
>The Senate has overwhelmingly passed a bill to impose new sanctions on Russia and to make sure the Trump administration doesn't change course without congressional buy-in.

>The bill will weaken Russia's economy (20% of Russians are unemployed)

>Merkel, Macron, May and other European leaders support the move

>"No more warnings to the Russians. If you attack our democracy, you will pay the price" said Macron

>"We have moved toward the fractured, inward-looking, weakened America that President Putin wants to see. I applaud President Trump for doing this" - Juncker

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Didnt Germany and Austria say that this is inacceptable ?

>"A great step to isolate Russia and Putin. Russia is sparking and fueling Middle Eastern wars — first a physical one spiraling out from Syria, and now a diplomatic one that sweeps across the region. In a very real sense, if you want a glimpse of the world that Putin’s “gray Cardinal” Vladislav Surkov imagined when he described nonlinear warfare — “all against all” — the current churn throughout the Middle East, the Gulf states and North Africa is a pretty good example. This is a massive realignment that deeply affects U.S. interests, and which will cost us, in blood and treasure, in immeasurable ways." Merkel praised Trump

>"Exciting development from the White House. We all know that Russia has altered American and European policies, our relationships with our allies and our view of our place in the world. We must fight back" - Theresa May

>Russia is sparking and fueling Middle Eastern wars

What a time to be alive! No brakes on lugenpresse.
Goebbels would have been impressed.

In this case though Russia is trying to prevent a power vacuum like how we fucked with Hussain and Gaddafi. Assad may be bad, but the alternative is far worse if ISIL takes root and seizes Syria.

But then again if Russia never invaded Afghanistan in the 80's we would have never aided the Taliban to begin with.

So what if the people don't want to put sanctions over Russia? Why always (((they))) get to decide?

Why the fuck did you feel obliged to interveene in our actions in Afghanistan the first place?

Because they hold power over the congress and senate due to having lobbyists. Not to mention the evangelicals who slobber over their knob like nobody else.

No he won't

Wasn't even born then, I can't say for sure. It was either we were still butthurt about nam and didn't want another communist state, or it was about the oil.

If he weakens Russia's economy, Russia might go to war with us. Russia is no paradise but they actually give a fuck about their plebs unlike the USA and have somewhat responsible (albiet corrupt) leaders.

Good. Russia is a shithole.

>20% of Russians are unemployed
why not tell 80%. do the numbers make any difference once you enter the bullshit realm?

Same reason you felt compelled to fuck with us in Vietnam.

Fuck ((them))

Where and what Russian products can I buy to support their economy even a little bit?

>new sanctions


Russian dressing

Visit Russia and spend all your savings clubbing.


And nothing really, even the best vodka comes from Sweden these days

Guess we will have to work together on that Qatar pipeline after all.

what about poor Americans who live in the rust belt?

What if democrats and the media (but i repeat myself) are colluding with China? The new red scare plays well into their hands.

>Trump handed papers
>"Wat dis?"
>"Sir, its a bill to put more economic sanctions on Russia"
>"Oh, ok" *signs

I don't know any modern Russian invention that people use. Facebook? American. YouTube? American. Everything is American


Have you ever noticed that when we're in a bad state, it's because the Russians or ISIS or Bin Laden or somebody magically willed this into happening, by force of pure evil alone? We're *never* responsible. It's always someone else.


Daily reminder that this was imminent as well. zerohedge.com/news/2017-04-13/trump-may-send-50000-troops-syria

Brzezinski saw it as an aggressive expansion of Soviet Communism.

>>Merkel, Macron, May and other European leaders support the move

Not their foreign ministers.


I can't believe that bitch is still in charge.

>be commie fucker
>impose your shitty ideology on the rest of the world by violent force

gas yourself

Russia is doing what we do sanction them.

>The bill will weaken Russia's economy (20% of Russians are unemployed)
No, bls stob
t. part of the 20%

You were an actual threat at the time, and seemed to have the habit of taking over countries.

There are more factions than just Assad or ISIS in Syria. There are rebels and SDF/Kurds as well. Either of the latter two would be infinitely preferable for Western interests than Assad or ISIS. The Kurds would also piss off the Turkroaches and Iranian sandniggers.

Are you high? No matter the ideologies (not like yours is not shitty) we supported a functioning government and you gave Afghanistan a prsent of Taliban that keeps on giving to this day, and to you as well - just check heroin consumption in USA and huge increase in opioids production in Afghanistan, especially after 2001 invasion.
>gas yourself
After you, buddy.

What does the sanction entail exactly?


FFS, don't you know about The Great Game? All we neaded is a friendly regime which won't allow locals to sell Heroin to USSR...

There's been alot of bantz over the years..
This might be the joke of the century

Outside of Moscow, Russia is very poor. The idea that they are some kind of international experts at manipulating everything is some 1980s cold war bullshit. The only reason they get so much credit for hacking is that every hacker spoofs being from Russia as it's an investigative dead end. Plus you can hire Russian hackers cheap.

