Sup Forums btfo

Sup Forums btfo

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>inb4 IQ graphs

(((Ben Shapiro)))

>(((Ben Shapiro)))

To the oven it goes...

He's a kike, what do you expect?

wow. its almost like hes a jew or something

I support the physical removal of civic nationalists.

What if I told you that there's a strong correlation between color and ideology?


no idea why Sup Forums has always loved this guy.

total dumbass

of course he doesnt care

its all in the interest of the jews to see this happen. the least united a nation is, the more the jew can get away with

so he's fine with nigger Jews in Israel then?

Enjoy your ideology of... brown people demanding shit with threats of violence.
> Hey everybody stop! Ben Shapiro has something to say! Let us listen instead of just blackmailing the middle class to get Pocket money to give to the (((GloboCorps)))

Seriously what IS Shapiros "ideology"?
Bomb shit for Israel?

>and he says he not a cuck

Of course that Jüden faggot doesn't care.
He's controlled opposition.

The dudes wife is black

If only ideology matters then why even target white people at all?
He's actually saying the right thing, but coming from him it's just hypocrisy.

requesting him talking about homogeneity of Israel

Me neither. Diversify Israel now. - With Palestinians.

i wonder if he would be against the goy'ing of Israel?


I don't mind brown people per se, I mind the accompanying effort to rewrite our history and suppress our culture. We can welcome brown people into the West without having pic related.

Sauce? Not true

Where's the source?

Fucking kek
I remember that mission

"stick with your own kind and dont give handouts to outsiders"
only white people are too stupid to understand this concept.

>We can welcome brown people into the West
Behind the wall.

I wonder what his opinion on "browning" of the jews in WW2 is...

Ben Shapiro is a fucking kike.

How do you think his ideology would be taken if the US was 80% brown?

I wonder how he'd feel about the browning of Israel?

Says the jew

This kike would surely care if Israel was being flooded with niggers, spics & mudslimes.

He's a kike, of course he doesn't care about the browning of "his" nation.

Found it you filthy kike

(((who would have guessed)))

>browning of America
You mean extremely racist Hispanics, Indians, and SE Asians?

>Ben Shapiro is a fucking kike.
>How do you think his ideology would be taken if the US was 80% brown?
>I wonder how he'd feel about the browning of Israel?
He d just move to the next country. Jews never settle. No country is their home.

If Sup Forums wasn't invaded by Stormfags, they would agree that he's right.

No one cares about the skin color as long as the dumbasses of all races are removed.

Jew doesn't care about the browning of America.
Stop the fucking press

Real jews are black. Google it


> (You)
>Found it you filthy kike
user claimed his wife was black?







>goy color doesn't matter


he is right. I am a blond hair blue eyed man, 100% Euro and have 2 kids with my black wife. no one gives a fuck. culture matters not some vague racial identity.
pic related my blue eyes. my kids both have hotels brown eyes and I couldn't care less. no idea why skin color matters so much to you people.

Moroccan Jew


Yet Israel MUST be a Jewish state because muh holohoax

Ben Shapiro is living proof that there are no good Jews. Loyalty to the tribe above all else

There are more of us then you white are useful idiots for the left.

Shapiro is just a merchant. He found his niche to earn shekels just like the faggot Milo. Couldn't give too shits about the future of whites.


>America's decline coincides with it getting browner
really makes you think


They are not.

Wrong person, you're still a filthy kike though.

Jew jews jewishly
Sup Forums right again and BTFO at the same time.

and i used to think he was one of the "good ones". so much for "not all".

Ideological dogma matters more than reality.

>Muh 666 gorillion

Is it worth playing mgs5 if I though mgs4 wasn't that good?

Can you get my noggin joggin'? I seem to have forgotten this fellow's name.

Hmm, he says that. But is appealing about the USA hmmm, immigrants saying I want to live like the blacks in the ghetto that would be nice. Maybe it's Wanting to live like Mexicans in a favela?

No, Keke Shapiro, it is white secular society created for the need for freedom from and of religion. No whites, USA is just another shit hole.

>Publicly admitting that white genocide is politically motivated
Day of the Oven soon





You put a picture of old ass negra next to a younger plastic surgery caked on make up white bitch. Guess all elderly are a 'sub species"

Lol wtf. How can we weaponize this?


>ideology matters
that's a legalistic, jewy way of looking at people, schlomo

Ben is mostly good but at the end of the day he is a Jew first

Anyway, with decreasing numbers of whites and increasing numbers of brown/black people, it's also an economic decision to invest into the growing audience. Just as (((they))) keep pushing for more mass immigration with economic justification. The hunt for the almighty dollar is what ultimately destroyed the West (this includes feminism as well). We allowed corporate interests in the guise of social justice to erode our societies.

>Sup Forums btfo
We already knew he was a kike, you faggot.

Bloody hell the meltdown.

You autists still won't realise that you essentially agree with Shapiro.

You say you don't want black and brown criminals ruining society.

He says he doesn't want black, brown, or white criminals ruining society.

If people from all these races live under the same ideological philosophy, you'd have no excuse to dislike them beyond skin colour and triple parentheses.

>open search engine
>type in Aboriginal Australian Woman
>type in Norwegian Woman


Ben is a Jewish supremacist and a hypocrite.

This is actually probably true. They'll probably take the whitest part of Russia and call it their home if greater Israel doesn't end up working out. Fucking kikes

But Jew ancestry is passed through the mother. So a Jewess can get BLACKED and still have Jew kids


>there are more of us

Not for long, Juan.

>you essentially agree with Shapiro

wtf i love obama now

But Races are different, you dumb faggot cunt. That's the whole fucking point.

>race is just a color, goy!

How is this smelly jew considered a "conservative"?

I can't even tell if this is bait anymore but I'll say thats complete and utter bullshit. Civic nationalist is just what the leftist want its just going to take a little longer to get to that point but in the end it'll be exactly the same shit.


>Ideology does

He's right. I hope the irony isn't lost on him when he's led into the shower block.

I hate how much of a genius Shapiro is, yet refuses to name the kike. He knows countless laws and things politicians have done, so how has he not seen what his kike people do/have done.

typical lying kike
no tongue in cheek at all


He's right.

Ideology matters more than color. It just follows that you typically end up mating with someone who also follows that ideology who coincidentally is the same skin color as you.


You, sir, are a lover of planet earth. A hippy I can believe in.

t. Orthodox Turkoman LARPing as white

Are there any Jews who name the Jew?

I know the video of the rabbi talking about why Hitler hated the Jews, but they outright refuse to reveal the truth

he doesnt give a damn except if it was Israel...your typical jew destroying your huwhite life

oh look. A quota system.
Just the bottom of of each group or...?

>>Norway first world state funded plastic surgery, caked make up less ,exposure to the elements being mostly indoors and cold weather

again this going back to the argument of subspecies..


Based benji boy

pretty sure that regression to the mean of the iq matters

t. far-left cultists that pretend biology, genetics and evolution are a racist construct of the white male CIS scum.