Picture taken in a student hostel at one of polish universities with Indian students.
Picture taken in a student hostel at one of polish universities with Indian students
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very nice
I love Poland.
Why is it in english?
The three S-es
English is the lingua franca of the world.
I miss the days I could make fun of Poland.
Now I can't since this country is so fucking based.
you cant fault him for trying. it was in the shower, which are usually close to toilets, or at least closer to one than a street is
Superpower by 2020
I doubt any poos can speak Polish
I'm surprised theirs any poos in Poland at all
That's a meme u dip
Because I bet those pajeets didn't bother to learn polish?
because all pajeets come from UK
>not the jungle you came from
Proper way to deal with poo in loos
Universal language
a small step for a man, a giant leap for a Poo.
Well they are pooing in the bathroom at least.
House training takes time.
There was quite a lot of them at the medical university where I studied. The english-speaking medical courses are written for complete idiots and poles are prohibited from applying for them because of how low level they are (the admission test covers mostly grade 12 biology). Most of their students are poos, arabs or scandis who are willing to pay quite high tuition and get their medical diploma without any effort or knowledge.
Why would you shit after taking a shower?
Should be shave, shit, shower
The funny thing is that Pajeet actually removed his dump after reading the note. Praise Sobieski & Pilduszki, greetings from the Iberian Peninsula
You know it's bad when even the Polish refuse to clean "toilet"
Erasmus students
They don't really speak polish.
out of interest, where was your uni? Zabrze?
out of interest, where was your med uni? Zabrze?
You mean shit shower shave, its not hard people
ah ok, I saw a few kebabs at the medical uni of Zabrze, couldn't really believe what I was seeing.
I don't understand why people say this considering these people poo everywhere EXCEPT for the loo. Should be poo outta the loo.
I approve.
there was an educational song made in India and the lyrics are "you've got to poo... In the loo Oo Ooo!"
Also it rhymes and that's generally what works best.
>This is POLSKA
Lol subhuman Slavs can't even spell the name of their shitty third world country right. Culling of eastern Europe WHEN?
Better subhuman than being too intelligent to fight back, Snow Mexico.
Where do you see a mistake?
day of the rake when?
Poo in land
he's a leaf and therefore only knows how to screech autistic about America. it's all they learn in school.
relax pavel, this is the perfect opportunity for you to practice your plumbing skills
Hey, for someone that's never seen ceramics before in his life that's a pretty close shot.
that's Scotland right?
Slavs can't fucking read, holy shit.
That's how Poland is spelled in Polish buddy
Hmm, and was the rest of the Slav spewings in English or in Polish?
Would it make sense for me to say "This is le Canada?" Or for you to say "These are los Estados Unidos de America?" Sounds retarded, like a slav.
I dropped me drugs
Poo in loo means poo in l'eau. Shower has water, ergo stimulates literary dump.
polish is the same as cockhole but with dumb separated consonants
>Being this new
Greetings from Poland. Kill all bastards.
Only one here retarded is you leaf. Leaves are too dumb to understeand that author truly marked that poo in a loo lives in POLSKA and he must follow the rules of the coutry hes living.
AHAH you made a mistek
Unrelated but can I sue gugel for destroying my mouse buttons?
Nice job ignoring my good point. Or wait, no, it is more than likely that you couldn't even comprehend what I was saying. Improve your fucking English, Pyotr.
Goddamnit, India.
Have you no shame?
Universal language. Poo in loo probably wouldn't be able to read Polish, but many around the world learn English.
They used to make fun of us Polish, whether from Poland or Polish-American. I have never been so proud of my ancestors' land before! :)
Ignoring? Yes, because its not valuable even to discuss.
Its not Pyotr. This is in Russian. Educate yourself, before you shoot with such foolishness.
I will help you. Piotr in spelling. However Piotr has an origin of russian culture. So, you gave bad example leaf.
You can sue even a pope if u want. Its now forbidden.
So, would you get after a german for writing "This is Deutchland," because that's what he calls his own country, and feels no need to use the name that foreigners use, simply because he's writing in English?
>writing a note to a third world nigger monkey
>write it in a language they definitely don't understand
>write it in one that they do
Choose carefully here amigo
Rzceczspospolita restored when?
>these people poo everywhere EXCEPT for the loo
Exactly. "Poo in loo!" It's both a slur and a directive. It's multifunctional.
Why so mad, Kanada?
>Why so mad, Kanada?
I tell you why.
Because he is stinking Ukrainian piece of shit living in Canada, that's why
I like this explanation. I deem it official canon.
t. poojeet in Canada
Fuck off back to your country streetshitter.
friendly reminder
>inb4 involuntary manslaughter
Fantastic job user.
Massive KEK
Suck my dick.
Saved and keked
But are they allowed to practice medicine in Poland after graduation or is that easier diploma not recognised?
>Would it make sense for me to say
I'm going to give birth to a Pajeet instead of saying, I'm going to take a shit.
I'm going to give a birth to a Pajeet
I'm going to take a shit.
Because both of them are brown.
>This is Polska
I'd rather be in the jungle tbqh lmao. Slavs in general are a lot dirtier than the Indians that immigrate here.
>Thinks Poland is better
>Lives in Canada
Go back to your third world shithole then ya fuckin fag.
The Indians speak English. I've met Indian exchange students at uni here, and unsurprisingly they don't speak Hungarian.
>le epic kekistani flag
Opinion discarded, fuck off to reddid, bitch.
indian shitting in public
INDIA pooping in POOBLIC
>Not using something that's meant to be used
Is this why Slavs drink to the point of brain damage?
technically yes, but the exam is so hard its practically impossible
It's Poland, you can practice medicine without a diploma as long as you're able to keep at least one out of every ten subhuman pole alive.
This Is Only For Your India - Must Must Watch Yeh Hai Pakistan
in INDIA it's OK to do pooping in pooblic.
No need to get butthurt you human feces Pajeet.
Yes, but none of them speaks polish. They do the english diploma and then go to the countries of their origin.
Wrong. Polish students and MDs on their specialistics exams have the best scores in the european exams.
Proud of this guy
>No need to get butthurt you human feces Pajeet.
I once did something similar. First of all, I'm not a Chinese nor am I a pajeet. I went into shower at student halls and shaved my armpits. I failed to clean the shower cabin properly and it had my hair all over. Too bad. One of the other students got buttblasted and left a note saying whoever responsible should clean it. Of course I did nothing.
On another note, a polska kurwa is ready to wait 24 hours for someone to clean the shit out of communal shower?