Is he right /pol? If true, how is it possible?
My head just exploded!
These hoes ain't loyal...
How is it even possible to be investigated for obstructing an investigation that wasn't actually happening?
IIRC the obstruction of justice stuff is about the investigation of Flynn.
The FBI director indirectly reports to the president. He can fire or direct him anyway the president sees fit.
>The guy who told me
Nobody tells you what to do Mr. president, you are the president. you are the one who makes the decision and you are the one who's responsible for their consequences
Russian hackers
The problem is, the left hasn't gotten the story together outside of the media crying shit.
Comey said "not under investigation" and "no obstruction", but then they have to roll with it anyway. No one was expecting Comey to say those things, but Trump 4D chessed him by claiming to have tapes.
The Russian Collusion thing fell apart, and now they just have obstruction.
Trump got jewed by (((rosenstein))) and (((schumer)))
How does firing the FBI director affect Flynn's investigation?
He's wrong because Rosenstein didn't tell him too, but gave recommendation on it. He brings up a good point regardless. The obstruction of justice case on Trump barely has a leg to walk on.
Trump wasn't being investigated personally, people around him were.
Which was over when the supposed obstruction took place.
Muh Russia is obviously bullshit but this tweet is just low energy whining. The buck stops with you, Mr. President. Stop surrounding yourself with untrustworthy people and then complain about being stabbed in the back.
How can Trump be so retarded to not only confirm the investigation into him, but publicly berate his DAG. What a fucking idiot.
Asst AG Rod Rosenstein
I assumeit interrupts the process, or he's being investigated for trying to get Comey to drop the investigation.
Good thing every single legal argument is in favor of Trump here. He's allowed to fire whoever he wants in the executive branch for any reason. There's no reason to be worried about this, it's just going to slow congress down even more.
>The (((guy))) that told me
It isn't. Mueller is a partisan hack, proven further by his hiring of Democrat donors for his team. Literally the ONLY reason these deep state swamp creatures are painting Trump as a crook is his victory over their anointed crook. He hasn't done anything illegal and there's not enough evidence to even suspect he has.
There's no evidence Russia so much as ATTEMPTED to hack either party's hq or any voting machines, no evidence of collusion with Russian officials, and no evidence of improper handling of classified info by Trump. And how do I know that?
If any such evidence existed, it would have been leaked months ago. With leakers still plaguing the administration daily, there is no better explanation.
The case is not about trump firing comey. It's about him trying to tell comey to stop investigating while he was director.
This is the setup to firing someone
Your national security agencies said it was Russian.
They're lying.
Right, but being Comeys boss, Trump has the authority to direct or not direct an investigation any way he chooses. Trump literally cannot obstruct justice in this case.
Those 17 agencies that weren't named and have made no public comment?
There is another concern of obstruction about asking the head of the NSA and CIA (I think, I forget the names of the groups) to stay behind where he asked one of them if they can stop comey from testifying.
Im pretty sure all of this is coming from some washington post story.
>obstruction of justice
trump literally is justice, nobody can get in his way
Oh well, these things will happen.
>He's allowed to fire whoever he wants in the executive branch for any reason.
When Nixon did it, the tide turned against him. Of course, it took the smoking gun tape to convince congress that he had to go, and when word got back about that he resigned in disgrace.
It's true that Trump can order the Justice Department to stop the investigation, and he can fire anyone who does not follow the order. But then he's going down a dangerous path, like Nixon did.
Is he a complete fuckwit or what? Does he really not see that he is in the realm of the Jew? Is he blinded by the Jew, what the fuck's wrong with him?
Isn't it true that they wouldn't necessarily tell him he's under investigation?
He supposedly asked for their assistance in a political sense with Coats being specifically asked what could be done to intervene in the case. Rodgers and Coats have both denied ever being asked to do anything they found to be illegal, with Rodgers being the more adamant of the two.
The (((Deep State))) sprung a trap for Trump, and Trump fell right in. That's how entrapment works.
