Is fire /ourguy/?
Is fire /ourguy/?
Other urls found in this thread:
>The fire rises
Fire was always our guy.
what about the back of my ass
is it /ourguy/ too?
you know it
our good old friend
>Be edgy teenage fucktard who mocks the suffering of others.
>Oh no! Why did I get cancer? It's not fair!
>Oh no! Why don't I have any friends? It's not fair!
>Oh no! Why is my life so terrible? It's not fair!
>Oh no! Why did I wind up in hell? It's not fair!
In before:
>"Do you know where you are? Muh sekrit club is all edgy and shit!"
>Desperate attempts to convince yourself there is no hell.
The fire rises kike.
>Is fire /ourguy/?
Only when you start it.
I've seen some people happy about this happening.
Is this because the building was pretty much Muslim only?
Yes, it helped us burn the Jews back in the day
You are triggered
My secret club is pretty edgy
God is not on the side of the Islamic invaders
They're currently storming the local government building.
Not a single white face there.
>implying mocking shitskins gives you cancer
>tfw have to pretend to not be happy about this in public
>getting cancer is a choice
>le neckbeard meme
>projecting eh?
>believing in hell like a retard
I liek BBQ's...
I normally light ant colonies on fire for fun.
This is literally the same thing, a bunch of vermin getting burned alive. Glad to see it happen desu.
only muslims inside ?
only on taco night.
>'Wow......what a terrible............*inhales*......tragedy'
Yes, just subhumans, or subhuman sympathizers.
wat was this building made for ? muslim gathering ?
Yes my beloved community members
White LGBT power NOW
We must secure a future for our communit-
I feel more empathy for the ants than for the shitskins burning alive tbqh.
Shame about that Italian QT
Welfare recipients.
Which all just happen to be some derivative of niggers
>Welfare recipients.
they have welfare in UK ?
But is the fire a big guy ?
I'm sure you have NO inclinations towards homossexuality at all, do you?
It was Islamic Terror using a Homemade Explosive Device.
Hahaha triggered plebbitor detected
This ants dindu nuffin they just trying to get food for their colony and sheeiit
Asking the wrong question, you should be asking your mother why you are a fucking retard and didn't learn to not ask stupid fucking questions.
>does a European country have welfare
Well to be truthful with you. WE NEED TO GAS THE FAGS
does uk have welfare or not ?
i tough they are monarchy and not socialists...
yes maybe I dk
I don't love myself enough to give a shit
MOLOCH did this.
>Possibly dozens of children burnt to a crisp
>A huge towering inferno
>Covered in a metal cladding
>Numerous separate compartments for sacrifices.
>First MOLOCH, horrid King besmear'd with blood
>Of human sacrifice, and parents tears,
>Though, for the noyse of Drums and Timbrels loud,
>Their children's cries unheard that passed through fire
Is he /ourgod/ now?
Holy fuck ahmed just off yourself.
You are seriously the dumbest fucking person I've ever met from germanistan.
I'd slap the fucking shit out of my kid if he asked me, "is water wet"
lol good trolling m8
You know that I'm just giving you shit for no reasons. Here on Sup Forums which most normalfags don't realize is that your should always act like a different you than what society says for you to act like. You see in reality I don't like gays but only because I don't want to be gay myself. I like the pussy as they say. You know just having the sex for reproducing and maybe having kids or just making a nice pleasure cum dump. I'm not a white supremacist in real life, but I am sort if afraid of blacks but not really Asians or Spics. I still treat the blacks like humans just when your around me when I'm around them I'd either be afraid if I don't know them or look half paranoid. In the end I have 50/50 chance of hating all of humanity no matter what race, gender, or religion they are in. Now I could go on and on but you need to entertain me first. Then I will give you more hints.
?? trolling? I honestly think people like you should be fucking culled from society.
Fuck yeah he is. Dead and brown is a beautiful combination.
Well, just gas me already pls
ngl i felt sorry for them
No. I already explained it was a joke.
Life is Sacred.
No, not LGBT power. Only GB power. Besides, bisexuals can reproduce
end me.....
whatever just end me
Collateral damage.
End yourself. You have the power to do so. But really, just live your life. Maybe become bi or something. So that you can have children.
i cant feel anymore eveything is going dark
anyone link the lgbt discord, i think im gay and cant come out for reasons
remember this big fire in dubai?
No, its /ourgoy/
Now that's shitposting
You're right, this forum is unbelievably pathetic, but more importantly, completely delusional.
Is it... dare i say /ourelement/
Trips of Truth even through Sup Forums was always delusional
wew lad he's here
Never underestimate Kek
Vesta is the virgin goddess of the hearth, home, and family in Roman religion. She was rarely depicted in human form, and was often personified by the fire of her temple in the Forum Romanum. Entry to her temple was permitted only to her priestesses, the Vestals, who tended the sacred fire at the hearth in her temple. As she was considered a guardian of the Roman people, her festival, the Vestalia (7-15 June), was regarded as one of the most important Roman holidays.
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