Whats the worst nig infested area you ever been to? Why were you there? And what happened? How could it be fixed or at least stopped from happening somewhere else?
Whats the worst nig infested area you ever been to? Why were you there? And what happened...
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>Born and raised
>No fucking immigration
East side if Chicago and that time I got lost in Northwest Philly.
Helsinki, been there bcause of rock concerts, nothing special happened, fix would be no immigration
Antwerp or Brussels there equally bad there are entire neighbourhoods that are populated with nothing but niggers or mudshits (molenbeek) the buildings in these area's are in complete disrepair too.
Southside saint Petersburg Florida. I was there building a school. Crack and heroin everywhere.
definitely some random suburb of Chicago while getting ready to fly out of Ohare Airport. Never seen so many 24/7 pawn shops and dirty gas stations. Niggers man
Driving through Camden to get to the aquarium
Also new Brunswick, which isn't that bad but it's amazing how it's next door to rich white suburbs
I was born and detroit, didn't live there too long but there was a black kid that would come over to our house and shit in the lawn, crime was rampant. We moved to Tennessee as soon as we could.
Macon Georgia. Black people in the south are actually pretty chill and respectable but the towns sort of just falling apart. If people really wanted to they could probably organize some effort but most people don't consider the place worth saving, mostly just want to get out. Sad.
Man Baltimore reminds me of the late 1970s and 1980s New York City.
I went there to go to a goth/industrial concert. The place looks bombed out, and there were Squeegee men on the main ave. I have seen that since I was like 6years old in NYC.
Baltimore is a shithole, crime infested and really has nothing to offer even in a edgy/hipster way. The riots didn't help either. Ironic "charm city".
It's sad to because I think the rowhouses there are architecturally interesting and it could be better but no.
>Whats the worst nig infested area you ever been to?
Paris, Fr.
>Why were you there?
Military duties
>And what happened?
Nothing, just drove away
>How could it be fixed or at least stopped from happening somewhere else?
Shutdown welfare.
>Be me
>Actually buy one of the rowhomes in your picture in Baltimore
>$9k cash and bought out the land rent (which is the most jewish fucking thing imaginable) for an additional $1500
>City will cut you a $20k tax credit if you buy property in a diverse area, are white, and college educated
>Go from looking like Dresden bombing to livable within 30 days
>Have a guy I work with move in rent free to help with reno
>Stay 2 years, tell neighbors we're cops, nobody fucks with us.
>Completely unfuck property
>Cop cover story backfires during Freddy Grey riots
>Niggers set car on fire
>Niggers break into house
>"Fuck this shit, I'm out"
>Leave Baltimore, sell rowhome for $90k to niggers no money down because they qualify for every gubmint gibsmedat under the sun
>All things considered, got paid an extra $40k a year to essentially clean up what niggers destroyed, might consider going back and doing it again if they weren't prone to popping off at the slightest provocation
I'm actually pretty impressed, even though I grew up in the counties in MD, I still try to avoid Baltimore whenever I can but that makes me want to try it lel.
Jacksonville , arlington and the northside mostly
OPs moms vagina had more niggers than i've ever seen.
I live in Little Rock, AR. A crackhead nog tried to get in my car at a red light when I was on my way to the state fair. I ran the red light and got a ticket. Yay.
Definitely Baltimore. I really got an accelerationist thrill there doing heroin in a burned down row of houses. The nigs were alright but the only way to fix that city would be to sell it to China i think.
it seems like ghettos and france have completely changed in the last 5-6 years. when i was there in 2002 it seemed like most people were still trying to live somewhat like a human
North Philly
Southeast Houston
Fuck niggers, there's no saving them. They are obnouxious, violent, poor, lazy and half of them are hard drug users. Anyone who's actually halfway intelligent and worth a shit is ostracized as an uncle Tom.
In case anyone is wondering, Philly/Camden had the most violent niggers, Houston had the most obnoxious niggers, and Oakland had the most lazy niggers
i thought camden was becoming hispanic
these threads seem like Sup Forumss version of some sort of inner city documentary
You think the french gettos are bad? You have never been to Brussels then or worse antwerp.
Buildings in disrepair graffiti everywhere and kebab/night shops all over.
It might be, I lived there 10+ years ago
Wembley in London, lots of non-British homeless people. Build more houses!
Los alcarrizos, DR
I was homeless
I stayed indoors
How could it be fixed?
By having a fucking legitimate government that regulates immigration and executes criminals.
