Fuck the UK

I passionatley fucking hate my country /pol
>Younger millennials are ultra left wing and vote labour so within 20 or so years England will go to labour and stay labour until it becomes an islamic caliphate.
> We have a fucking muslim fucking mayor
> Our media and government love "diversity" and "tolerance" and "multiculturalism" and push these memes as often as possible, appeasing minorities instead of putting our own peoples interests first.
> Our government is terrified of even mentioning islam never mind combating terrorism
> British police didn't investigate Muslim grooming gangs gang raping 1,400 under age non Muslim white british girls for fear of being called racist.
>Street protests against islam, terrorism and rape gangs are covered in the media as "Far Right" and racist. If you get caught at these protests you can be doxxed, lose your job or face criminal charges and probably have to have a fight with Antifa.
>We have a prime minister who has literally wore a hijab and said that sharia law benefits many british people.

>"Mohammed" was the 2nd most common name for british babies in 2016.

> 3 major terror attacks in the space of 3 months and a grand sum of fucking nothing is being done. We're not deporting extremists that wern't born here, we're not closing extremists mosques we're not having a muslim immigration ban. No we're just sitting here like fucking idiots waiting for of our kids to get blown up or to get stabbed when we're having a beer.
>Whilst all this is going on people that should fucking hate islam like gays, trannies and feminists are shouting anyone down who voices their opinion.

All these fucking cunts that love islam and refugees and immigration from the third world are going to realise when it's too late that the thing they dreamed of isn't what they wanted. A part of me wants this country to fall so just I can laugh in their face how am I supposed to bring children in to this fucking mess?

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A new party will rise when the time is right.

It will be my party. It's all part of the plan. Don't worry user, the future is in safe hands.

Our country is too cucked to vote for anyone who would do anything I'm afraid. We're a fucking joke.

Your time is up.
Empires collapse, it takes time, in this case, 100 years, but now, this is the end.

There is no point anymore. They have won, even my little town is getting flooded with niggers and muslims - there was a conversion drive by the NEW local mosque recently. (It was a former church).

We can't do anything against this. Over 50% of our own people (Ie the English) would rise up against anyone who decided to make a stand.

England is finished. This is going to get worse and worse until every last corner of our green and pleasant land is a stinking third world ghetto - all the while people will clap and applaud as our ethnicity is consigned to the history book and every last national park, green space and ancient forest is paved over to house these new people.

My own generation is completely unaware of our history and societal customs, they barely speak English anymore - more rather a form of African patois.


Nothing will happen, the people who are actively fighting appear to have unlimited police resources to monitor and persecute them whilst Muslims and other assorted third world sewage are free to gang rape and sexually abuse our people with little to no repercussions - and when they get to prison they get to be with all their mates, 3 solid meals a day, access to a gym, a television and a games console plus a library and the ability to earn money within the prison + Education courses.

Kill me please.


Good, fuck Britain

You took one for the team, hopefully the world will wake up at your expense

We fucking deserve it the only problem is all these gays and feminists and liberals that suck islams cock wont be having kids. It's only a problem for us that want to have children as it's our childrens future that is going to be ruined because of the lunatic left. It's depressing.

Wait for the 2021 census lads, all the 'diversity' and 'tolerance' will go out the fucking window. the only white people left in London are gays and lesbians who don't care about the future because they wont have kids, the fire will rise you can't stop nature and the survival instinct.

Trump is the only hope I have left but the amount of back lash he's getting just shows how suicidal liberals are.

B-but muh brexit!

B-but muh based mummy may!

Loving every laugh, keep the tears coming Sup Forums

lol this delusion

you said the same about AfD with germany after the refugee crisis, 3million "syrians" and guess what happened? Merkel fucking CRUSHED the AfD and won yet another election

You've gotta be more patient. Our time will come.

I find it sad how you guys have so many restricted rights and the restrictions seem to be tightening

That's your first mistake and ultimately your demise. Soon you'll be jailed for saying things the government doesn't agree with because it's deemed hate speech

Fight for Hungary, Poland, ect

They're the best opposition for Europe. You're a decade or two ahead of us but be are watching from the outside

>tfw you look to England for 'high culture'...
If the UK & USA can't fight this pozzing, We might as well just prep our asses for the chinks.
Please be gentle China...

>be such a proud womyn femynyst that you willingly don a scarf that is supposed to represent the silencing of infidelity
so strong! so brave! such a sign of strength!

At least we can have a good giggle when they start throwing the cunts off buildings

Nothing will change in this country until universal suffrage is revoked. We need to go back to the days when only property-owning men (which means the exclusion of all those who claim money from the state) could vote.

>That's your first mistake and ultimately your demise. Soon you'll be jailed for saying things the government doesn't agree with because it's deemed hate speech

We're already there, they arrested someone for teaching his pug to sig heil and uploading it to youtube

Good thing we exported our trash tier part of population to UK.

