There's a black gay dude livestreaming right now and threatening to harm white people, it's becoming viral
There's a black gay dude livestreaming right now and threatening to harm white people, it's becoming viral
hes actually got a point right now.
>whites dont like muslims and jews because they enslaved white people
>this is why blacks cant just get along with white people, same thing
When did the Jews enslaved white people?
Asking for a historical fact
Prague used to be a Jewish slave hub, they'd transport Slavic and Christian solves all over Europe
I've read at least one story where a Jewish slveowner in medieval Europe had a Christian slave/midwife who he had drain all her breastmill out for three days after taking the Eucharist before breastfeeding the Jewish baby again
Sorry, they'd transport Slavic selves to the muslim caliphate, Christian selves in Europe were rare, but frequent enough that popes regularly had to make laws against it
But the British white people forced the Arabs slave traders to end their slave trade in Africa in the 19th century. White people literally freed them. And now the Arabs are enslaving them again.
AIDSley Harriott
This is fucking hilarious. This nigger is a fucking moron. I guarantee we can troll him into committing a crime.
fair point as well. we also bend over backwards to heal the wounds
Byzantine Empire. Slavs were the choice of slaves. Slav slave trade continued into the Ottoman Empire. So over a thousand years of slavery. The word slave, in fact, comes from the word slav.
Try to convince him to kill a media personality, does he live anywhere in Southern California?
"black guy dude"
It's like a cripple that decided to be an asshole to boot.
>When did the Jews enslaved white people?
>Federal Reserve Act of 1913.
>Revenue Act of 1913 .
holy shit what is this
Guys, he had a fucking bad day at work and is ranting. He brought up some personal feelings on a lot of stuff and some of it has an air of truth.
Not saying don't fuck with him, but it's not like he's in the right mindset right now so don't take everything he says personally.
The US is a fucking circus.
He doesn't have a mindset, he's a drone following Jewish orders to annoy and destroy white society.
Good Lord
the ADL anti defamation league - 1913
Is OP a shill?
> it's becoming viral
This guy has 20 viewers. a literal who.
lol, this guy is funny
Umm not quite nigger.
>sandrats enslave whites
>step on the toes of progress
>whites enslave niggers
>niggers quality of life improved bigly even when chained
>literally a free luxury cruise as opposed to cannibalized alive by fellow groids
You know he is making a lot of good points..
Man this guy is fucking retarded, which is great. Also our society? What Society did blacks ever successfully create by themselves?
Yeah 100%
Only classroom-trained "Meme Experts" use terms like viral
As long as he be talkin' he don't be doin'.
Hey faggot. how did you find this channel anyway?
how 'bout dem luxury caves tho.
Im tempted to take him up on his offer
OP took the bait, and you guys are wasting your time ITT.
>>Federal Reserve Act of 1913.
>>Revenue Act of 1913 .
>the ADL anti defamation league - 1913
Pure cohencidence....
Holy Beautiful
>samefagging this hard
Is he going ghost or not?
hes satirical, this is a ruse
fag mods keep deleting comments :^(
Im shit talking whitey so he gives me Mod status
"They degenerise"
Nigga what
Someone ask if he's going ghost hunting after the stream.
Well someone should bring up who was in control of the slave trade. Common enemy stuff.
We need to go back to those caves, bros
And we imported their demented mentality through people like corbyn in the 60's
They think we're lying to them to cover our asses when we tell them about that
In Palestine, the jews appealed to all their people to join the Persians, and jewish crowds killed the Bishop of Tiberias and 90,000 Christians in one day. When the Persians conquered Jerusalem, most of the Christians were sent into captivity to Persia. However, “the jews distinguished themselves at this point with a beastly cruelty unique in the history of the world. They spared no money to buy many Christians from the Persians with one purpose only – to gain enjoyment in killing them. They say that in this way they bought and destroyed 80,000 people.
flag his ass down
Nigga has like 50 moderators
They are banning everyone from chat, be subtle or gather a horde and stop shitposting all at once.
>claims to be superior race
>all of their lands destroyed and conquered by cave dwelling whites
>I've read at least one story where a Jewish slveowner in medieval Europe had a Christian slave/midwife who he had drain all her breastmill out for three days after taking the Eucharist before breastfeeding the Jewish baby again
Sounds legit and not at all like rumor or bullshit, especially with the sourcing.
Found the cuckservative
Seems VeganGains has let himself go
kinda fun but he's just deleting all the messages...
>nigger says muslims and jews are the evil twins of whites
this fucking fag is wearing a deadmau5 shirt
Yeah, it's not as much fun with the nigger deleting all of the comments. Someone needs to pretend to be pro nigger to get mod status and start unbanning everyone.
Gays have a lot of violence potential. Because they're angry. Because they were molested.
The dumb ass made me a mod when I was putting troll comments
Did he just admit that he was gay?
This. Gommie smart.
We need to raid this degenerate.
Is his channel satire or do communities like this actually exist without being rightfully bashed by the media, oh wait :^)
Unban us or ban the nigger mods.
He unmoderatored me
So just because you don't believe it it can't be true?
"Nigger Hangouts"
We had those, it's called the noose.
>that ending
aaand its gone
Ha, it ended suddenly.
HHAHAHAHAH it got fucking Shoah'ed
I'm fucking dying L O L
>ended for hate speach
LMAO. His bad day just got worse
literally, verbatim
>stream ends
All my cave bros here? I want a waterfall in the middle of my cave!
Poor guy broke the hate speech guidelines xD
>some Sup Forumsack reported him.
That's not why I hate jews and Muslims though you dumb nigger.
It's for the actions they take now, not because they enslaved anyone in the past. You're a dumb fucking nigger.
Aaaand its gone
>This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on hate speech.
I hope he does and shoots a bunch of white people now.
So... can he start a new stream in like 5 mins or does it ban/have a cooldown?
Ummmmm, sweetie? You do realize it was the Jews who enslaved the blacks, right?
If you can't give a reliable source it's difficult to believe.
He's a homo black, he'll just go get aids.
I'd rather him shoot himself.
>implying he doesn't already have aids
That's bad unless he only manages to shoots up some race-mixing whores and their husbands in the ghetto he's living.
I know I reported him. I regret it though. Missed out on the extra keks we could've had.
You could always send him a link to this thread.
The last thing I heard him scream...
I can still hear it now.
I'd kind of like to see that nigger join Sup Forums just to get BTFO.
Well i'm not the original op, but you are on the internet, you could take 5 min from your shitposting to look something up if your going to refute it, alls i'm sayin