could someone redpill me on gadaffi and why he is respected here
Because Sup Forums hates Hillary. That's all.
but i was reading a lot of praise on him
Sup Forums is contrarian
he wanted to have a unified arab currency tied to gold. goes what, the long nosed ones didnt like the idea
Stabilized his country by keeping terrorists in check and didn't allow Jews to control his countries financial system.
People are willing to forget that he was an infamously brutal human butcher because he once said something that seems cool when taken out of context.
Hi Hillary
He warned that if he was deposed from power that migrants would flood into Europe.
He was the only thin keeping Libya together.
what did he do exactly ?
Glory leader who was loved by his people, just rural cucks screamed dictator because they didn't get their free toilets. Fake uprising instigated to protect oil being traded on US dollar.
He won the 2016 Nobel Prize for literature.
>summer 2017
Hello newfriends =^)
Because he was Alpha AF desu.
1) He was some raghead Arab homo
2.) He kept the niggers and other subhumans out of Europe
>turned libyan from shithole into one of the most civilised and prosperous countries in the region
>was literally building artificial rivers to spread water to desert areas before NATO bombed it
>stopped huge mass-illegal immigration to europe across the libyan med sea (the majority of the economic migrants is directly caused by the collapse of his government)
>clamped down on jihadists such as al qaeda
>wanted to make africa great with their own non-jew controlled currency
>honourable mention: blew up ameriniggers at a german nightclub after they shot down libyan planes in libyan waters unprovoked
He did some things that I disagree with such as his support for the ira and lockerbie bombing, but they were decades ago during the cold war, during late 90s onward he was friendly with western powers.
>why he is respected here
Because the Jews hate him. No sensible reason at all, They guy was a fucking monster.
I do agree US shouldn't have taken him down but it still doesn't mean his an angel
He didn't support the Lockerbie bombing. That's just shitty Western propaganda. When he heard that the Lockerbie bombing was carried out by a Libyan he went out of his way to pay reparations to the families of everybody on board.
why did the western powers kill him ?
It's in the Hillary et al emails that were leaked. He was in the process of making a financial move that would have bankrupted our ponzi scheme economies.
because he wanted to stop selling his oil in there petrodollar and sell it for gold i believe. The Jews did not like this.
Ghadafi in the western standrads is a dictator BUT what westerneres cant understand that the middle east is not the west and becuase Hillary fingering in Libya and helping the terriosts to rempve Ghadafi now Libya is a terriosts breeder and all the word paying expensive price especially here in Egypt, and thanks god we have a united strong militray who saved Egypt from becoming like Libya
It wasn't that. It was the African Gold Dinar currency he was trying to make. It would have removed the IMF leverage over African nations, thinning the walls of our economic bubble. Also I think the anti-gaddafi team promised Sarkozy that his buddies would get a bunch of oil contracts once Gaddafi was taken out.
>shot down libyan planes
I mean boats.*
Right. I wasn't clear on that to be honest.
>bloodless coup
>turned Libya into one of the richest African nations
>gave Libyans a high quality of life.
>great man-made river project that he wanted to expand give all of Africa clean water
>wanted to start up a gold backed currency and didn't let the kikes install a central bank.
>kept extremists under control and kept them from crossing into Europe.
He basically wanted to help stop African Nations being used and abused by richer Countries.
Yeah yeah he was a monster and now Libya is a heaven
god damn we are pieces of shit , especially America and the Jews.
>blew up ameriniggers at a german nightclub after they shot down libyan planes in libyan waters unprovoked
I was wondering why he did it, now I know it was justified
Thanks b
After he died the Peaceful Rebels™ went and genocided any black Libyan they could get their hands on. Which is all the more amusing when black people supported Hillary. I guess those black lives don't matter.
Because he opposed the Jew and wanted what was best for his people. Like Saddam or Hitler
I am not black I used this flag as a bait in other thread and forget to change it xD
red pill me on Saddam now ?