Its not fucking rocket science, kill criminals, deport illegals and bam, problem fucking solved.
Its funny you mention Houston. Every black person I know here buys into the "black v. nigger" mentality, especially the transplants from Africa. I know one girl who grew up here (very smart, dual major in econ and finance, is now working at an investment bank) that won't go to family get togethers if certain cousins are there because all they do is harass her for having a good job and "talking white."
Another time I asked a guy who moved here from Kenya what he thought of the culture (meaning Us/Texan culture) and he immrdiately said "I am not a nigger and I don't associate with niggers" because of how little they respect them.
Tbh it proves how much growing up poor fucks you over, but its hard to respect people who get jealous of success.
>Be two Swedes on a roadtrip in USA
>Accidentally roll up in a bad neighborhood in Chicago
Those stares
Vuosaari, I was at a party and got attacked by a bunch of somalis. Fixing it would be easy, send in a dozen death squads or be plain and boring and just nuke the fucking place
damn, i always figured france was the worse in western europe.
so the EU lives in their own filth?
DC, touring the capitol and the tour bus drove into the hood confused about his route. My buddies and i come from a state with a large white majority and we started to count how many niggers to white people there were. It was about 60 nigs to every 1 white. Only way to fix it is to stop giving gibs to the leechers
Have you been to Greenwood?
they probably thought you were plainclothes police
>Watch the first episode of the Wire
>It's slow as fuck
Does it pick up or what?
Bet you felt right at home
>motorcycle touring
>rural Mississippi, 7 am
>town is all boarded up and run down
>several shoeless and shirtless nigglets running about
>a pack of feral dogs is barking at the kids
>not an adult in sight
>WIC distribution building is the only nice/new building in the whole village
It was straight up Africa-tier
jacksonville here :^)
Western Monroe, Louisiana. I'm from way north and had never seen actual projects before then. It was like a giant refugee camp, grassless yards and junk strewn for miles, empty lots and half destroyed buildings. The only positive thing I saw were several BBQs going on that day, and as I passed them they seemed to be black Hank Hill types as oppose to ghetto nigs lazing about. At the very least, the sunday parties I passed by seemed to be the older folks trying to hold onto some sense of community, while the typical nigs we're familiar with roamed on foot or bicycle in the neighborhood.
Honestly, prior to the riots it wasn't that bad. Kinda depressing heading home through a wasteland, though. Worst part by far was getting Fed Hill sluts drunk enough to take home, a solid 40% of the time they'd bail for fear of getting murdered. The nogs tend to keep to themselves for the most part, fucking with wipipo is a quick way to land yourself on Eager St.
Yeah I live by Detroit and flipping houses there is a real big business. Niggers tear things down while others try to rebuild.
I live in Baltimore county and sling chips for Frito-Lay in some of the most dangerous neighborhoods in this country. West Baltimore (Penn-North, Sandtown-Winchester, Edmonson and Fulton, etc ) is like a fucking post-apocalyptic warzone. They still buy Doritos though.
I live 30-40 mins south of Detroit, thankfully protected by 3-4 cities that are walled before reaching my own. My city doesn't have any nig nogs, save for a couple houses, but slowly, they're fucking migrating south, which scares the shit out of me. Most nigs are held in their houses until night time. However, if you travel 10-15 mins southwest of Detroit into the nig infested shitstain suburbias they've taken over, they're fucking everywhere. Literally a 3rd world country. Detroit is the same but at least Downtown is civil looking (due to sports arenas) and protected by an army of police cars. Detroit's outer boundaries are dying and nig families are leaving to migrate south into more and more suburban towns and cities. The good is that Detroit is dying, but the bad is that the remaining nigs are migrating again into mostly white cities, which is fucking up a lot.
i lived in Monroe louisiana most of my life south 8th street
Certain area's are worse but the no go zones are slowly gaining land as more rapefugees flow in.
The eu kikes live in closed neighbourhoods so there not effected by it.
You will get used to seeing the 5 pawn shops and kebab shops lined up in one relatively small area thats for certain.
London suburb on a school trip
next whitee only reachable by train
Barcelona is so fucking infested of shitskins. Rest of Spain is actually ok.
The only way to fix the problem is to poison the water supply going to all the ghettos with sterilization drugs and/or fund a KKK army with the same balls that ISIS has.
Never been there, but in terms of percentages East St. Louis, Illinois is the niggest city in America, and in a pure coincidence, also the most run down and most dangerous, more than Honduras.
