Can we just throw these fucking commies out of helicopters already
Antifa puts nails in dog treats to kill right winger's pets
Bump, fuck commies
This is clearly false flag. As dumb as these guys are, I don't think even they are dumb enough to openly state that they're doing this.
I certainly wouldn't put it below them
Keep in mind a lot of antifa are dirty niggers with no moral compass or compassion
the date on that screenshot is from ~1 year ago or more.
>I don't think even they are dumb enough to openly state that they're doing this
You may be right about this being a false flag but they are stupid enough to openly say this.
>Lolbert fell for the false flag
Figures given lolberts are the dumbest posters on this board
This is an obvious false flag that is only meant to be believable to normies and r/T_D kekistani niggers
I would murder a mother fucker in cold blood if they killed my dog and feel zero remorse.
Physical removal, so to speak.
Even if it is fake, can we use it to get PETA to fight some ANTIFA for us?
If you haven't trained your dog to not eat shit from the street you deserve it dying.
Get animal rights activists t do the heavy lifting on this one
nice (((strategy)))
my favorite thing about leftist false flags are when the fanatics start running with them anyway
how do you train a dog to NOT eat meat m8?
Well it's a thought. If more and more leftist groups are popping up and they all are making fake propaganda, then let's use it to tell the other groups about it that it may interfere with. Like muslims against homos, blacks against communism, peta vs antifa. Make the groups cannabalise themselves.
Let's out Jew the Jew. Hitler took as many religious artifacts to give him power during the time, most of which being Jewish and Christian artifacts.
Yeah, clearly a false flag
I saw that photo years ago, before the election even started. Fake and gay
>hurr it's fake
Maybe. I wouldn't put it past them to do this though.
if only someone had trained your mom not fuck trash in the street
Some of you are too autistic for your own good.
cool someone finally noticed my rarely used shitty attempt at a troll account. all of my followers are bots.
you went through the trouble of whiting it out, i just wanted to waste both of our time
you are one gullible dummy
imagine going to the effort of making that page and then coming here to post it.
imagine how pathetic one must be to do something like that.
I would imagine you tug the leash and tell it no as soon as it tries to eat something.
This will probably end up killing a lot of stray dogs, cats, possums, and nigger pit bulls. Not much of value will be lost really.
It's perfectly possible to train a dog to refuse food from strangers.
Why would you say anything in the thread about it obviously being a false-flag you idiot?
Don't you understand the purpose for this sort of shit? Its propoganda intended to radicalize people against Antifa, let it do its job.
>being counter productive
>user points its a jew strategy
>schlomo dickchoppedberg sperg about hitler stealing jews
fuck off schlomo
Same here.
what if they throw the piece of meat into your yard
how do you train a dog not to eat a piece of meat that's just laying around
it's a fucking dog that loves meat
Sick fucking cunts. Killing a dog is like killing a child.
This smells an awful lot like a false flag.
PETA kills more animals than anyone. Doubtful
because no normie in their right mind is going to square their vegan, pussy, tree hugging, whale rescuing, coworker with this kind of shit. It sounds like the idea of a teenage edgelord, so you might as well call the account "Sup Forums false flaggos right here".
Or maybe they're naiieve enough to think that the left always lies propaganda means that right wingers tell the truth. I was glad to learn you guys are just as big a pack of faggots as the commies.
God forbid I find someone doing this for animals just because people disagree with them.
I would literally beat the person to death with my bare hands and sleep like a baby afterwards.
we don't need false flags to do so. they give plenty of real reason to hate them as it is.
