What the fuck did they do to him Sup Forums? He has severe Brain degradation yet no signs of Botulism or physical abuse. So what happened?
What the fuck did they do to him Sup Forums? He has severe Brain degradation yet no signs of Botulism or physical abuse...
Kim used him as his cum dumpster
I would like to know this myself. Even though trying to steal a poster was an incredibly stupid thing to do in NK, I felt really sorry for that kid. Seventeen years of hard labor over stealing a poster, and now he's a vegetable? Lazy liberals arguing for communism in this country really piss me off sometimes.
what happened? last I remember he was crying like a bitch and beggin that chink for mercy?
he dead?
There are plenty of ways to torture that don't leave signs of physical abuse. They either tortured him to near death or drugged him to near death.
His body could't handle the same human flesh+crystal meth rations the rest of NK enjoys.
Mindbroken by RAEP
He was acting and it wasn't even good, moron.
They made him watch all the justin bieber music videos XD
actually im going to go on a limb and say raped by a general and made braindead to cover up said rape
he went into coma the first day and it was 14 months not years. full sentence was 15 years
Ceti Alpha brain worm
He found out his jew privilege wasn't recognized in NK, he couldn't handle it and his brain shut down.
Haha ya :P
wait wtf pol bring back automatic country
He's a vegetable. Kin thought it would be funny to give him back that way so his patents have to wipe his ass for decades.
im tryng new ones out
It's from being exposed to communism hahaha
his brain gone he vegtable
My guess is they choked him out or drowned him. His brain damage is a result of the brain not getting blood for an extended period of time.
i agree with this, they get a guy, totally fuck him up and then agree to give him back after he's fucked
I'm usually not one for running PR for authoritarians, but I'm betting that he tried to off himself and failed.
cheaper then ti feed him 17yars in prison
Hiro what are you doing
Sold himself to have scientific experiments done on him. This sort of thing happens, they usually come through China. Good money in it, actually, but of course the lasting effects can be... well, you know. I knew a guy from China and had 'connections', he says that since most countries have ethics laws protected people from being labrats in experiments, they pay the North Koreans to do it for them. North Korea does the test on the people, they give the scientists the results, they get money in return. North Korea are currently sitting on big bux.
any confirmation that he is actually a vegetable now ?
or just "loss of brainmass" which could also just be due to dehydration
Honestly he probably just tried to off himself think about he is in a third world prison surrounded by people that don't speak his language and hate him unconditionally
i know its like their geniuses
They half assed the Jew gas.
tried to format brain, got an error
comfirmation brain scan revealed mass brain death but not paralysed
He got Kim-J-Ultra'd maybe?
Maybe Korea is trying out their own Mk ultra shit and saw a golden opportunity with some weak ass little millennial kid, put him in jail for no reason and experimented on him.
This guy will be a politician in a few decades. Cap this shit. He will do pizza gate 2.0
*shake shake shake* "Hmm, this one no work no more. I send back."
It's called white torture, famalam. It will destroy any sense of self a person has.
dam even mexico doesnt paralyses people they just rape and kill them
So you are saying he's never been arrested before.
I just don't see him being tortured. He was worth a lot to north korea as a bargaining chip.
They probably locked him in a cell that was too small and dark and he had a heart attack or tried to hang himself.
>no signs of Botulism or physical abuse. So what happened?
He was used a human toilet by the local police force... imaging licking dirty chink asshole 14 hours a day... it broke his mind
This. As evil as the Norks are, they love money and goods first, it doesn't benefit them at all to maim their bargaining chips. He was probably young and naive actually believing he would spend 15 years there instead of eventually being traded for 100,000 lbs. of cheetos or something.
He was knocked into a coma after like a day in their detention a guard probably smashed him over the head and any signs of trauma I imagine could've healed over the past year he was a vegetable
Seems likely, starving the brain of oxygen by attempting to an hero could certainly be an explanation... I mean if they really did do some weird mind experiment on him then they surely wouldn't give him back to be studied!
This is what I think.
>They didn't give him enough food
>Food they gave him wasn't cooked well
>Likely history of hypoglycemia
He got really low blood sugar and wasn't treated which lead to a coma.
Is there a reason why any of us should care? Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
The guy came from an upper middle class family, though.
I bet they left a penny outside his cell juuuuust out of reach and he fucked himself up trying to get to it.
Isnt this old news??