>I live here for graduate school
>every day is suffering
>only a tactical nuke from orbit can cleanse this place
Kampala, Uganda. I went on a safari, flight landed there at Entebbe and then we drove out to the countryside. Nothing crazy happened, but driving through parts of the country at night was sketchy as hell. Probably better than some black neighborhoods in the US though. Africa can't be fixed, let them be. Stop sending them aid though, it only makes things worse.
can you make money doing it? there are houses in detriot that are like 500 dollars
yeah they are leaving redford and heading to inkster
The outer parts of the city were nice, where things got more woodsy and spread out, but passing through the heart of it made me increasingly nervous the longer I was there.
Pic related the only photo I snapped there.
Baltimore. Even in the "nicer" parts of the city there's nigs roaming around spinning sob stories in hopes you'll give them some money while they wave their keys for their Mercedes-Benz in front of your face.
Yeah, the whole uncle Tom shaming is honestly the worst part about nigger culture. Any good eggs have to abandon their family and friends to stay on the up and up.
Yea jamie mayo mayor is your typical nig mayor. People always want a new one but sense Monroe is almost all black they keep electing him because he is black.
Yes, but you really have to know what you're doing and what to look for. Most of the time, the $500 homes will have massive tax liens which you're responsible for upon purchase. On top of that, to qualify for gubmint gibs, which is the only way these nogs qualify for purchase, everything has to be done to code. If you don't know what you're doing and have to hire contractors, you're more likely than not to wind up in the hole. Think of it like this, if there were a substantial profit to be made, the Jews would be buying these things up en masse. They aren't, which should tell you something. Occasionally you'll get lucky, though.
GaTech? I was thinking of going there but literally didn't because of niggers
7th Ward, New Orleans.
When I visited NOLA I found out I accidentally stayed in the 9th ward lol
>there are houses in detriot that are like 500 dollars
Don't they have certain (((rules))) though? It became pretty common for houses here to be put up for sale for £1. However to buy them for £1 you either had to buy the whole street at £1 per house AND spend X many thousand renovating it (which you needed proof of having already) or if they were more expensive than £1 (low thousands say) you still had to spend X many thousand on it (again with proof you have those moneys) and had to live in them for X many years before they could sell them.
Rural Mississippi, quick drive through the delta as well. There are very few if any white people in most of these areas. It's a little shocking at first. A mini Africa.
>but sense Monroe is almost all black they keep electing him because he is black
Yet another mess. When I passed through there though, I wound up staying with some family friends for the night and while being perfectly pleasant and polite they were sharply redpilled on the local blacks, while still being compassionate enough to differentiate between the well-meaning ones, older folks their own age, and the primal nogs.
GARY , Indiana boarded up house everywhere degenerate niggers walking everywhere day and night without shoes , half dress , talking to themselves . Picture is from internet and a good one at that most places look like Detroit except without people !!
I work in downtown north st. Louis at a chemical processing plant. Our parking lot is surrounded by barbed wire 10' high fencing. The company recently purchased a custom armored truck to patrol the plant at night, there are beggers and nogs fucking everywhere, trash everywhere, potholes everywhere, burnt out and boarded up houses everywhere, grafiti everywhere, half the cars on the road have bungie cords holding up the plastic bumper or securing the hood or trunk. This city is a warzone. All of the white working class lives on the other side of the missouri in the suburbs and drive 50 minutes everyday to work downtown which is also what i do. I drive past furguson every day. Stay the fuck away from east st louis unless you want to die.
Lived there because worked downtown van, too expensive to live closeby.
Got held up with a knife and my phone stolen at the sky train. Almost got pummelled by a roid monkey at the bus station in Newton for mouthing him off when he tried to alpha me. Bought a car next day, tired of that shit.
>how could it be fixed...
You can't. The police there are like a small army, I'm not even joking. They can't keep the place under control. Niggers and brownies keep coming in and gangs and drug rings just keep getting bigger. The place is growing too fast and filling up with the worst quality people.
Fucking camden. Scary as fuck. Sucks that you need to drive through the ghetto to get to any of their "attractions" Anytime ive gone to a concert at the sesquehana center i never stopped at stop signs or lights. Fuck that, stopping at a stop sign and having a group of groids knock on your window
Baltimore, where I work. What a dangerous shit hole, OP's pic related.
Well I've driven through Detroit because family in Sarnia, but live in Buffalo, & fucked this Puerto Rican who lived on the east side (got crabs & herpes from her, yes I deserved it, & no, I'll never do it again).
