Being single beats being married, psychologist claims

>Being single allows people to “live their best, most authentic and most meaningful life” and the idea of wedded bliss is largely a myth, a psychologist has claimed.

>“The available findings are telling. For example, research comparing people who have stayed single with those who have stayed married shows that single people have a heightened sense of self-determination and they are more likely to experience ‘a sense of continued growth and development' as a person,” said Professor DePaulo, of the University of California, Santa Barbara.

>“Other research shows that single people value meaningful work more than married people do … another study of lifelong single people showed that self-sufficiency serves them well: the more self-sufficient they were, the less likely they were to experience negative emotions. For married people, just the opposite was true.”

>“Increasing numbers of people are single because they want to be. Living single allows them to live their best, most authentic, and most meaningful life,” she said.

>“Single people are more connected to parents, siblings, friends, neighbours, and coworkers than married people are, and when people marry, they become more insular.

>“The preoccupation with the perils of loneliness can obscure the profound benefits of solitude.

>Professor DePaulo said married people were bolstered by the “relentless celebration of marriage and coupling and weddings that I call matrimania”.

>“Single people, in contrast, are targets of singlism – the stereotyping, stigmatizing, marginalizing and discrimination against people who are single,” she said.

>But academic studies did not support the prevailing idea of “get married, get happier and healthier”.

>“People end up about where they were when they were single. In other ways, results are exactly the opposite of what we have been led to believe,” Professor DePaulo said.

Sup Forums BTFO

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Marriage is shite, keep being nice goys you fuckin loser religious retards.

>that I call matrimania

This guy is 100% either gay or a jew.

>>Being single allows people to “live their best, most authentic and most meaningful life” and the idea of wedded bliss is largely a myth, a psychologist has claimed before downing a bucket of ice cream and crying herself to sleep.

>most authentic, meaningful life
>no descendants
>no connection with future
>no connection with society
>stare into oblivion upon waking up
>stare into oblivion before going to bed
>most authentic, meaningful life

A woman.

>studies deception

hehe ye I sure love being single.. t-take that normies

Having a harem beats al

>social psychology
Into the trash with this filthy beast

>dont get married, goy

>(((psychologist))) claims
one of the biggest lies told nowadays is "if it feels good its good"

Poor old lion. That's one from kabul zoo, isn't it?

>being liberal

Liberalism is a mental disorder

I am guessing this woman isn't herself married? Is she trying to convince herself of something here?

> best, most authentic and most meaningful life
What does this even mean? Meaningful and best according to who? What does an inauthentic life look like? Being dead?

Life is always authentic no matter how you structure it. And it has as much meaning as you chose to ascribe to it.

Let me guess, they only asked young people.

Once you are 50 years old and half of your family has died then some tell me how great it is.

There are two issues here:

1- The current view on marriage is harmful. Marriage is seem as being about your feelings of infatuation and it is supposed to make you happy. Marriage is not about infatuation. Carnal love tends to last a few years and then cools down. Marriage is about raising a family. It is a duty. One reason why many people are unhappy with marriages is that they come with the wrong expectations of eternal love.

2- Happiness is found on yourself. You won't find happiness on other people. Unlike what Hollywood movies tell you, you won't find happiness on pleasure.

Single aging woman trying to justify her pitiful existence

I already knew that

Yeeees good goy, don't marry and have children
No matter La'quisha has 9 children and white people will die out in a couple of generations
Live life to its fullest, as long as that means slaving away for me

falling for the Jew "science"

Friendly reminder that most most findings in social psychology are false positives. Even among psycologists the social psychologists are laughed at.

>democrats removing themselves and their liberal ideas from the gene pool



Kinda feel sorry for her, and her lack of reflection

She probably has a hobby that she devotes 100% of free time to/ cats to prove her self worth

Fuck off kike.

I used to believe the being single meme and I was miserable.

Real men get married and raise a happy family.

Psychologists are kikes.

Jew woman

>Not using surrogates and artificial insemination to have children
>Trusting another person to help raise your child

Ah, so this was sociology """research"""

This reads like someone's opinion, rather than the result of an actual study. I don't give a damn about some guy's professional opinion if he doesn't publish it in a peer reviewed journal...


>Current marriage is associated with longer survival. Among the not married categories, having never been married was the strongest predictor of premature mortality. It is difficult to assess the causal effect of marital status from these observational data.

>Being single allows people to “live their best, most authentic and most meaningful life”
That's a bit subjective, isn't it? What if your idea of an authentic and meaningful life is getting married and having as many children as you can? Only a female kike would write something that fucking slimy.

ex psych student here. it's true. that's why i left.

I-I'm a Nazi, too...

Except you listen to kikes like a useful idiot.


The truth about immigration, by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:




>single > married
>married people end up about where they were when they were single

Married people earn more money

Good to know

Agreed. People enjoy being single and not having kids till your 40's come around. Then you realize you fucked up and your entire lineage will be extinct from this earth.

If only i could find a female version of mysrlf and fuck her for all the eternity. If only.

I will pay for your penis inversion surgery

>mfw his middle name was literally Schlomo.

