And they say that Trump is the most disliked president ever
Trump Approval Rating At 50%
He should get on with expelling the Mexicans
not sure if it's supposed to be a bad thing?
Drudge is one of the best news sites out there
>Russia investigation turned up nothing
>Everyone sees this dumb obstruction of Justice of a fake investigation at grasping at straws
>Trump unifying message after the antifa assassination attempt of Republicans
Trump will win 2020, easy
Do you think WaPo has an agenda against Trump or something?
Where does Drudge get this number from? Went to the website and can't click on the headline, meanwhile EVERY other poll I find has him hovering around 40% approval.
Either way can't exactly be good that people are celebrating Trumps approval numbers not being underwater.
how is that possible when his disapproval rating is at 60
it just don't add up!
what is abuse of power?
what is obstruction of justice?
what is money laundering?
what is corruption?
what is collusion?
leaving in lala if you think he won't be impeached and trialed.
>website looks like some kid's geocities page from the 90's
how does anyone take them seriously
Not even an American poster. Show flag or fuck off. You have no credibility here.
>approval ratings
16 years
Dems are frankly batshit insane, no surprise here. Their only hope is that the turncoat Republitards kick Trump out in favour of pence.
50% is pretty good but approval ratings in general are a bullshit poll. It's better to ignore them.
It's the likely voter model which has him that high.
Rasmussen likely voters: 50% appoval
Gallup all Americans: used to be 60% disapproval, now 57%.
If it ain't broke don't fix it.
Member when Hillary had a 98% chance of winning? Member when Wonder Woman was rated a better movie than classics such as Gone With the Wind? Member when 80% of men wanted to fug a tranny?
>Drumpf is so pathetic he can barely muster 50% approval rating comprised of an entirely pro Trump sample.
I think the answer you're looking for is "buzzwords", or maybe,"pathetic attempts at maintaining your feeble grasp on sanity"
>Innocent until proven guilty
>No actual proof for all these baseless accusations
Do you know the definition of a conspiracy theory?
You do not get impeached because someone accuses you of a crime with no proof.
You get impeached if you committed a crime and are convicted guilty after a trial.
I don't expect hypocritical hysterical leftists to understand our system or how pizzagate and Trump are equal. Yet they will call one completely false, harmful, and ridiculous while they peddle the other one like it's a breaking discovery. Hmmmmmm......
Imagine for a second what it feels like to work at Washington Post or New York Times today.
Once considered the epitome of journalism. They probably spent their entire early lives with one goal in mind: work at such an esteemed media establishment.
And then they finally get the job. They probably cry their eyes out in joy. They tell their friends and family. They update their facebook status. They have reached the upper echelon of journalism. The ones who broke Watergate.
They arrive at their desk. And it slowly starts to dawn on them. Hey, this isn't what it used to be. This is a tabloid. It's the TMZ of politics. Nobody respects us. Nobody believes us.
I wish I worked at Nickelodeon.
Rasmussen had Hilary Clinton winning
Rasmussen always was the most favorable to him
But it's stupid regardless. Rasmussen has him at 50, Gallup has him at 30, if it makes you feel smart you add them together and divide them in half, you're no closer to the truth
It's no where near 50%, try again.
Well, they were the most accurate poll in '16
One week before reelection (Nov.7 2004) G.W.Bush's approval rating was at 48%. I wouldn't be too worried about it.
What are "The Crimes of Hillary Clinton" for $1000, Alex?
> The Department of Homeland Security announced late Thursday night that it would continue the Obama-era program intended to protect those immigrants from deportation and provide them work permits so they can find legal employment.
You're not serious right?
Reminder that Rasmussen was the only pollster to get the 2016 election nationwide vote correct at Clinton +2%.