Was Stalin's Communism tolerable?
>Only in one nation, no (((global revolution)))
>Fiercely nationalistic
>Anti Degenerate, Stalin banned abortion for example
Was Stalin's Communism tolerable?
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Yes, it was.
Also Stalin's communism was the logical continuation of Lenin's. If Lenin lived long enough he would do just the things Stalin did.
Economy what?
Economy fail?
Too bad chrushov destroyed everything Stalin build and went off the path which Stalin put on the Soviet Union.
Your economy is worse than Italian one.
Stalin was leading industrialisation and collectivisation, he did build this economy.
And recovered it after the war in unbelievably short terms.
Because since Hruschev's half of rule he started destroying our economy and this disaster has stopped just now.
Militaristic. Image of strength. Hierarchical. Francis Parker Yockey want to align with the Soviet Union, as he thought the Soviet Union was far more traditional and far less harmful to the West than the United States. He may have been right. U.S. controlled Western Europe has adopted consumerism, democracy and universalism. It now opens it borders us to mass Islamic immigration. Meanwhile, former Eastern Bloc nations - once under the control of the Soviet Union - resist consumerism, universalism, and mass Islamic immigration.
And yours is worst then russia and italy :')
The tanks that rolled into Hungary and Czech and Afghanistan would disagree with your one nation conclusion
What the heck are you taling about. We literally had the first industrial growth in the whole goddamn world. Since the 1929 USSR has inscreased it's industrial might by 2000% (yup, that's 3 zeros here) and the US did it by 200%. Of course, it is not like we had the best industry in the world in 1929, yet saying that Stalin crippled ou economy is nonsense.
>worst then russia
Built on the bones of millions of slaves. Not even niggers, your own people.
m8, we started long before that
>And recovered it after the war in unbelievably short terms.
By exploiting the new land he was given and taking all the resources from the wartorn population.
There's a reason we did the Berlin airlift.
no communism is tolerable
I know this is bait but I'll address these points always
>>Only in one nation, no (((global revolution)))
Except for all of eastern Europe, North Korea, China, and Cuba.
>>Fiercely nationalistic
All communists are nationalistic when their nation is communist
>>Anti Degenerate, Stalin banned abortion for example
That had nothing to do with degeneracy, he did that because he wanted the birth rates to improve in the Soviet Union. If he thought they got to an excess of births he would have legalized it or made it mandatory.
Compared to what? Modernity? Sure I guess but everything is traditional compared to modernity, it wasn't traditional compared to contemporary nations.
My thoughts exactly, International communism is the threat, Stalin's communism or national Bolshevism is preferable
Nationalistic one nation communism is better than international jewish backed communism that seeks to destroy the west
The maximum number of inmates was less than 7% of workers in USSR (not agricultural workers) and they never could have made the decisive work in it because it is a small number.
Also there were no "bones of millions", the whole amount of people dead in GULag was 1.6kk for the whole time of it's existence.
The eastern part had nothing to be taken from it, half because it was historically less industrial (like eastern germany) or completely destroyed by war (like Poland, Czhechoslovakia and the Baltics)
You are probably not taught it at school but most of the war was in Eastern Europe, my dear american
>Stalin started the Revolution
>Except for all of eastern Europe, North Korea, China, and Cuba.
Stalin ditched the Trotskyist permanent revolution communism. The reason why Eastern Europe, NK, China and Cuba were to be allies and a sphere of influence rather than just to be communism
>All communists are nationalistic when their nation is communist
Internationalist Communism want to destroy the nation state, the opposite of communism
>Regardless of it's intentions it was still a positive thing to do. Your right though to say if the population was too high he would force abortion, still a wanker afterall.....
>Stalin brought back the Russian orthodox church in WW2 after purging it in the 1920's. He promoted Russian nationalism to an extent
*the opposite of nationalism
Redpill me on Lenin.
How did he achive such an enormous economic growth while every other country was on getting fugged?
So all that lumber and ore came from hard-working Bolsheviks? Not to mention you conveniently leave out the number of exiles. And use the lowest estimate of deaths while ignoring the fact that Soviet records are shoddy at best and Stalin was known for murdering groups on a whim.
>Except for all of eastern Europe, North Korea, China, and Cuba.
That's ridiculous, to be honest. You were the one to start the Cold War, yet you blame us at taking part in a war you forced us to participate in. Sorry, we were wrong trying at trying to fight for our survival!