Now, Pence has his own lawyer, meaning, Paul Ryan may become POTUS, if all goes according to plan. Can we go back to having centerfolds of Paul Ryan at the gym, now ?
>Trump literally cannot obstruct justice in this case.
Only with respect to himself. When it comes to anyone else, like Flynn, Trump can only pardon him. He cannot tell people to ignore facts or lie about what they know. It's a big mess when the president is involved, but when Nixon so famously claimed, "when the president does it, it does not break the law", you have to weigh the political consequences.
If Trump makes it look like the Republicans are going to be slaughtered in the next election, he just might face impeachment and conviction. He's not at that point yet, but he's crazy enough to get there.
Yes, but it's been leaked to the media that he is, which will cause tons of problems for the investigation. If Trump did do anything wrong, the WaPo alerting him to this will boost his chances of getting away with it. Rosenstein specifically talking about the leaks they've made over the past two days and the special counsel response that they're taking measures to avoid leaks is clearly upsetting them.
That idiot should be in jail already for raping his
>all my national agencies are lying because they insulted the guy I voted for
Americans have a mad obsession that the person they voted for can do no wrong. Doesn't it at least give you food for thought?
The system is designed to stop absolute power from being in one person's hands. The FBI are supposed to operate independently from the president as a non partisan agency.
Thats not relevant anyway. Obstruction of Justice refers to anyone trying to stop a prosecutor or other government officials from doing their job related to a legal case. In this case the FBI is the prosecutor. While it is constitutional for the president to choose who the director is, this is legally speaking irrelevant
So comey is the only one at the entire fbi who investigates things? There's no way that it could be delegated down the food chain and he is only a figure head for the organization. You can't believe that firing one person is obstruction of justice, especially if you believe it obstructs more than the past attorney general telling him to drop the case.
Ya thats it. It seems to be complete bullshit if there the two denied any such event.
You guys think trump will fire mueller afterwards for continuing the russia shit? I think it would be a good idea because it sends a message to any other demorats to quite the stupid muh russia shit.
>The FBI are supposed to operate independently from the president as a non partisan agency.
This was not the case in the past, and I'm not sure it's legally required at the present. The president can actually tell the Justice Department to do this or not do that, and the FBI is part of the DOJ.
It's more about perception than legality. Trump can legally fire Comey and Rosenstein and anyone in the DOJ if they don't comply with his orders, but like when Nixon tried that, it was the first step towards his downfall.
Well, they put out a collective report that referred to "classified intel" and literally read like a trump speech. the BEST intel from tremendous sources.
At the highest levels of the United States Government, baseless newspaper gossip goes a long way.
He got played. Kek!
Hes the president no ones telling him to do shit. Someone may have gave him the idea but hes the fucking pres. Looks like a bitch now too
This is what your tax money pays for
This is the government you put so much faith in. Wasting millions that could be spent on roads investigating people over nonsense and crap. Governments are just reality tv. They contribute nothing of value to the countries they run
And to follow up on this, the President can fire the Special Prosecutor or whatever Mueller is called. That was not the case when the office was originated after Watergate, but Iran-Contra pissed off the Republicans, and Whitewater/Monica pissed off the Democrats, so they let the thing lapse years ago. Trump can fire Mueller anytime he likes.
Do you guys realize his not really under investigation but just referred to the Russia investigation in general.
The thing is, the media reports that he has confirmed he's under investigation.
Both he and the media are being retarded at the moment
Are you mentally stable or are you about to go on a shooting spree?
