>inb4 not real
Look it up trumptards.
>inb4 not real
Look it up trumptards.
Other urls found in this thread:
He is awesome.
I agree!
he already tweeted about his non-dealings with Russia being investigated yesterday
keep up drumpftard
The best.
I just don't give a fuck anymore. I'm so sick and tired of hearing about this bullshit every single fucking day and yet nothing remotely substantial ever comes out of it. Either show some proof or shut the fuck up.
>yet nothing remotely substantial ever comes out of it
It's almost like the investigation isn't finished yet
wait, is the point you're raising that he is being investigated at all today, for firing comey, after comey confirmed that trump was not under any investigation (to avoid any obstruction of justice), or is the point you are raising that trump is being investigated for firing comey because comey
Haha liberal faggots up in arms over Trump tweets!!
it's been going on for a year and nothing came out of it
investigations like these don't take years
the water gate meme didn't take years
>a new investigation is opened up into "obstruction" over added context that isnt there in reality
>Trump say he's under investigation, because he's not a liar
What's the problem here?
fucking alpha and omega
It's almost like the person heading the investigation was fired
It's almost like it's a huge investigation with many persons of interest
>the investigation
Which one? We're currently on the twelfth investigation because the previous eleven turned up nothing.
In a month or two Dems will finally have to face the reality that the "obstruction of justice" idea is just as faulty as the idea that Jeff Sessions is a secret Russian spy.
But by then they'll already have planted the seeds for Investigation Number 13, which will probably be about how one time Trump wore cuff links that were a gift from a Russian businessman in 1989. And we can have four months of fun arguing about whether a gift from a RUSSIAN (!!!) in 1989 to a future president is illegal.
It will be something as stupid as that.
Y'all fags like the flags?
what investigation?
the president can fire the head of the FBI any time he wants
in this case, everyone wated comey fired regardless of any investigation
trump waited confirmation that he was not under any investigation to fire comey as to avoid any accusations of obstruction of justice
the dems don't know what to do
water gate was also huge
they investigated everyone already and found nothing
>the investigation didnt produce anything because the head of the FBI, who wasnt personally doing any investigating, was fired for being an incompetent rat months and months afetr the investigation started!
No wonder your nation is a joke.
>samefagging to make your non-arguments
Maybe if you repeat the same crap in yet anther post, we'll all die of colon cancer.
I guess we'll just wait and see how this develops.
I have my HAHAHAHA-folder ready.
T. Trumpfag in denial
arguments aren't non-arguments just because you disagree with them, James
>t. no argument
at least use the meme properly. you stick out like a sore thumb.
he may be now under investigation (for a fake story nonetheless) but nothing will come out of it
"We dont really want to lock up Hillary, rite guiz?"
This is what the fuck happens when you dont stay on offense with liberals or any other scum. We could be slow-walking the Clinton legacy and the whole party to their demise and RICO the whores assets like the traitor she is.
Instead the media is conducting a three ring multi investigation circus 24/7 and have conned him into initiating his own goddam mutiny.
I already responded to them in full, which you ignored, because you only have non-arguments.
Fucking pathetic swede
Isn't that what was going to happen anyway with the special prosecutor?
WASHINGTON — President Trump has officially reversed his campaign pledge to deport the so-called Dreamers, undocumented immigrants who came to the United States as small children.
>oh no i didnt meme properly
Fuck off nu/pol/
Yeah, he was fired because ALL Americans had zero faith in him and in turn, the FBI. Democrats saw it as an opportunity to claim it had something to do with the investigation. Democrats are absolute scum. Their hatred for Comey is well documented. Who the fuck are you trying to fool. One year later and zero evidence. There is ZERO evidence that a crime was even committed. At this point they are looking for a crime. This is sedition by the deep state, the same deep state that has been running America for 60 years and spreading war creating terrorism around the world. You fucking retards should be in trumps corner but you too fucking stupid to see the big picture. Also kys.
He just went after their parents, a softer target. Gearing up for the big fight against the 14th amendment.
>before the election
>we can't elect a woman who's under investigation!
>it doesn't matter that's he's under investigation!
counter point: he cancelled DAPA
>I-I've been outed as a newfag!
>better call him new right back!
pathetic. at least try a little harder, fucking phoneposter.
This. Once the SC rules that the 14th applies only to legal residents and citizens those kids are gone the next day.
Admitting this was calculated to drown out him being a RINO puppet on "DREAMERS"
Trump is flooding the U.S. with more DACA spics than Obama.
>implying there isnt a world of differences
Did I miss the part where the FBI subpeonaed evidence from the Trump campaign, and then the campaign physically destroyed it and hired 3rd-party contractors to purge the data on their servers? And did all those people doing the deleting and destroying not even have the top secret clearance needed to view the data they had been tasked with destroying?
Please let me know, the news moves so fast these days that I miss things like that.
Fuck you, been here since last year! :^)
Oops didn't mean to do that
Fake news
>one year
You're new
>he actually believs the media
You're too deep in the weeds to see the truth.
Trump isn't being investigated for some nugget of info leaked from a confidential meeting.
No, he admitted to acts tantamount to obstruction of justice ON TV with Lester Holt. He was given legitimate reasons to fire Comey by Sessions and disavowed them and fired Comey over the Russia investigation. No one forced him to do this.
Muller has prima facie proof and is now just building a stronger case.
id: anuS
Do people really believe this?
kiddo i've been here since 1999, and let me tell you: the shitstorm on this board during 9/11 was like nothing else you've ever seen
Damn is this real?
Go ahead an prosecute Clinton and Trump for obstruction of justice. All Republicans and most Democrats would be happy with her in jail.