Inshallah. These kuffar are as easy to fool as their women are to impregnate.
I am not muslim so fuck off
He gave his people healthcare and sustainable life. Of course Americans would hate that. We're all about sucking Mr. Goldsteins cock for a dollar and dying for his interests. Not only that, but we demand everyone else do the same.
Not gonna lie you guys are jewed pretty hard.
Respected by some. For different reasons. One is that here on Sup Forums we're champions of the underdog.
He was a hero. He build up the third world country Lybia to a strong regional power. The oil-export was made more efficient, the military reformed,reequipped and trained, infrastructure and industry had a building-boom, people were satisfiyed , they had much Food of high quality to eat, cheap: clear water, electricityand gas, low taxes, evrybody had a good working place, free education and health care and he Held the country together, brought stability to the land that is divided between the various Arab and Berber tribes, he was economically left but his values were conservative, still he fought radical islamism in his Country and secularised the state from Islam, he basically is like Saddam Hussein and he was General, pretty cool huh. He was supported by Russians and bought French weapons, he also stopped Immigration from Africa, saving us from the rapefugees. He reefused to be America's oil bitch and didn't want to let the Dollar get a Monopoly, he even build up some Islamist militias to stop the americans, not to establish the "caliphate of Islam and kill qufar". They illegally invaded his country and impoverished and destabilised it for centuries, lied about him (They even said he was pedophile) and the Clintons brought poison gas into there that they used to make it seemingly more legit to attack as the last time with Hussein they didn't fake. The same gas was brought into Syria. They bombed him and financed some adidas wearing tribesman to kill him brutally when they found him wounded after an US-Airstrike. Without him we've got
-American World Dominance and Expansionism, lead by leftists and Jewish Bankers
-Permanent hate and termoil in the Middle-east and Africa
RIP Gaddafi Allahu Akbar for him, he deserves any medal for his achievements,aims and his competence and lnowledge of the merchant-threat. We need Muslims like him.
Because of how he tried to break away from Globalism... I still hate him for his stance on Islam and subsequently whites, but I still respect him
mudslime detected
he was a terrorist supporting monster. I'm GLAD the jews knocked him out
good try
Press G to pay respect.
wow he sounds like a great lad
I miss him :(
You are a dumbass and Europe is suffering after him from african refugues, and I am not muslims I am Egyptian Christain but Ghaddaffi was a good leader, I wish u get killed by libyan terriost so u know how this leader was saving the west
me too
he was killed b/c he wanted to put africa on a gold backed currency. so the jews used france to kill him and then the jews let france steal all libya's gold. on top of the fact that he was a secular ruler and not a theocratic one, he is what passes for admirable among arabs
>I wish u get killed by libyan terriost
yeah taht's what i'm talking about
you fucking brown middle eastern cunts deserve every jew controlled bomb dropped in the middle east. You're violent. The jews may be subversive nation killers but you are savage animals.
Yes. Let the hatred flow
>Peaceful Rebels™
That was only for a time, now the Moderate Terrorists™ are in charge.
Last I heard there was a very strong case for Assad the Elder having responsibility for some of the crimes that Qaddafi was blamed for. Historyfags? What say you.
It was a humanitarian bombing mission. We dropped only the most humanitarian bombs.
the dude was a fucking moron, with a very good PR department
All his great stories about making the desert fertile and having his own african currency (Gold-Dinar) sounded really good if you didnt look very deep into the subject. But in reality the guy made his Country completely dependent on Oil-exports and didnt have any plan on how to make his Country into an economicaly succesfull one. He is responible for the Tuareg and different other tribes in the Region becoming paramilitaries or Jihadis out of a survival Reflex and fucking up the Region to this day
The guys on Sup Forums just believe every fucking meme "honest right wing Reporters" tell them
He was literally Hitler 2.0
We are violent?! fuck off, we are violent because we want to live in peace without westeren destroying our countries?! u r sufferimg from refuges because wars caused by ur past govrements dumpass burger, i used one word I said trying to prove a false point, my point was if u think rempving Gaddaffi was a right thing then I wish u taste its result dumpass
Seriously, even aside international politics, we lost the biggest pimp mofo of the entire world.
