Why are iranians so dumb? Why are letting some stupid cunt rule, while he doesn't give a shit about your real tradition and heritage, your supreme leader values arab things more than persian things?
Are you guys sure he's not arab and he's persian
Why are iranians so dumb? Why are letting some stupid cunt rule...
Khamenei is obviously Greek genetically. He could easily pass for any old Greek.
He's Azeri you fucking idiot
lol, he has azerbaijani background, nigger
Most beautiful women I have seen.
Thread theme btw
So how can we revive Turko-Iranian empires and original Turko-Iranian culture again?
You cunts now rule the world and let persian people suffer? do we really deserve this?
It was we that freed you from the slavemasters, it was we who gave you permission to go and build your temple, Sassanid kings fought because of you. ok bro
Persians in general are pretty cucked. They never fully recovered from the Mongol invasion.\ and the ones in American are shitlibs.
Turkey gave me hope, but after that erDOGan came in power, I gave up hope, I hoped for Otto-perso empire, but with less cruelty.
Sorry OP. you knew where this thread was going. Post your Zorasteran waifus!
Do you have any idea, how many times they've invaded/ conquerd by many other countries and yet they managed to keep your culture and heritage
Here's an example of Ferdowsi he sufferd 30 years of his life to keep the Persian language alive.
>tfw when everytime I want to talk about politics someone just posts qts
Doesn't remove the fact he has Greek and Anatolian ancestors like lots of others in that region,I know it's tough for you cockroaches to accept that.
prove it lad
Turks and Azeris descended from Turkmens. Turkmens were Mongoloids who mixed with Iranians
Azeri Turks mixed with Persians
Anatolian Turks mixed with Anatolians
Azeris have no "Anatolian" or "Greek" heritage.
They're too charitable and altruistic to lesser peoples, and submissive to authority. They've had this problem since ancient times.
The achaemenid empire was, but about others I'd say no if we look at Sassanids they were brutal like others
>submissive to authority
Do you think when arabs invaded persians just watch and said we're cucked?
Persians were nationalist since the beginning, take a look at Piruz Nahvandi
Don't forget Khorrami revolt and Bābak Khorramdin
Do we Make Iran Great Again???
Where the hell are the Iranian posters right now?
make Iran great again by keeping Americans the fuck away from it
The iran-iraq war m8. The regime defended the nation. Like that's propaganda but it's also true
Iran used to be our ally.
The problem is Israel.
Right after Israel was established, the Jews started freaking out over Iran and then our back stabbing politicians sided with the Zionists, and now we're Israel's little bitch.
Yes Babak is a top-tier guy nationalist also.
Sadly he was defeated by a Turkish commander named Afshin
Sup Forums is blocked in Iran, lol the only we can make it great is REMOVE ISLAM
Virtually all Iranians are part Arab from the conquests, even more so than Arabic-speaking North African who larp as Arabs.
Also, their supreme leader wears a black turban, explicitly saying he's a descendant of Muhammad, who is an Arab.
the Shah was illegitimate according to Iran's traditions
Israel is a problem but remove US meddling in Iran and support for Israel and Iran will deal with the Zionist entity
What hurts me is, he was betrayed by Afshin
>Virtually all Iranians are part Arab
Haha no, if you compare egypt and iran, You'll realize they're Arab and we're not, WE still have our own language, our own ethnicity, our own ancient tradition while in Egypt everything is arab.
if it wasn't for you and brittain faggot Mossadegh would be the president and now shah
>what is DNA?
Oh I get it, you're one of those who think Swedish-speaking Somalis are Swedes and German-speaking niggers are Germans.
Plastic surgery, Shecky. But yes very pretty
Because Islam. The only Iranians that aren't literal apes are the non-muslim ones. Muslim Iranians are just Arab/Turk rapebabies.
In terms of tradition you guys are more similar to Arabs than us.
Persians are still Persians. They just have South Indian admixture.
Few Bedouins cannot replace an entire population and start to speak their language. Besides, Bedouins never intended to migrate to Iran.
No place for Iran in this.
The Arabs didn't need to migrate to Iran for Iranians to be part Arab, the conquerors just needed to produce a few rape babies on the way. They never migrated to north Africa in any significant numbers to replace the local populations either.
So 99% of Iranians are Arab/Turk rape babies.
Your language consists of 40% Arabic loan words. Iranians today are vastly different from the Iranians of Cyprus.
>asking why sand niggers are dumb
>being this new
Lol why did you originally ask the question about "why are Persian people so dumb...why do they..." then you're saying "we". The eternal shifty Persian. Fuck off and die you stupid fucking sand nigger. You're less than africans in white peoples eyes.
Is there any zoroastrianists left in Iran?
fucking sand niggers, dealing with anything other than fucking a goat is a joke.
yes. but they don't even know their own religion. their holy books were burnt by the snackbars.
it became 40% after the revolution. Genetically, they haven't change much since the old times.
The language on the other hand is a bit different.