Crazy democrats like you make me nervous, they should all be committed
ODNI and DHS made a public joint statement saying it was russia. The DHS and FBI declassified a report saying it was russia. During a house intelligence briefing the CIA head said it was russia.
he's not being investigated for obstruction, this is the gambit. Read this foxbusiness article, they are now claiming that Comey testified Trump in fact DID commit obstruction of justice and that Comey dindu nuffin according to this guy:
>John Coffee, professor at Columbia Law School, concurred. “For the inspector general, I would like to know if this is an improper leak,” Coffee said. “These were not governmental records. This was just the personal property of Mr. Comey. If it’s his personal property, it’s not a leak” Coffee said.
which is just not true, all records including memos jotted down during the course of government employ are in fact government records, that is extremely clear under law. this is just another ruse cruise.
hope kek will save him or me
With Jews, you lose
>Both he and the media are being retarded at the moment
they aren't mutually exclusive
Comey, as the head, has authority of what investigations are conducted, or at least significant power in influencing them. It's up to the courts to decide.
Trump played himself. never trust a jew
Fuck nigger! You are part of the problem!
>today's date is the 16th of june 2017
>democrats still unable to cope with election loss, continue to blame Russia and Trump.
"b-b-buh muh recomend is not being told" Jesus Christ people you know what he means, it's the same thing Trump just does that thing still where he imitates common speaking to appeal to lower denominators.
>the government you put so much faith in
the "intel" that the russians hacked the DNC servers comes from Crowdstrike, not an intel agency.
ofc the deep state is going to blame russia, if you haven't been paying attention, the attempted Ukrainian coup by the CIA was meant to weaken Russia enough to leverage them off of Assad's team. they are going to blame anything and everything on russia until something sticks.
Doesnt have to.
What matters is that he thought first threatening Comey with his job would compel him to find kill the investigation, then he thought firing him would make others after him "think twice", after which he was probably banking on no special prosecutor being picked and him being able to nominate some hack like Cornyn to FBI Dir who would have killed the investigation.
His intention was to obstruct, however moronic that might have been
After all, shooting one's self in the foot is a national sport nowadays in the White House
they do a little more than blame. they've successfully neutered him politically, he's caught up in all that bullshit instead of actually governing
Actually, the real problem is people who read a few lines in an article in right wing media just repeat buzz words and phrases without actually understanding why this is happening.
The Russia investigation includes their subversive activities during out election which, if proven true, delegitimize POTUS which is something his ego can't handle.
I'm sure knows Russia did this, it is the conclusion of every intelligence agency in the USA and most Americans.
So trump wants to delegitimize this investigation as much as possible as pre emptive damage control so his brainless base ignore the facts.
Sabotaging an investigation intentionally to save political face is obstruction.
>secret security, fbi, cia and all the other 3 letter agencies have been watching trump like a hawk and going over everything he does and has ever did with a fine tooth comb since he announced his candidacy
>nothing has ever been found
>comey thing didn't work out
>continually reee at everything he does
>blame everyone and everything, from russia to the kkk to nazi cartoon frogs for trump's victory
>try and block everything he does ever
it must be tiring being Trump. All you want to do is fix america and you have a flock of squawking seagulls flapping in front of you and beside you and behind you all the time reeeeeing at everything you do and slapping everything you try to pick up out of your hands
there are 5 things that legally constitute obstruction, if it isn't one of them it isn't obstruction. They are as follows:
nothing trump has done Is any of these things. not even close. this shit is getting really ridiculous. RWDS WHEN???
The president absolutely cannot tell what the agencies to do. The agencies pursue their objectives stated in their mission while the president directs how these are actually carried out. Yes, there is no legal precedent for how much authority the president has over his agencies. This case is slightly different because one of this agency's mission is to enforce the law and because it falls under criminal law. Firing Comey per se is not illegal, but doing so in an attempt to obstruct justice might be. It's up to the courts to look at the facts and decide.
But seriously, we can't let him get the nuclear codes.
Trump said in the Holt interview firing comey was a specific response to the Russia investigation that he wanted buried. He admitted obstruction on national tv. The obstruction case started directly after Comey's firing.
This is very similar to what brought Nixon down. The best thing Trump can do now is fire Mueller so we can just get the impeachment overwith as I'm not sure a conviction would be that easy at this point in the investigation but it's going to be way too late if he waits even a few days as Mueller is looking at Kushner and top aides now. Hid aides might avoid jail time if he fires Mueller now.
