Daily reminder that the DNA results showed that King Tutankhamun belonged to a genetic profile group, known as haplogroup R1b1a2, to which more than 50 percent of all men in Western Europe belong, indicating that they share a common ancestor.

Among modern-day Egyptians this haplogroup contingent is below 1 percent, according to iGENEA.

"It was very interesting to discover that he belonged to a genetic group in Europe -- there were many possible groups in Egypt that the DNA could have belonged to," said Roman Scholz, director of the iGENEA Centre.

Around 70 percent of Spanish and 60 percent of French men also belong to the genetic group of the Pharaoh who ruled Egypt more than 3,000 years ago.

"We think the common ancestor lived in the Caucasus about 9,500 years ago,"

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You're right can confirm

True Egyptian myself this is correct


I'm white so I guess....I WUZ KANGZ!

fake shit bitch nigga fuck

LOOK! IT's an another subhuman who doesn't know a shit about actual genetic knowledge
like that Bulgarian subhuman who posted retarded shit about us, i hope he's here so i can anally annihilate him

why is your kind so subhuman, op? Why do you subhumans give us cancer?

Egyptians weren't black nor Euro whites
They were North Africans/Berbers


Thisg uy looks just like me, except his skin is a bit darker, my eyes are grey and I have a nose that is a bit wider.

I remember at uni making a montage of this dude with a pic of myself whrn I shaved my head and the inscription "2000 BC; 2000 AD".

Not sure what that means tho.

can you turks fuck off seriously this board is really not a place for you

How many light haired North Africans are there? If you look at the mummies with conserved hair their hair were European (in color and texture). I don't see why people find it so hard to believe that a light skinned European people dominated Egypt. Then niggers and shitskins immigrated into white man's land just like they are doing today.

If you look at Rome and Greece it's the same story. There are no mummies but historical records describe the ancient Romans and Greeks as pale skinned, light haired etc.

the jew just didnt want to admit that KANGZ enslaved them

It means that you have autism

daily reminder We Wuz


oh yeah and Africans are our defective children
Humanity originated in Europe not Africa


who gives a shit. everybody has a common ancestor, even me and a tree





Egyptians have always been closest to their neighbours in the Near East

No more kanging do you little kang

>"We think the common ancestor lived in the Caucasus about 9,500 years ago
Chechnya confirmed for cradle of civilization.

Fuck all of you.
North Africans can be clear as much as they can be dark brown.
Our DNA indicated that we come from the Near East. Not Europe or Subsaharan africa

>according to iGENEA
they have no access to his DNA
they unironically claim to have reconstructed his Y-DNA profile from a discovery channel documentary and use this bullshit to promote their DNA test

meanwhile Ramsess III Y-DNA was actually analyzed and he was most likely E1b


>y have no access to his DNA
>they unironically claim to have reconstructed his Y-DNA profile from a discovery channel documentary and use this bullshit to promote their DNA test

Have you examined that study or more precisely the conditions under which it was conducted?
That study was conducted by a shitty lab (set up for 23&me heritage type testing) full of black lab workers… and the manner in which it was conducted indicated there may have been as much as nearly 50% chance of erroneous results.. not counting the risk of contamination which sadly we'll never know because they didn't even take exclusionary DNA samples from researchers working on the genetic material..
typical negro science.

didnt tut have klinefelter syndrom or whatever

but as I said, there's no study, they have thrown that claim with no scientific basis whatsoever, all they did was take a segment from a discovery channel documentary about Tut's DNA, based on an actual paper on king Tut DNA which didn't analyze his Y-DNA anyway


I was talking about the Rameses dna study where the researchers claimed he was of E African origin or whatever.

Egyptian society compared to any point in all of black society are vastly... how do I say... "different".
Even if that was the case you're supposed to evolve as time goes on, not devolve.

ah ok, the precision with its classification is indeed debatable, but you can't get R1b from E1b anyway

IIRC some people took the data and analyzed with a more up to date Y-DNA haplogroup predictor and found it most likely was near eastern E1b1b not African E1b1a

God what a delusional faggot


Shits more complicated then that sven gk suck ahmed dick already and fuck off with your cucked revisionism you nigger-centric cunt.

>Shits more complicated then that sven gk suck ahmed

we be coo and sheeyit den

That was Rameses 3, not related to Rameses 2.

Rameses 2's bloodline died off resulting in a civil war. A coalition assembled around some black dude but this resulted in Egypt getting decentralized and the priests dominating large chunks of Egypt.

During Rameses 3, Egypt was getting invaded by Europeans or Anatolians... Sea Peoples.