Just look at his wardrobe, and at his all female bodyguard unit (I'm sure they guarded his body real well).
>He did some things I disagree with such as his support for the ira
>dusagree with
Well yeah we do. And if you bothered to read the leaked emails you will see exactly why they did it. Up to and including when they ran with the "killing his own people" narrative that they knew was not true.
They didn't take him out because he was a monster. They don't give half a shit about monsters. They killed him because he was working towards a gold backed pan-African currency.
They killed him over money.
read the green book user
we fucked up
This should get you up to speed. Good tune playing too.
Are you a Coptic Egyptian? I know how it feels to be a Christian minority and get associated with Muslims all the time.
He ran a tight ship and the forces replacing him have been detrimental to both the country and the world.
So that why u targeted to kill him? becuase u care about Libyan economy?
Libya supplied the ira with weapons during the 70s and I disagree with this because I do not support the ira.
told the international globalist fraternity to go fuck themselves
Yes, Well coptic christians suffering now from terroists come from Libya becuase of the mess happend in libya by the west
He didn't do the lockerbie. He only payed reparations and took (((responsibility))) for it as well as downsize his army and give up his nuclear program so the West would lift (((sanctions))). After his nuclear program and army was gone... well, you know the rest.
Mandatory watching:
>get interviewed casually by posh british people
>get called a child-eating monster
We've seen it all before. Seen it all before. Seen it all before.
I respect him because he looks like a coked out nightclub owner.
he was the cork that was stopping a migrant crisis and Hellary the cunt killed him.
While on this topic, what exactly was Gaddafi's role in Lockerbie? Did he really have nothing to do with it?
I'm Serb/German, well I bet you are going to be happy that the current "goverment" of Lybia is much more "friendly" and that terrrism and rapefugees are totally not a thing coming from Lybia. I don't even use Russia Today as source or something like that, I watch western ANTI-Gaddafi Propaganda and picked out uncucked infarmations, et voila. He came to power with a BLOODLESS coup d'etat and wrote his own idelogical book in which he included Socialist (partly Anarcho-Marxist),natural law and Nationalism, the formal for National Socialism, but this time not with Gas Chambers, see.
You both need to calm down, your fucking arrogance and unknowlegde lead to our patriotic movements decay, uncuck yourself before you could hurt anyone with that bullshit, we need a save Europe with a Middle-east shaped to our intersts, and I think Gaddafi handled Lybia better than you two genuises would.
Used to fund terror.
Figured out that western politicians liked to claim wins from international diplomacy getting terrorists to turn over a new leaf.
Got back into international good books by playing the bad guy, then converting to good, with lots of fanfare.
Then he dun goofed:
Tried to replace Scud with Russian millions, rather than shit french ones.
Tried to replace petrodollar with gold dinar.
Then they killed him.
He had a national bank that issued debt free currency and interest free loans not owned by the Rothschilds. One of 4 countries in the world or so that didn't have a central banking system controlled by kikes.
Now Europe can enjoy the rich african diversity.
Based jews amirite?
First of, read my flag, Germany didnt have to do anything with bombing the fuck out of him.
Thats Frances and the USs Job
The dude was fucking insane. The civil war in 2011 happened because he treated the People there like shit so much that they turned into Jihadis, while he himself flooded his Country with Blacks to work as mercenaries for him. Next, if you are a leader in Peacetime ALL you have to do is look that your People are well fed and secure, he failed on both of These aspects.
I dont like that they killed him, but he had to go
hes probably atheist.
fuoco bravo
Lost a war to literal niggers
NATO-niggers like yourself.
