Fuck Russia

Seriously. Fuck this country and everyone who lives there.

Other urls found in this thread:


Would help if I posted the link, idiot.


Nice honeypot mr putin.

How would this be a honeypot?
Like if a Ruskie criticized Russia he'd be v&?

If the mp4 link is sketching you out, here is a blasphemous reddit link:

just niggers

Russia needs to get glassed.

wow russia truly is based
the last bastion of whiteness

We now all have to guess on what he said to the man before btfo

>"hey Vladimir, come protest with me in this street, we are antif-"

That just links right back to your website.
Upload this shit on youtube or put it into a webm and post it on /gif/ and link it here.

You're not in the EU yet, cockholes. Drop that flag.

Fuck it, I did it myself since op is a fag.

this one is tiny as fuck, only 542kb. Im working on a decent one right now. bullshit 3mb limit

fuck it, I just trimmed most of him standing there doing nothing.
fucking jewt not letting decent file sizes.


What is the back story?
Buddy must have died...

>What is the back story?

Talked shit...got hit?


ok, Im settling with this one. Its the entire length.

he probably lived.. i've had this happen to me before.

That explains alot

Heya moshe, watcha doin?

Why did Ivan killed Ivan?

There can be only one.

Because his name was Ivan.

yeah, most russians are inbred mongoloids with low iq and barbaric agressive behaviour

truly a non-european country

you can clearly see he was talking shit

Talked shit, got beat to death. If not dead, he's got some serious brain damage.

This is super fucked, OP. Guy was either raging on steroids or drunk as fuck. Either way, he should be put in his place. No words deserve that kind of brutality. It'd be different if the guy came at him with a weapon or something but this is just disturbing.