This black dynasty died off.

He wasn't related to Rameses 2. He took his name to try to legitimize his rule because he was possibly black. Probably tried to claim he was a reincarnation of the white guy or some shiet.

It would like Obama naming himself Ronald Reagan.

He was R1b but afrocentrists threw a fit.

Max Planck institute confirmed that early Egyptians were Eurasian, Central Asian.

never implied that, it's just that Ramsess III is the only one of those mummies whose Y-DNA was actually analyzed, while Tut Y-DNA profile wasn't studied

maybe the Egyptians do have it

>he was R1b
no scientific proof of that
and even if it was, it would most likely be R1b-V88, which nowadays peaks in central Africa and got there through the near east

Well you were already a KANG because there have been many European Kangz throughout history.


Read up. 20th dynasty was weak.

It's possible the priests backed a weak black leader they could control.

Rameses 3 was likely assassinated and his successors could have been cuck babies or not even related to him. Rameses 3 could have been assassinated for being black.

20th dynasty was turbulent.

Well shieetttt lemme get this straaigghttt up yo dawg.

We were kings and stuff.

those blond mummies were jews

In Ancient Egypt, the niggers were dickwashers.

Okay, so what now?

Why are Turks always such dickwads? Same guy evertim?


so whites were phased out by muslims in egypt...

sooo why are you letting them into europe again?

"Over the last two decades, numerous contemporary (Khartoum Neolithic) sites and cemeteries have been excavated in the Central Sudan.. The most striking point to emerge is the overall similarity of early neolithic developments inhabitation, exchange, material culture and mortuary customs in the Khartoum region to those underway at the same time in the Egyptian Nile Valley, far to the north." (Wengrow, David (2003) "("Landscapes of Knowledge, Idioms of Power: The African Foundations of Ancient Egyptian Civilization Reconsidered," in Ancient Egypt in Africa, David O'Connor and Andrew Reid, eds. Ancient Egypt in Africa. London: University College London Press, 2003, pp. 119-137)

Didn't they also find evidence that everything but africans started from somewhere in greece?

Boxxy confirmed for time lord


Killing time before the truck arrives, Youssef?

whites started leaving Egypt before the Muslims.

Probably by the 20th dynasty, they were heading to meet up their homies in Anatolia or Greece.

Seems the 21st dynasty tried really hard to keep Egypt together.

The 19th white dynasty died off and the oligarchs let the a dude of a sub-saharan African ancestry make himself Pharaoh so they could have their own fiefdoms.

Smendes, a priest, and his descendants tried to put the broken egg back together. They stabilized Egypt but then Egypt got blacked by Nubia and it died for good.

This is probably America or Europe. Billionaires back some POCs/blacks. They get more powerful because of puppet POC.

Shit breaks down. Then it's up to someone like Trump to go Smendes and try to put the country back together. But the cucks don't let him because they've got their fiefdoms.

Then west suffers massive blackening and collapses.

"Our results confirm that, although ancient Egyptians are closer in body proportion to modern American Blacks than they are to American Whites, proportions in Blacks and Egyptians are not identical.. Intralimb indices are not significantly different between Egyptians and American Blacks... brachial indices are definitely more ‘African’... There is no evidence for significant variation in proportions among temporal or social groupings; thus, the new formulae may be broadly applicable to ancient Egyptian remains." (Michelle Raxter, Christopher Ruff. et. al. "Stature estimation in ancient Egyptians", Am J Phys Anthropology, 2008, Jun;136(2):147-55)


MENES the first united was from the south. i.e nubia.

he sure looks like a white.


>They say also that the Egyptians are colonists sent out by the Ethiopians, Osiris having been the leader of the colony. For, speaking generally, what is now Egypt, they maintain, was not land but sea when in the beginning the universe was being formed ; afterwards, however, as the Nile during the times of its inundation carried dowTi the mud from Ethiopia, land was gradually built up from the deposit. Also the statement that all the land of the Egyptians is alluvial silt deposited by the river receives the clearest proof, in their opinion, from what takes place at the outlets of the Nile ; for as each year new mud is continually gathered together at the mouths of the river, the sea is observed being thrust back by the deposited silt and the land receiv-
ing the increase. And the larger part of the customs of the Egyptians are, they hold, Ethiopian, the colonists still preserving their ancient manners. For instance, the belief that their kings are gods, the very special attention which they pay to their burials, and many other matters of a similar nature are Ethiopian practices, while the shapes of their statues and the forms of their letters are Ethiopian ; for of thetwo kinds of (scripts) which the Egyptians have, that which is known as " popular " (demotic) is learned by everyone, while that which is called " sacred " ^ is understood only by the priests of the Egyptians, who learn it from their fathers as one of the things which are not divulged, but among the Ethiopians everyone uses these forms of letters.

