Christan goyim please feed me I'm starving
This shit just came in the mail today lol
Oy vey
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that is so sick.
Gotta respect the kikes, they sure do have chutzpah!
i was watching a cable news stream and saw this ad. forget the name of the charity, but this was one starving jews in russia. and i texted a friend for confirmation that we would see these same fucking ads like 15-20 years ago. how are the holocaust survivors still starving for 15 years? what happened to the money they got 15 years ago?
it's like christian-jewish fellowship or something
>affluent nation
>we already pay taxes to protect them and fund their military
>p-pls feed and clothe our homeless
God damn I wish I could get in on this market. Target idiot Boomer cuckservatives and they'll mail you $500 a week if they think it's going to feed some old kike.
here it is. there is a new version of this running now. same organization. TWENTY FIVE BUCKS to give them a basket of dreidels or whatever AND NOW THEY ARE STARVING
get a load of this fucking shit
Wasn't there some other big charity in the US where you donate your old car and they give the money to kids? Like Carsz4Kidz or something. Apparently all the money went to funding Jewish kids (though they didn't mention that).
oy vey you can feed her she only had 6 gold bricks for breakfast
i have to say, this might not be the jews, this might be the fundamentalist christians doing their best to follow the literal word of god like sheep
>Follow the word of God by being the back bone behind a heretical state
According to Christian doctrine, Israel is the literal holy land of the Jews. And Israel is not heretical. It is very conservative in comparison to most western countries
Judiasm is heretical you twat
oy vey you shlep, you can make room in your budget for $2.40 a day whats the matter with you
It is like a consumer product.
Why would i feed a Jewish Widow as opposed to paying towards anything else?
Do they not have their own economy?
They seriously start up their own nation state to care for their people (a right they constantly deny others should have, as a moral imperative) and then fail to do that...
so theres a paradox there. On the one hand the Bible states Israel is the Jewish Holy Land, and on the other hand only Christianity is the one true faith. So apperently these christians chose to follow the doctrine despite believing the Jews have the wrong faith. Although i dont agree with the idea that Israel is the Jewish Holy Land, I do appreciate the fact that they chose Christian values over tribal and backwards ideas of regarding anyone outside of their faith as heretics.
fuck off schlomo
Jews Have Long Left the Favour of the lord after the worshiped Malouch and started to return to their Pagan and Evil ways. The Jews of Jesus's time where entirely morally corrupt and where run by Rabbis who profited off of roman persecution of the Jewish people by becoming the main leaders of the Jewish Communities. Jesus Came to Bring the Message of God to the people both Romans Jews and anyone who would listen and is The Messiah in the end of days. He is your promised messiah and you will be hard pressed when you find that out in the end.
Oh, look what you've done. They're eating out of dumpsters now. I hope you guys are happy.
How much to feed them spiders?
I remember the campaign of giving money to jew army so they could get grape fruit top kek
It's basically to send jewish kids to summer camp. They're based out of Lakewood NJ and have been sued in a few states over this scam.
I saw a commercial the other day to donate to old jews in russia. Apparently there's another shoah going on. Those fucking kikes have no shame. Maybe they should stop funding the democratic party with billions of shekels
Feed her to what? Molech?
Lol I heard their commerical on a radio not long ago
>hot meal for a hungry widow
> thays right goy! for the low price of $2.50 you can feed a lonely jew. just $3.50 to make sure she doesn't go hungry. come on goy, cant you spare $6.25?
"mooching war widows!"
>summer camp
Where they do things like this...
>Jews gather to sing "I'm not White, I'm Jewish"
...while they simultaneously instill guilt and shame in the identity of the goy.
Actually, I think it was determined that very few kids participated in that program and it was pretty much a complete scam. They never miss an opportunity to use MUH CHILDREN to exploit peoples generosity, do they?
No paradox here. The modern orthodox rabbinical order are the very Pharisees that Jesus railed against every chance he had. His whole teaching was to abandon man made religious laws and follow God's laws (the Ten Commandments and the original holiday feasts, which were all about him, and the instructions of the prophets.)
foreskins aint cheap goyim
we need to get rid of these people
I'm cool with feeding old Jewish ladies. Come at me bros. old Jewish grannies are nice people.
Shameless bullshit
I get these in the mail about 3 times a month.
TFW living in a shitty Vegas Apartment
>Feed us, Goy
>Shameless bullshit
Monkey business
But Israel is by the far the most impoverished country in the world, why do you think we give them so much aid
Christians hold Jews in such high regard. They will always happily submit to Jews since Jesus was a Jew.
Oh fucking fuck that earworm of a commercial
I turn off the radio as soon as I hear it starting, didn't even know about the Jewish thing
You have to understand your average middle aged boomer to see how this shit works. They really believe that Jews are a perpetual victim and need their help. I don't know if you attend church services, but here in the US pretty much every protestant denomination is going to have a service every month or two where they have some kikes come in and cry and whine about how terrible it is in Israel and how it can only be made better through donations from their Christian friends.
Do it and donate it to natsoc organizations.
Christians have been led to believe that Jewish scripture is limited to the first five books of their bible. They know nothing of the Talmud. Also, they do not realize that Ashkenazis were never Israelites or Hebrews and have nothing to do with Jesus.
I knew they were greedy, but I didn't realize they actually ATE our money. What the fuck?!
severely underrated
>postage paid
>send it back with shit and ash
>kikes are paying to receive ash and shit
hope you starve to death
they sure have foot spa
what a load of bullshit kike, you got to be a christian first to be a 'heretic'. They're full on, another religion BTFO kikes
Ayy lmao
yeah well fuck the kikes
>jews so cheap they would rather eat garbage than pay for food
cant make this shit up
kike thread, shill slider one, ok
>Rabbi Yechiel Keckstein