Should tattoos be banned?

They seem pretty degenerate

I can drop three of the big ones in a group that size at 200yards.


They're a good tag for degenerates though, without them some of them would be hard to identify and could possibly blend in.

I think some tattoos are ok, Yakuza tattoos look based.

>should freedom be banned

Get a small tattoo to separate yourself from the Jews, as they cannot get them


Extremely degenerate. Even worse on women.

God doesnt want you to mutilate your body so yes

>I can't wait to show all the girls

You can separate yourself from Jews in other ways. One of those ways is to not be a Jew.

Hiding your national flag means you're probably a kike

>whoever doesnt think like me is a commie

historically only savages ever tattooed themselves so yes it is very degenerate

No it means I like Pirates.
You might be a Muslim though with that flag.

>banning something simply because you don't like it
Can libertarian Sup Forums come back plz? Those guys were morons too, but they weren't nearly as retarded as the "MUH DEGENERACY" stormfags.

Not just degenerate, but also extremely sketchy.

We stomp this faggots to death when we can here in Latvia. They all left to Britain and Germany now
shut your mouth anime pedo

Never mind, go back to hiding it
>I like Pirates
You like Somalian cock?

No thanks, keep it in your pants.

>"Can't wait to show all the girls"
Their cunts are going to dry up and turn to dust the moment they lay their eyes on that abomination.

This is perfect. We can easily know who to lynch on the day of the rope.

>10% white
Americucks everyone

You're 10% white?

It depends on the meaning of the tattoo particularly culturally. I mean most people get retarded ones that mean nothing.

New leaked pirates trailer here fellow pirate fag

I've always thought Yakuza tats were actually pretty fucking nice artwork.
I can't hate on them because the artwork is usually traditional symbols from their history and culture.
And Yakuza guys don't go around spray and praying like a bunch of Chicago cave niggers during drive by shootings.

You've obviously never had any real world contact with Jews or you'd know that's complete horse shit.
Spent a good amount of time in my hayday deep dicking Jewesses in Michigan. Just under a dozen on my belt.
I can't think of one that didn't have any tats.

Not clicking that

Ban America

Unless you're an irish girl with a small celtic knot

you better click that

This tweet is satire

No, tattoos should not be banned. They are a useful visual identifier of idiots.

Just tax them at the state level.
Something like, $50 per tattoo, and use the proceeds to fund education.
The market for them will dry right up.

A slag tag!

Tattoos are the mark of a degenerate subhuman. I don't care if it's a tattoo of your moms name or some shit, all tattoos are inherently bad and trashy. They won't be allowed in our ideal society.

No, I was attacked by a wolverine when I was younger and had a bunch of nasty scars on my body, after I got them lasered down I tattoed over them

Tattoos don't hurt anyone, and should thus be legal to get, but they should be frowned upon and seen as degenerate.

>It's another post where user confuses libertarianism for anarchism

Didn't mean to quote.

>atheist jews

>American reading comprehension

Scope or no scope
If yes, then you're nothing special

Why is banning something always the answer with you fuckers?

Just because some people use something in a way you don't like doesn't mean it should be banned for everybody because you have a stick shoved up your ass and everyone else should have one too.

Your way of thinking is the same cancerous thing that is right now threatening freedom of speech, and the truth is your suicide will only do good for your surroundings.

Nah. Tattoos have been a part of European culture for a long time. Nigs dont get them often cause they cant even be seen on their skin.

Guy with Antifa tatt can fuck off and die though.

That's literally straw-man and a thing that will never happen in reality, you statist twat.

Have you ever seen pictures or footage of people from the old days? Everyone looks fit, healthy, well-dressed. Meanwhile in the modern world, people walk around like slobs dressed in food-stained T-shirts and sweats.

I know for a fact which society I want to live in. We should go further, ban obesity as well. No more fat slobs walking around our streets

Hear hear

thing is yakuza tattoos are for criminals, i.e. degenerates. They were made specifically for that reason and only on degenerates until the US popularized it because you're a bunch of faggots

No, you cant.
No, you wont. You. are. a. pathetic. faggot.
You cant shoot shit.
You probably say 'cuck' and 'based' all the fucking time.
100% sure you are a fat 16yo piece of shit who has no personality what so ever.
Before you shoot up your school for being so blue-pilled, do the right thing and hang yourself so your parents can finally move to Florida guilt-free

And the changes that happened are all linked to tattoos? Banning drugs didn't work, nor will banning something because you crybabies dislike it for whatever reason you have. If they follow those routes that you find self destructive, let natural selection do it's thing like always, and stop being a little statist bitch.

>WAAAAA BAN _____ CUZ I NO LIEK IT!!!!!1!!!11

I don't give a fuck what society you think is better. You don't ban something simply because it's "degenerate"

>ban obesity
Nvm, sorry for replying. I just realized you're retarded. You don't know any better.

also by that logic we should ban guns since some random ones use them unwisely :^)

no, but anyone who has one without great reason (cosmetic) should be shunned

>And the changes that happened are all linked to tattoos?
They are linked to a lack of authority in society. A lack of clear moral standards. People are not being provided any sort of regimented beliefs, morals, heroes, and history.

Instead this void is being filled by a corporate media complex, feeding people degeneracy, filth and perversion

Who are we?

Be nice if they all got those tats. Could carve it off them and put it on your fence.

It's illegal to be overweight in Japan, and there aren't that many fat people in Japan.

>You don't ban something simply because it's "degenerate"
We do. Got any better ideas for how to combat degeneracy? You have to pull the weeds before they ruin your whole garden.

