Why do Americans copy Africans and Muslims?
Why do Americans copy Africans and Muslims?
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It has nothing to do with Africans or Muslims. It all began within Protestantism as a means of preventing masturbation, but after 100 years or so the scientific community determined that the benefits of circumcision were enough to justify continuing it.
Go to the American Pediatrics Association website and look for it there.
>dixie flag
get out yankee.
>South Korea
So did they only get a handful of people for the statistic or is it actually that prevalent?
Counting only grandfathers and great-uncles, I have thirty two ancestors who fought for the Confederacy. If I count cousins, there's over one hundred.
Want to see their service records, faggot?
Why does this autistic map have a 20%-80% division painted in red?
It's fucking misleading.
Mine did too. Texas doesnt count and you're still a cutfag yankee to me
Americans imported cut culture, during war with best korea
Jews. Look up Dr. Kellogg.
Very much so. Is a country with 20% blue or red? If it's red it's extremely misleading because it makes it seem like it's super prevalent when it really isn't. Also the difference between 20 and 80% is extremely high.
Coz they know that they are inferior to blacks and jews.
Yeah but is it really that fucking high? Westerners brought brought circumcision to a lot of Asian countries but none of them are red. SK is the only one that actually isn't blue. Not only is it red, it's deep red.
>Why do Americans copy Africans?
muh dick
dixiefags are shabbos goyim incarnate
>equate male circumcision to FGM
Seth Rich was murdered by the DNC
>Texas doesnt count
>you're still a cutfag
you are a dick waving cancer
It spread through the Anglo-American world during the 1800's. Cliques of Protestant zealots, pedos, and snake-oil salesmen got into the medical system and shilled hard for it. Burgers used to do it to girls, too. It's now a multi-billion dollar industry. I strongly recommend anons look into foreskin restoration.
SK is also super duper Christian among countries in that area. I don't know what the story is, but maybe the picked it up from the era when Christians thought barbaric Jewish practices were still part of the deal.
I'd check in to when in history SK got all Westernized.
>Why do Americans copy Africans and Muslims?
Puritanism and a radical interpretation of the Bible.
Historically, it was mainly to prevent masturbation (queen Victoria...).
Nowadays, because it has become a routine surgery after birth and because women prefer circumcised dick shapes.
Worst Korea fell for American culture hard, Japan on the other hand didn't, the japs even went back to driving on the left as soon as the Americans left. Also circumcision in the western world is an American export and only grew in prevalence after WW2
Clyde Shamlee (#48130904)
member for 4 years, 28 days
SK may be more christian than other Asian countries but Buddhism is still the predominant religious practice over there.
compared to who? actual nazis? we have less jews here than most of america.
not waving my dick i just dont want it jewed up from birth.
They also used to argue that it's more sanitary. It's an easy way for doctors to make more money from your baby and then sell foreskins for even more money.
Jews love to do it just for the sake of practicing their satanic vile blood rituals, too. There are websites where they brag about it, and Christian babies are even better because it doesn't need to be on the 8th day -- you can whack it off any time, which is better for efficiency.
>because women prefer circumcised dick shapes
No, they don't. Women are impressionable creatures who like whatever you give them.
post that image of the american eating shit and saying thank you master
they do it as a blood sacrifice to israel
I was circumcised by a Jewish doctor as I was born in the US
my dick is rare here
on the plus side it makes masturbating a lot harder and literally impossible without lube
no, I'm serious, with just spit fapping is impossible
Thankfully the dick cutting trend is reversing in America. No more mutilating European boys according to sand nigger traditions.
Because they are good goys.
SK females tried american cock and couldn't get enough.
They try to emulate the experience with their own men but it will never hit the same spots
But uncut dicks are bigger and better than cut dicks.
>Yeah but is it really that fucking high?
SK is totalitarian dictatorship. No deviations are allowed. So if they do something everyone does it.
>No, they don't. Women are impressionable creatures who like whatever you give them.
