>don't worry guyz le based Gen Z will save us XDDDD . Forthh reich soon!! DX
Don't worry guyz le based Gen Z will save us XDDDD . Forthh reich soon!! DX
If they are in their phones they arent watching CNN or BBC.
Its a good start IMO.
The only truly good generation will be the one immediately following A. the collapse or B. the implementation of sharia law.
I have that shirt but mines blue w white letters. Also my wife is more then glad to make me a sandwich in return for giving her 2 children and a house to live in. And by sandwich i mean a piece of her sweet ass when ever i want.
Nice fantasy, Jamal
My wife's son is a based Gen Z black man
2, 7, 6, 5, bleh
>leaf detected
A fucking star
gay larp
epic my fellow pede
Did you just give a fucking 5 to a poo
This has to stop
Im ashamed to admit to myselft that this is the kind of ppl I shitpost with it everyday AND that I looks just like him (minus the long hair)
It is never too late to become an hero
stop hating on BASED gen z, the most conservative generation ever!!
conservatism is the new counter culture/punk!!
Not an augmentation
based obese nigger tranny faggot! xD
le helicopter rides anyone?! xDDD
It's clearly the order, not ranking you slavnigger
dat bitch on the right tho, nice
Gen Z males*
Also don't forget that the Democrats are the real racists
the democrats are the real racists :))))
this right here fellow pedes, upvoted.
i have an idea that will completely BTFO the liberals!
We should go suck off a BASED black fag to show the liberals that they are the REAL racist homophobes!!!
>mainlining right into those moldable brains through memes
You might think shit like kekistan is cringy, but it changes people.
If this is the fucking line, Republicans are dead
True Americana! I will ask Jamal to wear his BASED MAGA HAT while he impregnates my daughter. As long as he does it LEGALLY I love it. Praise israel.
antifa get out
*tips le sombrero*
okay sweetie
I would be more comfortable if i were posting along the like of pic related desu.
Those are millennials
That picture has been around for at least, AT LEAST 7 years newfag
They're all phoneposting on Sup Forums
Cool story babe
It will be kind of soothing to finally see the Muslims take over, just so I can stop thinking about it so much.
the REAL gen Z are BASED conservatives like this guy!!
everyone soon will notice millenials were unironically the best since ww2. this is how hopeless we are
this desu. phoneposting jailbait is the future of the counter-semitic movement. Screencap this.
They're reading this site and getting redpilled on kikes like OP.
those girls will have barely enough kids to replace just the ones in the picture- maybe three daughters total between all of them?
they are so goddamn fertile but phones are more important
feminism was a mistake
It's UMA posting.
I'll get right on that just as soon as I finish my twatter post and counting my likes on kikebook mom.
exactly, gen Z will save us because they dont give a fuck. you need like 30% people to vote for you and even less to care what actualy you are doing. you can make genocide with 20% support and if rest doesnt give a fuck you are set
Indeed. Kek save us ALL!
They're all on snapchat instead where all the biased leftist news headline the stories section
'99 baby here to confirm. Why does Sup Forums hate phoneposters?