Or has there been a update on this guy?
can't wait for this retard to go on television and give his, now undoubtedly, very special insight in NK prisons
hmmm maybe
Maybe he was forced to eat old pork and bread and he was a gluten free vegan so it just broke his mind how people could not check their privilege and pander to him
>implying it wasn't America after they received him
Topkek, retards.
Probably tried to kill himself after the sentencing, self strangulation or tried to drown himself?
At some point he was strangled almost to death by a guard and then somebody stopped the guard.
The fact that you are all making up conspiracy theories for this is uncomfortably close to insanity. Please apply Occam's razor
>100,000 lbs of cheetos
Fuck I love this place
hahaha calm down republican this he is a vegetable
You're giving the norks too much credit, a guard probably got a little excited in beating him up and bashed his head so hard it knocked him into this
Means nothing m8, if he needed money or 'offended' the wrong people he was 'connected' to, this is very possible.
i say that white 20 year old ass was too much to resist north korea
>be vegan
>love vegetables so much
>become vegetable
>best day ever
The fuck?
Are they holding him up?
They made him join ANTIFA
If Stalin looks at you in aggravation you can bet you're about to be dead.
Well, you are what you eat
That one sad faced girl... so sad
epic 4dinz thread XDD
Docs say the usual reason for the condition he's suffering from is prolonged cardiopulmonary arrest, but they've found no signs of external trauma or a medical condition. This means the most likely explanation is that he tried to seppuku, ended up blowing his pulse and breathing, norks didn't find him fast enough but eventually did and CPR'd him back to life but not before he suffered massive brain damage.
What is a normie blue pilled plausible explanation?
Attempted suicide seems most believable so far
poor bastard has probably been drugged like hell.
He's acting
Is probably one
They probably beat the fuck out him with something didn't leave any bruises.
they done turned him into a carrot
Like 100,000 lbs of cheetos?
It's all coming together now.
>TFW you will never be paid to beat up sjw millennial faggots
Feels bad man...
shut up white knight bitch
Its an improvement at least. He used to be a fruit, now he's a vegetable
He went to a notorious country and acted like a braindead retard, so they made him one. Hadn't he heard about how bad the camps are there?
just watch videos of cops beating the fuck out of hippies outside republican convention in 1968
This. He probably took a nightstick to the back of the head from some gook guard and this is what happened.
Why would you ever want to visit North Korea without the sole intention of killing everyone there is beyond my comprehension.
>after trial
>probably told before hand that he was going to get a slap on the wrist
>he hears 15 years and is worried they mean it, even though they would probably release him after 3 or 4
>has a heart attack
>blood clot migrates to his brain, killing a huge section of it
>Norks freak the fuck out
>"Oh shit guys, we didn't mean to kill him!"
>keep him hidden away until some charity finds out
>""Fuck, these guys are going to tell the world."
>try to save face by releasing him
>he's already long gone
Are there any articles saying he might make it?
Otto: Dear leader cure me of capitalism, it has poisoned my brain! Make me a better communist, please
Commie Doctor: Sure thing, surgery starts tomorrow
could he have been waterboarded?
or the gook guard could not resist his sweet white ass
If you even look at an "innocent" black guy or faggot you get fired
Last I heard the doctors have not commented on his chances of recovery at the family's request.
I think that means he's not coming back.
>idiot goes to Best Korea just for meme passport stamp
>commits a crime
>thinks Lord Nigger Obongos rules should apply worldwide
>triggered into a coma when he figures out actions have consequences, and everyone hates burgerland
He brought it on himself. Also McCain et-al is probably already planning to use him as another excuse for a 'preemptive' first strike
maybe he tried to hang himself?
They didn't do anything, just brought him in line with the average communist intelligence
They forced him to browse Sup Forums in a regular basis.
maybe the north koreans read mark twayne
>cops beating the fuck out of hippies
Now it is reversed.... how we fallen... soon there will be minarets everywhere
dont worry before trump leaves office i hope my tree freinds beat the fuck out of the hippies
Isolation is the minds worst enemy.
Maybe for a faggot like you
For a while after high school I wanted to go, tours are surprisingly cheap and they approve pretty much everyone's visa. Much easier to go to than a lot of other tourist countries. But on EVERY article, people are commenting that he deserved it for going.
Like I realize the guides feed you propaganda, but it's an interesting slice of the Cold War and it's off 99.999% of tourist radars. People seem to think that going on a tour is nearly impossible when you can book online.
Otto could've asked for the sign and they probably would have handed it to him with a smile. I've seen people who buy propaganda posters their.