You literally cannot make this shit up.

> Germany's first “liberal mosque” has opened inside a Protestant church in Berlin. Niqabs and burkas will be banned from the place of worship, with its organizer saying they are a “political statement” and “have nothing to do with religion.”

> Members of the LGBT community will also be welcomed.

> Ates said the path to opening the mosque hasn't been entirely smooth, and that she has received some "very violent and obscene" threats which prompted her to request police protection at the mosque's Friday opening.

Other urls found in this thread:

I wonder where the next terrorist attack will be

>ahmed honeypotting the fags
wew lad

Globalists trying to castrate Islam like they did Christianity. It won't work quite so well, I think.

>Niqabs and burkas will be banned from the place of worship.

Not entirely cucked, I guess. GERMANY SORT OF!

this is the way to destory islam
put feminist in it!

Liberal Western Islam is going to get so fucking asswrecked by the Wahabists.

capitalism and good living standarts destroy every religion, also islam. People will still be muslim but wont take it as serious and ortodox as in poor countries.

>liberal mosque

Maybe that was their plan all along.

>britbong is mad because somebody mockes niqabs and burkas

Color me surprised.

Isn't this a good thing? Islam needs to transform from within, and movements like these are what can spark that change. If SJW's manage to water down mainstream Islam then I'm all for it. Then the next step is to spread that Islam to the savage Middle Eastern countries and kill wahhabi-ism and fundamentalism.

what a beautiful building for such a vile reason.

Already the case. Even in poor shitholes, the rich live laid back lifes without caring about religion. At best they just give the appearanceto fit in the society, nothing else.
But yeah, things like these may help accelerate the process of minimizing religion's place in those societies through the diaspora.

Useful idiots. Get the retards to continually appease and capitulate to the mudslimes while the politicians use them to implement their police state and power consolidation. And then when that's done; like our boy Yuri Bezemenov says "They will be killed". The mudslimes will Taqiyyah it out until then.

this is a good thing you retard, soon a triggered somalian is going to blow it up

u wot m8?

They're totally trolling the muzzies!


>16 of June; Germany's first “liberal mosque” has opened inside a Protestant church in Berlin
>21st of June; Germany's first "liberal mosque" burns down in terrorist arson

It won't though. We all know how this is going to go - like every other "moderate" or "liberal" movement in Islam, it'll persist for a few years before its members are either violently massacred by the fundamentalists or forced to convert to more conservative sects.

there is no way to salvage islam.

why would a decent person follow the words and deeds of a mass murdering rapist and enslaver of women and children?

It's either this, or the government actually protecting this to use as leverage when terrorists attacks go down everywhere else.

>Yes, folks, everything is being blown to smithereens...
>But look at this liberal mosque!
>So long as we have this mosque, Muslims are innocent because this demonstrates #notallmudshits!
>So don't go criticizing islam unless you want to be behea- Ieam arrested, you nazi!

[salil as-sawarim playing in the background]

And that's bad because? If they were to get feminists and other SJW groups on board, only to have their expectations crushed (violently), this would eventually have to lead to at least some level of redpilling. Plus more dead Muslims. That's always good.

Literally this
Mixed sex congregations, faggots and trannies, uncircumcised cocks and a complete renounciation of mohammed - may he be eternally tormented - is what islam needs to become what christianity is today, toothless and irrelevant religion for the weakminded and insecure. WTF! I love sjws now

I hope they fail unironically I want at least one uncucked religion out there stirring shit up against the globalists

It's not, I'm just pointing out it's not going to "transform Islam" or "water down" fundamentalism like you were suggesting.

The last thing you want is Muslims with similar extreme ideals deconverting into SJW militant-atheist faggots like antifa.

>haram af
future bombing target / 10

Yeah, I am sure all those islam animals are just waiting for the western unbelievers to reinterpret their religio-fascism for them.

And, unironically, this sort of delusion is exactly what the western lefties are expecting to happen (any moment now). And why any sort of limit for islamic madness are frowned upon as that would be "intolerant" and hinder the "westernisation" of this death-cult.

This is a...good thing? Damnit, I remember when times were simple.

>tfw radical feminist jihadis blowing themselves up to make a political statement no longer content with raging tumblr posts

The only people this church is convincing is whites.

Moderate Islam / liberal Islam does not exists. Some believe in Jihad and others are content believing that Allah will seek judgement upon the secularists and unbelievers. Regardless of which side they're on, they cannot integrate and assimilate into society.

You really believe that? Do you not think that this form of Islam will give rise to further tensions like there isn't already enough in Islam?

Implying the church is actually a Christian church, and not a liberal "church" filled with progressive atheists atheists agnostics that want follow traditions but don't believe in the religion.

can i get another source on this, please

>open """liberal mosque""""
>Idiot mudslimes show up thinking it's a real mosque
>Find out it isn't
>Women show up in niqabs and burqas, 18 children in tow
>Owners/managers don't do shit because it'd be racist to kick them out
>Mudslimes eventually get an imam to show up and preform whatever heretical, satanic shit they do for service
>Liberals stop going because it's basically a regular mosque now
>Owner gives up, it'd be racist to stop them

Why are whites so fucking stupid and pathetic? Shitskins don't give a flying fuck about your "rules". They don't give a fuck in the least. They also know they will never be called out on it, because the laws all work in their favor and they know it. They will continue ignoring your laws and customs until those laws and customs forever, because mudslimes always see themselves as outsiders, or people that the rules don't apply to. Just like Europe folded to the child brides, Europe will fold again as mudslimes defy these niqab and burqas bans. They don't give a fuck about your stupid white rules and they never will.

>has nothing to do with the religion

I give it a month before it's blown up by Muslims.

>Islam needs to transform from within
That's why a bunch of Jewish lesbians should reform it eh?

You dummy, this will backfire so hard.

Sadly this is the foresight post.

>Replace a church with a mosque
>"It's liberal, guys!"

Christians were once as violent as Muslims

Everyone falls to the globalists

do you realise how different the world would be today if martin luther hadn't nailed a piece of paper to a church door? reformation is hardly an alien concept. there already exist multiple shades of islam, why not a more tolerant liberal version? and if it pisses off the wahhabists, so be it

>Just like Europe folded to the child brides

Wait what? Source?

WTF I love Islam now

Not even close, Nigel.

>be muzzie
>open a moderate / liberal mosque
>indirectly stating, that there are no moderate mosques already and therefore not so many of the gloryfied "moderate" muzzies

keksimus maximus

Both Germany and Denmark. Probably whole EU if it's tried elsewhere.

Lmao you're just gonna let us take over

>Germany's first “liberal mosque” has opened inside a Protestant church in Berlin. Niqabs and burkas will be banned from the place of worship.
But this is actually somewhat of a "NO". This is good, I hope Germs will keep implementing ideas like this one.

they should make it a law that all mosques in germany must conform to these rules or it'll be a total flop