The spirit of Europe is X
PAGAN thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>you can't be moral if you're not a monotheist
can muddy meds like me be pagan?
Of course, do you know anything about the specific gods from your region?
>Who is Zeus
Pagan/Christian for the answer is fine, I picked Pagan myself, but whoever picked Atheist is most likely a cuck
Atheism is quintessentially European. Religions mostly come from outside Europe.
>Religions mostly come from outside Europe.
so Neanderthals and Cromagnons were originally atheist, good to know
Black user here. Can I be pagan too?
Atheism has a long history in Europe and most European countries are heavily atheist.
But anyway, Europe's spirit is Pagan.
>Not worshipping spurdopepe
happy kwanzaa! now go fetch the witch doctor to sacrifice an albino.
There is no spirit in Atheism, which is why it's a cuck answer. A respectable Atheist who understands the importance of religion will pick one of the other two answers.
wheres muslim?
Can anyone point me to some arguments for why polytheism makes more sense than monotheism?
>another pagan larp thread
can you even tell us any of the pagan doctrines without googling?
genuinely curious, where do you go to worship? pretty sure the only refugee is in Iceland for this dead religion.
>getting cucked out of your own poll
PaganLARPers are the most pathetic posters on this board
That's not Pagan, Islam is a new religion, search for Ancient Egyptian Religion (pagan)
die heathen
Same as a Muslim you are lol
now tell me what you're doing is not LARPing
B-but . . . muh dick . . .
on the strawpoll.
Islam is the true spirit of Europe.
heathens are to be burned at stakes, for the savages they are
you're larping as a pagan, you massive faggot
Sol invictus and mithraism mate
could you be more specific?
>we wuz hebrews website
top kek
Bet you didn't even try to read any of it.
I did. I have even gotten into an argument with the creator, who refused to answer anything I said and just said "my message isn't for you anyway."
Anyway, only an American can think of something so retarded. I can disprove his claims by going out in my backyard and sticking a spade in the ground.
"look ad me im ebin pagan, lyk ancester, harr harr, i am sekret atheism but more gay"
>"my message isn't for you anyway"
Why, what are you, a Somali? What was your contention?
That archaeological, linguistics and genetics is all against the argument.
His grasp in linguistics is terrible, he seems to believe that if two words sound the same that means they just be from the same source, doesn't realize that some words entered both Hebrew and English from Greek, doesn't understand the concept of false friends, etc.
Nice strawman there jihadbro, anything else you want to add?
If you could point me towards some of the archaeological/genetic contrary evidence I'd appreciate it, I don't have a problem exploring a counterargument.
Hahaha you larpers are so funny
Need to show a migration of people from the Levant that can be dated between 1000 bc and 200 bc, with grave goods suggesting Iron Age Hebrews, in Europe.
Need to look at isotopes of bodies in Iron Age Europe that grew up in levant.
Another Pagan thread where the christcucks are running scared. feelsgoodman
I guess they know their time is running out
Is this really your only argument? It's getting rather boring and repetative desu.
Self sacrifice
>and prove that they originated from levant
The glory of Mercury/Odin/Hermes/Veles will once again echo all over the continent
Also, you're from Slovenia
Christianity has been in europe WAY BEFORE slavs arrived.
Stop implying you magically have more rights or a stronger claim.
Holy shit
Stop LARPing and get a fucking job
>reading comprehension
>Jews put muh pagun ancestors show on tv
>It's super effective!
And what is your argument?
You keep using the umbrella term "pagan" to magically create a connection between tree worshiper literal snowniggers and greco-romans, when culturally, ethnically and theologically there is none!
Christianity has more in common with greco-roman paganism and hellenic philosophy than you larper faggots tree worshipers sheep fuckers.
>abandon Christianity goyim
>the christcucks fear the unified European pagans just as they feared the unifed European pagans 2000 years ago
>Christianity arrived in europe in the 1st century
>Slavs arrived aprox 5th to 10th centuries
Oy vey paganism is best ism!
>the christcucks fear the unified European pagans
When was there ever a unified pagan europe?
Really maeks u think........................
before your semites showed up
Well, in regard to the archaeology, there's plenty of accounts from Greek and Roman historians and geographers who trace the appearance of the Scythian and Kymmerian tribes in the Caucasus region as an immense and mobile multitude-- they were noted to be pastoralists and nomads though, they never built major cities or settlements, but instead moved from land to land. All they would leave behind would be wood/straw hut structures. Their presence and displacement (by name) is also recorded on the Behistun Rock by Darius the Great of Persia.
As far as what you're asking from a genetic angle, you're assuming that levantine people all moved to Europe in the historical equivalent to the blink of an eye, who would show evidence of living in the levant in their remains. If you read the accounts, it's clear that this was a multi-generational slow immigration sweeping in from the Caucasus and Eastern Europe western to the Atlantic.