I don't think banning them is the solution. Murdering tattoo artists probably isn't a good solution either. I can barely remember the last time I fucked a girl with no tattoos. Around here it's probably easier to find a unicorn

Personally, I always wanted to tattoo a Kossuth Shield onto my shoulder once my physique bulked up; Pic related. I like the clear imagery and the clean-cut message it has: No matter where am I or what I do, I'll be Hungarian always and forever.

However, on the other hand, tattoos are claimed to be degenerate by religious books and the stigma attached to tattoos due to the mudhutters and retarded snowflakes overdoing it is making me think twice about this decision.

Again who the fuck are we? Why is your autism the national morality?

Freedom was a mistake

Don't do it, seriously, tattoos are fucking stupid now. You don't need a tattoo to be reminded that you're Hungarian ffs.

If I were creating a new state I would 100% ban tatoos but since they've been in place for so long I say keep them legal in tgis society

as was democracy

Kikes and sufferage are the real mistakes.

The society we live in today is objectively and statistically superior to society 60 years ago. Murder, rape, theft, and crime rates have all gone down. Discrimination based on race and sexuality has also gone down. You're living in a fantasy land, looking at the old days with rose-tinted glasses. The 50s and 60s were actually pretty shit compared to today.

>They are linked to a lack of authority in society. A lack of clear moral standards. People are not being provided any sort of regimented beliefs, morals, heroes, and history
You say that as if there weren't any fat druggie degenerates in Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union or the HRE. You link two unrelated things and say they are connected in the most autistic way possible. Degeneracy always existed and the fact that you think otherwise shows how autistic you are.

> murder is banned
> robbery is banned
> assisted suicide banned
> late term abortion banned

Yfw america isn't free

Self branding? Now it will be easier to round them up into the FEMA camps.

Nigga how does a tribal tattoo look based?

>Murder, rape, theft, and crime rates have all gone down
This is not the case, considering the demographic change

>Discrimination based on race and sexuality has also gone down
Implying this is a good thing

>Wanted a Ito Junji ish tattoo since I was like 12
>As I grew up tattoos became popular
>The majority of fucks around here have at least one
>Every braindead hipster fuck has one
>Don't want to associate myself with that crowd in any way possible
>No tattoo
Shattered. Reeling. About to break.

On-par with tatoos. Only thing that's better about them is that you can take them off easier.

Oh wow this board really went downhill. At least the libertarians believed in freedom, you guys are just a bunch of faggots. Pull that pink dildo out your ass and come back to reality.

>Degeneracy always existed
It's never been on a pedestal. And whenever it has, it was in a collapsing society

Tatoos are degenerate in the literal sense. They stop the body from producing sweat and make tge body LESS effective. Literally physically degenerative

A lot of things are cool thru 12 year old eyes.

that guy has very low nipples

worst bants ever

We're the good guys chief

>It's never been on a pedestal.
You should do more reading. Because you obviously a millennial that never actually bothered to deeply research anything in his life.

Good. You should be able too. Go for 5 in a group and you're officially a marksman.

name bruh?

People with tatoos let the world know of their degeneracy, this is great, think of it as a yellow star of david.

You've got to do better that that

He'll get infected by that red ink, top kek prepare to die antifaggot

>This is not the case, considering the demographic change
Im not sure what your're saying here, could you explain? Literally every form of crime has gone down significantly. It doesn't matter how the demographics have changed, less crime is less crime.

>implying this is a good thing
Everyone that isn't a stormfag agrees that's a good thing.

>murder is banned
someone must have missed that :^)

Actually tattoos were originally gotten by sailors traveling abroad especially to Asia and Polynesian Islands.They gained popularity in war time when military men would get patriotic pieces which is where Amrican Traditional style was developed. Also British Aristocracy would get Tattoos in the late 1800s with Winston Churchills mother having ink.
Now go fuck a boy faggot.

They should be regarded very lowly in society.

Different ethnicity all commit crime at about the same rate wherever they live. Whites commit crime at a certain rate, blacks at a different (much higher) rate, asians at a different rate....etc. When America was 90% white segregated, idyllic society it was much much happier. More social cohesion, lower crime, better community....etc

I'm not senile y'know, I don't need it to remind me. I'd compare it to the pledge of allegiance you Americans tend to do, but in ink rather than words. An oath of my own etched into my skin to solidify it forever, so that even my children and grandchildren could see what their ancestor really stood for.

However, I can't really deny that tattoos are degeneracy as per both ideology and religion. I hate people who pollute their skin with imagery that has bullshit meanings behind it, doing it solely to seek attention and become special snowflakes. To have a tattoo of my own would imply I follow in the steps of these people - Which I must not do nor can I do.

>should everything i dislike be banned?
yes (authoritarians in power)
>lets just hope big daddy leader doesn't ban my favorit shit (authoritarian governments)

If a situation demands that you declare you show loyalty to your country, then it should be easy to just do so verbally. If it is demanded that you PROVE loyalty to your country then you can just say that you're a citizen who pays their taxes, doesn't involve himself with crime and criminals and that you work hard, since that is all your nation wants from you. You do live up to those three criteria, right?

Nah it tells a lot about their socioeconomic status. For example most of trashy people from single parenthood have one. It's like star of david but they voluntarily brand themselves.

a high quality tattoo can be very expensive tho

Someday senpai

>smal tattoos =/= fullbody tattoos
>spesific places =/= fullbody

>physical principles to retarded levels
thats facism and alt-right in a nuttshell

This is what I've been telling you people for five fucking years.
Tattoos are degenerate, hair dye is degenerate, piercings are degenerate.