We wuz Airborne and sheet

We wuz Airborne and sheet

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what game is that?




You should see it, they even have nigger nazis. It's hilarious.

God, I long for the day Russians nuke the shit out of USA.

This cultural garbage is the product of the allies victory. We would probaly have Luna and Mars colonies if the Germans won.

The USA is a cultural dumpster fire.


Cod always sucked tho it died with mw2 and blops

But would we be shitposting on Sup Forums? I think not.

God damn this timeline

They're rewriting history so future whites will grow up thinking it's normal for them to be the ethnic minority.

The Jewish indoctrination worked well on you.


The worse part is that these kind of games are the first real exposition kids have with the period.
I remember when I was a young lad and I played medal of honor while watching band of brothers and saving private ryan. That kindled my passion about history and that same passion allowed me through the years to be a young redpilled european man. This kind of product breeds ignorance and brainwashes young minds ready to be harvested by the kikes propaganda.

These handful of black soldiers doesn't invalidate that 99% of Wehrmacht units would have been 100% German. Either way they also have black women as Germans too.

You are making an intellectually dishonest leap from observing a handful of black people in Wehrmacht uniforms to insinuating that they were present in any meaningful numbers, much less that they were integrated into frontline combat units.

What's wrong with this? I've met a black ww2 and Korean veteran who fought in the airborne. He also married a Korean woman after the Korean War kek

Rome total war did it for me, legit helped me in Latin class with building and unit names down the line

90% of the multiplayer will be transnigger black sistas if they allow this


>is actually a m1
>extended clipazine on an m1
>extra heavy shit wgen paradropping

>World at War

I actually felt really bad for the Germans in that game, there was something badass about them making me fight for every inch of land . Also, the Pacific levels were fucking awesome, I know Activision is trying to sell WWII as gritty and brutal but they'll never hold a candle against World at War.

They outdid themselves t b h

It's time that we stop white-washing history. Both sides had major black forces, (especially the Americans), and womanly commonly signed up to fight by pretending to be a man. I'm glad they are finally getting representation. I'm not saying they were the majority, far from it, but they were there, and they've never gotten representation before. That is why they deserve to be shown in this game. To show the current generation who have never been exposed to WW2, where we all come from, and who made our countries free today.

Ghostbusters 2016, Battlefield WWI, etc all these horrible products only sell based on controversy. Stop talking about them, and they will die.

They are literally doing what Trump did to win the election, but only to make more money off of you. Morons.


I hope next year treyarch will pull out some good shit, heck I hope at least they will be able to let us have a german campaign. I don't play COD since 2009 when it became shit and I would really look forward to that, WAW was like the cod for patricians pissing on plebeians heads for how much superior it accomplished to be.

I r8 this b8 zero out of 8

it's a game and diversity sells, why don't you make your own game Sup Forums?

Ghostbusters was a huge commercial failure

I haven't touched a CoD games since World at War, I played Black Ops a bit when I was living with my cousin but it failed to pique my interest like World at War did

Cod2, mw1&2, waw, bo1 are basically the only good cod games they made. Everything else was shovel ware sold on the popularity of those earlier games. They managed a good run of 4 years and that just blew the franchise into the stratosphere but they never kept it up and their greed in dealing with IW ended up breaking that streak.
They don't care though, they made more than enough money that they're set for a long while.

Now we can blow black female brains out because we're racist Nazi bigots, thanks Activision!! I no longer have to kill my white brethren, I will purposely pick black female characters just to die a brutal death. Because I'm a racist Nazi xenophobic bigot of course. Thank you Activision for empowering us awful racist Nazi bigot islamophobes!!!

Do you guys remember when this used to be a photoshopped joke article?

No one is laughing now because it's not a joke anymore.

But they did fight for nazu germany, the whole point of this us to show a lot of people who werent jew run pets didnt care about race only sepersation from each other, you are a race opsessed jew puppet a kin to the SJW'S kys

Now I wonder who could be behind this...

>saving private ryan made me a redpilled young man
SPR is nothing but concentrated bluepill with some violence thrown in, you might as well just watch a Tarantino flick



Nazu i fucking hate this phone.

They always exceed every satire.

Not sure why Sup Forums is so butthurt about this, the only people who will be creating kangz avatars are actual nigs on the other end so you know who to target and humiliate IRL!

The women shit plus at point du hoc is retarded i know it matters in geography and contex.



Many people from different backgrounds fought in the name of fascism and national socialism. Shit the Nazi's were the first to pioneer the concept of multiethnic mixed units.

How ironic.
>We want more diversity (black people) !!!
>Killing blacks is racist!
Reminder that these people always need a target and an enemy for their existence. It is not possible to please them.

And it would have failed even more if you fags would just stop generating controversy.
>sexists hate Ghostbusters because they hate women!
>racists hate Battlefield because they hate diversity!
The reason these movies and games fail is because they're bad products, and the reason they make any money at all is because ALL NEWS is GOOD NEWS for them.

