shitlib cringe also welcome
>these are the people who want to overthrow the U.S. Government
shitlib cringe also welcome
>these are the people who want to overthrow the U.S. Government
Other urls found in this thread:
>fight the powah!
Is it possible to be two genders at once?
>dictatorship of the proletariat!
bash *wheeze* the *wheeze* fash *wheeze*
Greetings comrades
Go on
>working is oppression
>muh glass ceiling
He identifies as the artist formerly known as prince
greetings fellow communist comrades xdxd X-D
Those legs. wow.
>Black bloc selfie
Wrong thread comrade, alt right cringe is down the hall
BTFO nazis
Communism is a mental illness. The western world dismantled our mental institutions at the same time, much thanks to the filthy jews creating propaganda for it.
After we closed them down, communism exploded in popularity.
>muh mustache
These people are the USG. Have you seen what the guv promotes in skools and on NPR and in all their policies?
If you're a patriotard you support these faggot goons.
That tomboy with the bat is v pretty
It's called a hemaphrodite.
We live in lamest timeline in a while
This is squarest thing politics mixed with tranny gender fucks
I just want people to pull out their stupid fucking gauges during their black bloc nonsense. My good friend is Antifa and I pick on him for it.
this old dude's a fucking cringemagnet
ayo where the asian girls at?
What do you think about the degenerate flags?
>assigned-female at birth
Daily reminder that public school teachers unions plant the seeds of this insanity
i can't tell what gender it is
27?I am 27 and she looks older than my mother
>public school teachers unions plant the seeds of this insanity
Yep, I remember being in a thread before a rally and someone infiltrated a communist meeting and said there were teachers there
user you might be a fag
OH lawd!
I'm out
Every. Fucking. Time.
Bet she squat a tonne
Not gonna lie, I'd sup at her bosom, if you know what I mean.
I want to cum on them
Ro Ro Fight Da Powa!
mark rosewater! not you too! I guess I should've known that there really was an agenda. welp, time to trash this alesha deck
Cute trap/10, would slam and scram.
Communism isn't that bad.
I swear the fringe left is made of the scrapings of the bottom of the barrel: like a resin of ugliness and disfigurement. 100% pure and crystallized cringe, and *proud* of it.
Our dregs are stupid, granted, but still vaguely resemble hominids with physical symmetry.
Wow, I can smell this picture.
I had the exact same thought. The pixels need to be dry cleaned.
Someone right-winger should seriously fuck her hard just for the lulz and domination aspect.
what's with the danish and their underbites and shriveled faces?
>infiltrated a a communist meeting
you don't have to do this to find them. look at the teachers unions themselves, they are out in the open about all this. do not assume because you send your kids to school that they will be educated, you have to put in legwork and do what you can to make sure the school is teaching the right things and that your kid isn't roped into whatever ideology is being pushed.
fuck you
>21st century Mozart
Wow. That dude is actually cute.
Josh Gad?
here, switch places with me. ill go to where you are and you can live up here in leafistan, the great white cuck
This one's the clear winner, and I say that before even noticing it's Sweden.
They're "cuck dancing."
Starting college in the fall in Michigan. How much of this shit am I gonna see?
I'm actually concerned.
>Whereas with white girls, you have blond hair, brunette, blue eyes, green eyes... it's just a mess.
Literally spit out my coffee.
Man? Woman? Goblin?
No woman, man, or the other 72 genders would blow him.
>Non monogamous
As if in some alternate universe, it could convince not one, but TWO people to fuck it.
The difference between the left and the right is that we know these losers are cancer, they hurt our cause more than any right wing faggot ever could.They're not even true leftists since all they care about it is social issues.They put at risk important issues like access to Healthcare, Education, Labor rights etc in favor of bullshit made up gender issues. By all means destroy them, the quicker the better. You're only helping our cause.
Maybe like 10% of the students will be like this
Day of the Rope when?
I'd accept that percentage if the 1 weren't there.
Siamese Dream was a solid album, though.
But yeah, he is insane.