Ask anyone who left before 1979 and they will tell you that they cannot understand half of the words current iranians use. This is because after the revolution, the islamic apes tried to make arabic the official language of the country. They obviously failed at that, but not completely. They started teaching arabic in schools and favour arab loan words over original persian words. This is the exact opposite of what was happening during the shah era, where he tried to cleanse the language from arabic. After the revolution, they tried to replace the language with arabic and replace common words with arabic counterparts. When you look at the actal language, it is no where near 40% arabic. The original words are still there in most cases, look at the farsi spoken in tajikistan or afghanistan. It is just that 40% of the words used during conversations is arabic these days. That is why most iranians who left after the revolution can barely understand iranians living in iran today. I remember when I spoke with my grandfather who is still there, he told me that I speak like people used to speak 40 years ago, and the language changed dramatically. I would say im pretty fluent in farsi, but I can barely understand iranian news, since their vocabulary is almost half arabic.
Can confirm. They even look the part.
Only to manage the remaining temples and holy sites. Most zoroastrians left Iran during the Caliphate for China or India. The few remaining zoroastrian communities exist solely in India. The last zoroastrians left following the Islamic revolution as shiite mullahs were planning revenge as they saw us responsible for the shah fucking them over. It's too difficult living in Iran, everything about Islam conflicts with zoroastrianism and Muslims will kill you for blasphemy.
Also, a lot of Diaspora tend to convert to zoroastrianism which is cool until they try linking it to Islam.
why are you in a white country. go back to the Middle East you freeloader on white society.
>Genetically, they haven't change much since the old times.
Bullshit. Iranians are genetically over 50% Arab.
arrghhh, rek these shitskins matey!
>underage screeching
also i wonder who the fuck made that retarded bar. iranians on gedmatch have a lot of west asian and med dna. southwest asian is limited.
hey ctr! what are you doing here?
Fair enough
>science is retarded when i don't like the results
What the fuck do you even know about "science"?
>anyone who disagrees is a shill
>According to Iran's traditions
What traditions? They have Islamic traditions.
Also, Iran has traditionally allied with the Jews. This of course changed when the country was populated with Muslim Arabs/Turks who hate Jews because a Jewish woman rekt Muhammad.
Ahmad post your memes elsewhere this is a persian thread, persians are still persian the language the tradition and everything
shut up arab
Uh modern day Farsi spoken by your diaspora still has the 40% Arabic loanwords. Stop making excuses a lot of old Persian is unintelligible to modern day Persian.
>doesn't even know the difference between arabs and persians
but they're entirely the same because they come form the same region, by this logic you're either a leaf or a juan, your choice
Ho Ho holy shit
Again with the language (which is 50% Arabic at this point anyway) and tradition? I guess you consider pic related a Swedish woman, am I right? Hey, she speaks Swedish and is practicing Swedish traditions.
Sorry Farhad, you're more Ahmed than most Ahmeds in the world.
>Those pockets of Turks and Arabs in the middle of the Iranian plateau
>There is just no way Turks or Arabs could have genetically displaced us Iranians we are not them
Ahahahah you guys are fucked. I'm so happy my ancestors left Iran for India otherwise I'd be a digusting Arab/Turk halfbreed named Ali.
The fuck are you talking about, half the words they use in iran today are arabic, even though their persian counterparts are still there and used by most iranians living out of iran. I'm not saying it is 100% free from arab words, just that is not even halfway to being 50%.
okay if the language uses few arabic words like (mashalla, inshalla, bismillah, etc) it makes it 50%.
The only thing persian and arabic language have in common is the alphabet.
You know Nowruz is a Zoroastrian tradition which is still used still today.
Iran has it's own Calendar (Jalali Calendar)
and so on
> Swedish woman
>practicing Swedish traditions
since when zoroastrianism was a swedish thing, and you can see the flag faggot, and swedish nordnigger can't even compete with our girls
>Same region
The region is called the Iranian plateau and the inhabitants were the Aryans until the Muslim semites invaded. At this point the Aryan inhabitants fled to the neighbouring Aryan lands in modern day Afghanistan and India. Arabs were never in the Iranian pleateau until Islam when they were patrionized.
Muslim Iranians should call themselves Fersians seeing as they don't even have a province of Parsah anymore.
> just that is not even halfway to being 50%
dude tell me more words than these that's used in persian language
alaikuma salam
>what is an analog?
Wow, you definitely understood and refuted the argument. So much superior Persian IQ.
What an idiot.
Started under the shah, because he despised Islam and venerated zoroastrianism. Which is also why you guys exiled him and put some butthurt Muslim azeri in his place. Before that it was just an excuse for you to get drunk and eat meat.
Fuck off with 'muh millennia of legacy'. You fuckers are the reason we had to leave Iran in the first place.
>Muslim Iranians should call themselves Fersians
We're not under arab rule, we call ourselves Persians, we don't give a fuck if those faggots don't have word P
>don't even have a province of Parsah anymore.
lol what?
Irrelevant. They are so racially mixed than the guy claiming greek heritage my as well be right.