Hopefully they will stay there and get fucked by muslims.

Enjoy your national suicide.

Tiny penises. Shouldnt hurt to bad

Reminder that this will get you charged with a hate crime in our country youtube.com/watch?v=SYslEzHbpus

Move to jewsa


Our country is fucked, this tower fire is gonna cause Corbyn to take over and then Labour will block Brexit. We did everything but it wasn't enough, the UK is finished

>Watching the news and it's showing footage of the aid effort and residents in the area around the burnt out tower
>It seriously looks like the slum of some bumfuck third-world shithole
I had to do a double-take when I saw it. It looked like some craphole from the middle east while it's meant to be one of the better parts of London, and meanwhile the residents could barely speak english and what english they could speak amounted to "gibs gibs gibs"

I love my country but when you're confronted with scenes like this it just makes me feel even more depressed than before. It's to the point where I almost want to watch this country burn and then laugh in the faces of the liberals and sjws when they realise what a huge mistake they've made

I passionatley fucking love my country /pol
> Younger millennials are ultra right wing and vote Korwin so within 20 or so years Poland will go to 19th century free market and stay that way until it becomes a facist ethnostate
> Our media and government love "nationalism" and "homogenous society" and "catholicism" and push these memes as often as possible, putting our own peoples interests first instead of appeasing minorities.
> Our government is terrified of saying "we will accept refugees"
> Polish police raided office of anti-racism group that monitors racism and xenophobia and the private homes of some of its board members, seizing computers.
> Street protests for accepting refugees are covered in the media as "leftists" and anti-Polish. If you get caught at these protests you can be doxxed, lose your job or face criminal charges.
> We have a prime minister whose son is literally a priest
> At least top50 most popular names for boys and girls were Polish in the last year
> Not a single terrorist attack in the history


>"Why have the white British left London?"
>"It is a story of aspiration. It is a story of success."

Yes, this is the level we're at.

sounds like paradise desu. how hard is polish to learn?

''>Younger millennials are ultra left wing and vote labour so within 20 or so years England will go to labour and stay labour until it becomes an islamic caliphate.
Untrue, I'm actually 18 and have multiple friends with the same view as me

Fuck off with your demotivating shit you kike with a proxy.

Not hard to understand, very hard to speak fluently. To achieve that it would take like 5-6years

I'm jelly, I went poland in Febuary. It does look poor as fuck in some parts but t was nice to be in Krakow and not see a single mudslime.

> my country
I don't know how to tell you this, my British friend, but it was never your country. Once it was the Crown's, then it belonged to a mishmash of elected and unelected oligarchs, and now it is a pokice state working overtime to replace people like you with immigrants. You don't have a country, much less an empire.



poor as fuck in some parts >>>>> not see a single mudslime

>Trump is the only hope I have left
he might be against islam but america is still getting BEANED and trump is letting it happen

Fuck you, dad needs help

>Cucks to America
>Stupid, celebrity-obsessed, fast food addicted populace who are greedy and only think of themselves
>Women are ugly af and sluts
>Highest teen pregnancy and single motherhood in Europe
>Highest economic inequality
>Natives minority in own capital
>Everything's expensive as fuck
>Permanent grey sky
>No cool fauna or awe-insiring natural beauty, even our beaches are disgusting
>Police service ignore child grooming in every major city
>Young people thrown under the bus with exorbitant house prices, tuition fees, and low wage jobs
>Ugly, cramped, terraced, redbrick houses everywhere
>Young, White men most despised ethnic group
>Having fun consists of getting blackout drunk on the weekend and starting fights
>Can get jailed for expressing the wrong opinions
>Anything cool, like weed and guns, is illegal
I've never understood why lots of English people are so proud and think its the greatest place on Earth. By Western European standards it's pretty fucking terrible. Leaving this country as soon as I get my degree.

when will you niggers take the ultimate redpill realize our planet is getting overcrowded as fuck and the more people die the better. all these mudslimes murdering people and raping women so they fear sex is saving our planet in the long run.no governments are doing anything about it because they know this

Karma is real. You fucked over India, created Pakistan and expected it not to affect you? You can't beat Karmic retribution.

It's okay user, we will fall together, the future white ethno-state will be a creation of anglo-french on the opposite model of Canada, just like we invented liberalism together we will invent the white-nationalist doctrine of the future, we are already seeing it with the Alt-right and the Nouvelle Droite.

>Younger millennials are ultra left wing and vote labour so within 20 or so years England will go to labour and stay labour

We've been hearing that since the 1930s. Funny how it's never come to pass. It's almost as though young Labour voters stop being Labour voters as soon as they have to get a job.