Both of us are wrong.
Some women prefer cut dick shapes.
Some women are impressionable.
Americans have a prevalence of about 80% with 56% of newborns being cut
Canada about 60% prevalence with 30%newborns being cut
Australia 60%prevalence with 20%newborns being cut.
>being proud that your ancestors fought and died for literally no reason
Sauce? I tried going to the link to read the article but the service is down.
>literally no reason
They wouldn't have fought for nothing, retard.
You know those part-lycra quick dry shits, gym shorts, and things like that? Give it a shot. You can get sliding action with no lube and then it automatically catches it when you blow. No mess. Just add it to the laundry and you're done.
>tfw used to spit fap as a kid
>tfw literally skin burns now on what's left
Uncircumcised dicks are disgusting. They get this weird dick paste on them. And uncircumcised dicks are more likely to spread HIV. Africans get HIV because they don't use condoms (trust me). But look at the other AIDS capitals: India and Russia.
They fought for the idea of liberty and self-rule
in other words yes they fought for nothing
>They get this weird dick paste on them.
Shower once in a while.
>And uncircumcised dicks are more likely to spread HIV
Maybe you shouldn't be fucking people with diseases.
> India and Russia.
You're wrong about the former, the latter has a shared needle epidemic.
I fail to see how keeping your foreskin makes you more likely to get an STD.
No, he's right. It's not a huge difference but there is one.
It's because the foreskin can trap diseases inside. Ideally, this is to prevent things from getting in and protecting it. Every now and then it does the opposite.
Africans have a worse HIV epidemic because they love fucking dry. Makes it more likely they will either tear themselves or the women. More blood contact. All they have to do is wear a condom but they're too stupid.
A lot were thinking they were gonna send those niggers back to Africa where they belong, but then some asspained dixie faggot who wanted to keep muhh slaves decided to assassinate Lincoln
How is fighting for self rule nothing? stop using that facist flag if you don't understand it.
Interesting post.
Circumcision is mainly justified by faith/religion and hygiene matters.
Your arguments are all but religion/hygiene driven:
- gay
- sucking dick (religiously, a dick is made for reproduction, not sexual pleasure)
- disease due to lust/adultery
- pride (implying Russian and Indian brothers are shits)
Here is the 2-minute history of circumcision:
>started by sand-niggers to protect against desert conditions and lack of running water
>like many practical traditions, got worked into religious theology/law as a means of perpetuating it so that the population at large was cleaner
>then 2000 years happens during which pretty much only jews and muslims do it.
>then a rich American comes along who is trying to get boys to stop masturbating. he produces a bunch of bogus literature and uses his influence to make it a widespread practice in America. this retarded plan works for 3-4 generations
>then around 1960, people in the west start realizing that there's no more any benefit to this practice because of running water, soap, and basic hygiene, but it's such a well-rooted tradition by then that people keep doing it.
>it became almost non-existent as an elective procedure once it stopped being covered by medicare (though it wasn't particularly prevalent in the first place).
>Jews in influential places in the US are trying to use the hygiene argument to keep the tradition alive, and because it is kind of their bread-and-butter in the medical industry
>there are only two I REPEAT - TWO studies that have ever happened regarding the benefits of ROUTINE circumcision and both were conducted using populations from Africa where the following conditions existed (and still exist):
-AIDS is epidemic there
-other STDs are epidemic there
-contraception is essentially non-existent there
-rape and promiscuity occurs at a statistically higher rate there
>the fact of the matter is that to save one incident of STDs through the use of circumcision, you need to circumcise something like 10 000 people. In other words, it is a useless practice that is harmful to boys with essentially little benefit.
>It's because the foreskin can trap diseases inside. Ideally, this is to prevent things from getting in and protecting it. Every now and then it does the opposite.