>All communists are nationalistic when their nation is communist
Also, fun fact: the only monoethnic countries in the world nowadays are the ones that had communistic background.
> If he thought they got to an excess of births he would have legalized it or made it mandatory.
Why is it doing something that is rational wrong? I can't see why you blame him for chosing profit over feelings.
> Sure I guess but everything is traditional compared to modernity, it wasn't traditional compared to contemporary nations.
Well, that's correct. We were the ones to implement the real gender equality: women could (and in fact did a lot of times) became a deputy and take a active part in the government if she had the ability to do so. On other hand, we never had anything like your feminism movements and the fags were officially considered to be subhuman until some time after the USSR's collapse. I would say that if you compare the USSR it 1970, 80-s to the other countries, it was quiet "traditional". Heck, even modern Russia is very "traditional" compared to Europe and the US, as thanks to dem iron curtain there was no sexual revolution and the atomic families are still a thing.
By sacrificing his own people
>Except for all of eastern Europe, North Korea, China, and Cuba.
Stalin suggested to make Germany neutral without partitioning after the war. That should tell you something.
>All communists are nationalistic when their nation is communist
In comparison to modern capitalist countries that keep being less and less patriotic and nationalistic.
>That had nothing to do with degeneracy, he did that because he wanted the birth rates to improve in the Soviet Union. If he thought they got to an excess of births he would have legalized it or made it mandatory.
Stalin was no evil genius as you want him to be, he was a sane man who acted according to common sence. If abortion or homosexualism or pornography raised birthrates somehow he would never make them legal because they would destroy the class consiosness and make people degenerate individualistic retards.
>Compared to what? Modernity? Sure I guess but everything is traditional compared to modernity, it wasn't traditional compared to contemporary nations.
It was traditional compared to Russian Empire and the NEP times. Nobody will tell you, but Russian Empire was Weimar Republic - tier degenerate at the end of its existence.
The most hard-working people were bolsheviks, yes. It was nearly mandatory for all of the Stahanov movement to enter the party because such people were considered best of the best (and the party as the avangarde of the working class should consist of them)
What is "exile"? English is not my native language, could you please explain what it should mean?
No, these numbers are not "lowest", they are official, and there was no reason for communist to hide numbers among each other. So that you know the ones who faked the records got their one-way ticket to GULag, like the 1937 census.
>Stalin was known for murdering groups on a whim.
No, he was not known for that.
Yes, the purges, in which he essentially killed off all the highest echelons of Russian society, generals, artists, political leaders, thinkers, to replace them with functionaries of his regime, really tolerable. No wonder Russia and Eastern Europe are so screwed up today. They had their figurative and literal head cut off.
Then there was the Holodomor, in which more whites were starved to death than even the highest estimates for the Holohoax, totally tolerable. Then after invading Poland, he essentially purged the Polish intelligentsia (which the Nazis did too) to make them more subjugable.
Fuck you Stalinists, and fuck you Neo-Nazis. Hitler and Stalin did more to hurt whites and hurt Europe than any two figures in modern history. If Hitler had actually limited his genocide to the Jews, I wouldn't have a problem, but he essentially planned on purging the Slavs as well, e.g. the Hunger Plan, Generalplan Ost.
Yes. I would bet that starving in a Siberian gulag during the winter is comfy af
Wrong lets ignore lenin hated Stalin and said he didn't want him to rule. Lenin and stalin both wanted global communism. Stalin agreed with the aliance with germany because he was short sighted about hitler and was trying to plan ahead. Stalin wanted Europe to get weakened by the war so revolutions would trigger in the war ravaged countries. Hitler fucked this up by invading russia. If Stalin had done any research into hitler and read his book he would have known this is what Hitler was going to do.
You are fucking retarded.
Lenin never hated Stalin, in his letter to the party he shitstormed literally everyone, yet Stalin was his best follower. Every single man of this letter was a dissappointment to the party and Lenin himself at least once, everybody but Stalin.
Of course they wanted global communism, why would they not?
Of course Stalin knew what was Hitler, the Komintern decided on it in the beginning of 30s, read Demitrov's definition of Fascism. Stalin was ready to be chill with Hitler but always knew what he came to power for.
Do not think you are so clever and everybody else is stupid, it is not true.
