TV Licence man is banging on my door

>TV Licence man is banging on my door
>He wants me to pay for the electric Jew
>Haven't watched TV in 7 years

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Just end me. He's still there.

Get your spoons ready bong. Time for a last stand.

He's been sat outside for 15 minutes

...people actually pay TV License? I thought it was a myth

Do you have to pay if you don't own a TV?

Just tell him to fuck off, they literally can't do anything

Yes any electronic device is eligible

Just set your house on fire and demand free housing.

so if you have a fridge, oven, and toaster any one of those can apply?

Having access to the intewebs means you have to pay.
You can access tv via your broadband.
Get over it.
Whine to yourself.
Give him a bj, your phone and any loose change you collected in your coffee cup today...
Expect to go to court within two months.
Good luck.


Pay it faggot

i sometimes watch bbc

When are you lazy cunts gonna stand up to the tax Jew? Go get 100,000 bongs to toss their TVs into the harbor and tell parliament to fuck off.

He just shouted "See you in court!" through the letterbox and left.

The thing is I literally NEVER watch TV AT ALL. Not even for 10 minutes. I haven't watched an hour of TV in my house with everything put together the past 7+ years

This actually happened to me a few days ago, I live in a building of flats so I just told him where to go over the intercom

Taxation is theft!

you would like bbc wouldn't you EU cuckboy?

Have to pay 20,- EUR every fucking month for this liberal state propaganda and i totally hate it. Bad quality, totally biased, BETA MALES ONLY on their program. You cant get around payment, they go to extreme measures to get your cash for this trash. Hate it completely.

>TV Licence

Just fill this shit in and they leave you alone. Haven't had a tv licence in years

Internet connected devices don't necessarily have to be covered by a TV licence. TV licence is for live television only. If you explain to them that you do not watch live TV with those devices they cannot force you to pay. I did this for years, every time I moved address and the threatening letters turning up, I just called and explained. They don't like it, but they can't do anything about it.

That really is terrible. The Jews will pay for they they have done to you and the rest of the white race.

Get Netflix or Hulu, user. Also say that your house is rigged to blow and start saying allahu akbar

>We visit some addresses to check that the occupants do not need a TV Licence. This is because when we visit and make contact, we find almost one in six people that tell us they don’t need a TV Licence actually do need one. If we find that you’re watching TV illegally, you could risk prosecution and a fine of up to £1,000 plus any legal costs and/or compensation you may be ordered to pay.*

They got me a few years ago - they fucking poked their heads up to my window and saw me watching BBC News on my television.

Am still paying off that fine.

>amerilard in charge of lecturing about cucks

Free things ain't free. Bongs need to keep paying so can watch

Some cuck shit Britbongs pay for

How much you have to pay for the TV license, even if you don't watch TV?

I have done the same for the last 8 odd years. I just tell them to fuck off I don't watch live broadcasts

If you were a shitskin invader your probably get it for free

A TV tax? How is this ethical?


t.53% (if northern africans and middle easterns are included)

This is a complete lie.
You only pay if you watch live television of BBC iplayer

We have the same in Germany. It's called GEZ

Cost ~20 € each month

It isn't. It's not as bad as Germany's though, see

That's some real Orwellian shit. Being considered a criminal for not watching the one-eyed jew like a good sheep. FUCK

>having a house where any peasant can just walk up it from the street and look in

Let him in? I havent watched tv for 5 years, nor do I have a TV licence

They're just a corporation abusing antiquated laws to enforce a mandatory subscription to their programming.


Wasn't BLACKED down?

>TV licence is for live television only.
not any more mate, it covers iplayer now too

fucking UK clucks you still have a jew queen. Why do you faggots even stay in the UK? You should just come to USA.

I still don't get it.

Why would they make you pay taxes for TV? Even if the TV is 100% nationalized and state-owend (it's not, i guarantee you) it still wouldn't make sense to charge you money just for watching it, in addition to the cable charge. It's like if FDR charged everybody to listen to the radio during his fireside chats.

Why would the government try to get revenue from people's personal hobbies? Because let's face it, TV is pretty much a hobby, entertainment. It's for people's personal lives to sit back and enjoy. It's not work or a taxable commodity like buying cigarettes, and doesn't contribute to the German/English state in any way.

So what is the reasoning behind paying a TV license? By this logic you should also pay for an internet license, radio license, loudspeaker license, music license, etc.

Just tell him that you don't watch the BBC because of jimmy Savile, and that you were abused as a kid, he'll go then.

jesus here we go again
nearly every civilised country on earth has publicly funded television
if the government fund it, the people pay for it
in some countries it is done via a licence
in some countries it is done via taxation, even if you don't realise it

most countries that have a licence scheme have ways to opt out, legally

... The jew would tax the air you breath if you let them.

>in addition to the cable charge
what is this "cable charge" to which you refer?

No catch up TV needs a licence now

You know, the cable/satellite bill. Do you not pay for cable/satellite in the UK?

we dont like adverts and BBC TV / Radio is completely advertising free (in the UK) apart from them shilling for whatever pozzed up new show they have coming out.
One reason for the no ads is the license fee covers the cost of producing the shows etc. The (((theory))) being that this allows shows that only interest a minority to be made rather than being dependent on making whatever populist drivel sells ads best

What if the TV license guy is Rolf Harris though?

Source or get off the proxy.

it's a desperate attempt to make tv still be relevant when more and more quit watching tv

No only catch up TV for BBC programs hence why I said iplayer.
You can watch catch up TV for all the other channels.
You certainly don't have to pay just because you have an internet connection.