This isn't a schoolyard where "but she did it too" means the other party is blameless.
remember to sage
Then you must have missed all of the instances of campaign members and surrogates perjuring themselves to various committees and the FBI about their contacts with Russia. Or about the fact that several of these perjures were about meeting with Russian spies that they mysteriously forgot. Or the fact that Paul Ryan and several others, on recording, admitted knowing that the Trump campaign was compromised and was fine about it. Or about the fact that Trump has fired at least 3 people who were investigating him, with him admitting that the investigation was the reason he fired at least one of them. Or the fact that our IC and many of our allies' IC are in agreement about the compromise. And so on. Maybe you should be paying attention.
>believing tweets from a known liar
I'll believe Trump is under investigation when I hear it from a credible source
>This isn't a schoolyard where "but she did it too" means the other party is blameless.
Did I imply such a thing? The user I responded to directly compared this to talk of Hillary.
You'd have to find evidence behind the OoJ claim with Trump, not enough to prosecute on at this point.
Not true with Clinton, Lynch, and Comey, who was happy to abide by Lynch's order.
>it's been going on for a year and nothing came out of it
no, it's only been a few months
>investigations like these don't take years
they do
>the water gate meme didn't take years
it did
W-w-what happened to it being an independent decision?
Why the fuck can trump not tell a straight story?
lol, he fell for it.
All you had to do was drain the swamp, donny. You brought this on yourself
>muh sources said so
The rest is literally just liberal interpretation of testimony that definitely does not match the picture you're panting. And let's not pretend it isnt a delicate construct.
The fantasy is nice, though.
Mueller will eventually go to Congress and announce that Trump should be impeached for obstruction of justice.
Then Paul Ryan will go, "lol I don't care, fuck off!"
Then the Democrats will take the House back in 2018 and impeach Trump.
it's a distraction from this. stop falling for his bullshit
K keep me posted
>Or the fact that our IC and many of our allies' IC are in agreement about the compromise.
NEWS FLASH: the IC itself has been compromised, retard. Obama turned it into a weapon to use against political opponents. These organizations you referred to as pillars of truth and righteousness are responsible for generating and spreading the blatantly fake dossier retards like you still believe is legitimate.
>no, it's only been a few months
>11 is only a few months
>they do
no they don't
>it did
no it didn't
one had/has actual evidence of wrong doing, the other does not. how are you this retarded?
This seems right. Only way this might change is if Ossoff wins in GA and the House decides to start impeachment earlier. Latter is still unlikely though because Trump voters would never forgive the GOP.
>responsible for generating and spreading the blatantly fake dossier retards like you still believe is legitimate.
Which leads me to my next point:
Are we to believe that retards like wouldnt be busy perpetuating the lie that Trump is a racist, hates blacks, hates women, and that he called all Mexicans rapists, if they didnt have this fake Russia crap to cling to?
That's a stretch, it's clear trump was frustrated that Comey wouldnt clear his name of 'the Russian thing' even though the whole time 'anonymous officials' kept leading on that trump was being investigated. Comey is a fucking worm, he should have stepped in there, he didn't. He should have been fired last July. The narrative that we were fed that Comey is a stand up guy was a lie. He's a hack.
yes it did
>May 19, 1973: Independent special prosecutor Archibald Cox appointed to oversee investigation into possible presidential impropriety.
>July 24, 1974: United States v. Nixon decided: Nixon is ordered to give up tapes to investigators.
Congress moves to impeach Nixon.
>July 27 to July 30, 1974: House Judiciary Committee passes Articles of Impeachment.
>August 8, 1974: Nixon delivers his resignation speech in front of a nationally televised audience.
>this is years
you can't count
Lurk moar faggot
Trump wasn't under investigation at that point you fucking idiot
the Watergate break-in was in June 1972. Nixon resigned in August 1974. that's years.
but he is now!
Yes, but that has nothing to do with his reason for firing Comey
Comey basically laid a trap for Trump knowing that Trump was too stupid to know very basic laws--Laws that are taught in intro to business ethics.
lol, it's like you want a Miranda warning for the president.
>they do
They don't.
>it did
It didn't. 0/10 apply yourself shill.
The investigation started the next day with McCabe.
Meaning that Trump wouldn't be under investigation if he had shut up.
Those of you putting your faith in Trump are putting your faith in a guy who isn't able to follow advice of legal counsel to stfu about this case.
He is my president now i didn't even vote for him you traitorous swine
Two scoops, two genders, two terms.
Wow you can read good job fucktard, people like you are pathetic. You can't think for yourself with establishment msm directing you how to think. You're the epitome of bootlicking weakling. I bet you love that Hollywood/msm cock in your mouth, you'd have nothing without it.
I was joking faggot. I was on Sup Forums since 2010.
Still a newfag but not that new
You dont have to be the crux of an investigation to obstruct justice. Lets say you come across a crime scene and see a gun on the ground. You take the gun because its a nice taurus. If you get caught you are charged with removing evidence off a crime scene and obstruction of justice.
>that clip i've been trying to find for the past year
holy shit thank you
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
What I love about Trump is that he basically acts like a nigger
>yo officer, I invoke the fifth, I knocked this nigga out but I didn't ASSAULT him. But yo I'm not talking without my lawyer
Thats because he is a nigger.
So it wasn't his choice to fire him? WTF I hate Trump now. I thought he was in charge.
>the president
>in charge
Pick one and only one.
>Trump admits he is under investigation
You failed reading comprehension.
watergate took over 900 days.
Right. Keep denying the investigation until the headlines read
"Trump is booked into rikers on charges of obstruction of justice and negligent use of power"
witch hunt
more like bitch cunt