an awesome job.
>capitalism is now socialism
Geez, I didn't know every person on earth owned their own means of production. Take an economics class m80.
Exactly. Sup Forums's disliking of Jews isn't all that different from blacks saying "whitey stealing our accomplishments and keeping us down". I would also argue that Jews are white. Yid culture is just another section of European culture, and they have white genes as well.
The only argument is ,"is it a winning strategy for whites to reman atomized individualist, with low in-group preference and cohesion, while all other groups are increasing in-group preference and cohesion. The answer is no.
>Even if you don't consider dollars in their current form to be the ideal form of capital
No, they're not. They're supposed to represent capital, but they are not capital. Honestly, that's in the first chapter of microeconomics texts.
it's not.
Those retards think open borders will no welfare won't result in niggers just voting for welfare once they get here.
>Okay, so then you support regulation.
No, I don't. I support the law, and it shouldn't have trade restrictins, but should punish people who fraud and like.
>Glad you hear you don't think the market can magically fix everything.
It can, and not "magically". It needs people to think, unlike Commieshitism
>You have no idea what corporatism is do you? What you're referring to is corporativism. Corporatism was originally a fascist term. Under corporatism businesses are semi-nationalized and disputes between workers and bosses are decided by the government.
m-muh terms!
It's not capitalism.
>Not really. Regulations for monopolies are being removed all the time. I wouldn't call that communism. I'm not even defending communism but we have to at least establish our terms otherwise this "debate" will just turn into a big circlejerk of fuckery.
yeah, and that doesn't mean that is a "downfall of capitalism". And no,, I'm not going to debate with you, you should rather go read a book or browse one of the 10000 other threads exactly like this on /liberty/.
And a monopoly is not bad, and bribing the gubmint is not restrcited to bigger companies.
>Capital is anything that can be used to generate wealth.
fuck no
>global capitalism.
muh terms!
>It's still money, just a shitty form of money.
No, it's not money, because it is fraud. Money has to be backed by something.
Didn't remember that.
>“Only the man who does not need it, is fit to inherit wealth–the man who would make his own fortune no matter where he started. If an heir is equal to his money, it serves him; if not, it destroys him. But you look on and you cry that money corrupted him. Did it? Or did he corrupt his money? Do not envy a worthless heir; his wealth is not yours and you would have done no better with it. Do not think that it should have been distributed among you; loading the world with fifty parasites instead of one, would not bring back the dead virtue which was the fortune. Money is a living power that dies without its root. Money will not serve the mind that cannot match it. Is this the reason why you call it evil?
>No, they're not. They're supposed to represent capital, but they are not capital. Honestly, that's in the first chapter of microeconomics texts.
Here is the definition of capital.
Its called global capitalism, but its not capital as previously described. Capital is literall things of actual value: gold, silver, property, land etc. Anything on paper is NOT capital: currency, bonds, stocks ISAs etc.
I think you are calling things that are not capital "capital" and thats where you are getting confused.
Economics classes will teach you incorrectly so that society can profit from your ignorance. All the wall street guys took economics classes, right? and now banks need bailing out. Thats how much value you should put into the (((education))) you get in an economics class.
You are literally proving your own confusion on this subject.
>lebensraum for the jews
>universal healthcare
>birth rate 3.3
>oy vey we are no nazis goyim
Sure you filthy yid
>still does not say "money" anywhere
try again chief.
The IQ studies stating jews have high IQs are made up studies fabricated by jews. Jews are actually brain damaged through inbreeding and dumber than niggers. They get ahead by guile, rapaciousness, and by ethnocentrically organizing, while encouraging others not to. Why would you believe jewish IQ studies? Were you there when the studies were conducted? The jews would fake a whole holocaust, but not fake a couple IQ studies? They do it so dummies will think jews get ahead by being smart, while in fact they get ahead because in-group preference and ethnocentric organization.
>Define "well"
I define "well" as having adequate shelter, nutrition and access to clean water, living secure and free of potential harm as well as potentially being able to find self actualization in your work which generates enough income and wealth to support a family.
>it doesn't help when corporations take advantage of a lack of regulations in order to exploit the land in which animals inhabit.
That behavior is not limited to corporations, any form of human association, may it be a business or a workers council has shown exploitative behavior in the past.
>We're starving ourselves of resources due to over consumption.
I don't think we will ever starve ourselves, just as much as there will be a revolution in the car industry towards electric motors when we run low on oil, I believe there will be a revolution in agriculture when ground becomes scarce and too expensive. We already see the first steps towards massive indoor plantations that are ten times more efficient than traditional agriculture.
>If you're living on the streets you're living in poverty. Just because you're relatively less poor than some nigger in Africa that doesn't change the fact that you're still poor.
I agree with that, but I think there are already charity organisations and government projects in place to help those people.
Most people that live on the street have some form of opportunity to change that.
>People die all the time. This kind of population growth isn't sustainable no matter how you look at it.
It's not in our best interest that there will soon be 10 billion people on this planet and it will bring a lot of issues.
