Why are Millennials not going to the movies anymore?
Hollywood is literally on life support...
Why are Millennials not going to the movies anymore?
Hollywood is literally on life support...
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What if we archive that archive.is
>why aren't millenials doing [something that requires lots of disposable income]
How long before they put two and two together.
> Implying millenials aren't richer, more spoiled and lazier than any generation before them
Because i can pirate film, roll a join, buy snacks and invite friends for 5 times less than it would cost to go to cinema
Maybe, Just maybe!
They should start making good movies?
>millennials are richer
>also they're not spending
>and they're not saving either
Really makes one begin to process thoughts.
because movies are 99% hot garbage
The quality of movies has degenerated into total dogshit. They pump anti-white propaganda and feminism into everything to the extent that even the blueist pilled normie subconsciously can't be fucked watching it.
please let me visit you someday and buy you a beer.
Bad goy
Haven't been to the movies in at least 8 years. Why the fuck would i want to pay $25 to go see the 30th Marvel/DC super hero movie this year?
I'd rather wait 3 months and torrent it than give money to marxistwood
Movies are just shitty remixes or SJW nonsense nowadays. I only watch TV shows like game of groans.
>why are millenials x
Jesus fuck, STOP. Some boomer probably thought it was a good idea to beg me to turn off my adblock while reading this article.
>Implying millenials aren't richer, more spoiled and lazier than any generation before them
Wew lad
>Endless catalog of tv shows movies and user made content that you couldn't possibly sort through a fraction of in a 1000 years
>from the comfort of your home
>why aren't you coming to my establishment to watch terrible movies for $14 a person with shitty overpriced snacks
I wonder
>reeee milenials!
nu-kikes cannot be bothered with financing any new decent franchise and think that making remake after remake will keep them afloat
drown these cunts
and here I thought millennials were horrible people, good job kiddos hold on to your money
>Implying millenials aren't richer, more spoiled and lazier than any generation before them
hard to beat boomers at that game, imagine graduating college in 1972 and filing bankruptcy so you are forgiven your college debt
yeah they did that
just maybe if they would stop making leftist shitskin feminist pandering movies jewllywood wouldnt be dying
>Why the fuck would i want to pay $25 to go see the 30th Marvel/DC super hero movie this year?
because you're gay and you enjoy viewing cock bulge in tight clothing?
I've been a web pirate for many of years, I downloaded movies and have shed no tears.
I don't want to be enslaved by a Jewish plot, Hollywood can burn may their corpses rot.
(with the melody of the wild rover - the dubliners)
blame hollywood, not the customer
Hollywood has run out of ideas,
Its just remake after reboot
Imagine just showing up to a job interview that requires MORE qualifications than you had and be taken because you looked nice and serious enough.
I mean, wouldn't you honestly?
they fixed piracy.
>white conservatives have the most disposable income
>Majority of Hollywood films nowadays are anti white conservative
>push your jew, race-mixing into every TV show and movie
>charge 20$ to see it
>expect people will still want to see your shit
Pic related: This is where new creative (and cost effective) movie industry is
>Fuck whitey: the movie
>why aren't white people watching this?!
>LGBTQ: the movie
>why aren't straight people watching this?!
Really warbles the jarbles
Hollywood is bought by the Chinese. It's no longer "Jew"llywood it's Marxlywood. Chinese studios do have some great action in it though, mix of course with Cultural Marxism.
Examples: This year's Fast+Furious, XXX, basically every action movie lately involves evil blonde woman (usually CIA) and hero asian.
It's happening fast. China's propaganda machine is in full force.
American millennials are subconsciously rejecting it.
> Masha and Medvedev
So Russia's Prime Minister is secretly a bear?
>Why arent milenials paying for anudah gay-holocaust anti-white movie???!
And it's no, nay, never
No, nay, never, no more
Will I pay to be guilt-tripped
No, never, no more
I'm a millennial and I love movies. OP...
Fuck this made my day, thanks user!
Everyone watch your hands when reading might cut yourself on all that edge
Because I the capability to pirate movies and I have kodi, and I can make my own snacks/get them for cheap at my local shops. Why would I ever go to the movies unless I was going to get pussy afterwards?
