If Rosenstein recuses, it's forcing the hand of Mueller
He will either have to recuse himself or whoever succeeds RR will have to remove him due to his inherent conflicts of interest

Can you go further with conflicts of interest?

Suggest this anons thread You cant argue that Rosenstein has conflicts (wrote the memo leading to Comey's firing) but Mueller doesnt (he and Comey being friends)

So does DJT have control of the situation or not?

When is he going to stop playing grab ass and do something?

Well, they are all starting to realize that they are trying to destroy a president who has done nothing wrong. They realize how they are starting to look in the public eye.

The jig is so up.

Trump needs to fire Mueller and then call for the House to elect a new Speaker. Force that fucking rat Paul Ryan back to driving an Oscar Meier Weiner car in Wisconsin again (his only real job he ever had)

>They realize how they are starting to look in the public eye.
90% of the public thinks he's guilty

>90% of welfare recipients
Fixed it for you

That's very silly to assume. It's been called treason. We should be fever pitch right now. It's actually very quiet.

Of course he has control. If Rosenstein wont enforce ethics and law and remive Mueller from special counsel due to conflicts of interest, President will have to fire RR like he did Sally Yates for not upholding the law

But now we know youre a shill, thanks

>the public
Funny way to spell democrats.

rosenstein recusal leads to a new person in charge at the DOJ, this person is a huge Trump supporter.

The left is about to get fucking btfo bigtime. but they won't stop. I fear for Trump's life, legitimately.

If we lose Trump, the US is over. Pence is an establishment shill and equal to bush/hillary.

If we lose Trump, we go to war. This is a promise, not a threat.


90% of the people who like watching their wives getting fucked by migrants think he's guilty*
Fixed it for you.
No one takes this seriously, no one thinks he is guilty other than the absolute most deluded persons on the planet.
I've never met a single person who hasn't thought that this is obviously some sort of scam.

You seriously believe Trump was allied with Russia?
or let's look at something more accurate.
A woman (Hillary Clinton) notorious for shading dealings, used her skull and cross bone society contacts to fabricate a story from nothing.
Obama, who is full on shekel mode, also supported this by stating he would not stand by and let Trump be president.

You're fucking crazy if you think Russia has more influence than our own senators and presidents.

>trump gets assassinated by (((iranian))) terrorists.

Can I be 2nd lieutenant in your army? Will we get to use real guns?

fair enough. nyc user here. everywhere but pol seems to feel this way

>If we lose Trump, the US is over.

Just the opposite.

If he goes down, the country will begin anew.

I don't want that timeline, because there will be a lot of blood.

i dont think so, no, but pol isn't an accurate reflection of the zeigeist

That's because Sup Forums CREATES the zeitgeist. Our memes helped Trump win.

Trump should recuse himself, from governing, until all investigations are completed.

No seriously, consider the ramifications.

He tells American people, in special broadcast:
"My fellow Americans, due to the nature and numerous investigations surrounding previous election and my administration, I will not sign any legislation, EO's, attend any international conferences, etc until the investigations are complete. I will not participate in government except in urgent matters of national defence."

"unfortunately this requires congress to solve and lay to rest all these matters before any further budgetting can be done"

How would this impact it all? Am I just crazy?
What happens when Trump stops signing the paycheques?


i think dems would view this as a win. and good luck getting a second term

donald trump is giving them rope to hang themselves with

>Just the opposite

well, maybe in a way. but we won't be the united states anymore. we'll be at least 10 separate nations.

You are right but this it's to sound of a solution for the greatest democracy.

Dude one of the best things that could happen is the people of USA realize how little they actually need thier federal government.
that is what happened if I recall during last budget showdown.
Think of the money saved.
Not an expert on your constitution, but isnt government only really required to have five departments.

Its works for me as a father, when Im not getting what I want from wife and kids .... answer is simple, let the money run out ...
oh I need new runners, or a haircut, or money for feild trip
watch how fast kids get that room cleaned

Go outside man, read and learn.
Actually read on how the election voting machines work and how the network binding them works.

Russia could not influence the election.
and if they could, they were let in.
However there was not a single bit of evidence ever that they did influence the election, if so provide it please. Not some news story, go to the actual congressional hearings that are archived, go to the court room hearings that are all in public domain and provide the documents.

They don't exist, because no evidence was ever brought forward that the election was tampered with.

I guess it's not common knowledge, but all hearings in our government are recorded, what is said is typed out, and you can find all of it online.
It's the easiest way to determine if something is fake news or not.

The Commie hearings for instance, you can find the full dialogue yourself. You don't need news stations pushing an agenda. Just read the paperwork and make your own opinion up.

their is no timeline remaining that doesn't have a lot of blood brother

The best we can hope for is self-inflicted wounds, in a figurative way.
At least that would prompt some serious self reflection. It's something the country needs right now.

Yeah no, writing political fanfiction and then demanding the president not due his job until someone proves a negative is a non-starter.

Sometime people actually think those polls are true, did they not learn from the election that polls are biased for narrative? Some people should stop, turn around, re-think, and re-punt.

no, the union will be preserved. it will an incredibly bloody civil war, and the rebel states will be occupied for a generation just like the southern reconstruction. i'm just not sure which side is going to win.

you're not actually reading what i wrote dude

There is.

But the propaganda networks must be dismantled.

Eventually it'll happen organically. People will reach a critical point of alienation, where they can no longer stand being told what to think.

What their plan is for this eventuality, I do not know.

Truth will win.

There is no other option.