But it is still proof that there is a massive surplus of resources under capitalism, because otherwise we wouldn't experience a population explosion
Yes it is an argument. Redpilled means good for whites. An idea can't be red pilled and bad for whites. All the other races don't matter. Being individualists and not collectivizing while there is an effort to wipe whites off the face of the earth is a losing strategy for whites, so it's not red pilled.
So jewish libertarianism is kikepilled, and if you advocate it before separation of the races, you are an enemy of white people. That is the argument.
>Redpilled means good for whites.
Summerfag detected
wtf are you on about faggot? Lol
>usury is necessary
while a monetary incentive to loan money to others is required, you don't technically need to charge any interest.
Let me explain:
When you think about giving a loan you usually just think that you are getting some money and then you will pay X interest until they pay it back. While this is true, its more complicated in practice.
You will go to a bank and you will tell them what you need to loan for and then the banker will evaluate the conditions under which they will loan you the money.
For a mortgage you are required to spend the money on a house and you will be required to make an up front down payment. This is a very low risk loan for a bank to make because if you default they can just confiscate the house, and since you already paid a down payment they will have the down payment and any payments you made + the value of the house. So if you don't pay, the bank wins, even without any interest.
Another example is if you want to start a business and need money, you can sell ownership of the business in the form of stock. In this case you will profit share instead of pay interest. In a new business, profit sharing is risky so often times you can get people to buy stock so people will instead opt for a business loan, but to that people will often use some other thing they own like a home as collateral. Provided the value of the asset being used as collateral is worth more than the loan, once again if you don't pay, the bank wins.
In the case that someone does pay the loan back, the bank makes no money in this scenario so potentially the bank could charge some sort of loan fee that is on top of everything else, but is simply a lump sump and does not grow with time.
Interest is only necessary in high risk loans which have no collateral, like credit cards, but we could live without credit cards.
Interest is unnecessary for loans to still be given out and is simply a thing which makes it a more profitable.
If you believe that money holds no value, why don't you try to live without it for a while?
You would charge an interest because money isn't free.
Money doesn't hold value. It represents value.
Land holds value. A house holds value. Construction equipment holds value.
Many represents the value of these things because we as people have agreed to allow it to be the representative of those things in order to make commerce easier. But without goods being produced and men able to produce them, money is absolutely worthless.
Show me exactly where I said "I believe money holds no value" in this post > > > or stop telling me (or anyone else) "things I said" that I didn't.
You have ZERO comprehension, so please re-read the post and see if you can perhaps understand, or if you are too fucking stupid, I recommend not posting anything until you have mastered that basic skill.
I just explained that there is systems in which a bank can get out ahead by making a loan without interest. Did you not read the post?
Jesus christ my brain melts everytime a nazi tries to form an argument
>dude libertarians are so edgy
>hitler did nothing wrong though
>((()[[{{they{{}{{)) invented libertarianism man even though libertarianism is everything the jews hate because regulations are the reason they are that prominent in the 1st place and if you take away regulations the most able and smart will prosper
I don't really expect nazis or communists to be able of forming a coherent thought but you would at least think they would be somewhat humble. After all, their systems crashed and burned within a few years of being tried.
It's no surprise that nobody above 25-30 years of age is a nazi or a communist. By that time, people are starting to outgrow their edgy phase.
>Being individualists and not collectivizing
Is what made the USA great to begin with.
Remember the mud races are parasites and it is ONLY through leeching on our collectivist "safety nets" that they can survive and breed.
You can find a few kikes who will praise virtually anything, while the support of Jews is suspicious it by itself doesn't invalidate an idea. For example, many yids are against Muslim invaders, should we assume more sub Saharan Mohammeds would be good for whites?
And then you have national socialism, which is the best system around
Good post.
Noticed an awful lot of these threads today
Really makes you think
The existence of Jewish libertarians is meaningless. You would need to prove that libertarianism was invented to benefit Jews.
European/Ashkenazi Jews are the most verbally intelligent people in the world. Many political theorists are Jews because Jews are good at political theory.
You're retarded. Have you ever known any Jews? They have high average IQ because of ethnocentric focus. They are well stimulated at a young age and they go to school for longer hours than most other cultures. Even the lower class Jews get solid education. IQ isn't a perfect measurement of detached cognitive ability, you can raise average scores through education to certain point. They aren't particularly genetically gifted, but they don't just make up the numbers either.
Ayn Rand was a great woman that the left despises. She even admitted that women should never hold positions of political power.
jews are some of the biggest leading figureheads behind your ideology mate.
This. With the Commies all they can do is meme, with the Nazis all they can do is call you a Jew, when are we going to see some actual fucking arguments from these people?
The computer monitor was invented in 1973. Coincidence?
We'll argue your ideology once it grows past hypothesis
It's not
Because fuck roads
leave the jews alone yoiu savages
Because it's the only moral political ideology. Not all jews are bad you fucking idiot.
It isn't, but social democracy is.
fixed that pic