Fire would be the only cure, although if all welfare were to disappear overnight, I think the majority would either starve to death, or get shot whilst burgling.
>KC Mo.
>Attending UMKC
>Rented an old 3 story house in dark town with other students.
>Any cars parked on the street were broken into. Repeatedly.
>Had to avoid local corner store at night because of stick ups.
>Failure of our education system, glorification of violence in TV and movies and music.
>Black culture.
>3 lifestyles are idolized in nig society.
>Womenizers (rapists, manipulators and men who are supported by women)
>Entertainers, rappers (money fo nothin)
>Sports stars (money fo nothin)
not saying where, but it doesn't matter which school in this city because the infestation is literally everywhere. you made the right call by not coming here. I can't wait to leave in 2 years and never come back.
This. Never stop in the ghetto for any reason, and never go down a residential one lane street or they'll box you in before beating the shot out of you and robbing you. Also never respond when provoked. Had a gang of kids throwing rocks at my car but I knew if I tried to fuck them up I'd get shot by their parents
North Philadelphia for work an elderly negroid came up and asked me if I was lost and needed directions
No it cant be fixed
I've biked through Camden for fun a bunch of times. It's spoopy
I resent the N word being used though. Stop being racist
Wow your life is fucked. I got ghono from a bitch and I won't be fucking anything again til I find a wifeable bitch.
I'm still purging bacteria from my system, the ghono is gone but yeasty shit went pretty rampant afterwards.
t. nigger
Fuck you nigger swing from a tree
>New Brunswick
>Nig infested
>Next to rich white suburbs
I've lived here past 5 years and there's not that even many nigs for a city in NJ. What it does have is a complete infestation of Mexicans, Guatamalans, Hondurans, and El Salvadorians, of which who knows how many are fucking illegal. Can't even afford a shitty house around here because they're all own by slum lords who illegally rent out to 15 different illegals. Worst part is the local government is complicit in all this and they are proud to be a sanctuary city. Middlesex county has directly undermined our country's laws. Also all the surrounding suburbs are filled with fucking poo in loos it's not white at all. You don't find majority white until you go south to Monmouth or west to Hunterdon. Fuck user thanks for reminding me how much of an outsider I feel like in my own goddamn country.
stfu nigger
Yeah, man. I can only nail whores now. White whores, but whores none the less. I've got no qualms with you leaf, like I said...got lots of family in Sarnia& (((Toronto))), so I do a lot of my filth up that way. Toronto broads are easy, but you guys neglect the shit out of your women in Sarnia; they faun like little school girls over me up there..
What about Madrid?
Do they still have windows or any home appliances? Then they're better than gypsy ghettos in Eastern Europe.
There is no orbit, the earth is not a globe, water does not curve around an object.
Research Flat Earth!
South Chicago. I live in the north which is actually pretty nice and you rarely come into contact with them. I was driving to Ohio on business one day and forgot to get gas. Right as I'm driving through the south side, my low gas light comes on. Traffic was horrible so I decided to take the risk and take a random exit to find a gas station. I tried three and at each one, there were guys standing in corners discreetly passing things through each others' hands. When I heard a noise that I was hoping was just a car backfiring (but wasn't going to take the chance at this point), I decided to get back on the highway and even take the toll route and wait until Indiana to find a gas station. Fortunately
I walked passed tent city in Vancouver during the olympics when I was a freshman or sophomore and that was scary.
Fortunately, I had just enough to make it to a station in a safer area.
>crappy summer job
>location changes every few days
>south side of chicago
>nigs only get violent after dark
>probably ok
>get tons of stares
>Tower Hamlets
>Once had an IS flag flying around and no one cared
>Still preferred being there than some places in the US
Had an 8/10 kebab there. It's first on the list when the day of the rope comes.
East St Louis. Fun place
>whoops wrong image
^ the_only_white_people_here.jpg
Lehigh acres east of Fort Myers FL is a hell hole on earth
Gypsy's have windows in their homes how else could they see when driving
>Los Angeles
>be white
>throughout school niggers were always loud and obnoxious
>old schizo Negresses shouts at you on the bus for being white and then shouts at the next white people to enter the bus
>nigger "cases the joint" at your house trying to break in
>best friend has also had niggers try to break into his house
>slutty white junkie sister hooks up with a nigger from New York probably because of drugs.
>family thinks it ok, but they also think Communism is good.
You don't know the pain of living in Forest Park in Clayton county and it continues to get worse.