Because the market is kicking Hollywood's ass
Great news.
Movies and TV shows are just faggot/miscegenation propaganda these days.
Go build a wall Paco.
Where were the fucking Asians in The Fate of the Furious?
>many spics
>a few blacks
>blonde bad woman
>ginger bad guy
>a coconut
>an eggman
>Clint Jr
But with dick.
What are friends? Why do millennial's have so many friends? I'm gen Y and I don't have any friends. I have a wife.
I read this sentence 4 times and it still makes no sense.
That would explain a lot actually. Have you ever seen anyone try to pet him? I thought not.
Love your TV license lmao
>they're not spending
on important things like decent food and shelter. They're just fine spending money on avocado toast.
gen Y are millenials you cuck
>£5 popcorn that costs pennies to make
>can't take it food from outside, have to pay ridiculous prices
>have to be around other people
>have to watch like half an our of pre roll ads
>everything is gimmicky 3D bullshit
>movies are the same regurgitated predictable shit
I wonder why people aren't going to the movies as much.
TV shows have over taken movies I think, way more entertaining and you get something to follow along with, not just a one time thing you do. and you can do it in the comfort of your own home, for whatever reason movie produces are reluctant to provide movies direct to houses, they want you to have to go to the cinema, this will be the death of them completely if they don't wise up and change.
also you can't drink nor smoke in theaters.
isn't watching movies supposed to be something comfy and not follow rules 1 through 74.
I'm a huge film buff and I actually work in the film industry, and even I have struggled to find more than a couple of decent films to watch in the cinema this year.
I feel like everything is targeted at the lowest common denominator audience, therefore nothing is challenging or fresh anymore.
I go to the movies regularly. I don't know if I'm a millenial though. I'm 28.
Good. Fuck (((Hollywood))) and their shitty propaganda. Also, Pravda had more original ideas.
The new aliens was pretty dope though
they steal them online.
At the end of the day, millenial cancer is th result of never discplining or teaching basic concepts of meritocracy, accountability or consequence to children.
All millenials know is what they want, and how entitled they are too it.
It's sad, that a generation of Americans are literally a weird hybrid of self righteousness, amorality, but are ultimately cowards and excuse makers.
Sup Forums gives me hope that not all are garbage though, and I hope they sort themselves out.
recommend me some please
-make shit movies
-make the heroes of said movies miorities, so that no White guy (who are the biggest Market) can connect with heroes
-make Story either so fucking convoluted or dirt simple, that nobody will recommend it after seing it
Thats 3 reasons why they fail, should i go on ?
I'll wait a month then open popcorn time.
based norra bot
Russian animation (rusime?) has been picking up in the last decade with plenty of historical and OC that's been pretty damn good and not completely geared towards a young audience
>plenty of historical and OC
what are you talking about
remember when a business used to stop making money and it was their own fault? when did that change to be the consumers fault?
>stop not buying things you dont like!
Hi dad.
care to give some examples ?
legit curious here
Im assuming he means historical tales as well as original storylines (OC)
What are YOU talking about, have you BEEN outside or somewhere that isn't Sup Forums, plenty of decent stuff, methinks your flag isn't what you say it is Aмepикaнcкий шпиoн
it's just another westerner that thinks eastern europe is his white paradise where everyone is nazi and all women are submissive housewives
I like old movies, back when there was little to no agitprop in them, men were men, women were women, and society still had a sense of decency.
Sure Hollywood was also full of kikes back then, but they had no choice but to adapt to the morals of their audience, a Christian society.
>go to movie theater
>pay $75 for a seat + popped corn + drink + tip
>sit in a huge, poorly-ventilated room with lots of disgusting, ill-behaved subhumans who ruin the experience for you by making noise and throwing shit
>be brainwashed by endless lefty propaganda garbage included in the film because jews
>get shot by a crazy person before the movie is even halfway through
>pirate the movie for free/rent it for $2 on a streaming service and watch it on your big TV at home
Movie theaters are simply an obsolete concept, clinging to life because the people who own them are unwilling or mentally unable to divest.
No one cares about same shitty movies with the same story lines and plot. Hollywood needs to take a break and really think hard.
