Continued from
Kekistan Cringe Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Fucking BASED
beyond fucking BASED
WTF? That video has to be a troll, r-right guys?
>FBI this mad we're beating them in a culture war
It's a leftypol discord raid, dont mind them, theyve been upset lately.
"you" need to go back
wow haha fucking BASED
These fuckers know we hate them, why dont they just leave? Are the starting to? Been a while since ive seen an epic "meme magic" thread.
Seriously i hope everyone of these shadilay faggots get hit by a train.
These r_TheDonald fags are cringe worthy....
Holy shit.
Reddit is ass.
On the upside, I can already see CIA shitting their pants in a fit of rage that a bunch of reddit cucks helped defeat them in online battle.
t. ethnic kekistani
Kekistani faggots are all centrist classic libtard hacks. They follow Sargon, Sh0e, and Armoured Skepthack.
Fuck all of you for ruining kek
kek see the normies
and kill them
>those cringey try hard edgy jokes
>he mispeaks several times but didn't try to correct it
based faggot
can anyone post some BASED TRANNIES? Praise kek!
Based black man.
You've seen that video before discord raid faggot and are just providing negative commentary like a faggot as if we dont know you arent genuine.
Here's a lesson to you, change your flags every thread, they give you all away as shill.
Nah, I created the egregore.
I don't deal with the culture.
You're right, fellow kekistani. That video is epic!
Kekistan is libertarianism's greatest achievement.
t. ethnic kekistani
I'd also recommend changing your IP soon, if you guys discord squad too much, you'll get long bans.
Never di multiple threads like you did here, you wait til the bump limit and then make a new one, otherwise your IP will logged as a shillbot along with everyone else that joins you in different threads.
>change your flags every thread, they give you all away as shill.
fucking BASED internet detective can identify unique users through easily-changable flags
It's your ban m8, don't say I didn't warn you lol
Don't forget the classic.
>le discord group is behind this!
ever consider the idea that there's more than one person who thinks this kekistani shit is cringe and they all came to that conclusion indepedently?
also, this thread was posted after the bump limit of the old one so it's not against the rules, otherwise threads like nigger hate general or whatever would be banned because they're mostly reposts like this thread
It's a discord raid m8, nothing special.
No, it genuinely is disgusting cringe and you should feel ashamed about it.
There's just different ways of going about humiliating them that would make them be more productive.
This isn't your Reddit echo chamber faggot, people don't get banned on Sup Forums for laughing at idiots.
Nigger hate general was the reason Sup Forums was created m8.
But humor yourself, askyourself why of the dozen or so unique ips itt, ask why no one is talking.
Use a brain you dumb nigger, I don't like this sargon of akkad faggots either, but discord raid groups are a worse cancer, there's no discussion, no ones even making fun if them, its literally 5 manchildren circlejerking and not know how to shill properely.
Fuck Sargon for bringing this to the masses, seriously.
>invent meme
>normalfags steal it and spread it like cancer
I have totally not see that coming!
I know it is, these people aren't genuine poster however, check the other thread, they still have the same flags, they are unimaginative shillbots who don't even know how to roast.
And they would bring this up because why? These types of idiot play in to their hands so if anything they ought to be quiet about it.
These guys look like fucking idiots and if you deny that you're probably one of them. They're no better than the people that ran around in Guy Fawkes-mask being "leeegiun" a couple of years ago.
nice happy merchant hat
See, these are new genuine nonshillbot posters, notice how they actually have thoughts and opinions and are just regurgitating the same lines of
>fucking BASED
again and again. Discord raid groups are awful because they try circumventing the important process of meme creation which is public scrutiny, they try forcing things without it being funny to begin with.
We have the best BASED merchants, right pedes?
Guy on the left is cute tho.
They are upset that antifa is being made fun of even by mainstream democrats, so they want some payback.
I dont really get why they are making fun of manchildren though, they aphave little cultural relevence outside here.
>Le BASED Shrek man
Jesus fucking Christ this has to stop.
kek,pepe etc was always faggotry.
Finally it seems most of Sup Forums opposes this bullshit. No one agreed with me when I criticised Sargon of Akkad, Lauren Southern and other Rebel Media or Infowars profiles in 2014 when they where first getting big.
Pretty fucking gay but at least they're (kind of) on our side.
I never was more ashamed than now for frequenting this place.
I wouldn't want to live if I started going bald
XD i love black PEOPLE!!!
>video has no comments
just goes to show you how pathetic everyone on Sup Forums is, nobody wants to be associated with it l o l
unemployed, low IQ, insecure leftypol degenerates spamming this board with shill threads all day
can't wait until commies are lined up against the wall and massacred by the 100ks
>people more concerned with "muh secret club" and "more secret jokez XD" rather than retaining the memetic power of controlling normies and the political narrative
I remember doing that about 10 years ago when I first started browsing Sup Forums. One day when you grow up and find other things to identify with and really care about political action versus just cracking jokes with your secret cool hangout you will understand
It's good that people are having fun with this shit. Many people will be redpilled.
Antifa/commies the laughing stock of the internet. They get utterly BTFO whenever they're confronted. This has made those humiliated, broken, buttblasted degenerates @leftypol and other commie forums to rally in an effort to project their failures onto alt-lite faggots. Speaking of the alt-lite, no matter how cringe they are, they're still out ally and head and shoulders above antifa subhumans. If you unironically oppose them, you're a faggot shill or a sub-90 IQ retard who shouldn't ever open his mouth about politics.
There is nothing wrong with Jamal impregnating your daughter as long as he does it LEGALLY and even more important, wears his BASED MAGA HAT.
Because we are all red blooded Americans. Democrats are the real racists.
True Americana!
not an argument child
There's always a group of fat austic fucks that latch on the newest pol meme and think it's some secret elite club. A year ago it was all the Milo shit, years before that it was anonymous. Now it's this kekistan shit, It's better just to ignore these retards.
>The memetic power of controlling normies and the political narrative
If you think Sup Forums could ever do this you're pretty fucking autistic
>what was the 2016 presidential elections
Yeah Trump's young support base should go full 1488 just like Trump himself because that's such a winning tactic. Also, stop strawmanning like a leftist faggot and acting like alt-lites promote race mixing. Also, dems ARE intentionally and unintentionally racist. Intentionally against whites (but you can't be racist against white ppl) and unintentionally against minorities.
White master race reporting in
>Dems are the real racists!!!
every fucking time
strawman, never said that, you dumb cunt. They're ALSO racist but in a more sinister way.
>Racism is a bad thing
Too late, you've already internalized their moral system. Now go back to The_Donald where you belong.
another strawman
never said it's a bad thing, you low IQ retard
leftists should be reminded of that fact since they're terrified of being called racist
dumb faggots like you should go back to leftypol where you REALLY belong since, so you can push their "nu-pol" shill narrative like the cuck you are
>unironically using literal marxist buzzwords
>moral system
>all these IRL flags and shit out of the fucking nowhere
CIA weaponizing idiots. The fact that Sup Forums now reappeared with custom flag including that irrelevant shit is proof they are trying to push for this as controlled opposition.
>divide and conquer faggots?
Divide and conquer faggots!
You realize you can make as many of these threads as you want but you will never have any effect on Sup Forums at all
It is an argument you stupid nigger lover. Fuck niggers and fuck you, you all deserve noose for fraternizing with subhumans.
nah not really. his post was just a projection of a common leftist fetish. And your post is nothing more than a masturbatory power fantasy. One day when you grow up you will understand. Until then you are free to be a useless edgelord
>grownups LIKE ME love niggers
kill yourself
A slav is subhuman, you pale nigger.
hey peeeedes