Diodorus of Sicily

Which Caucasians shared exact language and script as the egyptians?? ill wait.

>Analysis of human remains by Fred Wendorf and reported in "Holocene Settlement of the Egyptian Sahara", based on osteological data suggests a subsaharan origin for the site's inhabitants.



tomb of Rameses 3... nuff said.

This dynasty tried very hard to legitimize their rule. They might have mixed paternity.

Rameses 2 was white and red hair. The entire dynasty was white.

During the 20th dynasty, the white priests rebelled and took over their own parts of Egypt. 20th dynasty was a clusterfuck.

This dynasty was succeeded by Smendes and his line which included the Silver Pharaoh who was long lived, short, and stocky.

The 21st dynasty was likely a return to white man rule. Didn't last, though.

Chehens are literally Übermensch.


"HLA genomics shows that: 1) Greeks share an important part of their genetic pool with sub-Saharan Africans (Ethiopians and West Africans) also supported by Chr 7 Markers. The gene flow from Black Africa to Greece may have occurred in Pharaonic times or when Saharan people emigrated after the present hyperarid conditions were established (5000 years BC)... some of the Negroid populations may have migrated (16, 19, 31) towards present-day Greece . This could have occurred when arid Saharan conditions became established and large-scale migrations occurred in all directions from the desert. In this case, the more ancient Greek Pelasgian substratum would come from a Negroid stock.(2)"

"Population genetic relationships between Mediterranean populations determined by HLA allele distribution--a historic perspective."


Is that pic shopped or legit. Keep thinking about it.

Very suspicious that it's a pic for the Rameses 3 tomb. The earliest pharaoh believed to be black and one that was assassinated. Also, One Pharoah which the priesthood rebelled against. The one Pharoah which resulted in Egypt getting broken apart.

A faction of elites backing a black would have been divisive and the conservative priesthood would have rebelled.

Makes sense. Phoenician ancestry. Phoenicians settled all over the Med.

Daily reminder that Kingdom of Kush (located around modern day Sudan/Ethiopia) conquered Egypt and even established it's own dynasty, proving there were dark skinned Pharaohs.

you have no source or prove of that.

also there are blacks with red-haird faggot.

>Aftee their long humiliation under the oppressive rule of the Shep-herd Kings, the Egyptian people rallied for a great national uprising under the Theban king Amosis, Ames, or Aahmes; and the Hyksos were driven from Eg3rpt, after a desperate contest, B. C. 1600. Then began the New Empire — ^the most brilliant period of Egyptian his- tory — which lasted a little more than a thousand years (B. C. 1 GOO- SES). Amosis united all Egypt into one kingdom, with Thebes for its capital, and founded the Eighteenth Dynasty. He married Nefruari, the daughter of the King of Ethiopia — "the good and glorious wo- man" who held the highest honor ever accorded a queen.


Smendes, not Menes

And that bust isn't Menes. Menes is mythical like Narmer.

No one knows if Menes or Narmer is the "founder" king of Egypt.

He's like the Yellow Emperor for the Chinese.

looked up the bust. Could be or could not be Narmer/Mendes.

The head looks Asiatic. Very chinky,.

nice semantics faggot.

>The identity of Menes is the subject of ongoing debate, although mainstream Egyptological consensus identifies Menes with the Naqada III ruler Narmer[1][2][3] (most likely) or First Dynasty pharaoh Hor-Aha.[7] Both pharaohs are credited with the unification of Egypt to different degrees by various authorities.

>Limestone head of a king. Thought by Petrie to be Narmer. Bought by Petrie in Cairo, Egypt. 1st Dynasty. The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, London

still doesnt look like a cracker.

nice try faggot.

look at these chinky africans. you fail again.

The R1b ancestors of white man were kind of chinky looking. Might have looked closer to Russel Brand and some Mexicans.

The bust looks kind of asiatic, specially from the side. That weak chin.

these dudes are mostly y-dna A. Ultra fucking ancient. Living fossils.

Their y-chrosomes are even close to E y-dna Bantu and shiet. Not even that close to B either.

The dudes never even got close to North Africa.

Cool but ancient egyptians were mostly Natufian-like and most similar to modern bedouins, saudis and yemenite jews. Although Sardinians are also pretty close to ancient egyptains as neolithic anatolians and ancestrors of Arabs Natufians were closely related,


haha asiatics whose share a common heritage with peoples of sudan and congo. yeah.