This is delusional. I actually feel bad for you. Good luck.
>someone is mad he because since hitler lost, we don't have blonde hair blue eyed dolpf lundgrens everywhere
look, hitler was right
>Only in one nation
are you mentally handicapped?
Good luck, fellow nip.
Took him 30 years and 30 million dead Russians to industrialize, purged the Red Army to the point of almost losing the war in less than a year, and couldn't subjugate the Finns when they had no allies or support. Oh, and he scared his staff so bad that they chose to not check on him for a day or two, during which time he was dying a slow painful death all alone. He was alright.
>all this retarded stereotipical meme-knowledge
Why don't you guys first read or watch something besides your Hollywood jewish propaganda?
Stalinism is better than regular communism, but it's still communism.
Because the US red cross funneled shit tons of money to them on behalf of jewyorker bankers
Stalinism IS the regular communism, you dumbass.
The bullshit in your schoolmates heads is not communism.
>Is Communism tolerable
He did not achieve it. NEP economic growth was slightly above average and worked on foreighn countries investments.
>USSR communism
>Only in one nation
hide ur democracies, boi, he gon do it
>Was Stalin's Communism tolerable?
Of course. Russia was saved from invasion, gained territory, became a modern industrial power, and the only people killed were parasites.
Stalin saved Russia from the Third Reich, and even if you prefer the Third Reich you might consider that being invaded isn't popular.
Yes, Stalin unironically did nothing wrong. Not to mention, he killed that kike (((Trotsky))).
Stalin was admirable in some ways. I believe he was good for Russia. He was the best that could have come out of bolshevism. He drove off trotsky and his cancerous ideology (which unfortunately for us implanted itself here in the USA instead).
Nice B A R B A R O S S A, faggot
Communism/Socialism is designed to fail & cause mass death.
Archives: archive.4plebs.org
Tell Finland, Latvia and Estonia how great it was.
>Only in one nation, no (((global revolution)))
Apart from all those land grabs in Eastern Europe after WW2? Oh and Finland. Oh and Manchuria
>Fiercely nationalistic
Love of and loyalty to the state =/= patriotism, reminder that Stalin slaughtered millions of his own Slavic brethren
>Anti degenerate, Stalin banned abortion for example
Fair enough
How the fuck can an anti-monarchy commie be considered 'traditional'?
In the end it still folowed marxist-leninism which claims that all people are equal so no Stalin is not tolerable.
They were.
No. All collectivism is cancer.
And USA was a champion for freedom, spreading democracy.
Did I imply that? I was talking about Estonia and Estonian oppression by Stalin.
gj user
>Muh whataboutism
Typical commie
I, too, was talking about shit that isn't real.
I shall find room in the over for you.
Purging Nazis and reactionaries isn't oppression.
Invading independent countries under shoddy pretext is oppression.
You mean like communism?
Westerners know basically nothing about Stalin.
>Apart from all those land grabs in Eastern Europe after WW2? Oh and Finland. Oh and Manchuria
Stalin was both hands for neutral Europe post-ww2, he knew it would turn red on its own.
>Love of and loyalty to the state =/= patriotism, reminder that Stalin slaughtered millions of his own Slavic brethren
You do not know how patriotic were the soviet people. And no, not even a single million political prisoners were executed during his rule. Stalin was not slavic btw.
>How the fuck can an anti-monarchy commie be considered 'traditional'?
It was a fucking Evola's dream compared to what was before it and what came after. If not wanting a returning to Russian Empire is considered not being traditional by you, then you are fucking retarded.
Late Russian Empire was Sodom comparable only to modern levels of degeneracy
No, he was a paranoid monster, but ironically Sup Forumstards would love him if they knew anything about him.
Pretty much
>be ethnic Georgian
>country ruined forever because of traitorous Stalin and ordzhonikidze
Read Dostoevsky you fucking bitch you make me sick in your lack of awareness for your own culture/people
Russians are not suited to freedom. They function better under some form of authoritarian rule.
Imgenis dedi muteli movtxnav
Stalin redpilled himself after WWII
>oh I read Dostoyevski Turgenev and Lermontov, I know soooo much about Russia!
No, you know nothing about my culture and my people and will never know.
Do not even try you fucking piece of shit, unless you want to be hated.
Don't get Ivan riled up without his daily vodka