Because Jews want to use your own money to brainwash you.

not for terrestrial stations. all bbc/itv/c4/c5 and loads of others are on the freeview system
satellite stations like sky etc cost extra but the only value they have is the extra sport channels really

>has TV licence men

You're doing it wrong. Here everyone has to pay the TV licence, even those who don't have a TV.


Publicly funded television is not the same thing as a license. This is a direct tax on the citizens who have TV - doesn't matter if they watch the public channels or not, you're paying taxes for just owning a TV, basically paying for something you already paid for with your cable subscription. Like if I had a car and the government taxed me for having a car radio because there was one public radio station on there.

Whereas public funded television is allocated from arts and communication budgets, which is miniscule compared to forcing every citizen to pay ~$40 tax every month because they have a TV.


>The law changed on 1 September 2016.

>You must be covered by a TV Licence to download or watch BBC programmes on iPlayer – live, catch up or on demand. This applies to any device and provider >you use.
>Don’t forget, you still need a TV Licence to watch or record programmes on any channel as they are being shown on TV or live on an online TV service.

too soon mate
that wound is still fresh

oh god rolf why did you do it. we cried with you on animal hospital and everything

They can check your internet history without a warrant if they suspect you're watching online TV without a license

[citation needed]

There was a story suggesting they would use a van with packet sniffing tech to see if you are using the iPlayer.

>TV licence man
You have these? In Poland soon there will be literally a mail-man doing this job. Top kek.
Anyway, our state-owned tv is fucking redpilled as hell, vid related

>~$40 tax every month
is that how much you think the uk television licence is?
it's actually about $15 a month

You did the right thing OP by not answering the door.

Big Black Cock
U mad Whitey Boi?

>obsessed with black mens' penises
american detected

If you don't watch TV - its fine. They won't be able to prove anything.

Ask him for the contract you signed to watch their TV. Ask for your agreement. It doesn't exist so they literally can't do anything.

You only need a licence if you watch live broadcast TV. That is Live TV that is being broadcast on TV that you can watch through a TV box. Live youtube streams do not count - It has to be BBC ITV chanel4 etc. and i bet it really only needs to be BBC, and anyone who is watching BBC needs to stop.

If you speak to him or answer the door get a camera. You can sue for harassment if they cant prove that you've been watching TV and are harasing you.

Their "TV detector vans" are a complete pile of tripe that they've been peddling for decades

Considering new fridges come with OTA capabilities yes they apply

you sound like a loony mate

OP do not listen to this person, they are wrong.
You need a tv licence to watch any live broadcast.
However, you will never actually get convicted for watching live youtube streams as long as you don't admit to it. The best way to do this is not to talk to the tv licence people.

So what happens when these TV license Nazis try to poke their heads into muslim houses in no-go zones?

>It's only $15
>That I should be able to keep
>No big deal, luv u govmint!



>live out in the boonies
>census man is coming with his goons to collect data
>neighbor tells to fuck off
>they keep pestering him to let them just ask some questions
>points his rifle at them and says he'll shoot if they don't fuck off his property
>they never came back

Why didn't you just point your butter knife at him, op?

False assumption. The man under that mask is Adam Smith, not Moshe Shekelstein.

I absolutely love how stupid the world has gotten.

they probably hire a muzzie
seriously though "no go zones" are an american meme they arent really a thing in the UK, more so in france

>they fucking poked their heads up to my window and saw me watching BBC News on my television.


Did a Benny Hill chase scene ensue?

wow - so convincing. Golly gosh. How will i ever live such an insult down. I don't know how to continue on. I dont give two fucks what you think. Using "loony" means you must be over 50.

I've not watched TV for 9 years and I've never had a problem.

These guys are shills monitoring the threads to spread bullshit and get you to pay for shit you dont want or use. Paying for and watching TV is entirely voluntary. Why the fuck would a swede know about UK TV licencing? Hes not a UK expat like hes about to say. They are shills.

You have to have a signed agreement with ANY payment service. To have someone turn up at your door and demand to check out your place with no contract, agreement, warrant or anything is "loony".

Fucking pricks defending this and not recognising right from wrong are "loony"

>Nobody in their sane mind watches tv anymore
>tv is archaic and dying
>force people to pay for it by law even if they dont watch it
Tv is literally like physical newspapers, just fuck off and die already

>A Finn
>Government came up with a media tax
>Tax payed YLE with half billion budget
>Day and night """"refugee"""" sob stories, cuckening and leftist propaganda
>Objective media

>only $15 a month

I'm just going by what Hans said

>Tell then I don't watch TV.
>Never get bothered again.

Why the fuck would you pay?

This. You need to show ol' King George who's boss. Also, join the free market and privatize all television.


You don't have to pay if you don't watch tv, think of old school computers hooked into tvs for monitors or modern vidya consoles hooked up to tv, or in home streaming of content.

Just nut up and tell him to fuck off. There is nothing he can do, he's not allowed on your property without permission. All he's doing right now is harassing you, and you're letting him.


TV licensing here is 339$ for 2017

There have been talks in the parliament about making the TV license a mandatory person tax i.e everyone over 18 has to pay

In Germany we now have to pay regardless, or go to jail.

M8 I hate the TV licence but the law is that you have to buy one if you watch ANY live broadcasts even if it is online and even if it not BBC (or other terrestrial television)

My advice to OP is not to engage or talk to the tv licence people as they will try to get him to buy one even if he does not need or even worse, will pursue a conviction against him, again, if he has done nothing wrong.

But, friend, your claims are still wrong even though I agree the TV licence is bullshit and their practices are loony.

>Yes any electronic device is eligible
>Having access to the intewebs means you have to pay.

>get netflix
Just kys

Is tv licensing really what we want to use as a catalyst for the race war