>In this case though Russia is trying to prevent a power vacuum
They're trying to keep a puppet state.
There's no good intentions, it's all selfish. Like the invasion of Crimea and Eastern Ukraine.

>Russia is sparking and fueling Middle Eastern wars — first a physical one spiraling out from Syria,
these people are seriously delusional

Are we sure Trump will sign this piece of shit?

I've been trying to tell pol for months that this Russia collusion narrative is coming from the *international* left, the EU. They are raging because their girl didnt win and they were counting on us to be the thug that enforces sanctions on Russia for "invading" Ukraine.

For those not following, the EU tried to sucker Ukraine into the EU with subversion. It back-fired, chaos ensued and the residents in the East who have Russian heritage and wanted nothing to do with EU *asked* Russia for support, so in came the military. The problem is that all the good stuff is in the East with them, and the EU got spanked hard, thinking they could use finance and government Jew trickery and never have to face actual force.

Does anyone think its odd that something 97 senators agree on was never once discussed in the media? Did your senators ask your opinion? This bill intends to force Trump to carry out Obama sanctions on Russian elites. While claiming they meddled in an election (they didn't) sanctions are intended to remove a sitting leader by applying political pressure.

The international left is angry that someone they associate with Russia, rightly or wrongly, exposed information to the American public about the Democrat campaign. This used to be called investigative reporting. Its no different than the pussy tape or Trumps tax return.

So now that Trump has suffered investigations and hearings for months, this bill is to pressure him. Thats what this was always about, to make Trump look bad if he ever did anything nice for Russia, the 'collusion' is the narrative for any of it.

Except Putin just killed an ISIS leader (or claims he did, or did earlier and just now is saying so). Trump can use this to show why enmity with Russia is ill advised.

If Trump is forced to do this, it will hurt Russia and intends to break them so they have to bow to those goddam E-Jew socialist faggot bankers running/ruining Europe.

Why do they feel the need to destroy good russian people lives just so they can get their liberal goodboy points and feel smug?

lol you killed the Afgani prezident and destroyed that government, you starting the war was what really fucked Afghanistan up

When they walked all over Obama and would do the same to Hillary.

>they actually give a fuck about their plebs

>have somewhat responsible (albiet corrupt) leaders.
Holy shit, are you a fucking shill or paid kremlinbot or something? How can you be so far removed from reality?

It would be awesome if he didn't sign it just to troll the fuckers.

You were imposing a retarded degenerate system of government that preached universal equality, emancipation and cuckoldry. Communism was the greatest mistake in human history, probably even a bigger mistake than Islam. It killed 100 million people in the span of less than 100 years. And top it all off, you couldn't keep your shitty ideology to yourself, but wanted to violently spread it until the entire world submitted. No different than ISIS or the Nazis. At least America allows people and other countries to choose their ideology. People just copy us because we are the most successful and prosperous country around, while you forced people to copy you at gunpoint. Just look at the difference between Russian-influenced North Korea and American-influenced South Korea.

Why can't Russians accept the Communist period of their history was shit? Germans and Japs have managed to get past their history, but Russians still circlejerking about muh glorious USSR that fell from economical mismanagement kek.

Its fucking disturbing.

>There's no good intentions, it's all selfish.
That goes without saying. Anyone that believes geopolitics are based on morality of any kind is just an america- i mean retard

Democrats went all in on the Russia lie, they can't stop now and admit they made the whole thing up.

>You were imposing a retarded degenerate system of government that preached universal equality

You make americans look fucking retarded when you say shit like that.

So he just basically gave away all power over foreign policy?

I said this many times: He should've invited Putin to USA day fucking one to turn "new page in relations". The screeching would be off the charts but that would demolish all the accusations.

It would be more of "yeah I like Russia so I lift sanctions, fuck you" than "no I wasn't meeting anyone from Russia ever, plz don't hit me, I'm giving up my power"

Buy Babushka
>inb4 Matriyoshka
That's how my granny call it so that's what it
is called period

Or in serious note go to Siberia, I heard they desperately need tourism

Buy a container full of Beluga. Great quality vodka, and actually is Russian unlike that Stoli shit.

>Merkel, Macron, May and other European leaders support the move

That is a huge fucking lie. Where did that come from?

Germany and Austria warned the US against the sanctions and saying they were illegal to international law, and claiming they are done for political reasons and that it hurts the North Stream 1- og 2 gas pipelines, which are crucial for the two nations.

not again

In America, if you say you hate niggers, you might lose your job if you are in a Northern cuck state, or if you work in a redpilled White Southern community, nothing will happen.

In the USSR, you say you hate niggers, you get "re-educated" or sent to the gulags. "Don't want to upset those African proleteriat, after all, they are comrades like you and me."


Nice joke senpai.

President should veto.