If you stick your cock into a disease riddled vagoo i'm pretty sure you're going to get an STD regardless of whether or not you have your foreskin intact. And if foreskin is supposed to potentially protect the dick from getting STD's, Why is the chance of STD higher with foreskin than in comparison to the inverse?
It isn't though. Jews couldn't be served by slaves if the slaves were uncut because it made them "unclean" (think of how Muslims can't eat halal if the animal has been humanely killed instead of bleeding out while some sandnigger recites a poem or whatever). In order for the Americans to be good goys and serve Israel's interests they have to be cut. For your meme to be true then Northern Ireland would be majority red.
See if you can spot the coincidence
>Abraham Wolbarst calls for a worldwide circumcision on men because it prevents cancer (it doesn't), STDs (it doesn't) and countless other diseases (it doesn't)
>He does this in 1914
>Source: 1. Abraham Wolbarst, "Universal circumcision as a sanitary measure", Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 62, 1914, p. 92-7
>Just a year after the (((Federal Reserve))) was created and just a year after America swapped their precious, shiny, usable gold for worthless green IOUs
See the coincidence? I'll tell you what's really interesting. Take out a bill it does matter what denomination it is. See where it says the word 'money' on it? Of course you don't because it's a worthless piece of paper that says nothing more than 'Federal Reserve Note'. That's just a pure coincidence too.
>my overused lie about lincoln
He only ever planned on sending some to work in places like panama and it was to make use of now millions of unemployed niggers. There was NEVER anything about literally deporting niggers back to africa.
The libertarian context of self-rule has nothing to do with national sovereignty.
The libertarian context gets applied to the smallest, most feeble, pathetic little communities of people you can imagine.
Like southern states, for example.
They fought to enforce Federal power on rebellious states, Dixietard.
Circumcision in Sub-Saharan Africa "reduces the acquisition of HIV by heterosexual men by between 38% and 66% over 24 months".[112] Due to these studies, both the World Health Organization and UNAIDS recommended male circumcision as a method of preventing female-to-male HIV transmission in 2007 in areas with a high rates of HIV.[113] However, whether it protects against male-to-female transmission is disputed,[114][115] and whether it is of benefit in developed countries and among men who have sex with men is undetermined.[116][117][118] The International Antiviral Society, however, does recommend for all sexually active heterosexual males and that it be discussed as an option with men who have sex with men.[119] Some experts fear that a lower perception of vulnerability among circumcised men may cause more sexual risk-taking behavior, thus negating its preventive effects.[120]
It doesn't make a huge difference. Even with a circumcised dick I'd suggest using a condom, which is why using it as a way to prevent anything is retarded.
Circumcision is pretty retarded.
>but after 100 years or so the scientific community determined that the benefits of circumcision were enough to justify continuing it
Those who decided there were "benefits" were already cutcucks
>tfw cut people will never know what they are missing
>tfw mutilation of small babies is considered perfectly fine in the US
Why do Muslims and Africans copy Jews...?
Red vs Blue... who would win the war?
He supported the American Colonization Society, which was responsible for the settlements in Liberia.
Honest Abe was a committed racist who thought slavery itself was wrong but only attacked it to keep the dixiefags in line after they decided to rebel
You're playing semantics faggot. Self rule is self rule it doesn't matter what shit idea you try attaching around it.
>The libertarian context gets applied to the smallest, most feeble, pathetic little communities of people you can imagine.
And thats why they united as a nation? each state had its own national pride yes. That's no different than European states having their own pride. Its literally the same thing and you're only opposed to it in this context because its southerners.
People who have been circumcised later in life have said they lost 50-80% of the sensitivity they had before.
So far more lost than when using a condom.
Pretty crazy to make that life changing decision for a small baby...
And we're the colonies a bunch of unruly fags? Do you see them as being in the wrong?
The 13 colonies.
Why the hell are Australians cut?
Afraid of sand?
>Why do Americans copy Africans and Muslims?
Because they are subhumans
>Muh dad is 30% dutch, I have 40% german blood, my mother is half irish.
