What mode is that and how do i achieve it

What mode is that and how do i achieve it

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Bulk on a diet consisting mainly of gentile children

Its basically a jewish interpretation of Schwarzenegger mode. Just start lifting solid gold weights, and dead lift some sacks of cash, and you should look like that in 5 to 7 months. (if you are not jewish, or a manlet, then you will need to lose a few inches).

the grabblerbod?
diet of baby foreskins and plenty of penny filting, jew should get there in nose time


u mirin goy?

That's a rare semitic style bearmode
some diaspora jews have a genetic mutation allowing them to store gold inside their body

Monty Python mode



you must have a cold, cold heart and ruthlessness all your life

gotta defeat bowser

6X6 shekelups 3 times a week, though lack of genetic relation to The Penguin will make lackluster results.

Stay mad goiboi.

Are they shape-shifters? Or is it just inbreeding?

Shadow POTUS


Only shape he's shifting is the ground he's walking on.

Holy shit a golem


Big lizard in small costume mode.

even his back has a layer of fat on it.

He stuffs dollar bills underneath his skin for the afterlife

Woefully underrated

"Hey Henry, I thought I smelt da gafilte."




It's the dead but standing, breathing pure snot and blood infused pus, unable to see or use my penis, completely blind, incapable of scratching my ass without dying and still chief adviser to the the president of the USA.


that's the joker senpai


Kingpin mode

>blood of a virgin twice a day
>1 cup d'etat every year
>oil, lots of oil, oil is life
>consume a banana republic here and there
>don't forget the guerilla training


is Sup Forums pro or anti kissinger?

Kike christopher hitchens hated him but then he was a marxist and pro-iraq invasion also anti God

Nixon said you can't trust Jews but with the exception of Henry Kissinger

I think Kissinger is pro western and he seems to be pro Trump but you never know what shady dealings behind the scenes he is doing

Solid Penguin mode right there.
Over 6 million shekelsquats, 1200m bank run every morning, 14x88 Penny pinching motions, combined with a diet of foreskins and you're on your way.

I think he's pro west too, but you never know with these guys.

It's DeVito mode

Is Obongo asking to the jewmaster to activate the plan B?

He is as globalist as they come. He puts America above all else because it's the most powerful nation that lead the world into one world government. Clinton also loved him. And he's not pro-Trump per say. Probably just impressed that Trump has fought valiantly against the establishment. He's old as fuck he probably doesn't care what happens at this point and that's something he hasn't seen since his multi decades long career of fucking up the world with impunity.

You're alright, Hans.


Rigorous diet of pretzels, buttered bagels, and pastrami sandwiches, followed by an eternal and profitable life effort of dispossessing white men and subverting western culture.


My god, can you imagine being Obama and having to take this bowling ball seriously? I wouldn't be able to do it. I'd laugh and my entire family would be killed by the Jewish kabal.

He is a failed globalist.


That is Penguin mode and you will never achieve it.

Wow, what a powerful photo..

Dr. MK Ultra and his Frankenigger

thought the same thing.

government bloat mode, only achievable via artificial monopoly

>God created the bot fly and fishes that swim up your dick
>These are his chosen people

We live in a sick world lads

Did you try calling all of the kings horses and all the kings men?