Yes it was somewhat bluepilled, but the point is that it showed honour and decency from both sides, Muhricans were not represented as saviours and the sheer brutality of the war made it compelling. The level of respect and accuracy was off the charts, and that made me interested and eager to explore the period, which lead eventually to the the type of historical knowledge that now I have which permits me to be redpilled.
Every kid who played the first cods or medal of honours is somewhat redpilled nowadays, at least those I know of.

The final moments of that game were chilling. Seeing the remnants of the wehrmacht and SS fighting in the Reichstag.

German officers with broken ribs and splinted limbs fighting toe to toe against waves of russian privates and corporals overlaid with orchestral wailing was harrowing.

A masterpiece. Well done Treyarch.


Is that even English? Express yourself better, illiterate leaf.


>he remembers that final level as some sort of sad climax to an epic campiagn.

I remember the rage i felt while playing on veteran where the game spawned grenades on you if you stood still for more than a dozen od seconds

I-is that a female?

What the actual fuck?

Im on a phone at work abu bakr al baghdadi i thougjt you were dead

If you want to include black people in a WWII game, why wouldn't you just read a book and make part of the campaign about the 92nd Division?

i'm forever glad that World at War was my first CoD

Oh yeah I forgot about that kek. I usually play through the first time on hardened to enjoy the story and then repeat on veteran.

I remember the fucking ghost grenades now around the flak guns and hallways kek.


Because goyim..diversity and stuff.


Top kek oh man that was retarded.

>"""historically accurate""" game
>no swastikas
top lel


>replacing swastikas with iron crosses
this has been going on for decades. it's because of german and austrian censorship laws. why is everybody only just losing their shit about this now.

>xbox360 tier graphics

A sweetie the swastika is offensive to our greatest allies and its cultural appropriation.

Is this real? I seriously can't tell anymore

oh no the braindead poltards are triggered
They need it to have niggers and women in it to start hating the most cancerous game franchise ever
kill yourselves

Because this is COD, aka THE WW2 game

It's like replacing the mushroom in mario, after all this time, because the soccer moms cried too much about muh drugs

Or when Black Ops I would crash because it would run out of enemy soldier meshes since you literally killed hundres without making any progress as a result of dying so many times on the same checkpoint


That is so fucking inaccurate i cant even begin to understand are they gonna add fucking chicks to the story????? Holy shit im angry!!

t.soon to be 60% White meme nation

the world at war DLC maps had iron crosses instead of swastikas. fucking battlefield 1942 didn't have any swastikas either. personally i think it's kind of dumb, but this is so minor and it's been going on for so long it's not worth getting angry about.

LMFAO! Female black paratroopers in WW2 !

Hey...is this the game where they took out all the Nazi swastika symbols on flags and such, so that everywhere you go, you see red flags with black crosses on them instead because a swastika was deemed, " Too offensive... " ?

Yep...seems so....

Westards, what have you done?

>Someoneā€¦ should read this.

Both Multi Content for germans. Campaign will also lack swastikas

Plus, COD Didn't censor swastikas until WAW, and only in multi/zombies, which was optional online content

Anyone wants to bet money that there will be clown suits in this game? It's already a fucking joke, might as well piss all over itself and laugh, all over the corpses of all the men that died in that war

Are the taking out all the swastikas?
They had em in WaW

Still better than russian games where reality is bent in such a ridculous way that gameplay becomes more comic relief than anything else.

>We lost 26 million people in this war so we're gonna make a game where our units are better than everything else just to feel better about our sorry selves

its because of muh diversity, and muh its just a video game.
BF1 had half the German army be Black officers, and half the English army be Indian, both with integrated forces. Might as well let CODWW2 be 90% transnigger sistas, weight 105 pounds and holding70 pounds of gear

the swastikas were present in the vanilla MP maps, nacht der untoten, and verruckt though. wonder why they changed tack all of a sudden

wish I knew who I was talking to, generic larping edgy teen
Most likely a retarded burger
>unironically 50% white

> but the point is that it showed honour and decency from both side
Actually, it was fairly typical for a Spielberg film.
The only horrible moment or action committed by the allies is when they killed two non-German conscripts in the beginning. They were speaking Czech. That's it- the biggest Allied crime is that they killed Germans who weren't actually German.
Every actual German death is shown in such a way that you don't feel sorry for them, but every Allied death is shown in such a way that you feel sympathy, sadness, rage, etc. It's an EXCELLENT propaganda film, however. Anyone who says it shows the "horrors" of war and is anti-war did not pay enough attention- it was pro-war and even referenced the Holocaust in the scene where the evil German stabs the poor American Jew with the Nazi knife.

This video goes into more detail: youtube.com/watch?v=l4FeyONCtfc

get out of here stalker

The fuck is this.

verruckt had an iron eagle flag, I forget if they had swastikas tho

Don't matter, they censored them in BO3, it's ridiculous
Your country is dead. Get over it

>The movie where i'm supposed to be sympathizing with the jewish soldier screaming "Juden XDDDDD" at German POWs is redpill

nah,nah,nah...Malick's Thin Red Line is way better

The Steam page for it is up. Go leave a post along the lines of "ayo hol up"







It's nice of you playing russian games.:3

>i dont like negro-face entertaiment today

