I have a question

So by historical evidence it's clear that communism was created by the Jews, and it's spread by Jews, and it is controlled by Jews.
But i just don't understand what they gain from promoting it.
Power? Control? Money? something else?

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It existed to end monarchy in Russia. Now it is just a useless toy.


Destruction. Jews thrive on suffering

But they keep promoting it. so this is not the case.

This is not a valid reason... i hope.

In their own words.

Read Animal farm
The jews are the pigs
>Jews make the commands
>Goyim do the work

In communism labor is cheaper

There is. It would give them power as they are part of the 'intellectual elite'. It would allow for the destruction of ethnic/class power as that's one of the main goals of Communism, however, Jewry was always spared this fate.

so they would grumble everything just to save a few shekels. I'm not buying it, it must be something else.

but why kill ethnic groups? i can understand class power.

If they control the State, and they do, you are slave to them.

Did you forget about all those fucking Chinese communists? Goddamn

the chinese communist were also uplifted and promoted as the good guys in the conflict by jews, i don't understand your comment.

If there are no more ethnic groups but instead just bland people without a history as a group, they are easy to control and for Jews to blend into. It's the same thing as the whole "I hate white people, we are the worst. lol, jk, I am a Jew be nice."

holy shit, the last piece of the puzzle just fell into place.

Read Culture of Critique.

Because when whites organize as a whole, they drive out the Jewish threat. No more whites = global kike domination

Jews are a minority who seek to control government affairs. This can't be done democratically since they can only hold a certain degree of democratic power given their numbers. They can however influence public opinion using their control of media. If a tiny minority seeks to establish control over a majority, it is necessary to first eliminate their representation as a minority by equalizing the masses. If you eliminate identity, they are no longer a minority, just one of the goys. We can already see their incredibly disproportionate representation in current politics but there are limits that can only be overcome when the masses stop voting for people whom they identify with based on race or culture. If they can create a society where 10 ethnic groups each represent 10% of the voting block, no individual group can achieve a majority based on identity politics alone. We are all "equal comrades" This means that our decisions are based more on the information we receive from controlled media sources and allows for greater manipulation of the system.

Bureaucracy seems to be in their genes. Stalin proved that people in the political system would be held to a different t standard (more equal) then everyone else in the communist system.
Why would you not want to enslave a country ? Make them stand in line for cabbage and giving them pennies to work long hours. It's basically a new form of slavery disguised as social assistance

the whole series or just the third book?

They're all good but the third book has the answers to this question specifically.

okay will do.

i can't find the third book, only the first and second seems to be sold on common markets. do you have a site?

It's on Amazon.

oh sry, minor mistake from my side.

They give the west an enemy besides the jews

> only party leaders rich everyone else is poor,
This leave more money for the Jewish fiscal backers of the state.

>business owners rich,
Money is slowly reditributed to the rich eliminating the middle class. More money for fiscal Jewish backers

State regulates business and ensure people are employed, doesn't let mine accumulate in one place. Jew can't get in side ways makes no money, causes world war.

Don't know but I found this webpage. Haven't read it. Funny how the words "Jew" and "Jewish" are not mentioned once in the text.

Here are two episodes on red ice on a similar topic.

Divide et impera

They could enslave, imprison and torture the goyim. Have total politicical, economic and social control. The goverment own the business and industry but the banks own the goverment. Churches got torn down or turned into stables but synagogs are perserved.


This video pretty much sums it all up.