>You fuckers are the reason we had to leave Iran in the first place.
lol faggot I'm against islam in iran, and you blame me? and I'm against shah also you know what he nothing more than a puppet to USA and UK, but I would prefer him over those Mudslim fags
>We're not under Arab rule
Correct, you're under azeri rule as you have been since the safaviyya.
>Editing a Wikipedia article so you can screenshot it to prove your point
Zoroastrians aren't allowed to lie, no taqiyya here Mahmoud. I don't think you would fit in.
>I'm against islam in iran
Kys. I'm against velayat-e-faqih but thanks to Islam Iran isn't the puppet of anyone at least.
>you're under azeri rule
when will you fags understand, PERSIANS are the majority of the the countries and will always be and those Turkmens, Azeris are miniority so which means they're under our rule.
>Zoroastrians aren't allowed to lie
I'm not a Zoroastrian and I didn't lie about anything I just edited Fars to Pars because we're not under arab rule and we can use it original ones.
>You blame me
No, I blame your entire kind. The shah wasn't a puppet, he modernized Iran's institution's and brought Iran into the modern world. Mullahs obviously don't like LARPing as anything other than seventh century sex offender so they just claimed he was a puppet. The reason Iranians are regarded as idiots by most people is that they willingly chose to abandon development with little compromise in favour of religion.
>thanks to Islam Iran isn't the puppet of anyone at least
You really think, it's islam what have saved us from being not a puppet?
Saudi arabia is an islamic country they're dogs of USA
it's in our blood, we're persian
we're different, we'll always be we're AMBITIOUS and wise people, WE WILL PREVAIL.
Okay, that's an anglicized word. What do you Muslim Persians refer to yourself in Farsi?
>I'm not zoroastrian
Tell me about it. Which is why you aren't actually Persian, you were probably born a Muslim and therefore everyone will refer to you as an Arab or Turk since those were the primary progenitors of Islam in Iran.
>shah wasn't a puppet
really makes you think?
faggot as I said I prefer shah than those mudslimes fags, but don't deny the fact.
Iranians are not Arab. Anyone who says so is ill informed.
Persians migrated from the caucases whereas arabs came from turkey and North Africa.
But they are functionally the same tbqh but not the same genetically at all
alaikuma salam
>Be omide khoda
>No idea the fuck that means, never heard an iranian use it.
>Be naame khoda
>Depending on the definition you give this one, you can use aafarin or khoda mikhad
>Eywallah don't know what it means and never heard anyone use it
Also its quite pathetic how you use religious words, which obviously can be expected to be used by iranian muslims. Furthermore, those are more like sentences than actual words.
I'm going outside with my russian girlfriend, so you guys later.
dude I know the meaning of the words I meant tell me more arabic words that are used in iran they're like about 30 words other are true persian words.
So what?
You want Persians to go atheist or Zoroastrians or Christian?
Persia will remain Islamic bro
>with my russian girlfriend
I crack'd
ya hussain
>Put the shah in power
Fucking kek, don't you know history?
Because China and Russia are friendly with Iran and vice-versa because they all agree on Islam taking over the world. Welcome to politics faggot, if you want foreign support for your goals you gotta give something up.
Also, are you going to ignore the fact that the English and Soviets invaded to depose the shah's father.
Liar. An Iranian once posted on Sup Forums. You're same fucking finnish nigger.
Iran will stay Islamic, sorry, KYS.
>Persia will remain Islamic bro
Persia will remain a backwards shithole
>Never went to Persia
Atheist persia will be just another degenerate hellhole like Israel that allows gay pride in Jerusalem
>Iran will remain Islamic, KYS
>Remain Islamic
Everyone in Iran be like okay
No.. it's called being Iranic. Although all Indo-Europeans are cousins.
>Atheist Persia
Only abrahamic religions lead to atheism which is inevitable with Islam. If Iran were to be a world power once again it would need to be zoroastrian. Muslims just aren't as capable as zoroastrians as has been said by basically everyone including Hindus, the English, Sikhs and even Muslims themselves.
I can give you a website which lists the common arab words and their persian equivalent.
Here are a few I can think of on top of my head, (left are arab, right are persian):
Donya, Jahaan
Heyvoon, Janevar
Kabir, bozorg
esm, naam
jadid, noh
javab, pasokh
soal, porsesh
ghabl (before), pish
bad (after), pas
There was also a website which had a huge list of the words that you could replace, most still being in use, but I can't find it anymore. A google search should show something though
Ah, the reason I couldn't find it was because it was probably shut down or soemthing. Here is aforum with more if you're interested
>If Iran were to be a world power once again it would need to be zoroastrian
lol bro...
zoroastrian almost doesn't exist anymore.
How does something almost not exist? It either exists or it doesn't this isn't metaphysics. Zoroastrianism won't disappear for the simple reason that it isn't a physical object. Also, greater Israel also means the destruction of Muslim Iran and it's replacement with a zoroastrian one. Why do you think parsis and Jews support each other?