There is a world outside Newcastle. You should investigate it one day.

This jew knows.

So where the fuck do we emigrate to? The same national suicide is happening in all western white countries. It's almost as though there's a conspiracy afoot.

Move to America, there aren't enough white people immigrating here anymore so that'd be refreshing

I didn't read your wall of shit, I just came here to say orange headscarf with a sea green blazer, what was that bitch thinking.

WOAH! Its OK for me to be racist because i'm an American. you CANNOT say these things. SAD!

for reals: Come to America. If you dont like the law, move to another state.... Problem solved (usually).

Excellent observation

Fuck this gay country, moving to America as soon as I'm able to.

I like how people in Europe pretend like the American dream was always also our dream and that we have also never really had any roots

>moving to America as soon as I'm able to
Mexicans > Muslims
Mexicans (most) are catholic and most go to church. They are OK in my book long as they speak English and pay taxes. Come to the land of burgers, we have fries too.

>going to uni

>No more fish and chips
>No more castles
>No more English being spoken
>No more beer
>No more drunk people
>No more free speech
>No more white European looking people, which come from people who build an empire

I´m going to miss you; at least you are going to be remembered and you´re going to be in History books, as the nations who once ruled a big part of the world; I guess your politicians needed to think about more fuel options instead of stealing oil from poor, and violent countries, that was the "Check" that leaded you to the "Checkmate".

So long, Britain.

Trust me, pic related is on board with this 100%. Obviously they think it will be a House Of Saud kind of deal.

>Younger millennials are ultra left wing and vote labour so within 20 or so years England will go to labour and stay labour until it becomes an islamic caliphate.
What will happen is, the other parties will change their positions to get votes from unhappy people. Why the Democrats went from the party of the KKK (literally) to the Official Party of Black People™.

>Our media and government love "diversity" and "tolerance" and "multiculturalism" and push these memes as often as possible, appeasing minorities instead of putting our own peoples interests first.
Even I've seen Bend It Like Beckham where it's a noble Indian girl and Irish man vs. evil racist homophobic hypocritical Anglo-Saxons.

>> British police didn't investigate Muslim grooming gangs gang raping 1,400 under age non Muslim white british girls for fear of being called racist.
Ah, I had assumed that the girls were from the mudslimes' own community, it's even worse than I thought.

>We're not deporting extremists that wern't born here, we're not closing extremists mosques we're not having a muslim immigration ban.
I wish Michael Savage would be un-banned from the UK because he has *never* advocated violence.

>No we're just sitting here like fucking idiots waiting for of our kids to get blown up or to get stabbed when we're having a beer.
What if everyone tried buying a gun at once, it would incentivize the arms industry to change the laws in the UK.

You betrayed Poland and now you will fall alone.

Time to say good night traitors!

Worst part is that they could have held onto the oil because they were the ones who discovered it (wayyy under the surfaces of the countries that currently own it), but instead the money has gone to arabs who defile white women, fund pisslamic terrorism in the West, and drive luxury cars down sand dunes. At one point only we had nuclear weapons, we could have ended communism in Russia and China, etc.

They literally gave *everything* away in one generation, un-fucking-believable.

>Younger millennials are ultra left wing and vote labour so within 20 or so years England will go to labour and stay labour until it becomes an islamic caliphate.

Are you fucking retarded?

Social democracy (labour) has never changed a country any more than conservatives did. You are ALREADY a kebab-cucked nation. Just face it.


He has deported "dreamers", though

>Cucked by Mudslimes
>Smallest housing in Europe
>Terrorist attack every month
>Government frantically working towards a 1984-style State
>Female population constantly raped

Meanwhile, in Ireland:
>No Mudslime attacks
>Taking in very, very few Syrian refugees compared to the rest of the West
>Not a police State like Britain
>Lower taxes than Britain
>Bigger housing
>Better infrastructure
>Still have illegal abortions


>I passionatley [sic] fucking hate my country Sup Forums
Well, good news! So do the Muslims you import.

Don't we need a half mill in the bank or some shit like that? America is hard to emigrate to.
I would suggest knocking up an American student, but if they are here and a student they are likely to be a raging SJW with aspirations of moving over here and leading a miserable life until they hit the wall and return to America to buy some cats.

be me
married to an kiwi girl
2 boys
will leave this shithole in next few years
only solution for people stuck here
form secrect militias
horde melee weapons and crossbows
master archery
buy cheap riot gear from online suppliers
get ready for gradual socio-economic collapse

>>Taking in very, very few Syrian refugees compared to the rest of the West
True, but I'm surprised at this desu

Isn't there a gay paki guy somewhere in your government now?

At any rate, shows how the good can prevail while the bad shoot themselves in the feet.

I hope you make it out. A guy from South Africa told me that a friend of the family went back one last time and got shot in the head.

