This thread is dedicated to the discussion of all things small government, free market, and self-determination.
Welcome: paleoconservatives, minarchists, laissez-faire capitalists, agorists, ancaps, paleolibertarians, constitutionalists.
Anybody else is welcome to debate us.
Posting Soviet propaganda with no added information is spam and shall be treated as such.
/lrg/-approved people - Bastiat, Hayek, (((Mises))), (((Rothbard))), Pinochet, Timothy McVeigh, Hoppe, Llewellyn Rockwell, Ron Paul, Alex Jones, Augustus Sol Invictus, Christopher Cantwell, and the 1st Irregulars. Some of the Liberty Hangout goys are approved too.
Not approved - Anarchyball, Jeffrey Cucker, or reddit anarchists.
All others - ask before trying to use them as a strawman against us.
>Do you support open borders?
No. The government does not own the land, therefore it cannot determine the border policy. Seeing as 90% of immigration is harmful to the country, by default a vetting system is essential to protect the rights of the citizens.
>Whom'st'd'll've builds the roads?
The people who are going to use them will pay the road crews, and maintenance is provided by the toll money.
>Do you support drug use/other degenerate behaviour?
No, we strongly discourage it as it damages a society built on non-aggression. Most covenants would be built around family (to fill the void after the government is largely/completely gone), and family life is vulnerable to these socio-pathological behaviours. If degenerates want to form their own communities, they are welcome to choke on their own filth or clean up and become productive members of the society.
>Are you Jewish?
No, our Jews are better than their Jews. Few movements (apart from NatSocs, duh) have been accused of anti-Semitism as much as we have, and that's including our more moderate/mainstream figureheads, such as Ron Paul. We support Palestine over Israel (because it's their land, not because they're brown) and we strongly support cutting all foreign aid to Israel (and to pretty much everyone). The international financiers would be significantly set back by freeing the currency system and implementing an actual standard for money to prevent over-printing and inflation. Also we don't trade with our enemies, what the fuck.
>What will you do when governments take over you/reform?
Toss them out of helicopters again. Our crusade is eternal. Liberty or Death!
Hail to /lrg/.
>The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith
>A Treatise on Political Economy by Jean-Baptiste Say
>The Law by Fréderic Bastiat
>The Road to Serfdom by Friedrich August von Hayek
>The Economics and Ethics of Private Property by Hans-Hermann Hoppe
>Man, Economy, and State by Murray Rothbard
>Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell
>Democracy - The God that Failed by Hans-Hermann Hoppe
>Second Treatise of Government by John Locke
>Anarchy, State and Utopia by Robert Nozick
>For a New Liberty by Murray Rothbard
>Against the State by Llewellyn Rockwell
>Reactionary Liberty by Robert Taylor
>What Must Be Done by Hans-Hermann Hoppe
>Minarchy Memes on faceberg - sometimes posts edgy stuff
>Liberty Hangout on faceberg - - adamant fighters against communism
> - The Jason Stapleton Program - right-libertarian podcast
> - That Guy T
>Hoppean Snake Memes on faceberg - the source of the snake memes we keep posting - keep up, nerd
> - - - Chris Cantwell - host of the Radical Agenda
> - Augustus Sol Invictus' ramblings and other content
> - 1st Irregulars - former Cantwell's supporters, decided to go even further right
> - 1st Irregulars' main site
> - Stefan Molyneux
> - Tom Woods's podcasts
> - Mises Institute
> - Cato Institute
> - Property and Freedom Society
> - Lew Rockwell
>Christopher Cantwell - How I started hanging out with Nazis -
>Christopher Cantwell - In Defense of Capitalism -
>Christopher Cantwell with Mike Enoch -
>Christopher Cantwell with That Guy T -
>Christopher Cantwell with Jared Howe -
>Christopher Cantwell with Morrakiu -
>Augustus Sol Invictus - Becoming a Reactionary -
>Augustus Sol Invictus - The War on Terror -
>Hans-Hermann Hoppe - What Must Be Done -
>1st Irregulars - 1433: National Capitalism and the Correct View -
>That Guy T - The Case for Libertarian Fascism -
>Eric July - AnCap Rap pt.1 -
>Eric July - AnCap Rap pt.2 -
>I Need a Pinochet -
>Ain't I Right -
>I'm No Communist -