Occupying rural and suburban America would assuredly red-pill the occupying force.
Look at the tactics thus far. It's guerilla warfare, which is typically engaged in when one side is phenomenally outmatched.

regardless, the left/globalists are in full panic mode. they will not rest until Trump is removed or dead; and there's no way they can get him removed, their case is as weak as aids skrillex.


get ready for a dirty/guerilla war likely to start as early as this summer. I will not stand back and let (((them))) regain power. i will personally burn down DC alone, if needed.

What a load of drivel

> i will personally burn down DC alone

Nah, I'm going to keep it very focused.

Yeah, but what happens if they win?
Back to the status-quo of the 90s and prior?
It would be like an overbearing parent demanding their 25 year old child return to adolescence. It won't work.
Even if they 'win', the conquered territory is no longer fertile ground for their ideology to take root. The spoils of war will be useless.

I like your thinking, but what I'm afraid of is the Dems finding an opportunity to do some damage. I don't know what they could do, but Trump making a public statement like that would be a goldmine for more propaganda

>i will personally burn down DC alone
sure thing, fbi.

Even among the people who want him out of office I would think a very large number know he probably isn't, but will push this in the hope it results in impeachment, followed by some bullshit that results in Bernie becoming president.

They would just keep up the investigation for 4 years. Are you a retard?

The difference between 90s Dems and now is that in the 90s the party still catered to their base which of course are whites
The country flourished
Then the decision was made based strictly on demographics to abandon white working class and shift from party of workers to party of immigration and welfare

Not the point i was trying to make.
90s style status quo meaning a return to the ignorant bliss that the culture of the country offered in those days. The population is awake and glaring at the tentacles of corruption, and it cant unremember these facts.
The only way they can win is with the total extermination of the current population, followed by an influx of refugees and immigrants to replace them. Following that, a total changing of the guard needs to happen at the 'top' to pull attention away from the crimes that were committed in the previous genocide.
Basically, America becoming an entirely different country, sans Americans. It won't happen.

Why hasn't the new fbi director shut down this whole shit show? Is there a new fbi director yet? I thought trump picked one but i haven't heard anything more about it

I'll be honest, I was on board the Impeach Trump train with getting Trump impeached, but yesterday I changed my mind.

All these media pieces they're running on him just feel more vicious than genuine. I'm still skeptical of him, but I don't think he deserves to be impeached anymore. I've never seen someone so viciously attacked like him. It's pretty obvious elites don't want him. I'm still a dem at heart but, I fully support Trump now. We can't let the deep state get their hands on those codes.

This is absolutely insane. Is there not a single person in all of government that hasn't had dealings with Russia while trying to investigate someone that hasn't had dealings with Russia while trying to convince everyone around them that they did have dealings with Russia?

I know that draining the swamp is taking a long time, but can we just deport these fucks once and for all and start clean?

I would be suprised if its even 30% and that's completely due to weak minded people that haven't figured the media out yet. MSM is the traitors.

it's still Andy McCabe at the helm. i dont think it would be his place to shut it down regardless, even if he weren't a deep state swamp creature

>polls are accurate
Kill yourself faggot. Polling is bullshit.

Maybe because you live in a liberal shithole.

no they don't

try to remove him and see

>90% of public-

you left out -school educated.

>public school educated

>NYC reflects the country's opinion as a whole

user, I live in a town that went 95% trump and nobody regrets voting for him. So I say only 5% of the US thinks he is guilty. Can you tell from my example how retarded your implication sounded?

Fuck that. Fuck being in a union with liberal faggots and niggerlovers.
We're going to separate and any neighbors who accept muslims into the continent will die.
Mexico had better pray this doesn't happen. We're going to scramble the continent. Canadians will love it.

i get it. idk. liberal cities like nyc and LA create mass culture, which the rest of the country then consumes. it's hard for me to discern how effective that brainwashing is.

I wonder when will this charade be over.

The 00's called they want their edge back

He has to cook these fuckers slowly. If you are young that is probably hard to understand but just be patient.

opinion discarded. proceed to gas yourself.

as long as beta numales and sjws are culled, humanity wins.

>the rest of the country

You mean liberal havens. Trust me the South has not been interested in Yankee culture for a long time. Moreover, states that aren't hardcore liberal don't drink the amount of kool-aid you people in the eye of the abyss do.

>who has done nothing wrong.
several people in trumps campaign are in trouble because of russia. who do you think they were working for?

It would be really good for us if he recuses himself because the lady below him is a Trump pick.

pol is a board of peace

genuinely curious. what media are you consuming in the south that doesnt come from the coasts?

>several people in trumps campaign are in trouble because of russia.
Who? Flynn had issues because of Turkey, not Russia.

>not png


And check.


texas user here, we are all locked and loaded and will blow your yankee top off

gas yourself

Please leave.

It may seem hard to beleive from a liberal hive mind city, but you can consume media without having it bend your views and stances to whatever it wants.


>nyc user here
you live in a bubble

don't worry, three days without any power or food and you'll be right as rain

no. he resigned because he lied to pence about kislyak. most probably he is also under investigation because of that.

yes, he also got in trouble because of turkey.

>t_D actually believes this


This is true.

He's not, but people are fucking retarded.

Do you just pull stuff out your ass all the time or is this a one time thing?

You're right, it's a character flaw

are leafs invited to the second burning of DC?

nigga you don't get it. if we go our separate ways then we're all finished. foreign powers will corrupt and invade the balkanized states, constantly turn us against each other, we'll be at war with each other again within a decade, and there won't be peace on the north american continent for hundreds of years.
as much as i hate the monster known as abraham lincoln, he was right about preserving the union.