Telling him to do it and saying it'd be a really good idea to do it might as well be the same damn thing. There's no practical difference between the two. You sound like a libtard parsing every word.
It's pretty clear what Trump ment.
kek Paul Ryan is a literal curlbro
actually he can b/c those agencies are not even technically allowed for under the constitution, the congress gave the executive branch the power to have these agencies and therefore the power rests solely upon the head of the Executive Branch to oversee and do whatever he wishes with them. It's only been internal rules and precedent that keeps them mildly separate, that in no way implies the President's authority is void in how to administrate or adjudicate the agencies.
They say tons of shit, yet provide no evidence. There is evidence however that under Obama hacking did take place on the state level. But it was those same intelligence agencies doing the hacking into our own state governments.
I'm not sure I'dd believe what their spoon feeding me. In the vault 7 leak it showed they can spoof hacks from any country they want, so what "real" proof could they even provide anyway?
Last I heard it was a single private intelligence company that claimed that. Even still, an attempted failed hack has nothing to do with Flynn talking to Russia 100% legally. This committee is just a well dressed mob.
Your statement has nothing to do with anything in this thread. Nixon faced public outcry to get out after months of people resigning on top of REAL crimes being committed.
We're talking about an investigation that has to find a crime to prosecute. There is no evidence of anything but a media coup consisting of made up bullshit and fake leaked stories. The comparison to nixon and trump is idiotic. Trump can fire anyone for anything, it's not obstruction. Political pressure and a crime are two very different things, something liberals don't seem to understand.
Oh shut the fuck up Trump. Don't talk anymore. This guy is so damn stupid. He is tweeting his way out of office.
Do you have a source for this?
Oh my god, Trump is such a fucking idiot.
I bet that, had he just not done anything, nothing could have been proven against him (at least not directly). But he's an idiot and just can't stop sabotaging himself.
This is some Swamp shit:
>Mueller (Pro Iraq war, Bush MIC puppet) advises Trump to fire Comey
>the madman actually does it
>the Swamp wants a special prosecutor
>they choose Mueller
>Mueller pins obstruction of justice on Trump
>Trump leaves office
you can't change the system from the inside, friends.
it really amazes me you bots have made it this long. but you will eventually come to our side. it is the way of the have learned about TAY, no?
A frog God of Chaos and Darkness got him elected what did you expect?
>the president doesn't have advisers
>tfw shills tried to make the 40d 40k meme dead but now it's literally true and there is no defense against it
Why doesn't he just get the military to take over the government and kill all of them? That's the only thing that is going to stop this.
I'm getting sick and tired of Trump doing all of this nonsense. I stopped defending the guy after that tapes tweet. What the hell is the guy doing?
At least he's up front about who he's taking orders from.
dumb donny is mouthing off again
>believing us intelligence reports that contain no evidence
I wonder of theyll ever stumble onto those Iraqi WMDs they promised us?
If that were true, I'd fire the special investigator
and tell anyone who objects to suck my dick.
He should do that anyways because this shitshow has cost millions of dollars over nothing but fuel for the news cycle.
The news cycle is getting representatives shot.
You want an investigation?
Investigate the democrats and the press.
I bet it will be far more fruitful.
Actually no, because that isn't obstruction of justice since the new FBI head inherits old investigations.
You should maybe learn the law before you try to talk about it. Trump is innocent. You have literally no case and the longer you try to drag it on, the worse it will hurt your chickenshit party.
Now thats 5D chess.
>Thinking he was ever on your side.
Him and Shillary are both on the same team. I'm not sure why people thought he couldn't be "bought" by Wall Street, he fucking IS Wall Street. It's hilarious to see him as president, but I always thought you'd have to be stupid to want someone like him to actually be in charge.
They're shooting his political party members too.
I remember reading a clickbait article that said "why a civil war is more likely than you think" and it highlighted all the right wing militias and shit, completely ignoring the lefts complete insanity during this whole thing. I remember thinking that the first shots would be left to right. Curious how the rest of this goes.