>Metallica - Don't Tread On Me -
>Dixie's Land -
>Yankee Doodle -
>Battle of New Orleans (if you counter-signal Jackson I swear on me mum I'll skullfuck you - plus it's a good song so fuck you) -
>Mi General Augusto Pinochet -
>Adios Mi General -
>Rhodesians Never Die -
>Hammer Of The Right -
>Morrakiu - The Edgytarian Song (/lrg/'s anthem) -
>Morrakiu - Drop It Like It's Hoppe -
>Morrakiu - Another One Fights The Cucks -
>Morrakiu - What Would Jeffrey Tucker Do? -
>Hoppewave - Physical Removal -
>Cato's Speech - Let's get Physical -
>Hoppean Snake Memes - Let The Commies Hit The Floor -
>Stefan Molyneux - In-Depth Analysis of Marxism -
>Hoppean Snake Memes - Shadilay (Meme War against Agoristball) -
>Hoppean Snake Memes - Snekintosh 420 -
>That Guy T shitposting about the Alt-Right -
And what (logically inconsistent) ideology would you two be involved in?
>Julius "No Kids" Evola
>Right wing
pretty much a bitter old cripple cuck.
Hello, guys. I'm a Classical Liberal who's economically Centrist. I want to kick out all extremist Muslims and close the borders.
A-am I welcome?
>Economically Centrist
>Only wants to kick out extremist muslims
No. sorry.
I'd like to have them all gone, but unfortunately they have individual rights too
Sorry Sargon, you're not cool enough.
I mean, I gues -
All muslims want sharia law, if they don't they are muslim in name only. Sharia is incompatible with individual liberty. they are not welcome.
>classical liberal
>economically centrist
Fuck off
Is this Judaism general?
Please, guys.....
Evening lads, hope everyone's having a freedom loving day
>economically centrist
>libertarian right
You have a chance to repent on your mistakes.
Take the gold-and-black pill.
Here you go mate
B-but I support individual liberty and private property rights....
I was a Right-wing Libertarian for a while, but I drifted to the Centre economically
heh, I'll admit that was pretty funny.
But whom'st'll've build the roads?
Reminder to watch this very important video from Mike Maloney and follow the link in the description to get a free digital copy of his great book on investing in Gold and Silver:
Also watch his series "Hidden Secrets of Money" if you haven't already, they're are a must watch:
Is anyone else at the point where any anti-libertarian argument sounds absolutely retarded? You can point out how the state is immoral, and they'll respond with: "muh roads."
Is it even worth arguing from principle, or should we go full retard when arguing with leftists?
No, you don't. You're basically a national socialist without the totalitarian state. If you really supported individual liberty and property rights you'd support economic freedom. Fuck off
Hayek is my nigger
It's healthy to consider alternative viewpoints and I never immediately dismiss someone else's opinions as "retarded". After all, the essence of being a Libertarian is all about individual freedom and liberty - that includes the right of every man to their own views.
I'm too jaded to have an honest conversation with them anymore. Just say whatever is necessary to shut them up.
>libertarian right general
holy shit I heard rumours that Sup Forums's Sup Forums became utter reddit and normie infested garbage but sweet jesus this is just pathetic
when did ancap and libcucks become normalised on this board?
This is why fascists are cool.
I used to be one of those guys, thought ancap was a meme, took this piss etc. You never know who's lurking and actually listening, mate.
Because I don't think one extreme either way is the right way to do things. I think free tuition for STEM degrees, unemployment and utility benefits, universal healthcare for those who can't afford the private option, public infrastructure spending, and regulations for food safety and government quality standards, government back-to-work programmes and grants, and social housing for the homeless are all things that can heavily aid the poor and encourage labour participation.
On the other hand, I think low taxes across the board are a great idea, and I think we should have mostly deregulated markets.I think we should give tax breaks to landlords to encourage rentals so we don't have to build as much social housing. I think we should encourage health insurance companies to provide free birth control as part of their healthcare plans through tax cuts rather than simply force them by government mandate.