Use a vpn (in case you didn't already).
Hollywood is jewish
Or just crap movies all over
>funding the Jewish subjugation of your nation
LOL no thanks tard
Amerifag here, most of my friends have decent jobs and we do go to the movies and other recreational things quite often. I think maybe you're trying to paint a picture of how fucking deplorable the state of affairs are when maybe you're just a poor friendless loser who cannot entertain themself.
It's a shame. Some of my best memories of my Dad were going to the movies. It was always special, and he always got us a large popcorn and a coke to share. He died 17 years ago last month.
I'm 32 and I still go to movies, and I make sure to get popcorn and a coke every time. When my kids are old enough I will do as my father did with me.
flag, checks out
you know what mate you go ahead, you keep trying to shove that square peg in the round hole.
Im sure itll fit eventually
We all know why piracy and streaming services
A studio I have enjoyed has been Melnitsa studio, they mostly cover eastern-european history and folklore like 'Krepost' which covers the siege of a fortress in 1609. They also have an ongoing series of movies abut the the Three Bogatyrs
>spend a gorillion dollars to drive in traffic
>park in huge parking lot
>walk five miles to the theater
>wait in line like cattle
>sit in nasty dirty shit covered theater seating
>have some fat obese faggot sit right in front of me obstructing my view
>have niggers yell chimpanzee mating calls through out the movie
>searing eye pain from all the smartphone screens dotting the blackness
>all this effort to see some kike made derivative trash full of race mixing propaganda
>versus staying home in the comfort of my masterfully crafted home theater playing hand selected kino
Agree hollywood and MSM are doing poorly...question i have, unlike any other business they seem completely immune to such things like exponentially decreasing customer base and antiquated business model thats overshadowed by new technological based delivery systems.
So where do they keep getting hundreds of millions to make movies that flop and never turn profits? How do they afford over inflated actor pay? The insane amount of advertising for their products?
Seriously Hollywood is like Sears....and sears cant even afford to advertise, can barely afford to keep people standing around their empty stores, they dont expand only shrink by selling stores which is the only way they ever make money.
Wonder what their secret is?
I mean look at CNN...fucking kids playing video games dwarf their view count...but the people at CNN all bank lots of money, and they advertise, which the kids playing games dont do.
Thanks, Cananon
Name them you fag, I am really interested
I personally hate the whole trend of movies now being basically restaurants. They have full menus so what was once simple snacks you now have fucking burgers and shit people are chomping on. The giant leather recliners disgust me because I know they never clean them. It costs more than ever to go which could actually be spent on a fun night out with friends or even just doing something more interesting. I now have to fucking tip??? Fuck you. Quality has gone down hill immensely or I just don't care enough to want to see a movie right away. The only thing they've got right is alcohol. At least you can order a drink now but everything else outweighs what I can do at home for a fraction of the price.
norway bro to the rescue
i havent been to a movie in like 15 years. It was only a thing to get out of the parents house and next to a girl...i cant even remember any movie i actually saw in a theatre. The second i got old enough to have my own place i stopped going.
Oh, got it. They make stupid kids cartoons which spoil such an great material as Былины.
They could make epic dark stories but they copied american retarded style.
Because piracy exists
what cartoon is that? pls reply
I'm 31 and I'm considered a millenial.
youre really bad at this
furry detected
Hollywood makes shit movies they force people to watch, rather than making films people want to see.
Thanks Jan
Last movie I've watched in the theater was The Force Awakens.
Never again.
>they steal them online
no, Hollywood has not produced anything in 10 years, that i would even be bothered to steal.
Gas yourself
In the early 80s my dad walked into a Coca Cola wharehouse, went right up to the foreman, and asked for a job driving a forklift. Lied through his teeth and claimed he totally had forklift experience. Foreman hired him on the spot because he didn't look like a pussy but didn't talk like a hick, and because they desperately needed people.
Dad worked there for two years making $11 dollars an hour in 80s money, and blew it all on his car and on cocaine.
Try to cold call a warehouse and ask for a job operating a forklift without being able to prove you have a certification today. They will not just laugh you off their grounds, they will call the police and Baker act your ass, as you're obviously out of your damn mind.