Well if he had to go still these libyan job only it isnt the business of any other person, he treated the normal people very very good with high slaries comfort life loans with free interets, free scholarships for students to study abroad, the people who was treating them bad are islamists and terriosts and they deserve it, if u domt treat them by force they will eat u like what they are doing now in Europe bucause ur soft way of treating them, they get welfare from ur taxes then they blow them slefes in ur people and u still treat them by human rights laws LOL, west need to understand that The ME is complicated and different try to understand it instead of pushing westeren agenda in us
It's a damn shame. Stay strong, Christbro. ISIS and other Jihadist groups want to rid the Middle East of its Christian population, and I think the West not only aids them by supporting/strengthening Jihadist groups to topple Secularist governments that don't comply with their globalist plans but also help them indirectly by encouraging the Christians of these countries to run away from the land's they've lived on for generations.
he didnt do anything to justify attacking him. all he did was propose a gold currency. not gold backed but physical gold as their currency. they started minting it and then the america supported civil war and american strikes happened
the united states becomes hostile towards any one who threatens its placement in the global currency market in regards to having the standard in currency. you know that currency that every one else is suppose to covert their currency into to buy shit from other countries
though it was wasted effort. brazil, china, russia and others decided they wont do it any more and there is no reason to. at the current point its unlikely that japan will support america as the standard in currency when it comes to a vote and they have way to much of the global treasuries market to pretend their say isnt important. the brits might get it if they dont chicken out of the brexit. not sure if any one noticed by japan likes helping the brits aslong as the brits dont support refugees because japan doesnt support refugees
Thanks for the support mate, well jihaddists wnat ME without christains and the west inst helping at all they dont give refuge prriorty for christians and I am not talking about Egyptians christains because they are realtively safe but the Iraqis Christians lived in very hard past years and the syrians christains
there is nothing complicated about People, if they got a Job and can make their own decisions in life, they wont fell like shit and wont get violent. Under Gaddafi 20% didnt have a Job, which means every 5th man in the Country was a poorfag at 2011 of course youll get a lot of pissed of People in those situations.
Gaddafi giving People all These welfare benefits is also a meme, People who werent Qadhadhfa or Berber in his Country got nothing, he divided and conquered the other tribes.
Western Agenda basically was to kill a fucking insane Guy who was hating on them and gave them enough reason to hate him
Libya didn't used to export human filth to Europe like it does now
I watched an Adam Curtis documentary and he said Qaddafi dindu nuffin and that all the terrorism was really Syria
it's leftist Americans who literally have middle eastern Christian blood on their hands
prove it
don't just spout bullshit
He opposed the NWO financial domination by not giving over his banking system to these wealthy parasites, and he sought to sell his profitable oil for gold dinar currency rather than the petro-dollar. This deal threatens the dollars global value, thus he had to be taken out.
OK so after everything posted here, you still can't swallow the red pill eh?
might as well fuck off back to the yahoo comment section or wherever the fuck you came from
not everyone on Sup Forums is the same and has the same views
Then when a middle easteren muslims hate u because of messing in his country that an enough reason to go to ur country and blow him self? fuck off terroist
And terroism isnt because of uemplyment rate and these bullshits terroism is like a mental idelogical poison come from sources and old books funded to get spreaded in the youth , if u want to stop this ideolgy u must shut its resources, if the terrosim only related to economy problems like what u are trying to shit in me, why the one who blowed him self in manchester did it? he raised and lived in the UK a good country with gpod education and good economy, westernes please stop trying to lecture us about our countries and our people if u didnt live here and dont know the composition of the people mindset
>I'm glad we plunged Libya into a war torn shit hole and ruined millions of lives
>but Gaddafi is a monster and middle easterners are all violent
but you don't want to live in peace. Terrorist group after terrorist group springs up out of your shitholes. Brownskins want to conquer. They want war and dominion over more
Libya is way better off now that he's a new huh?
fuck you're stupid.
the evidence is in front of your face but you're like a toddler closing your eyes and covering your ears
>the dude was a fucking moron, with a very good PR department
Most politicians, desu.