Sorry for the long-winded post
What does /lrg think, is morality objective or subjective?
The moment they got better arguments than the rest
Newfag. Always been libertarians here...
>in name only...
Alot of people are religious in name only, fuck face.
thou shalt not commit logical fallacies
Thanks for outing yourself as a newfag.
Subjective. No one who claims morality is objective ever provides evidence.
There has been a strong Libertarian presence on this board since day one. It seems you're the one outing yourself as a newfag, edgy "fascist".
Explain, nigger
Brazil planning to build their first one or what?
You didn't include half of the quote to fit you agenda. No better than the kikes you claim to be against, are you?
Imagine being so deluded you have to trick yourself into thinking your ideology is somehow correct.
I'm a closet objective fag, natural rights yo.
Wish the state limited itself to telling you to not litter.
I agree, natural law must be based in objective, refutable truths.
Alright, let's engage, how do you compatibilize this with right of dissociation?
Old poll. Also, I was in that thread, it was literally a war between two faggots with botnets. Here's the real poll.
Very difficult. Like deontology vs consequentialism, I can think of cases where either might apply. This has been an issue in AI design - you'd better make sure an AGI has a human friendly ethical component, but we haven't been able to find a consistent set of ethics for us...
2011 had twice as many libertarians and AnCaps.
>ayn r*nd
>crypto kike anti-nationalist
no thank youu
Are you seriously posting a poll with 27 votes?
The poll you're quoting is from a couple of months ago.
>how do you compatibilize this with right of dissociation
Because it doesn't infringe on anyone's negative rights.
>Libertarian Left
Why this meme still exist? You simply can't enforce the suppression of the free market without an authoritarian state.
Natural law is objective.
What the hell is your pic related to? Also, what you mention - how are you funding this?
Agreed. Pic related is better.
>Less than 100 votes
Once again proof you people are more subversive than kikes.
I don't see it as an objective right to be involved with someone or their property if they don't want you to. No infringement of rights here.
What happens to the disabled, the unemployed, and the elderly who didn't save for retirement in the glorious Libertarian utopia?
Don't apologise for an explanatory post mate, discussion is welcome here. The issue with anything free, is of course it isn't - someone somewhere is paying, probably via taxes. Isn't it better to remove the tax burden, and let people use the extra wealth in the free market, eg for health insurance etc?
>muh Ron Paul posting
doesn't change the fact that libertarianism was always regarded as an inferior ideology that is heavily influenced by jews (and supportive of civic nationalism)
but seriously now when did shit like this happen to this board?
Also, libertarianism is based on private property rights, and the left wants to abolish private property.
>What is your pic related to
Nothing. It's just aesthetic.
>How are you funding this
Through taxes and a small amount of low interest borrowing, along with cutting the size of government in non-necessary areas to balance the budget
As an objectivist, I'd say that morality in a person that is able to think is subjective and objective at the same time.
If one doesn't know what I mean then it isn't - in his case...
Sample size is shit but it's still more reliable than a poll between two faggots with warring botnets.
Gutter oil.
How do I into objectivism? I can't read one of that chicks long ass books.
They can rely on community, church or whatever for limited aid. You know, the traditional and superiour ways of providing aid.
In the case this is unavailable, well, they die huh? Really, you'd be a fool not to have invested: mutual aid societies can provide these things at an incredibly cheap price.
*vomit avalanche*
Keynesian economics only works in moderation. In the same vein that too much and too little taxation causes a decrease in the economy, too little welfare and government control results in the situation britain was in circa 1900 whereas too much results in the soviet union where everyone is poor or simply a society where the working citizenry toil to support the lazy. The only answer is facism/natsoc which finds the sweet spot between personal freedoms (nazi guns laws were less restrictive than the weimar's etc) and the degeneracy of an unrestricted society.
It's not supposed to be a utopia, faggot; however, there would be this thing called "charity." Have you heard of it?
Their family, friends, community will help them out voluntarily. Like it's been for millennia. Unless they're assholes, then fuck them.