No mongrel that means your mother was a 100% cumdumpster whore who was passed around as fucktoy throught europe
>it doesn't matter what shit idea you try attaching around it
Then next time don't talk shit to me about my flag.
>Its literally the same thing and you're only opposed to it in this context because its southerners
You assume I respect the national pride of every European state. Who doesn't know what my flag means, now?
Even still, there's a difference between countries like Germany, France, Spain, Italy, who all have well established histories and earned their identities through centuries of blood...
and a bunch of shitty states who were founded as colonies by an ACTUAL country less than a hundred years ago (from the perspective of the civil war)
The rebels were, yes
Ironically, chaffing is one of the worst downsides when you're cut, although it seems to be not a big problem for most guys, or at least they don't talk about it. Took me into my late 20s to find underwear that let me go about my daily business without being in discomfort.
Never really thought about getting sand caught inside though lol. Does stuff like that really happen?
>Why do Muslims and Africans copy Jews...?
Totally wrong.
long time before Jews. Said to be a historically hygienic procedure. False. It's a ritual for childhood to manhood (because the circumcised dick shape is close to some animals (animism/shamanism)).
On the opposite, coran says the human body is the perfect creation of God, therefore shouldn't be altered (tattoos and smoking are forbidden in islam for this reason).
Circumcision in muslim countries is mainly a haddith thing. Mahomet was cut.
God told them they shall cut the prepuce of their newborns as a sign of alliance.
>Does stuff like that really happen?
Not that I know of. Pretty impossible I would think.
There is literally no downsides to being uncut.
>Then next time don't talk shit to me about my flag.
I will because you've got some cognitive dissonance going on with it.
>You assume I respect the national pride of every European state. Who doesn't know what my flag means, now?
You don't have to respect the state but you should respect when people create a strong nation for the benefit of their own, on principle.
>The rebels were, yes
Hitler and the nazi party were traitor rebels at a point too.
-reduces risk of std catch
-foresking captures spegm under the hood (the sperm cheese u wondered when u were small)
-last longer in bed
-dick grows bigger since no tight foreskin
-many men during teeens realize their foreskin is too tigh (not a concern if your dick is small)
-foreskin a uselss tissue (like several other ones in our body)
-it is popular in US because doctors get an extra easy cash when they take it off the newborn (takes less than 10 minutes)
actual urologist coming though
What's the cognitive dissonance? You seemed to think fascism stood for universal self-rule, I'm saying you're wrong, you call that semantics.
>you should respect when people create a strong nation for the benefit of their own, on principle
You respect it when it's a strong nation and a strong, righteous people. Neither applied to the dixies. Nor ever to more than a handful of European countries in history.
>Hitler and the nazi party were traitor rebels at a point too
If you like.
Is Weimar analogous to the British Empire, then?
(((Circumcision))) ruins the men
(((Feminism))) ruins the women
>actual urologist coming though
You mean, actual Jew coming true?
- best way to avoid std is: do not plug your dick in a unknown hole.
- explain how a 5 or 6 years old uncircumcised boy have smegma, as he has no sperm? Urologist you said?
- It's all mental. Maybe you need help on that matter?
- Bigger ? I'm happy with it, bigger than average dick size (including cut)
- If so, should get circumcised
- Useless ? Lol... You have not, you can't say.
- Popular in US for other reasons. Jews may be involved in this scam indeed.
Smegma is a byproduct of the excretions from the foreskin that provides the lubrication you'd need between any kind of skin-on-skin thing like that, and even has properties to reduce the chance of infection because guess what mucus gets infected.
There's no real size difference except in strange cases where the circumcision is so tight that the skin tension reduces normal penis growth.
It's only appropriate in bad cases of phimosis, and therefore an illegitimate procedure until phimosis is diagnosed, and it's not even the only possible solution.
Violates informed consent and Hippocratic Oath.