My name is Lt. user Raine and I'm putting together a special team, and I need me eight soldiers. Eight Sup Forums-American soldiers. Now, y'all might've heard rumors about the happening happening soon. Well, we'll be leaving a little earlier. We're gonna be dropped into Antifa, dressed as Commies. And once we're in enemy territory, as a bushwhackin' guerrilla army, we're gonna be doin' one thing and one thing only... killin' Commies. Now, I don't know about y'all, but I sure as hell didn't come down from the goddamn Smoky basement, cross five thousand posts of shit, fight my way through half of T_D and jump out of a fuckin' thread to teach the Commies lessons in humanity. Commies ain't got no humanity. They're the foot soldiers of a Freedom-hatin', mass murderin' maniac and they need to be dee-stroyed. That's why any and every son of a bitch we find wearin' a Antifa uniform, they're gonna die. Now, I'm the direct descendant of the Veterans of Meme and Winter Wars. That means I got a little Spurdo in me. And our battle plan will be that of a troll resistance. We will be cruel to the Commies, and through our cruelty they will know who we are. And they will find the evidence of our cruelty in the disemboweled, dismembered, and disfigured bodies of their brothers we leave behind us. And the Commies won't not be able to help themselves but to imagine the cruelty their brothers endured at our hands, and our boot heels, and the edge of our knives. And the Commie will be sickened by us, and the Commie will talk about us, and the Commie will fear us. And when the Commie closes their eyes at night and they're tortured by their subconscious for the evil they have done, it will be with thoughts of us they are tortured with. Sound good ?
But hey shut down anything that tries to do their job of killing animals, like that circus recently.
Great idea, Peta will be furious that there's an organization out there killing pets other than them.
>"fighting our enemy is number 1 priority"
>happy doggo is subhuman commies enemy
these faggots need to hang
People today think self control doesn't exist. They will get cut open and their stomach bound by a band because they claim self control is impossible.
Fuck off you cunt, there is nothing wrong with this sort of shit. Its purpose is to agitate people against the left, the ends justify the means.
Mythbusters did this, but can' be arsed to find it.
The only thing that works against a trained dog is the scent of a female dog in heat.
This is fake news. Image is from a few years ago in Argentina
I love it, hit them where it hurts. You want to push genocide? this is the result.
Starting a kickstarter to give mentally unstable liberals shooting lessons.
>antifa cant use an old image
American antifa is without doubts the most retarded organization that ever existed...
Is getting out of control seriously. This is not even about "resisting" is about being a complete retard.
I sometimes almost forget how fucking stupid the majority of you people are.
I assume because you haven't fallen for leftist propaganda that youre of at least moderately smart.
Glad watching you fall for obvious false flags like this portrays reality. You're all autists.
transparent propaganda is worse than no propaganda. do you think people are going to trust you if you blatantly lie to their faces? it doesn't even contain an element of truth, these shitheads sit in trees for months to protect animals why would they climb down to spike doggy treats?
>anitfia did it
>so it must be a fabrication
if an image about right wingers killing pets ever went mainstream it would be on the news and media 24/7
kill yourself you leftycuck
This shit can't be real.
1. Communism is anti-religion.
2. I doubt they'd do this.
If someone can prove to me that this is 100% real and these people aren't just trying to give the left a bad image, I'd appreciate it.
American Antifa is a load of shite.
Any proof as to whether this is real or fake?
There was a string of poisonings in wealthy California neighborhoods two years back. A bunch of pets in SF ate poisoned treats left on the ground and died.
What are you going to do to stop them? Rather, what are you going to do to stop your poor little doggo from eating something off the ground?
You're literally proving my point you spaz
Calling me a leftcuck is the same as the left calling me a nazi lmao
>just trying to give the left a bad image
>implying anyone needs to
Remove commie
Antifa detected.
Only antifa would defend other antifa.
Spread this Picture further on other forum guys, this will show all those who cares for animals that antifa must be doxed and removed, except we wont attack their pets but they will be taken away from them.
If you use the words "doggo" or "pupper" kill yourself
LGBT = Antifa now?
Also, being anti-religion =/= being against discrimination.
What the fuck is wrong with these people
He's saying LGBT == the left
and they make you look bad. You all make yourselves look bad
do these people not realize how retarded that sounds?
Islam is arguably more fascist than most of Sup Forums
Horrible game is horrible, boring gameplay, bad nonsensical plot that wouldnt fly, "science" that breaks physical science in real Life while trying to be the correct thing, and character personalities that are bland and boring and non existant.