>so don't get married and have kids, goyim!

>not having children is good, (((psychologist))) claims.

nice pseudoscience
>oy vey goyim stop having white babies and all these nice sounding general af subjective things will happen to you

Seems legit. But I love her, so whatever.

t. married 13y

Kabul, Afghanistan?

They have a zoo?

Why not just be single and impregnate a bunch of women? Statistically, it's your best bet to have successful offspring.

Bad marriage < Single < Good marriage

Is that why you beat your kids and wife for breakfast, lunch and dinner?

thanks famalam

>don't get married and produce more white children! Dying alone while passing on nothing of value is super fulfilling!
I think whites are waking up to this kind of bullshit.

If you don't have a hobby that you'd rather do over sitting around and watching TV, you're either a brainlet or a nigger.

Fuck of kike shill. You want men to marry less so White Women can be taken by niggers and the white race dying. Kill yourself.

I know a white guy, in LA that has 13 children through numerous women - doesn't pay any child support on them and can hardly hold a job.

>thinks raising a child alone is a good decision.

What are you going to do when you have to go to work? Leave him with a sitter? You know nothing about the sitter's home life, can't properly vet her politics, can't properly vet her religious beliefs, can't fully trust that she has your son's best interests at heart. That's so much worse than courting a partner and seeing her at her best and worst before deciding to make life.

What are you going to do when the child is colicky? You're looking at about eight hours of solid crying starting at about 1800 every night for about two to three months. No partner means no trade off, which means that instead of getting a decent night's sleep every other night, you get no sleep. Ever.

You're responsible for picking them up, and dropping them off - everywhere, everytime. You alone are responsible for helping with homework, packing bags, planning meals, planning events, passing on your beliefs. You have no reliable help, ever.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

>not being married
HAHA retarded loser.

This is true.
The reason why blacks don't fall for this shit is because they can't read, and do what the media verbally tells them to do.
>fuck bitches, get high, do crime nigga nigga

Marjan the lion, sad story, tough old bustard. ..

>>Goy, go your own way, let the subhumans mate and marry your white women
>>Having a family and passing your genes on are so outdated
>>That's a good goy!

>implying white 'women' want to get married with white men

Yes... But what about the fucking? I really enjoy a good Fuck every once in a while

Not a Jew, Italian.

Probably grew with her Papist mother harping on her to marry and spit out kids and decided not to bother.

Yes goy. Don't get married. You'll be unhappy.

you're filthy beast and trash

This is why I'm fully expecting a whole mess of cat lady suicides in the coming decades.

>single lions

Guess again. This is why the queers love the Lion King.

I'm calling transference and confirmation bias based on my assumption that she probably can't attract a mate.

Being single means you don't have romantic relationships. It doesn't mean you are with a gf/bf but not married. Most people just can't deal with being alone which is the main reason why they want a gf/bf or to get married. If you can deal with being alone, it's such a nice stress free life.

Be one of those dad's that leaves a little piece of him everywhere he goes.

This research is bogus because the samples are corrupted by feminist bullshit that has ruined relationships for decades now.

>Raising children on a single person's salary
>No time for the kids due to work
>What happens if you get hurt or fired?
>No time to teach your children, or must allow stranger to do it
>Lonely until your kids are old enough to converse
>By that time they resent you for leaving them with a sitter all the time, not having any money for them to have a decent life, and inability to connect with them as the missing motherhood figure in their lives.

pretty sure everyone know what it means to be single...especially here on Sup Forums.
When you think about it most people do know how to deal with loneliness. Many people deal with it every day. Sure you have the typical media representation which includes the people bitching on their kikebook, but being able to be alone and okay and being in a relationship both have their ups and downs.
If you are in a relationship and it causes you stress then its not a good relationship. Its as simple as that.

Because the family unit is what creates a strong society you stupid fucking bluepilled nigger.
Everyone here has become worthless barely getting by faggots.
You're all a bunch of weak women. You share the same fucking thoughts as liberal whores. Kill yourselves you useless fucking hebewhores.

I was reading something the other day about how the nuclear family unit is detrimental and how living with extended family or close friends is more productive because on top of the shared income there's also the "it takes a village" to raise a kid thing. Makes sense because if one link doesn't work, like the father is an alcoholic or the mom has a drug problem or there's any financial issue the whole situation is very dysfunctional. Don't know what to think of this though, is it jew shilling?

>Some feminist dyke shits all over the institution of marriage

What a shock.


I unironically feel content being single

Occasional lonliness is worth feeling great and free 95% of the time



No one will remember you, and your ghost will shriek in the void alone for all eternity.

I don't think this is jew shilling, because they typically focus on the individual, and shun family units.
The reason why what you read gets by is probably because Whites don't typically live in large families. The nuclear family is shunned, because whites are more prone to having one.

Have you ever been married or had a girlfriend?

You can't tell what is better if you haven't lived both lifestyles

Even then, what's good for one individual may not be good for another.


>psychologist claims
might as well consult an astrologist

>people are too narcissistic to be honest baout who they are in relationships
>surprised when relationships aren't what they hoped they would be

Really makes you think