>Egyptian is the ancient and original language of Egypt. It belongs to the language family known as Afro-Asiatic or Hamito-Semitic and is related to both of that family’s branches: North African languages such as Berber and Beja, and Asiatic languages such as Arabic, Ethiopic, and Hebrew. Within Afro-Asiatic, Egyptian is unique. It has features that are common to both branches, although it is closer to the African side of the family.

> it is closer to the African side of the family

And they've been blacks Asia since antiquity. hence afro-asiatics. thus asians having black features, not the other way around. That weak argument tho.


they're y-dna is mostly A and B. Bantu are mostly E.

These dudes are the most primitive and ancient of the blacks.

Narmer/Mendes wasn't one of them.

Mongoloids are 100% unrelated to congelese and sudanese.


no they're not. All Afro-Asiatic speakers are more culturally Asiatic than African but they share mtDNA in common. They share a female line or two in common.

It hints that some Eurasians went into North Africa and adopted the language of their mothers or captured women or taught their language to native North Africans and some of these Eurasians took North African wives.

North Africa got bleached in the Mesolithic/Neolithic.


the samples can be grouped into three time periods: Pre-Ptolemaic (New Kingdom, Third Intermediate Period and Late Period), Ptolemaic and Roman Period.

yeah good one, genes from after hysksos, greeks, and roomans were surely pure ancient Egyptians of 2000years prior.

Arabs, including egyptians have recent medieval negroid admixture from female slaves but ancien middle easterners and north africans didn't have it.

fat chance. the origins of the languages are in africa and it spread out from there.

theres no evidence for a mass migration of asiatics into africa. but there is evidence for africans leaving and going to asia.

Eurasian invaders into North Africa could have take Natufian wives or taught the Natufians their ways... assimilated some males but bleached a big chunk of their women.

> he wuz iberian
reached peak cuckle there

>Still different, doubtless,, were the earlier inhabitants

no evidence for Eurasian invaders into North Africa.


I would call it bleaching as all mesolithic/neolithic races/populations had skin tones ranging from dark brown to pitch black.

Light skin in europeans might be from mongoloid siberian admixture as Eastern Europeans Hunter gatheres were siberian admixed whereas purer western european hunter gatherers had black skin. Almost all HG ancestry in modern Europeans is from bronze/copper age EHG admixture.

The origin isn't in Africa. The Afro-Asiatic speakers are Eurasian y-dna dominated populations with the exception of the Berbers.

Hebrew and Arabic are closely related and the main y-dna is J. While the Berber language is dominated by y-dna E1b.

The Eurasian men also developed original/independent script for their Afro-Asiatic tongue which the Berbers didn't really do. They adopted their script from others.

Eurasians either adopted the Afro-Asiatic tongue because their fathers bred with with North African women or Eurasian taught their language to native North Africans.

Anally devastated Mongoloid detected

Natufians or other neolithic levantines were eurasian invaders in north africa.

You and faggots do. Don't put trees in your faggotism together.

Alexander the Great mayhaps?

Haplogroup J, R, T, y-dna. Haplgroup F men are found in large quantities in various places.

R1b was found in Lake Chad. Their R1b is ancient. Proof that Central Asians may have ended up their chasing ice age lakes that started drying out.

Every time one of these threads comes up, someone posts the castration picture and claims that it is dickwashing. Why?

AHAHAHA White bois BTFO by Cornell West

Niggers are animals. You have nothing to be proud of nigger. Accept your inferiority. Go live in a jungle where you belong.

They were hunter-gatherers. Didn't get far into Eurasia.

They got overwhelmed by the Eurasians from deeper in Asia who had farming and domesticated animals.


Bullshit, south arabians were almost pure-natufians until maybe 3000-4000 years ago with no negroid admixture or even iranian type of near eastern admixture.

>“Several features stand out quite definitely first the Natufians were a long-headed people – they had cap-shaped occiputs (the lower back part of the head). Secondly, the dimensions or their heads were greater than in the pre-dynastic Egyptians. Thirdly, their faces were short and wide. Fourthly, they were prognathous (with projecting jaws). Fifthly, their nasal bones were not narrow and high, but formed a wide, low arch. Sixthly, their chins were not prominent, but were masked by the fullness of the teeth-bearing parts of the jaw.”

fail again faggot.

If the late Pleistocene Natufian sample from Israel is the source from which that Neolithic spread was derived, there was clearly a sub-Saharan African element present of almost equal importance as the Late Prehistoric Eurasian element.