Gee an explosion in some random Island, lets nuke America and thus let them nuke us and kill everyone including ourself and our familiees- The russians.....and the americans who believed them in the game is even more stupid.
>He's saying LGBT == the left
Fair point.
>You all make yourselves look bad
I'm not part of Antifa or AFA. I do not support LGBT. I'm basically fucking Stalin.
no, everyone knows it's a fabrication because a) pol made a bunch of threads six months ago where they set up fake left wing accounts, and b) you can search up leftie forums and they have threads every so often going "who the fuck is posting this nutty shit?" and nobody in their community knows who's running the account.
pull the trigger: you yourself just used the words doggo AND pupper in the same sentence.
>130161417 ▶
You're probably right.
>do these people not realize how retarded that sounds
>implying these "people" have any awareness at all
If you see anyone doing this, shoot them.
also, in the summer, if you see kids or pets left in the car unattended and the windows are up then break the windows out. Be careful not to get glass on the child/animal.
That's a fake Antifa account. Literally every leftist knows this. If you scroll through their posts, it's fucking obvious.
Please send this pic to the NSPCA. These are criminal acts and can send many people to jail or at the very least, a heavy fine and being stigmatized for abusing animals
PETA would rather pets be killed. How about SPCA or general law enforcement.
(sage reminder: the alt right was hillarys last ditch attempt)
Nah, it says it's Official.
there is no "alt-right" vs antifa
its just normal people vs psychotic lefty globalist fucks
From what I know, Antifa (excluding American Antifa) hates Clinton.
I believe this is fake but I could believe it was true given enough evidence
Even Hitler fucking liked animals for God's sake
So if I made an "OfficialAltRight" account it means it's real?
>board on politics
>will believe anything based on their feelings.
Where's the source?
>if an image about right wingers killing pets ever went mainstream it would be on the news and media 24/7
it wouldn't. unless it's very elaborately crafted.
that's the point you braindead retard. Only poltards fall for this shit.
of course tabloids may go with it, but those aren't the ones that matter.
It'll get debunked retard
Loaded up.some food with hot pepper. Have some of the same food without the pepper. Put the unpeppered food on a dish, drop the peppered food on the ground. Repeat until rover gets it.
>media sweeps leftist and antifa plots under the rug like they never existed
>only poltards fall for this shit
of course
>Don't you understand the purpose for this sort of shit? Its propoganda intended to radicalize people against Antifa, let it do its job.
corr blimey mate we've got a shill out in the open here
Sure. Why not?
Actually the alt-right was molymeme youtube comments, takimag comment section, a now defunct something awful side-forum called the new effort, TRS, and their mortal enemies another something awful side forum called mypostingcareer. All of them spun out post election and they tried to disown the term after trump and his voter base proved to be a pack of fucking idiots. They spent a fair amount of time shilling on Sup Forums but that fell by the wayside when they decided to gas their infowars loons and anyone that had successfully gotten married (because they all had asian wives).
Now that you mention it I think Matt Forney and Kane from command and conquer were also calling themselves alt-right before they tried to become gamergate e-celebs.
It's not surprising that Sup Forums is distancing itself from the term considering its pedigree.
>this is actually real
>this actually happened
PETA is quite busy lately with an orangutan on the lose in the white house
I feel so darkly enlightened.
I don't even have any particular liking to dogs and I think this is fucked up. Leave people's pets alone.
>naming a bunch of controlled opposition cucks
eh i don't buy it, but thanks for the information
in fact you werent even selling anything, i'm a cunt
The post may have happened but, like always, antifa never did anything irl
>leftist and antifa plots
You mean like the OP? Please remove yourself from the genepool
no, they were genuine, just fucking cringe and retarded. when the tea party couldn't ouster obama they went online and did some soul searching.
look into the history of 4_(I can't believe moot got so triggered this is still banned)_c_h_o_n, you probably never went there but you're all posting their memes today.
t. EUfag