And other stuff. This guy has to be a troll. He's wrong on every point other than making money off it. Either that or he's the kind of doctor who should be imprisoned as a danger to society and quite likely a criminal sexual offender.
>You seemed to think fascism stood for universal self-rule
No but fascism requires a people to be free from external control. This is where the cognitive dissonance comes in. Assuming that you support others becoming fascist.
The semantics was when i made a point about southerners and self rule you attached it to libertarianism as an argument.
>Neither applied to the dixies
This is what i mentioned earlier. You have a personal bias against the south and thats all this is. They were strong and still are.
>If you like.
>Is Weimar analogous to the British Empire, then?
That's for you to decide. I'm stressing a different point here.
ask anybody who had it IRL, they will all say - best decision in your life.
oy gevalt
Why do serbs and other countries from the Balkans practice it?
Because it's a good idea.
If you aren't circumcised, I would highly recommend getting it done. It's never too late.
The opposite is more normally reported except in cases where somebody has a fetish about it looking one way or another.
It's one of the worst decisions I didn't make.
Next Worldwar will be easy.
We just kill everyone without a Foreskin.
>the opposite is more normally reported
nice sauce mate. Sup Forums science.
good luck having balanoposthitis every now and then.
p.s girls will always like to give you head more, because your dick doesnt smell like fucking sardinian rotten maggot cheese.
p.p.s - did it when i was 20, best decision of my life.
Any woman who has a preference on foreskin is a fucking slut who has STD's in her RBC's
>[your pic related] implying local anesthetic isn't used.
>Any woman who has a preference on foreskin is a fucking slut who has STD's in her RBC's
If you say so, it should be true...
Feminists lil'doggies.
On the very end, women prefer males with no dick at all.
You're surely some of them.
Who will be the official dick-checker?
Your mom
Every Army has Faggots.
>fascism requires a people to be free from external control
"a" people, yeah; not all.
>Assuming that you support others becoming fascist
There's a point where that ideological war becomes futile, and the time and effort you'd save by just subjugating them would be worth more than whatever they would've contributed as a willing ally.
When it comes to libertarians, dixies in particular, you reach that cut-off point mighty fuckin' fast.
>You have a personal bias against the south and thats all this is.
Of course I do, but my contempt is from what we're discussing here.
>They were strong and still are.
Texas doesn't count.
>That's for you to decide. I'm stressing a different point here.
Well it's definitely not analogous. That's why I disagree that Hitler's "rebellion" was analogous to the thirteen colonies, who were from their very founding, a British endeavor.
The Weimar Republic OTOH was itself a rebellion against Germany.
"If today I stand here as a revolutionary, it is as a revolutionary against the Revolution."
It's torture, rape, and mutilation. It's also a huge, billion dollar industry.
Child Circumcision: An Elephant in the Hospital
>Have phimosis at 18
>Doctor says only solution is curcumcision
>Wait 9 months until my surgery
>Get circumcision done
>Week later my dick swells like a balloon
>Go back to doctor and he doesnt know why it did this
>Proceeds to squeeze my dick so hard the stiches pop and puss comes out
>Worst pain of my fucking life
>Get it cut open AGAIN and cleaned and drained
>Spend next 2 weeks hospitalized on morphine while my open dick closes back up
>Have to visit a clinic for 3 months every day to get bandages replaced when Im released from hospital
>Finally healed enough
>Dick has weird scar where the skin was cut off
>I have to "live with it" says doctor
Doctor was muslim, probably where my hatred for them stems. My kids wont be circumsized fuck that, or Id have it done young.
>foreskin a uselss tissue
The foreskin actually have most of the nerve endings causing pleasure (more than the glans)
>dick grows bigger since no tight foreskin
No, the forskin goes back behind the head
>last longer in bed
who want's that?
>foresking captures spegm
Literally just pull the foreskin back when you shower, and that's it (if you go a week without showering than maybe, but who does that)
>reduces risk of std catch
not really