well, Sup Forums?
Well, Sup Forums?
E-sport athletes are literally millionnaires though.
GTFO this board you fucking Turk sodomite.
You're a literal faggot.
didn't realize there were so many degenrate weebs on nu-Sup Forums
kill yourselves, eh?
I think the problem lies in motivation. There's probably fewer "high earning" gamers/per gen population than there are "high earning" athletes. An athlete who does it just for fun at least stays healthy and meets some good people. Somebody who games "for fun" does not really gain any benefit.
Yes alot of "proffesional" video game players are rich but they have done more damage then good. They have ruined their health by sitting in front of the computer more then 8 hours a day. They ruin their social life by playing video games and not wanting to go out. Most of them are high schol drop outs but when they hit 30 they are going to retire and struggle economiclly and socially.
>E-sports athletes
Someone post freakazoid or beard forest I can't be fucked.
Yep. All of 'em. Every last person who plays video games professionally is a millionaire.
Way to represent the left side of the bell curve Ancapistan.
he's right you offputting creatures.
sports and the outdoors are far better than videogames for spending your time.
IMO if your kid wants to play videogames, then you should only let him play for a limited amount of time unless he's having friends over for a a sleepover or something.
We don't all look like that faggot
Video games are fun and everything, but anyone who regards them as a "sport" is a fucking idiot.
Accurate, nice politics btw.
That guy playing looks "special". Great post.
"Dad, I want to be a pro at football/baseball/soccer/whatever"
You already know he will have a good health and hygiene
"Dad, I want to be a professionnal gamer"
What do you do? Do you let him do? As you surely know, e-"sports" aren't healthy, and a player have literally no future in it
It's textbook bad parenting
The topless boys are hot. I want to choke on the blonde boys fat cock
Seriously. I love video games, but they are not a sport just as much as a rapper is not a singer or a musician.
>They have ruined their health by sitting in front of the computer more then 8 hours a day
How's that different than most jobs these days?
>They ruin their social life by playing video games and not wanting to go out.
How does having a job makes you not want to go out?
>Most of them are high schol drop outs but when they hit 30 they are going to retire and struggle economiclly and socially.
They just need to invest.
He kinda is, but in a good way
>He can't balance between video games and sports
Are you stupid?
Why do you have a picture of topless underage boys saved on your PC?
Reminder that CSGO and Dota 2 players are the epitome of physical witness and taste.
Yup. Haha :) Whatever keeps him off the streets and away from me is A-OK, so long as it's legal.
>professional athletes don't exist
replace hundred of thousands with tens of millions
>sport requiring physical strength vs sport requiring mental strain
professional sport player are much richer than e-''sport'' player
Real sport are also fun and can be played with your friend
Isn't he the guy who popped off when he beat a kid?
>mental strain
>They have ruined their health by sitting in front of the computer more then 8 hours a day
I'm sitting in front of the computer more then 8 hours a day, 90% of my friends DO THE SAME.
>They ruin their social life by playing video games and not wanting to go out
Most of them have female fans that are all over them. Yes, a skinny nerdy guy can have more girls, than you ever will.
>they are going to retire and struggle economiclly and socially
If they're not stupid enough, they will earn money from their fame, start coaching, streaming, etc. etc.
I don't play games and i don't give a shit about e-sports, but your arguments are lame senpai.
Then why dont go outside play real sport not shitpost
Don't you know shitposting is more fun, user?
>pro gamers
>female fans
They are gold diggers, user.
I don't care. The International is like a second yearly Super Bowl to me
projecting is fun uh?
anyway i am hanging out with my friend soon because its an holiday here
ITT guys who unironically defend the electronic jew against healthy outdoor social activites that build up character
They can also look like this
my favorite natty esports athete
>Implying real athletes don't ruin their bodies with repeated broken bones, torn ligaments, concussions, and performance enhancing drugs
I don't know, maybe, when i was watching esport documentary, i saw lots of female cosplayers/fans that were genuinely interested in those gamers. I mean, you can call any girl gold diger if she is into famous/wealthy person. Fuck em and chuck em, anyway.
this is a special kind of stupid.
>tfw used to be fit playing football all day then wow came out
the pic is so accurate it hurts
I guarantee any chick in a "sexy" cosplayer going after a pro gamer is either looking for attention or money. Probably both.
the boys on the left are the ones that naturally gravitate toward sports. And the guys on the right naturally gravitate toward more leisure activity.
I think we give too much stock to freedom of choice. You have certain choices but you cut do anything you want.
Life's a river, not an ocean. We move within the boundaries of the shoreline.
>every professional sport is American Football or Rugby
>naturally gravitate toward more leisure activity
So, you're saying they're useless dregs on society?
The bad thing in this situation is only if you're sperg she will have control over you. If you're not, then you can fuck her and dump her, not a big deal. I'm not talking about genuine relationship mate.
Most of them are spergs though.
i sit on my ass all day every day watching anime and playing vidya but i go to the gym 4-5x/week and i'm lean and ripply m8
gaming is utterly degenerate.
t. former gaymer
>expecting chads in the world of pro gaming
Well, I play lots of video and I look like dudes on the left because I do a lot of effort to remain fit and healthy so i can play game for longer instead of dying young.
