Impoverished Japanese students march for ¥1,500 minimum wage

See? Even Japan can't survive with minimum wages¥1500-minimum-wage#.WUPs26ApDr-

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Raising minimum wage doesn't help because they'll either, be fired, lose work hours or price of living rise.


Why are they marching instead of working if they need money so badly?

>money for life not for war

Japan doesn't even fucking have a military, what is this bullshit?

someone gets it, also accelerates automation

1.5k yen per hour or per day?

> Marches against poverty
> In fancy clothing

they are not chinks, its per hour and roughly the 15$/h meme wage they want in the us

I don't understand their pokemon money

Tired leftist rhetoric is exactly the same everywhere.

>japs have the cutest women

myth completely busted with that ug machine in the middle there

>t.Victorian factory owner

average Japanese women

>raising minimum wage
>helping young people get out of poverty

choose one and only one

What makes you think that students how the economy works and what's best for them? The economy is hugely complicated and requires years of study to have a fraction of an idea of what the fuck is going on. Why the hell should I trust that some washed up nips know the economic ramifications of what they're advocating?

>the minimum wage in the UK is £6.70
why are they crying ?

That's about $2000/month, that's fucking ridiculous. It's literally five times the average wage over here. What the fuck do they need all that money for? Spoiled brats.

They think that raising the minimum wage will create jobs that are appropriate for the amount of money they are being paid.
They don't want a mcjob even if it's at 1,500yen.

Unfortunately most people leave university stupider than they entered nowadays.

>t. faggot who doesn't understand how much it costs to employ workers

And it's in English too. Yet more proof that all this retarded bullshit all over the world is originating from "special interest groups" in America.


>Profits after tax in the billions
>B-but my bottom line

Shilling for the corps I see.

>Sprint for longer distances.
>Increased sprint speed.
>Climb over obstacles faster.
Oh look it's the quick nig meme again. Perhaps one day a nig with even 60% african heritage will do well in a sprint.

>/pol will oppose this and cheer as globalists screw over the Japanese worker because of muh capitalism.

Yes because the living standards of a filthy croat can be compared to the japanese one

Food, shelter and medicine cost way more there, thus the need for a higher minimum wage

>Everyone is running a multinational global corporation which rarely pays any tax to the countries they operate in.
Kill yourself commie.

So what you're saying is that we lessen taxes on corporations so that they can pay their workers more? Sounds like we're in agreement.

Why do they cost more, they live in fucking paper houses and 2x2m apartments.

They do, just not in name. Google JSDF

Tokyo is damn expensive, the funny part is that the rest of Japan is very affordable, one tiny ass apartment in Tokyo would cost you around 800 dollars meanwhile in Osaka or Kyoto you could get an apartment double the size for the same prize.


The median wage for Japan is 3.500.000 yen. They literally want to double the median wage. The US equivalent would be making gov't mandated wage ~70k.

>Why do they cost more, they live in fucking paper houses and 2x2m apartments.
>what are limited resources


Meant to

wanting to live a decent life in a gigantic city without having a proper job/career beforehand, i guess
they had it coming

more like ur a gay, amirite Uruguay

Soros sure does love the yellow and white protest signs

Soon niggers that work at McD's will be demanding $1500 an hour, fucking japs.

if you can't survive on mimimum wage, maybe you shouldn't live in a city
i bet you could survive on minimum wage in rural japan

this idea that you can't survive on minimum wage is horseshit. you can move to a rural area, buy a house for 20000-30000 and live a comfortable life

the reason these people can't live on minimum wage is because they live in cities with expensive housing and high rent. it's more of a housing issue than a minimum wage issue

Raise minimum wages -> inflations.
The elites don't want they infinite reserve of capital to be devalued.

>meanwhile in Osaka or Kyoto you could get an apartment double the size for the same prize
No you can't. Keihanshin is hardly less expensive than Tokyo.

You are an idiot, they dont want to double it. The minimum wage income at 40 hours is around USD 15,000. Is that median to you? No? Then shut the fuck up filthy gaijin 外人死ねこのオカマやろう

What a funny joke, see me after class.

these unfortunate japanese have spent too much time watching US media. they are victims, not impoverished students.

The Japanese have some inflation and they are trying to hide their 200% public debt by selling bonds.

Same as in the USA. They can live on minimum wage. But they can't live the sex and the city lifestyle that advertisers and sitcom writers tell them they should want to live.

I want off this entire planet. The human race is a plague when set loose and certain people need to re-establish a colony on another rock

Also what do you think of the flags?

Minimum =/= median

日本共産党 FTW!

o-ok mommy

So if the apartment costs $800, why do they need $2000? I can't see anyone spending more than $200-300 on food.

