we did it
We did it
joy to the world
but thats not 100%
when to laugh?
>trusting polls
>after Nov 2016
Are you retarded? I don't know a single Trump supporter who isn't still on Trump's side. He's not 100% doing what we want, but 90% is close, and way better than any president in my lifetime.
>we did it
Clearly Putin has hacked the poll.
>the 2nd most accurate election poll can't be right about his approval numbers, let's listen to polls that had Hillary up 10 points
>when to laugh?
Yeah we should only trust CNN & NY Times polls after their 2016 accuracy record.
i want The Hill to pls go
>one poll that's the least shitty of them all
Ha ha polls!
hahahahahaha that's meant to be an achievement!?
It's a pretty headline, but I do not trust polls anymore.
Only negative polls are fake.
Any, not only
>polls are fake
>polls accurately predicted the popular vote
Sup Forums is full of retards
hillary lost the popular vote once they finally vetted them, this was debunked within weeks of the election there was over 3 million false votes
Trump's unironically bragging about it on Twitter.
>this was debunked within weeks of the election there was over 3 million false votes
You wish
Trump supporters are the minority so that's not impressive. You morons will follow him to hell like lemmings, nobody expects this to change.
>all polls through election say hillary
>all polls during election night say hillary
>all saying over 90%
Yeah why would anyone have trouble trusting polls?
Fuck you lefty pol
That was 90% chance of winning, not winning with over 90% of the vote.
90% isn't 100% dipshit, national polls were more accurate in 2016 than in 2012.
Trump trusts them. MAGA
>Great news! Only half the population hate me!
More people must be switching off MSNBCLGBTQHIJKLMNOP for this to happen because always with
>muh Russia
conspiracy theories.
Winning so much on so many levels
Considering that liberals routinely bitch about "muh popular vote", this proves that they are coming over to Trump's side more than anything.
But by all means, continue to be an impotent bitch-nigger, ahmed.
The US wanted Trump
The US got Trump.
What is there to be unhappy about?
I will, and i don't need your blessing
Well at least you're admitting I'm right.
The other half are irredeemable cum-sippers
Lol no. Millions of more people voted for Hillary and millions more abstained. America did not want Trump, they just wanted Hillary less.
Yeah okay. Vive le Mexico somewhere else ya cucked out shithead
Not talking about the shitty urban hivemind
More STATES wanted Trump
Capcha: State Colour
>Trump supporters are the minority
and clinton supporters were even less
never trumpers were even less
media sheep are WAAAAY less
You can act like were the dumb ones but with every advantage your side had you got completely BTFO and were still getting what we want while your still whining about the results.
>in 2012.
in 2012 when did they say Obama would lose with a 90% chance
Lol Drumpf's approval is 38%
>Millions of more people voted for Hillary
millions of illegals voted too. Before you say no in many states all you need is a license and in 2015 several states made laws specifically so illegals could get a licenses. 2 + 2 in my book.
Your right they wanted hillary less but if you abstain you have to accept the result.
>less than 6 months in office
>dems hate his shit
>wearing a MAGA hat has become something close to wearing an "I am gay" hat in the 60s
>protests never end
You want me to believe that half the country supports him? Come on.
do you have autism or are you missing a chromosome?
>preferring counterfeit news, wash compost, or NY Lies
These are the guys who said Romney would defeat Obama by 5 points
It's really simple, you just pick the best one and call the rest fake.
fake news
Literally who?
Why don't they bother mentioning how many lean democrat or republican?
Every poll I see always has 10+ more leaning democrat. It's almost like there's a difference in response rates hmm.
Fuck you Nazi
What? Did you not follow politics at all? Trump supporters are the clear majority. Also, Rasmussen predicted Trump's win when others were way off. You seriously need to stop paying attention to 'progressive' propaganda.
>check flag
>non-American explains what it's like in America
Our country is almost evenly split republican and democrat by voter registration. Some democrats wanted Trump and some republicans didn't. Those republicans are likely to be at least somewhat okay/happy with him despite wanting a different candidate. Half of the country more or less approving of his presidency is reasonable considering it's only been ~6 months.
False. Trump was by far the favorite candidate. The left was pretty well split between Bernie and Hillary. Also, illegals don't count. Trump won by millions in the popular vote. Probably more than anyone would expect.
But Hillary won by 3%
Then why is DRUMPF currently listed as the 45th president on Wikipedia? Checkmate, faggot.
Because Trump got lucky with 1-2% wins in some place, but national polls were still right to put clinton ahead, you little bitch
Because there's no electoral college for approval ratings. He can't hide behind his delusion of popularity when the truth comes out.
>Are you retarded? I don't know a single Trump supporter who isn't still on Trump's side.
>Yeah we should only trust CNN & NY Times polls after their 2016 accuracy record.
Hello to my fellow Templars
>implying I dont support Trump
>i-i'm on you're side, user. honest!
>More STATES wanted Trump
More mostly arbitrary line constructions,filled with more sheep than people, wanted Trump. Good point.
>More mostly arbitrary line constructions
>states aren't different
Are you here on holiday or what.