>still only "lean"
So you're a dyel?
I lurked /cgl/ for a while some years back when it was kind of interesting instead of a menstrual vortex. Every single time there was a con of some sort it was endless stories about getting laid and how to get laid.
Pretty shameless, but hey what do you expect when you let kids play dress up at a multiday party left to themselves.
ah yes
no this is my goal
not even a bodyweight diddly
leave snax alone please.
Yeah, those are some of the worst, but tons of sports are physically demanding. Practically any combat sport, especially boxing, ice hockey, Olympic-level gymnastics, multiple track and field events, distance/road cycling, soccer, just to name some. They're all getting fucked up all the time whether it be during training or while competing.
Just depends on your looks, desu. Cosplay girls are shallow.
Mirin that winter bulk.
>topless dudes on field with other dudes
Not faggatory at all (sarcasm)
Also they don't make millions of dollars
He looks like a fucking holocaust survivor...
Care to reevaluate your position?
not fox?????
How do you get injured from track/field or cycling apart from lasting steroid abuse consequences or falling down?
into the trash
The shittiest MLB player makes around $800k league minimum. If you are tall and throw left handed you have a shot at being an MLB pitcher.
I do both, have a job and am /fit/.
t. Professional Overwatch player
>do steroids
>do curls
>Professional Overwatch player
how does it feel to be contard-tier?
I bought a heavy bag once for fun. Holy shit, I thought I was in kind of ok shape from other things, but that thing ruined me in minutes at first.
no steroids my friend
Can you prove any of these or are you just talking out of your ass
Slender man?
that kid probably has a disease
umm have you seen IdrA lately? he's fuckin shredddddded
Why are you here then? Go play with some balls.
Go back to lgbt
Working biceps is degenerate AF. This guy posted his PRs one time and he wasn't hitting 4pl8 on squat or 5pl8 on diddly.
>THAT Fear image.jpg
You now the one
Those on the left still look like Faggots
Show me one who is worth 100m+ like the top footballers
$43k salary plus tons of free shit vidya and about $10k this year from streaming for playing vidya. Work in an IT position day job making $65k. I'm happy.
>things that happened
>implying there's any reason for him NOT to be on steroids
Even then, I mixed him up with some other curlbro that DOES roid. Sorry I don't give two shits about some no-name "pro gamer".
Seems like they're playing Football (soccer).
That sport does not makes you fit in the smae way in all positions. If you play Forward you'll probably be slim, fast, and got big legs in some cases ifg you are already a big guy.
If you play Centre Back you'll get big because of the constant struggle with rival players, head game, stealing the ball by force (no fault)
Or you could be a body freak and look like this at 19, Il capitano Javier Zanetti
No serious e-sports contender allows himself to get out of shape.You don;t become the best player in the world without a body and mind in top shape.
>not politics
Saged and reported
Users warned for replying to off topic garbage
there difference between the left and right here is grandular health. when you can filter interstitial cellular waste from the lymph because of healthy kidneys and adrenals (which most are born epigenetically shit these days) you can (a lot more easily) find fitness to be enjoyable without various health problems.
tl;dr its their parents fault.
If you were to combine all the strearmers/esport athletes who could legitimately get rich off playing videogames, it would come out to MAYBE 0.5%.
You would honestly have a better chance making it as a professional athlete than you would as a esports athlete/streamer
Esports are cancerous and enable kids who fantasize about becoming one of them to waste precious time on sitting on their ass playing games.
I'm not an athlete. I go running because I want to keep some semblance of health while sitting in front of the computer all day, so I have decent stamina. These footballers, who's fields I pass when I run lap after lap, appear to have pretty poor stamina in comparison. I keep passing by, and they keep switching out to rest.
That's not the point I was trying to make though, but rather that they do this for years and years. They kick a ball down a field for years, and like some dog with a frisbee, they think they've achieved something. Yet only a tiny fraction of them will be able to go pro. A football is to an ""athlete"" what a mixtape is to a nigger. It's never going to drop, and you're never going to make it. You're just wasting your time.
The benefit in gaming for fun is that it's fun. You also interact with people, and learn to get better at it. As long as you exercise regularly in addition to gaming or what have you (computer use), you get more useful benefits from using a computer than playing football or something like that. Those sports teach you no actually useful skills that you don't learn from playing competitive online multiplayer games already.
>They have ruined their health by sitting in front of the computer more then 8 hours a day. They ruin their social life by playing video games and not wanting to go out.
Why are you even here?
dafuq is this flag nonsense?
Hmm, it's almost as if having a physically fit upper body requires exercises completely separate from either gaming or running around kicking a ball.
Vidya is degenerate. Digital castration, plain and simple. Turning men into blobs of shit that twiddle their thumbs and are completely useless for any other purpose.
your not wrong user but theres a 50% chance they could be gay looking like that especially the right one
> "Get off my lawn!"
True, the mind and body should both be trained and kept healthy.
all true.
people on Sup Forums shouldn´t waste their time on video games and actually do some real sports or at least physical activities instead