Have you seen this girl?
Have you seen this girl?
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah she's here with me.
Yeah, last I saw her she was face down ass up right off the tip of my BBC
She's trash who cares about a chubby cheating cunt
Lot of twitch gamer fags here who worship vidya sluts. Sad!
Quick rundown please
Shut your mouth cuck
Threads were doing fine until you redditcucks showed up
why do these threads keep getting deleted?
That's most of Sup Forums user
Mods are trying to pretend they don't belong here
But instead of posting as much and moving it to /bant/ they are just deleting
Being faggots like usual
>twitch hoe streaming
>disappears for a while
>reappears posting with strangers phone >halfway across town
>said she was playing poker
>obviously cheated on husband
Her story is now:
> absolutely wasted, left party to go to strip club
> actually goes to casino alone
> plays poker, she loves poker, for over 20 hours
> both phones are dead so cant tell anyone
> is found in a dodgy part of town but thats where she is staying apparently
> sends a mobile video from a hotel room prior to walking home, but went to casino alone, so must be a magic phone.
Good stamina leaving a club drunk to play 20 hours of solo poker, its the exact sort of thing that people do.
>Have you seen this girl?
I think she was with Jamal and Tyrone.
Don't worry she will be back after a couple of hours.
Late night poker turns into BLACKED.COM
not politics
The democrats spewing their cuckold fetish is pretty funny, we get it already you are less then a man
Where do they even mention black people?
Are you guys literally projecting your fetish into this?
Stop deleting threads, I want to read sweet drama and fantasies about some twitch slut taking the BBC
>Sup Forums
yeah thats why I come to Sup Forums
Mods are feverishly deleting these threads but let obvious shill threads go on daily.
I'm not even male.
I'm just laughing at you betas that enable women to cheat on you and take them back.
Maybe I should start using you guys too.
>pol starts to spam her with blacked etc
>talking about BBC on twitter all the time desptie no proof she was with a black guy so projecting your sick fetish
>just keep spamming that myth
>actualy converting normie girls to be interested in black guys
>this is somehow our win
ok you seriously need help, u just cant stop talking about black cock on every occasion you are given.
Bump because worthless fat neckbeard cuck mods can suck my fucking dick
Its funny though
Nice larp (((faggot)))
She claims to have time+dated receipts to backup her story. At this point (just to be a contrarian), I'm hoping her story actually lines up with whatever (((evidence))) she conjures up and is proven innocent
>somewhat attractive white female
>potential blackening
>sweet drama that penetrates multiple boards/interests
Might not be Politics, but it's certainly Sup Forums
you must have quite the shit sense of humour
>>actualy converting normie girls to be interested in black guys
>That autistic twitter profile with the pepe pic sure has been spamming blacked a lot, better go take some nigger dick
Let's not make the drama thread about me, user.
Also I'm probably too old for you.
Gack to Sup Forumseddit
Sage and report
its dozens of profiles spamming it and it just keeps feeding bbc myth
do you enjoy the sweet (you)?
All women are garbage subhumans and must be fucked by niggers and brown subhumans. Torture and fuck white women is a good thing
it keeps getting deleted from Sup Forums
This story encompasses multiple political issues including but not limited to: Race relations, feminism, modernism, drug use, vices such as gambling, social media's effect on society, and of course promiscuity.
She's being saying she'll give a receipt for a while now to no avail. That said she was missing for 24 hours, so those receipts better cover the majority of that period.
Even if she were to be shown to be at the mystery unnamed casino alone bizarrely, she would still have to have been coked up to manage the 24 hours after a full day and a heavy night out.
Last guy she was with in the photos was asian. She didnt get BLACKED, she got RICED.
>woman googles BBC
>sees dick 2x her bf's size
>starts wondering what it would feel like
Only when I make decent bait, this time I'm getting replies without doing anything and it bores me.
There isn't a single happening other than this drama so I have to lurk the thread to kill time.
Yeah I'm sure we will lose lots of nice white girls becaus they think dumb ugly smelly niggers have big dicks. The people who fuck niggers are cuckstians and liberals who fetishize niggers or are just virtue signalling
riding my BBC
Then Sup Forums is better moderated than this shithole
I keep waiting for the Balkan threads to pop up so I can become more active
Mods keep shoahing these threads and even handing out bans to everyone who posted in them the other night
Mods are massive faggots and to say better moderated isn't a proper statement, I'd say more moderated
prepare for the ban ham faggit you ain't allowed to talk shit to the almighty mods
wrong. also use filters you fucking newshit. if you dont have blacked in filters you are a fucking cuck
The first few threads were kinda funny but I wasn't able to read all the drama since I was sorting my kid for school.
Now the mods are awake and keep deleting them before I can get the saucy details.
All I understood was something about her leaving her work, shutting all forms of communication down and being found in some shady area of LA.
"doesnt know name of casino because she just told the cab driver to take her to a casino"
Dont you have to input destination apriori with lyft?
Just because you identify as a woman doesn't make your tiny dick any less male
*teleports behind you*
*resets router*
heh... nothing personnel kid..
Can anyone photoshop the "BLACKED" symbol on her E3 sign for me
I still don't see why everyone cares so much
>I'm not even a male
Yes you are you pathetic larper
because they project their nigger fantasies. its just opportunity to talk about black dick for them
LA has actual cab services so the Sikh/muzzie probably just took her to the furthest one.
there's a "white" woman and a black guy conspiracy.
Sup Forums goes crazy.
but it's kinda funny ruining someone's else day
The story is better than that
Dumb roastie whore cheats on her boyfriend and goes missing as she did a ton of cocaine is getting blacked for hours before she ends up with her phone stolen and now has been tweeting nonstop in massive damage control
now that's just sad
ah another kekistani brother undercover
I only got interested in it because it kept being deleted while I was trying to understand why everyone on the internet is going crazy for the girl.
And again I'm waiting for happening threads, they are funnier.
>Muh larp.
It gets worst she's not marrried or wasn't to the guy she was dating she is apparently married but to someone else
where's the undeniable proof of cheating and coke binge? I want to believe, but where's some hard proof
pic mostly unrelated
Wait so she's not missing anymore? Did she at least appologize for freaking all her friends and shit out?
fucking hell
Post tits or fuck off fat boy
Also what's up with her hair line? She going bald?
>Hard proof
The boyfriend confirmed it
Of it helps you guys she wasn't blacked she was RICED
why are the nazi mods deleting these threads?!