He covers this in serious depth in these historical essays. He remains more convincing to me, evidence-wise.
Slavs were in Eastern Europe already, African American intellectual.
Or burn down a church that they built by HIS tax money
>unified European pagans
All major pagan movements are extremely bluepilled shit. They allow gays and "excommunicate" you if you are slight right from the center.
larping again pedro
>All major pagan movements are extremely bluepilled shit
> They allow gays and "excommunicate" you if you are slight right from the center.
sounds like you're describing Christianity
(Also forgot to mention that there are historical accounts of these Scythians and Kymmerians as being tall, fearsome, and ruddy/fairhaired)
Well, first, ancient sources aren't archaeology. Archaeology is the scientific recovery and interpretation of human remains.
Yes, the Greeks and romans do speak of Scythian movements but they also speak of the Scythian and Cimmerians as being pagans, not Hebrews, who they were familiar with.
The accounts aren't hard evidence and it needs to be proven that steppe peoples were the Hebrews. This can be proven with genetics. And while it is true migrarions don't have to happen in a blink of an eye, we have been able to trace genetically movements of people in Porto history, such as Anglo saxons into England or Vikings into the Orkney islands.
>sounds like you're describing Christianity
Leviticus 18:22
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
This is true, here's a fucking huge neopagan community that like talks with other beings by crystals, do yoga, have obscure eating diets and droll over the idea of multiculturalism.
To add, when have urbanized literate monotheists ever have become nomadic pastoral polytheist? Seems it would have to be the other way around.
Currently there's a wealth of Russian excavation going on in the steppe region of Scythian burial mounds. Perhaps you should learn Russian and read the reports and show us the Hebrew grave goods in the mounds?
tree hugger Cuck
>old testament
yes yes and now i post a bunch of christcuck pics of popes kissing nigs and american christians just being generally retarded
and then its your turn
lets skip ahead of this lets say 20 minutes.
thanks now stfu
>I Came not to abolish the law
>romans 1
Yeah, look up Orishas and find yourself a voodoo lady.
>katharsis and miasma memes again
Well then go and cut off the end of your cock like a fucking Jew
a semite quoting another semite
here is another scripture from your semitic book, and now lets take one from the latest version
>But Jesus replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.”
>jesus compares all gentiles to dogs but comon Christianity is fucking based and the true European religion
You guys are a living meme
Hitler unified most of mainland Europe. He was Pagan, though he pushed for positive Christianity which was a gateway to paganism.
ISIS flag?
Lo there do I see my father; Lo there do I see my mother and my sisters and my brothers; Lo there do I see the line of my people, back to the beginning. Lo, they do call me, they bid me take my place among them, in the halls of Valhalla, where the brave may live forever.
>t pagan cuck larper Soras voter
wew lad
The whole reason that Israel was allowed to be captured, removed from their home and and sent into exile by God is because they had fallen into a pagan existence and worshipped a pantheon. They were effectively pagan at that point except for some of the conservative priesthood. The Romans didn't understand that the Scythians and Kymmerians had appeared on the scene as having been taken as trophies of war all the way up from Israel by the Persians. And at the point that this happened, the Roman republic would not even begin until almost a century later. They were removed enough by history not to be able to connect the Scythians and Kymmerians to the levantine Hebrews who they would later be very famiar with
You're one of those "Foundation of Western Civilization" Christians who constantly points to Hellenic civilization and claims it for your own aren't you?
Uplifting Greco-Roman society in a desperate attempt to distract from the fact that you were the vermin Jew Worshippers who ruined it all.
Finck actually goes on at length in one of his essays on the Scythians etc. about the Russian findings and how they support his position
Pagans, you are traitors to your ancestry. Your ancestors fought and worked long and hard so that you could give glory to GOD, Christ, Son of God, the Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Yet you reject Him and embrace damnation for atheism and fairy-tales.
Return to Christ - do not find yourself locked from the gates of His Kingdom when you die.
Only through unity and the renewal of the Christian faith will Europe remain in anyway European. Work hard now to bring the Church back and the people into its fold!
>His flag has an Aryan symbol on it.
Hellenic civilization got even better and touched perfection when we adopt Christianity
so btfo
>Soras voter
Soras destroyed the reputation of the few Greek polytheists fuggg :(
>Christians who constantly points to Hellenic civilization and claims it for your own aren't you?
Are implying there's no hellenic heritage in Christianity?
>christcuck getting triggered by being called out as a christcuck
Only what was borrowed from Paganism.
don't worry you'll probably be dead once Christianity is just but a memory of the European man
but I salute the future of pagan Europe