There are two problems I see with a totally free market:
1. It leaves anyone who can't afford private essentials such as healthcare and education, as well as the disabled and who need to rely on a fixed income, screwed. Charities are not and never have been enough. I remember my history book in Secondary School a few years ago went into this. And I remember it specifically because it explained how when President Reagan cut funding to social welfare programmes, private charity did not fill in the gap. Not only that, but charity relies on voluntary donations, which means someone on a charitable income might get fluctuation amounts weekly and there may not be able to budget for anything. So that's why I think we need a social safety net.
2. Yes, it would require taxation, but I think taxation currently is far too high in the Western world. For example, I know the UK and Ireland have similar tax rates so I'll use where I live-Ireland-for example. I think the 20% bottom income tax rate could be reduced to 10%, and the top rate could be reduced from 40% to 20%, and you could still provide what I've outlined provided you cut bureaucracy and privatised non-essentials such as transport. Property taxes shouldn't exist.
>Natural law is objective.
Agree. Natural law imo is a set of moral values that cannot be denied.
So even though you believe there's objectivity in moral values, you would not impose it onto others?
Or did I miss something?
do they lack a family? do they lack a community? we only need support such people by government means in our current countries because there is no trust, due to jewish subversion of demographics and culture.
This is rw libertarianism, all the commie removal, with none of the bootlickery.
Yes, guys like von mises and rothbard were Jewish, but most kikes don't rail against gibs, diversity and affirmative action. Pic related
If someone can make their way in ancapistan with voluntary association (ie freedom to discriminate), no welfare, a true level playing field etc, I got no problem with them. Of course who thrives in that environment?
>President Reagan cut funding to social welfare programmes
You need to go back to a time before the welfare state. People used to have actual communities and strong familial bonds. The welfare state destroyed that.
Of course people are reluctant to help strangers.
How can you have something that's objective and subjective at the same time?
Do you mean a minimum standard for morality (e.g. murder, rape and theft are all objectively wrong)?
>Hans Herman Hoppe
>Employed by the government but wants to abolish it
>No wife or children yet preaches family values
Before you say this is ad hominem. There can be lots of parallels to be made with the likes of Karl Marx or even Che Guevara. They preach revolution and people power yet they come from considerable wealth, and they essentially get money because people are stupid enough to listen to them. It's like twitch whores, but ideology in the place of tits. People will buy it up because it's counter culture and cool and guns'n'shiet. But it's easy to see the flaws.
>So even though you believe there's objectivity in moral values, you would not impose it onto others?
he was talking about the right of dissociation being compatible with natural law.
I realise my spelling is fairly shite here. Sorry, I'm a bit steamed up on drink
I'm sorry, I don't know what you're getting at. There is no contraction with objective moral values and Libertarian ethics. It's pretty much the same thing.
Think harder.
No it isn't. In fact, there's no evidence at all for 'muh warring botnets!!' - Are you going to argue like a man, or just spam subversive memes? Begone.
Seems like a middle ground fallacy to me. Currently those claims are just that - claims, not arguments. And I would certainly counterclaim that less taxation is almost always universally better.
Private charity suffers from many regulations that make it less effective. Are you aware of the demise of lodge practice? See
Trips checked.
Also gonna check those.
Hoppe isn't exactly rich now. Also, he has a wive. Granted, she's a turk, but still.
Hoppes a professor at the university of nevada, mate
Hoppe has a wife and a child.
totally free markets are proven to be inferior to slightly restricted ones, see germany's being more prosperous than britain around 1900 despite britain being essentially more wealthy due to britain nearly entirely lacking support for the lower echelons of society. However, it is also partially true what said, but I would add the qualifier that people tend to help each other far less than in cities, where welfare is required to keep large numbers of the working class above the poverty line.
the level of taxation that is most effective does tend towards the lesser I fully agree, the only issues that it face today are the wasteful government programs and stupid things like speedbumps and foreign aid. Nazi germany again was a sterling example of effective taxation, not over the top, but enough for the essentials of government support.
far less *in* cities that should read
What services does the government provide that are essential i.e. the free market cannot provide?
When will you guys admit that you're just trying to make a square peg fit in a round hole?
dumb frogposter
They have friends and charities they can turn to. It's like the homeless in America, who eat quite well despite their condition.