$400/month minimum wage here
feels weird seeing overseas, the bourgeois fight the bourgeois

is this the hentai artist that draws tittymonsters with shotas?
can't remember the name

chingu chongo

I thought every Japanese prefecture had a different minimum wage IIRC?

in india, the minimum wage is like 2 dollars a day

Lol Soros is starting in Japan

>nigger female
What the fuck what the fucking fuck


Okay, I found this after 3 second search on jewgle, are these figures correct?

yay shitholes
will gladly move to the 1st world being way overqualified and work for $4/ hour (more than being a doctor here)

What you think a $200-300 food bill would be is actually like $400 in Japan.

He started a while ago, doesn't make much ground there though.

They only care about Tokyo mate. Maybe Kyoto. Everywhere else is like being told to move to Eastern Europe for them.

those are some breddy old students

No it's fucking not. Food there is literally cheaper than here.

I would totally take in one of those jap qts and let her live with me here in SoCal

I make enough for both of us

Oh boy
>mow I'm planning to try to have the money visit Japan before/during 2020 and wanting to use all of the 90 days I could be allowed to stay there without VISA as Jap/EU agreements I'm planning to spend most of my time in the rural/historical/mountain/small islands parts of Japan
>mfw Tokyo + Kyoto + Osaka would consider this the same as a trip to Ukraine and Belarus

Japan Times is leftist garbage. It's literally Japanese Jew York Times for gaijin, so no wonder they're shilling this hard. Non-faggots get their news from Yomiuri

I had a friend that stayed in Tokyo for a couple weeks and he said all of the food was 3/4 times more expensive than it would have been here

sure it is

A bunch of people in this thread who have never been to Japan.

To be fair rice is probably cheaper. For people who have rice 300 times a year Tokyo might be cheaper.

>badly photoshopped R's
>not realizing the people holding the sign are mostly gaijin and the kanji are drawn retardedly like some gaijin copied them out of a book

Rice is expensive in Japan because foreign rice is banned.
10-kg bag is maybe 25-30 euros

Median isn't effected by extremes, minimum wage is the lower extreme

>Live in land of rice.
>Pay 3-4x the price.
Is it at least the higher quality rice?

the real problem in Japan is that every job is outsourced and then outsourced again, so that a big company is paying a temp staffer x amount of money but the outsourcing company is taking 50% and then the subcontractor is taking another 50% and then the person doing the work is getting a quarter of what the company is paying, before taxes.
So you have skilled workers in poverty working alongside people doing the same job making decent living because one person is a direct hire and the other isn't.
the labor system is fucked, the country is being cucked to death by parasitic middlemen.

>TFW when no white nipfu

If Japan needs more labor how the hell can they have a wage problem.

It's pretty damn good rice to be honest.
Also it's nice to have rice paddies all over the bizarrely-zoned city because you can hear frogs at night even in an urban area

The poor quality rice is like 40p/kg over here. Don't you have a cheap option?

No, it's banned to protect Japanese rice farmers. It was actually a major stumbling block to TPP negotiations because the government wanted to keep the ban at all costs because it would destroy the domestic rice market.
Foreign rice is only allowed to be used in manufactured products that contain rice derivatives, things like Rice Krispies cereal and rice-starch-containing foods.
Foreign rice is banned from importation for direct consumer sale

What are you talking about?
If the minimum goes up, the median will adjust. That is basic economics.

Pointless. They should hang their elders instead, it'll make things far cheaper

Rotten Jap yourh. Back in the days they would have bowed to Jap authority and that is that!


How do you say gibsmedat in Japanese?


>the median will adjust

maybe in other countries but Japanese companies basically refuse to hire someone midcareer, so your wage isn't determined by the market, but rather by how much your current and only employer wants to pay you.
You can't just pick up and go to another company because even if you get hired they will put you in a junior position and your pay ladder progression will go back to 0
this is why the country can no longer produce competitive consumer goods beyond cookie-cutter video game consoles that are put together using innovations made elsewhere.

This is something an Am*rican would say. Are you using a proxy?

Let me guess, you are not a company man
They basically take care of you for life, they care so much their workforce is bloated with unneeded assets.


Brazilians are just Americans who do more weird shit.

Brazilians are American
Southern Americans, but still Americans

>They basically exploit you for life, they have a gentlemans agreement not to hire other companies' former workers to prevent their employees from seeking competitive wages that match their skills and productivity
keeping deadweight around is far cheaper in the end than letting people engage in free-market activity with their labor

I need to stop watching jav, i feel like raping every single yellow fuck in the pic, even the old man in the back.

>black and yellow signs
Who could possibly be behind this

Fucking commies are getting themselves into japan.

It's over boys. Wrap it up.