Why are Switzerland & Norway not members of the EU but still choose to follow most of their regulations?

Why are Switzerland & Norway not members of the EU but still choose to follow most of their regulations?

>Why are Switzerland & Norway not members of the EU but still choose to follow most of their regulations?

If you want to trade with a place you have to come to an agreement on regulations,dumbo.
Switzerland does it by bilateral trade deals, Norway does it by making itself a part of the market area.

Why get cucked on the immigration shit tho?

Because they are part of the European Economic Area.
Why are they part of the EEA ? Because they can't survive without doing business with their neighbors.

>European Economic Area

How do the Eastern countries not apart of EEA survive?

fuck the EU and especially fuck gercuckistan. that sjithole needs to get nuked. fuck our politicians who bend down for the EU, we will gas them very soon. also fuck france and their mudslime cock sucking habit.

our politicians want international positions and will do anything to curry favor with globalists for their own gains regardless of what norwegians want (hint: not EU)

Are you guys redpilled like Finland?

Because trade is profitable, and it's more profitable with compatible regulations.
Too bad the EU seems bent on introducing regulations that aren't compatible with Switzerland.

They are stagnating second world shitholes, not top developped countries exporting sophisticated services and goods with the highest GDP per capita in the world like Norway or Switzerland.

Because those countries are extremely small and are forced to trade with the EU no matter what.

90% of what the EU legislates about is "this is how you have to make X product so that it can be sold in the EU"

There is literally no advantage in making products that can't be sold in the only trading area they can ship stuff to.


>redpilled like Finland?


for example the new gun regulations in the name of terrorism, which only cuts the rights of legally obtained weapons.

Norway's an artificial country of two people and two languages, like Belgium or Czechoslovakia.

Redpilled as fuck compared to your Swedish neighbours. Didn't you deport a buncha refugees last year?


That's not true. Maybe in year 500

Because we have some kind of trade deal that binds us to certain rules. We "have to" (really not) impose all these directives to let the EU allow us to be protectionist on our fish, agriculture and oil.

Current EU-shill government + the leadership in The Labour Party are all Pro EU and does everything to bring us closer while keeping the people uninformed.

with the way norway was buying political power in the US, I wouldn't be surprised if they're doing the same in the EU

Because just like our fellow european countries our political parties are corrupt to the core and sell out their own country.

Couldn't you just not enforce those regulation in Switzerland. What do these regulations have to do with trade anyway?

>compared to your Swedish neighbours
>compared to Germany
>compared to The Netherlands
>compared to Austria
>compared to France
>compared to the UK
>compared to Beligum
It doesn't take much!

"EU" means nothing by itself.
They're part of a bunch of treaties, excepted EU treaty.
They have to follow most of European regulations, because such regulations are defined in tons of treaties they agreed to.

because you have to realize that countries are not that independent as we are being told they are. there is no independance anywhere xD