Fuck congress. America voted for a leader who would fight the swamp not submit to it.

This is retarded?
How can Burgers be oj with neocons doing this?
Why are they even sanctioning Russia at all anymore? It's just economic warfare at this point

>were gonna stop being world police
>keeps playing world police

Really fidgets with my spinner

>And top it all off, you couldn't keep your shitty ideology to yourself, but wanted to violently spread it until the entire world submitted. No different than ISIS or the Nazis. At least America allows people and other countries to choose their ideology. People just copy us because we are the most successful and prosperous country around, while you forced people to copy you at gunpoint.

Dude are you fucking retarded? Do you have any idea of what the US was doing in the 50s-late 80s? Anyone who didn't play nice with us got killed or arrested, then we replaced them with someone who would. Druglords in south america, communists in cambodia, etc. Everything I just copied that you said, the US government was gladly doing.

You can call out communism for being shitty, but we meddled in foreign affairs just as much, if not more, than the USSR during the same time period. And 100 million is a lot, but we got plenty killed with our tacit support of dictators.


Germany and Austria have already launched complaints against the new US-backed sanctions - citing that it would hurt the European economy in the long turn (aka they want that sweet, sweet gas to pour in).

I fucking hate the fact that they impose sanctions to weaken Putin, yet Putin is literally the last one to suffer from them.Why can't you americans just invade and liberate us already

Putin stated in his interviews that without a boogeyman nato would be obsolete

Imagine that

The USA is a Jew run shithole, fast approaching the same third world shithole status of Israel, the Cuntry that runs it.

No your children will get sent to reeducation in school if they are not outright expelled destroying their entire future and if you have a job you are reeducated and sent to diversity training before you even say you hate niggers.

And don't give me this retardation that you won't lose your job in the south if you say you hate niggers.

We've seen what happens when you invade russia

>The only reason they get so much credit for hacking is that every hacker spoofs being from Russia as it's an investigative dead end. Plus you can hire Russian hackers cheap.
Really? So it's not because we own ACM ICPC almost every year?

Nukes. You are going to have to rebel yourselves if you want a change.

what teh fuck why does donald keep cucking to this blatant jew horse shit


I'm amazed Russia doesn't rage quit and nuke us.

holy shit, burgers BTFO'd hard

Trump vetos it plays right in with the whole obstruction investigation and he digs himself in a deeper hole. Trump is going to sign this as a means to clear his name.

So what should we have done? Let Communists take over those countries, Communists violently opposed to the existence of America, until they reached our doorstep?

So now a German revolution is inevitable.

It's russia's only alternative now since they can't rely on US to lift the sanctions.

well the russian narrative has served its full purpose now
maybe it can go the fuck away now

If nations have a fake enemy to fight against, they don't take notice of the one sucking the blood from their ankle.

Yeah fake news as usual pic related


it has also bred the nation of entitled spoiled fucks with no responsibility

More on the Austria+Germany cuckening

>Germany and Austria warn US over expanded Russia sanctions - ‘Europe’s energy supply is a matter for Europe, and not for the United States of America'

>“Europe’s energy supply is a matter for Europe, and not for the United States of America,” Germany’s Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel and Austria’s Federal Chancellor Christian Kern said in a joint statement.

>The two politicians warned that it wouldn’t “only be highly regrettable, but also damaging” to their countries’ cooperation on the Ukraine crisis if “irrelevant considerations such as U.S. economic interest in exporting gas were to gain the upper hand.” At the heart of their push-back is the planned expansion of the Nord Stream gas pipeline between Russia and Germany.

It's no surprise whatsoever - the german industry is powered by Russian gas; same goes for Austria as well. It's actually funny tho, the European Union has forced all EU members to impose sanctions on the Russian Federation, but Germany is conducting business as usual with them ever since 2014.

Not until they get something in return. Sanctions,Syria or Ukraine. The neocons want something big.

blatant attempt by gop cucks to take down trump
only rand and le bern man didn't vote for it, house will pass it of course

We were free to do whatever we want, just don't act like we were morally superior than the other side pulling the same moves. I'm sure the dozens of destabilized nations and people executed in the name of democracy (which wasn't always true, we'd gladly support anyone who sucked CIA dick regardless of their ideology) appreciate what we did.

The US' victory was all but guaranteed on a long enough time scale. Messing with the third world only served to line the pockets of government agencies in the fight on communism. Which, from our support of the Khmer Rouge, doesn't really ring true.

Top fuckin lel

You can do both, and the rustbelt isn't poor by any means.

Look at this crap I just saw on his last tweet.

These fucking yids arent even trying to hide it anymore. It is all out war on gentiles being allowed to run their own fucking countries.

Just barging in to inform that "20% of Russians are unemployed" is falsehood, unemployment rate in Russia is 5,4%.

Yup this is their way of continuing the status quo even if Hillary lost. They got trump and sessions by the nuts and not much they can do really.

wtf america sucks