Why? We're a very tribal people

He's Indian and gay. But at least he's based on dole cheats and taxation.

England is lost. I live in Scotland, I just pray we hold fast. We're a pretty racist people, so I would like to think that Islam would never gain the traction here that it has down south.

We have places that have lots of immigrants but they seem to know their place.

Seriously, move to the US. If your young enough join a branch of the military it's an easy way in. Become a Christian and show how you are being marginalized by Islamic terror and apply for refugee status. When you get here use that accent get married have 4+ kids buy 4+ guns and then use the family visa system to bring your kin over.

Old generation, yes. But now you are a nation of softlad SJWs. Your young are liberal af and will doom the country. The only reason it's taking longer is because the liberal cunts flock to London.

Scots problem is alcohol. All stereotypes aside, Muslims in Scotland are making bank from their shops in a way that is not happening in England.

That picture is offensive to true patriotic Brits. Grovelling to fucking muslim cunts for votes. Traitors should be hung


Scotland is ultra left wing, you keep banging on about nationalism and independance but want to stay in the EU. Fuck it rebuild hadrians wall to keep you haggis shagging bastards out.

Difference being they were all white in the 30s and without social media.

Once the older white brits die off we're done for. Non whites and millennials will vote in far left Marxists.

Maybe so. But by the time the older generations die off the younger generations will hopefully realise what a failure multiculturalism and multiracialism is.

can't wait for nuclear war
eventually it will happen
people who haven't got bunkers will perish
just think about it
if nk doesn't use theirs
somebody eventually will
and once that happens
bye bye Brownskins
no more crops
only the rich will survive
I don't give a fuck if I die
as long as billions perish in the nuclear fire
and nuclear winter afterwards
fuck the poor
watch them scream

and their children castrated
can't have more cucks breeding cucks
you're only white if I FUCKING SAY SO

Hope springs eternal. The only certainty is that this is now a path of non-stop happenings.

The true nationalists don't want to remain in the EU, that's why the independence movement and the SNP are losing support.

I will say though, we are fickle as fuck and don't seem to know what we want, but one thing we don't want for sure is our culture annihilated like the English one has.

Hadrians wall was a boundry marker btw, not a construction to obstruct movement.

Just watching the news and i cant even feel emotion when the london fire doesent even look like it happened in my country.

Very well-written post, OP.

Be me

watching ITV news

Queeny bothers her arse to meet some victims with grandson Willy

It's time for them to leave

Bunch of muslims tell the Queen- "Come here, come here" like she's their fucking dog

They drive off, after Willy says "we'll come back, we'll come back"

muslim women- She didn't even come and speak to us, shaking their heads

What fucking planet are some people on?

gotta lov glaswegian and Geordie racism
people in Sunderland and Newcastle are racist and proud
I've seen people call Sikhs Muslim terrorists knowing that they are not Muslim
I remember when kosovan muslims were rehoused in Newcastle
those dirty Muslims started inbreeding
violent mobs forced them out

>Brexited to get rid of the European immigrants
>Bring in more Pakis, whose families actually voted FOR Brexit.
>Will leave European convention of human rights (probably too islamophobic).
>Only country with Sharia courts.


>Brexited to get rid of the European immigrants
>Bring in more Pakis, whose families actually voted FOR Brexit.
>Will leave European convention of human rights (probably too islamophobic).
>Only EU country with Sharia courts.


You care about none of this countries real problems only about your feelings.

Seriously, kill yourself.

Who wants to have sex with a middle eastern woman?

Fuck, who even wants to look at one?

Lack of respect being taught in their culture. They dont like our culture so why would they show respect towards it. As a kid I was given a chance to meet prince williams at the national memorial arboretum and got to shake his hand. Never felt happier meetim royalty. All im saying is they want gibs in one form or another. They dont earn respect.

I agree with (((Marx))), socially, both labour and the conservatives are by and large on the same page, both want immigration, both want to appeal to the layman, both want to appeal to minorities, etc. (I can't be bothered to go through every aspect)

I wonder how much longer Theresa May is going to let you guys use Sup Forums.

I remember when everyone had to bow down to the king and queen of the United Kingdom, the rulers of the sea and almost all of the known world. Now its the opposite.

It's quite common in the underclass too. The fucking sense of self importance in some people is literally staggering

>Implying that facebook and co.aren't doing its best to permanently brainwash plebs.
Face it, unless we get a charismatic, no bullshit leader, who correctly voices and portrays what is truly wrong (Like hitler), our societies will never wake up in time.

older british ladies are so hot

>Bunch of muslims tell the Queen- "Come here, come here" like she's their fucking dog
That's exactly what they are.

I'll leave when it gets that cheeky

Have you been around our bigger cities? It's happening, give it time.